For the first time, a Russian aircraft engine has been certified in accordance with international standards.
The SaM146 engine, developed for the Russian regional aircraft Sukhoi Superjet 100, has received an international type certificate from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).
Reportedly, the engine for the aircraft, developed with the participation of the Russian side, has been certified according to international standards for the first time.
The launch and at the same time the largest customer is Aeroflot, which was supposed to start receiving these aircraft in December last year. According to the airline, a total of 30 Superjet 100 airliners were ordered.
The SaM146 engine was created on the principles of strategic partnership between the Russian NPO Saturn and the French company Snecma. To provide a single supplier, the companies established the PowerJet joint venture. According to NPO Saturn, some of the parts for the new engine are being manufactured at the Russian-French joint venture Volgaero, which was opened five years ago.
According to industry experts, the main features of the manufactured engine are not only a high level of reliability, low maintenance costs, low fuel consumption, but also full compliance with the existing and future environmental requirements of ICAO. Engine certification is carried out according to European, Russian and American aviation regulations. This will allow the Superjet 100 to operate without any restrictions in all countries.
As Sukhoi explained, the Sukhoi Superjet 100 family consists of two aircraft with a passenger capacity of 75 and 95 seats in a basic configuration - SSJ100 / 75B and SSJ100 / 95B - and an extended range - SSJ100 / 75LR, SSJ100 / 95LR.
The aircraft of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 family are being built in an environment of unprecedented close international cooperation. The partner is the Italian company Alenia Aeronautica, the risk-sharing partner is Snecma. The project consultant is the world leader in aircraft manufacturing, Boeing.
In total, more than 30 leading suppliers of systems and components are taking part in the program to create a new family of Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft.
Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft integrate the best solutions of modern aircraft construction. The technical and operational characteristics of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 provide a competitive advantage and high export potential for the product. The market size for aircraft of the family is estimated at 1,040 aircraft by 2027, while the projected demand for aircraft of this class will reach 6,100 aircraft by 2027.
The company also noted that the uniqueness of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 family of aircraft lies in the fact that the latest technologies are used not only in the aircraft itself, but also at all stages of its creation - from design to assembly, which, in turn, guarantees the creation of a modern aircraft. meeting the requirements of the world market.
When designing the cockpit, such promising solutions of modern aircraft construction as a "passive" side handle and "active" engine control levers were taken into account. The use of the Human Centered Design concept has optimized the placement of controls and instrumentation in such a way that the flight can be completed by one pilot, even in the event of an emergency.
The organization of pilot and serial production of aircraft of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 family is carried out using the production facilities of serial aircraft manufacturing plants of the Sukhoi holding (KnAAPO, NAPO) and VASO, which has modern technologies and experience in the manufacture of aircraft parts from composite materials.
Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company carries out final assembly, flight tests and aircraft acceptance, and also has a Supply Center located in Komsomolsk-on-Amur.
According to Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, in 2011-2013, technical re-equipment and support for aircraft manufacturing enterprises will continue.
"In 2011-2013, the United Aircraft Corporation expects to triple the production of civil aircraft, that is, to move from piece production to serial production," Putin said, stressing that in order to implement these ambitious plans, "it is necessary to continue the technical re-equipment of aircraft manufacturing enterprises. ". The prime minister added that "a similar program of technological development exists or is planned in a number of other industries."
The UAC includes 18 enterprises, including the AHK Sukhoi, the foreign economic association Aviaexport, the Ilyushin Finance leasing company, the NPK Irkut, the Komsomolskoye-on-Amur aviation association named after Y. A. Gagarin, the interstate aircraft building company Ilyushin.