How the United States Forged an Alliance of the Past - Against the Soviet Union

How the United States Forged an Alliance of the Past - Against the Soviet Union
How the United States Forged an Alliance of the Past - Against the Soviet Union

The military alliance of the United States, Britain, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the Afghan mujahideen took shape. The Saudis provided finance, helped to create an Islamist "fifth column" on the territory of the Union. The United States, with the support of Britain and Israel, provided the militants with weapons, intelligence data, helped with organization, propaganda and partial funding. Pakistan took over the work of training militants, arming them, transferring them, treating them and resting them. The "spirits" themselves - the Afghans acted as "cannon fodder" in the war with the Russians.

Union of Washington and Islamabad

In addition to the Saudi kingdom (the Alliance of Saudi Wahhabis and the American "shaitan" against the USSR), the United States was able to get Pakistan as its allies. It became a strategic base for the war in Afghanistan. In 1977, a military coup took place in Pakistan, President Zulfikar Bhutto was arrested and executed. The country was ruled by the dictatorial regime of General Mohammed Zia-ul-Haq. The constitution was abolished, and a course towards Islamization was taken.

It is worth noting that the Islamic Republic at that time was in an extremely difficult situation. The country was poor, deprived of oil and gas. The ethnic composition is variegated, in the northwest there is a tribal zone, which was not covered by Pakistani jurisdiction. In the southeast is a huge and hostile India. The British, leaving India, split the Indian civilization into two parts, hostile to each other.

The appearance of the Russians in Afghanistan has become controversial for the dictatorial regime of Zia-ul-Haq. On the one hand, there are more problems. Hundreds of thousands of refugees have poured into Pakistan. On the other hand, Islamabad allowed the Americans to use the country as a logistical base for Afghan mujahideen spooks. The Islamist rebel camps were generously funded by the United States and Saudi Arabia. And the dictator now has an excellent reason to justify the existing problems and his policy: they say, "Russian barbarians" are at the gates! The "infidels" are trying to conquer Afghanistan. From now on, all forces must be thrown into the fight against the atheists.

In the fall of 1981, the head of the CIA, William Casey, visited Pakistan and held talks with the chief of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), General Akhtar. They discussed important questions: how to inflict great losses on the Russians? How to prolong the war in Afghanistan? Drew attention to the complete superiority of the Russians in the air. Therefore, the Russian regular army easily coped with irregular rebel detachments with small arms. The Russians pointed fighter-bombers and attack aircraft at the enemy, heavy attack helicopters Mi-24 worked against the Mujahideen. Soviet transport helicopters airlifted detachments of paratroopers and special forces to the right places. Therefore, they decided to arm the dushmans with light portable surface-to-air missile systems. It's also a good idea to supply the rebels with light artillery.

Thus, an alliance was formed between the United States and the Muslim fundamentalist regime of Pakistan. A grandiose covert operation "Cyclone" was launched to transfer weapons to the mujahideen camps in Pakistan. ISI was engaged in arming and training over 100 thousand bandit fighters annually. Also, the Anglo-American, Saudi and Pakistani special services were recruiting volunteers in Arab countries into the ranks of Afghan formations.

How the United States Forged an Alliance of the Past - Against the Soviet Union
How the United States Forged an Alliance of the Past - Against the Soviet Union

Pakistani front

With Saudi money, weapons, ammunition, ammunition were bought on the world market. And separately in China. At that time, relations between Moscow and Beijing were in a deep crisis, so the Chinese were actively arming the dushmans. Then the CIA deployed its aircraft to Islamabad. Some of the weapons were transported by sea from China, Egypt, Israel and England. The ships were unloaded in Karachi. Further, Pakistani intelligence took matters into their own hands, sending well-guarded echelons that went to Islamabad or the capital of Baluchistan - Quetta. Until 1985, up to 10 thousand tons of military cargo was imported in this way annually. Then the flow increased to 65 thousand tons. The CIA also trained Afghans on the intricacies of the international arms trade. They themselves began to deal with the purchase of "goods" and transport them to Afghanistan. True, under the control of CIA agents.

The United States, as gratitude to Pakistan for helping in the war with the USSR, provided the country with two tranches of economic and military assistance. The first tranche in 1981-1987 in the amount of 3.2 billion US dollars. Also in the same period, Pakistan bought 40 F-16 fighters from the United States for $ 1.2 billion. The second tranche in 1987-1993 amounted to 4.2 billion dollars. Islamabad also received large loans from the US-controlled IMF and IBRD. This allowed the Zia-ul-Haq regime to stay afloat. The US would later write off half of Pakistan's debt.

In the summer of 1982, Casey visited Islamabad again. General Akhtar suggested that the Americans apply a new strategy of rebellion war in Afghanistan. The Russians kept the main group in the center of Afghanistan, near Kabul. She was supplied by roads that ran from the Soviet border to the north of the country. Therefore, it was necessary to intensify the actions of the rebels in the north, to sabotage communications.

The actions of the "spirits" on the communications of the 40th Soviet Army and the transfer of operations to the north meant great losses for us. There was a well-tested tactic of attacking the columns: the head and tail vehicles were blown up, set on fire, and the vehicles could not leave the mountain road anywhere, and became targets. They were methodically shot. First of all, they burned tank cars that were carrying fuel. Cars carrying gasoline exploded and burned. Diesel fuel does not explode, but spreads, burns with a characteristic flame with black soot, affects the psyche. People are burning, shouting. Chaos begins. Such attacks undermined the spirit of our fighters. Even officers broke down, not to mention ordinary conscripts. The "road war" became a very effective weapon of the enemy against the Soviet army.

Also, the north of Afghanistan is gas fields, mining of copper, iron, gold, emeralds and lapis lazuli. The uprising in the north of the country could have deprived official Kabul and Moscow of sources of additional funding. In addition, the CIA was planning to move the fire of the war into Soviet Central Asia.

The head of the CIA, Casey, took another strong step. The United States began to transfer data from American satellites to Pakistani intelligence - satellite images of Soviet military installations in Afghanistan. This allowed the militants to plan attacks on Russian garrisons and posts. Now the Mujahideen knew all the ways of approach and withdrawal, goals, could identify the system of protection of important objects.

This is how the military alliance of the United States, Britain, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the Afghan mujahideen took shape. The Saudis provided finance, helped to create an Islamist "fifth column" on the territory of the Union. The United States, with the support of Britain and Israel, provided the militants with weapons, intelligence data, helped with organization, propaganda and partial funding. Pakistan took over the work of training militants, arming them, transferring them, treating them and resting them. The "spirits" themselves - the Afghans acted as "cannon fodder" in the war with the Russians.

That is, formally, America did not fight against us. But in fact, she created a whole coalition against the USSR-Russia. The Americans killed Russian soldiers with someone else's hands, destroyed our equipment, and dragged the USSR into large material costs. Also, the United States, with the help of its allies, was preparing to blow up the southern regions of the Union - Central Asia, the Caucasus.


Israeli trace

In 1981, Casey visited Israel, which was an ardent enemy of the Muslim world. He held a meeting with the head of the Mossad (intelligence and special tasks department), General Yitzhak Hofi.

It should be noted that Israel welcomed the rise of Ronald Reagan to power in the United States. Reagan was supported by various Christian fundamentalists, Protestants, who supported the US alliance with Israel. Protestant fanatics viewed Israel as a continuation of the traditions of Ancient Judea and rejoiced at the military successes of the Israelites in the wars with the Arabs. Israel was interested in expanding economic and military-technical ties with the United States.

American intelligence was interested in Tel Aviv's agent capabilities in the Middle East, Eastern Europe and the USSR. The Mossad enjoyed the connections of numerous Jewish communities that penetrated deeply into finance, economics, science, education, media, and the state apparatus of Europe. Casey interested the Israelis with intelligence about their main opponents at the time - Syria and Iraq. The Mossad was especially interested in everything related to Iraqi nuclear facilities. Israel, unlike the United States, did not yet have its own satellite reconnaissance. American data from spy satellites allowed Israel in the same 1981 to carry out the daring Operation Tammuz (Operation Opera). The Israeli Air Force destroyed an Iraqi nuclear reactor.

After that, Israel provided the United States with access to its agents in Eastern Europe. Tel Aviv participated in the supply of weapons to the Mujahideen. In Pakistani camps, Saudi Arabia paid for Israeli instructors who trained snipers and demolition saboteurs for the militants.


The World Catholic Church did not have an army of fanatical militants, fighters and nuclear weapons. But the United States also needed an alliance with the papal throne. The Vatican had longstanding historical ties with Poland. In Poland, the Catholic Church was a force and a bulwark of resistance to the authorities. And the United States needed instability in Poland to undermine Moscow's position in Eastern Europe. Moreover, the then Pope John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla) was a Pole. The social explosion in Poland was one of the key points of America's anti-Soviet policy. The more Poland strikes and worries, the more Moscow will spend material resources to support the friendly regime of the Polish People's Republic.

As a result, Moscow was engaged in an arms race triggered by the US Star Wars program. I climbed headlong into Afghanistan. And also financially supported Poland. Warsaw got into loans, by 1980 the debt reached $ 20 billion, plunging the country into a socio-economic crisis. The country was covered by a wave of strikes, paralyzing part of the republic. To prevent the bankruptcy of Poland, the USSR had to provide a loan of $ 150 million to partially repay its loans. Also, Moscow was forced to concentrate troops on the Polish border so as not to lose an ally due to a regime change. And Poland could be followed by Czechoslovakia and Hungary.

The Catholic Church continued to muddy the waters in Poland. Therefore, Casey in 1981, after visits to Pakistan, China, Saudi Arabia and Israel, from Tel Aviv arrived in Rome. The Pope and his foreign minister, Cardinal Casarolli, refused to meet with the CIA chief. The Vatican feared that he would be accused of conspiring with the American secret services. However, in the summer of 1981, a Turkish nationalist tried to kill the Pope. Washington and the Vatican suspected Moscow's hand (through Bulgarian intelligence). In December 1981, a state of emergency was declared in Poland and dissidents' protests began to be harshly suppressed. As a result, in early 1982, the Vatican agreed to an anti-Soviet alliance with Washington.

Thus, the United States was able to organize a "crusade" against Russia-USSR. To rally the main forces of the past against the Soviet civilization of the future. The USSR, despite all its shortcomings, and there were many of them, carried the seeds of the greatest breakthrough in the next era. In the USSR, the nucleus of the society of the future was created - a society of knowledge, creation and service. It was a real alternative to the Western new slave-owning order in the image of capitalism, with the division of people into “chosen” masters and “losers”, slaves-consumers. The Russians were the first on Earth to try to create a civilization of the future, free from social parasitism, exploitation of man by man, old troubles and suffering. It was based on creation, creativity. Man-creator, physically, intellectually and spiritually healthy, penetrating into the secrets of the psyche, the energy of the atomic nucleus and space.

The United States, as the nucleus of the "golden billion" countries, the metropolis of the new colonial and capitalist order, already on the brink of a new protracted crisis threatening global collapse, threw all the forces of the past against the USSR. Saudi Wahhabis, Pakistani fundamentalists, Old Testament Israel and the Vatican. Catholicism launched a campaign against the Russians in alliance with Israel and the Islamic world. And this union worked for a short period of time. True, the price for it was high.

Afghanistan is still the battlefield and the world's drug factory. Pakistan is poor, living from crisis to crisis. The Christian civilization led by the Vatican is in deep decline. And there is no way out of it, only a further fall. Christianity in Europe and around the world is being destroyed cruelly and sophisticated, it is being replaced by new "values" of liberal Babylon. In particular, full tolerance for evil, including the LGBT community.
