Cardo, Ahmad Michel, Armed Michel, Mathieu Michel, Kurazhe Michel, Hargo, Fraji, Ryus Ahmed. These names caused panic animal horror among the fascists. And he was inspired by only one person - a partisan of the French Resistance detachment Akhmedia Dzhebrailov.
In France, Ahmedia ended up as a prisoner of a concentration camp under the number 4167 - a man without a name, without a future. But very little time passed, and the fame of his exploits thundered throughout the occupied south of France. His name, unusual for a foreign ear, in different interpretations did not leave the lips of numerous associates and enemies.
He was 16 years old when the war entered their house with a heavy tread. Father and older brothers went to the front.

Sheki was in the far rear, no shells rumbled over it, no bombs exploded, but from here the inhabitants of the region left to defend their big homeland. 14,334 residents of Sheki fought in the active army, 12,515 of them never returned home.
In 1942, the news of the death of Ahmeda's father and brothers came. It seemed like it happened yesterday. The postman, who brought them infrequent news from the front, did not dare to enter the Dzhebrailovs' yard that day - he did not want to see the eyes of the orphaned mother and son. The illiterate boy next door agreed to hand over the letter, thinking that it would bring joy …
Ahmedia went to the front as a volunteer. Only one "triangle" was received by a mother from her son during the entire war: "Mom, I'm alive, well, I'm at war. Everything is going well. Ahmedia."
Once surrounded, he was seriously wounded and ended up in a concentration camp. Fate threw Ahmedia into a small town in the south of France - Montauban. The merciless fascist meat grinder broke people's lives, leaving nothing, not even names. But fate had mercy on the Azerbaijani boy. "My dear Zhanna! Unforgettable Madame Zhanna! You have returned my life, so you are my mother. Although they say that a person has one mother, I had two" (From A. Dzhebrailov's letter to Madame Zhanna).
The camp cleaner, the kindest Madame Jeanne, made Ahmedy escape. (She faked his funeral, passed him off as dead). She also brought the Azerbaijani soldier to the partisan detachment. So, in the fall of 1942, Akhmedia Dzhebrailov became a fighter of the 4th squadron of the frontier corps of the Garonne department of France.
"Fulfilling my duty to the Soviet Motherland, I simultaneously pledge to honestly and faithfully serve the interests of the French people, on whose land I defend the interests of my Motherland. With all my might I will support my French brothers in the struggle against our common enemy - the German occupiers," he took such an oath Ahmedia in a partisan detachment.
The name of Ahmed Michel became legendary among the French poppies - he, in the form of a German captain, led a partisan operation to rescue five hundred children of Resistance participants who were exported to Germany. The children were rescued, and he himself, wounded, was picked up by a German patrol in the field a day after the successful operation. Saved by the German uniform and the officer's documents, Ahmedia was sent to a German hospital for treatment. Was also discharged for the heroism shown during the raid on the train by the partisans Ahmedia was appointed … commandant of the German garrison of the town of Albi, which is not far from Toulouse. The German commandant of the French city Akhmedia Dzhabrailov, who graduated from the agricultural technical school in Sheki in the fortieth year, spent eight months. He enjoyed authority among his superiors and subordinates. His activities as German commandant were closely followed by the leadership of the French Resistance, led by General de Gaulle. In his hands are dozens of threads leading to concentration camps and the partisan underground. At the request of the commandant Albi, prisoners of war were taken out of the concentration camps in large parties to repair city roads, many of them fled to the forests. The commandant had to punish the careless guards and go to the concentration camp for a new batch of prisoners of war. The merits of Akhmedia Dzhabrailov before the French Resistance as commandant of the German garrison of Albi were so high that they aroused the admiration of General de Gaulle. But it was impossible to test the patience of the Germans for so long and, having released another batch of captured Soviet soldiers, Ahmedia fled to the partisans. The Germans offered 10,000 marks for the capture of Dzhabrailov (Khargo)!
Military Cross, Cross for Voluntary Service, Military Medal of France - not every Frenchman during the war years received these high awards. The Azerbaijani youth received them from the hands of the legendary Charles de Gaulle and Maurice Torez. Ahmedia also has another very special award - the Highest Order of the Legion of Honor, which gives him, a soldier, the right to go at all military parades in France ahead of the most honored generals. None of the Soviet generals and marshals had a French order of this rank. In addition to G. K. Zhukov.
Victory parade. The military column is headed by Akhmedia Dzhebrailov - Hero of France.
The war is over. Armed Michel works in the office of President de Gaulle of the French Republic. He is married to a French woman, they have two sons, and a wonderful apartment in Paris. Ahmedia - Ahmed Michel is one of the most respected members of the Resistance Veterans Union. This is the support of the president, his guard, the elect. Just like Ahmed, his fighting friends are in respectable positions. In fact, the ruling party in France. Life is wonderful, Ahmed is only twenty-seven years old, he is a legend of the Resistance, he is invested with the confidence of General de Gaulle, he is the elite of France. Dijon has a public car company named after him. And suddenly, in 1951, Armed Michel decides to again become Akhmedia Dzhabrailov and return to his native village of Okhud, which is five kilometers from Sheki. Persuading friends and officials doesn't help. The Americans offer work and citizenship of the United States - this "rebel" is a born intelligence officer. The French government offers him the very same Dijon plant in possession - all is useless. In parting, General de Gaulle presents his military comrade-in-arms with an honorary ticket - a permit for free travel on all types of transport in France. It was a privilege that only one person in France enjoyed - the president of the republic. I did not dissuade, we live in a free country, but an unusual gift meant that you can return at any time.
"In France, I often dreamed of our land, it swells, it is alive, blooming." No generous promises could keep him in a foreign land. Akhmedia returned to his homeland, where a cruel surprise awaited him - the Soviet homeland loved to present them to the best of its sons. A ten-year exile to Siberia - this "high government award" was awarded to Akhmedia Dzhebrailov in his country, where he was eagerly rushing from hospitable France. Ten years in the camps for being taken prisoner in an unconscious state (that means a traitor!), For going through the hell of concentration camps (enlisted!), For finally fighting bravely against the enemy (cleverly conspiring!).

After his "imprisonment" he returned to Sheki and became an agronomist. For 30 years, Akhmedia had not seen any of his fighting friends - the former convict became "restricted to travel abroad."And only when Charles de Gaulle visited the Soviet Union, Ahmedies were allowed to accept the general's invitation to visit France, to meet with his friends.
The State Film Archive of Azerbaijan has preserved the film "1000 days of struggle", which captures the arrival of Jebrailov in France in 1975. It is impossible to watch touching scenes without tears.
"I would very much like to recognize you right away. But I understand that your appearance is not what it was. I cannot imagine that your red curls have turned white, that your heart is naughty. For me, you remain the same as then, in 1942 ". (From a letter from a friend of Shampar Dzhebrailov).
"The liberation of the Bordeaux region is one of the most difficult and dangerous battles. I took only volunteers into my group. Bending over in three deaths, waist-deep in swamp slush, we went to the enemy's camp. Our sudden appearance took the Germans by surprise and caused wild panic. I remember Paris blazing in those days. What a pity that when we marched with victory, you could not go with us, my friends, "- Akhmedia Dzhebrailov bowed to the ground at the tombstone, under which his comrades from the partisan detachment rested. Acacia bloomed nearby. This is where the meeting was supposed to take place. He came long before the appointed hour, was very worried: "Who else will come? Which of the fighting friends survived?"
Like thirty years ago, on Victory Day, they again drank champagne at this most memorable acacia for brotherhood.
General Charles de Gaulle held a banquet in honor of the arrival of the Hero of France Ahmeda Dzhebrailov. And the first toast was sounded in honor of the Azerbaijani: "Grateful France will never forget the great feat of the Soviet soldier."
Before leaving for France, Ahmedia took a handful of his native land with him. He scattered it on the graves of Azerbaijani partisans. Jeyran khanum, Mikail Huseynov, Veliy Veliyev, Feyzulla Kurbanov … "My dear ones, take a handful of your native land." No one knows better the value of this land than he - the plowman and warrior Akhmedia Dzhebrailov.
In 1943, the anti-fascist movement in France was gaining strength from day to day. Azerbaijanis played a huge role in it. In March-April 1944, an underground organization led by our compatriot Mirzakhan Mammadov freed a large number of Azerbaijanis from captivity, who immediately joined the partisan detachments.
In August 1944, the Azerbaijani underground workers staged an uprising in the camp. It was supposed to coincide with a raid by French partisans on the German garrison, but on the evening of August 15, a religious servant of the camp, a provocateur and agent of the fascist Gestapo, became aware of the impending uprising. All the ringleaders were arrested and after brutal torture they were sent in an open car to the place of execution. Several of them managed to untie their hands on the way. Having freed their comrades from the shackles, they entered into an unequal battle with the fascists. Five of the underground fighters: Mirzakhan Mammadov, Mirzali Mammadli, Hasan Aliyev, Kurban Mamedov and Pasha Jafarkhanli were killed. The rest managed to go to the partisans.
On August 17, 1944, the city of Rodez was liberated from the Nazis by French and Azerbaijani partisans.
On August 18, a group of Azerbaijani partisans under the command of Huseynrza Mammadov together with the French, having destroyed the German garrison in the town of Pandesarl, freed more than 2,000 prisoners. The freed Azeri prisoners united in the Azerbaijan partisan regiment.
This regiment took an active part in the liberation of the cities of Larzakh, Courses, Maid, Nim and others.
Azerbaijani partisan detachments were also in other countries occupied by the Germans!
1 Azerbaijani partisan detachment in France, commander Huseynrza Mamedov.
2 Azerbaijani partisan detachment "Ruska couple" in Italy
commander Javad Hakimli
8th Azerbaijan Partisan Detachment - "Red Partisan"
commander Mamed Aliyev
Sabotage group of a partisan detachment
"Pravda" in Belarus
In 1952, the leader of the Italian communists, Palmiro Togliatti, came to Moscow for the 19th Congress of the CPSU. He told Stalin about the heroism of the Soviet soldier shown in the fight against fascism in the mountains of Italy and Yugoslavia - this was the Azerbaijani Mehdi Huseynzade. Stalin instructed the special agencies to clarify his combat biography in order to perpetuate the memory of Mehdi Huseynzade. Despite such a high level of instruction, it was only by 1957 that all the information was collected, and Mekhti Huseynzadeh was posthumously nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The story of Mehdi Huseynzade requires a separate story and I will acquaint you with it in the next article!
In distant Italy there is such a city - Pistoia. Few people know that at one time Azerbaijanis also participated in its liberation from the Nazi invaders. Two of them - Mamed Bagirov and Mirza Shahverdiyev, soldiers of the Soviet Army, who managed to escape from German captivity and join the anti-fascist resistance movement, were later awarded the highest Italian military award - the gold "Garibaldi Star"
Bagirov was also awarded the Order of * Glory * of Italy!
It should be noted that the Son of Akhmeda Dzhabrailov, the National Hero of Azerbaijan, Mikail Dzhabrailov, died in Karabakh, defending the territorial integrity and independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Akhmediya Jebrailov died on October 10, 1994 in Sheki as a result of a car accident - a truck hit a telephone booth with a hero of the Resistance!
The ridiculous death of a hero!
Often, when asked why he left Paris, he answered with a smile: - La fortune est une franche courtisane ((fortune is a real courtesan)