Is there a culture in the world for which a person is ready to die only in order to take with him an insignificant part of the enemy army? With a heart full of patriotism, sit at the helm of an airplane, hung with explosives, like a Christmas tree with toys, knowing that there is only enough fuel for a one-way flight?
The country, whose brave warriors are ready to give their own lives for the freedom and independence of their Empire, is located in the very east and is called Japan, and its brave soldiers are kamikaze.

Japanese kamikaze pilots are photographed with a puppy
"Death from the sky" in the Pacific Ocean began to take away American ships in 1944, when, having lost hope of victory, the Japanese tried with all their might to protect the collapsing Empire. Although the victims of the suicide pilots, the Land of the Rising Sun did not manage to win the god of war to its side, they will forever go down in history as samurai of the 21st century. The suicide of the kamikaze, as well as other teishintai warriors, is not a manifestation of weakness, but a proof of fortitude and endless devotion to their native land.

1945, kamikaze in the Okinawa area
The emergence of the concept "kamikaze" to denote volunteer pilots from the Japanese language is translated as "divine wind". This name is a tribute to the events of the 13th century, when the typhoon of the same name, destroying the enemy ships of the Mongol horde, twice saved the Japanese archipelago from the yoke of the barbarians.

Kamikaze attack
The principles and life priorities of the kamikaze echo the code of the medieval samurai Bushido - that is why these heroes of our time have been praised more than once in songs, dramas and literature. Kamikaze were not afraid of death and despised it, because in return for the sacrificed life, they went to heaven, became the patron saints of the Empire and national heroes.
During World War II, kamikazes destroyed not only American ships, they became a real threat to heavy bomber aircraft, enemy tanks and strategic infrastructure. According to the statistics of the Japanese army, in 1944-1945 alone, Japanese pilots laughing in the face of death destroyed more than 80 and damaged about 200 enemy ships.

Hieroglyphs meaning kamikaze
To become a kamikaze in Japan is not a sentence, it is the highest honor that a descendant of a samurai can be awarded. Before the departure of the kamikaze to the target, a special solemn ceremony was performed - they poured a cup of sake and put a white hachimaki bandage on their head. After the death of the suicide pilot, they brought the sacred symbol of the kamikaze - a chrysanthemum flower - to the temple and prayed for the souls of the heroes who died for the Emperor.
Speaking of Japanese kamikazes, one cannot but recall the volunteers of suicide bombers from all over the world: about German selbstopfer, about Soviet soldiers who, with a grenade in their hands, threw themselves under the tracks of Nazi tanks, about Islamic suicide bombers who undermine carriages, buses and even skyscrapers.
Who these people are - loyal heroes, fanatics, drug addicts or victims of fate - is up to you to judge. But we dare not condemn people who, looking death in the face, proudly died for their homeland.