An analysis of frigates created in Europe, Russia and the countries of Southeast Asia does not give a complete picture of the trends in the development of this class without assessing the ships of the Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf zone. There is no palette of types here, but there are projects that are fully consistent with the world level. When comparing frigates, both the degree of their technical excellence and the role of the creator countries in regional politics were taken into account.
First of all, let us pay attention to the fleets that have the most modern ships of this class. This is an Indian with frigates of its own design of the "Shivalik" type and a Pakistani one, which has the F-22P created jointly with China. Iran also has frigates. As the spiritual leader of the world Shiite community, he pursues a very active foreign policy, does not hesitate to enter into conflicts with the United States and the EU. The Iranians do not have frigates of their own manufacture; the existing ships of this class are built abroad. However, taking into account the role and weight of the country, let us evaluate its most modern frigate of the "Alvand" class. Consider his "classmate" from Saudi Arabia as the main opponent of Iran in the region. The Saudis do not build main class warships at all. However, projects ordered from foreign shipyards are being implemented in accordance with the tactical and technical requirements developed by the command of the Kingdom's Navy. For comparison, taken "Riyadh" - the most modern frigate of the KSA.
Flagship and laggards
Shivalik is the first multipurpose ship built in India using Stealth technology. Very large for its class (full displacement - 6200 tons), with a powerful power plant, providing a maximum speed of 32 knots. The Northern Design Bureau (SPKB) took part in the development. Striking weapons - anti-ship missiles Сlub-N (supersonic BraMos can be used), are placed in Russian eight-container vertical launch units (VTR) in the bow of the vessel. The firing range of both types of missiles is within 280 kilometers. It is important to note that among the known modifications of the Club-N missile there are those designed for high-precision destruction of ground targets at a distance of up to 280 kilometers.
The main air defense system of the frigate is the Russian medium-range air defense system "Shtil" with a 3S-90 single-beam launcher, 24 missile ammunition and a firing range of up to 32 kilometers. Four radar tracking and illumination 3P90 allow you to work on four targets at once. Air defense systems - Russian 30-mm AK-630M gun and four air defense modules of the Israeli air defense missile system "Barak" for eight missiles each. Universal artillery is represented by 76-mm artillery guns. Anti-submarine weapons - two RBU-6000 rocket launchers for 90R and RSB-60. The lack of apparatus for anti-submarine torpedoes reduces the ability to combat submarines. But there is an alternative in the form of PLUR 91RE2, if they replace the RCC in an eight-cell UVP. Although this significantly reduces the strike capabilities of the ship, in order to achieve an acceptable probability of hitting a submarine, it will be necessary to load at least four PLUR into the UVP. There are two multipurpose helicopters - Indian-made HAL Dhruv, Sea King Mk42B or Ka-29 (Ka-31).
"Shivalik" is equipped with a developed modern electronic weapons system. The main equipment was produced in Russia, Israel and Italy. BIUS CAIO relies on information from radar, GAS, electronic warfare systems, makes a comparative assessment of threats, distributes targets and controls weapons. Frigates of this type are equipped with a multipurpose intelligent communication system IVCS and a high-speed intra-ship data transmission network. The main radar for air surveillance and target designation for the Shtil air defense system was the Russian MR-760 Fregat-M2EM. To search for submarines, a BEL GAS with a sub-keel antenna and a towed GAS, presumably developed on the basis of Thales Sintra, are used. The ship is equipped with modern active and passive electronic warfare systems.
Analysis shows that the frigate's crew has highly effective strike weapons that allow them to hit surface and ground targets at medium range. The self-defense air defense system, which surpasses its "classmates" in terms of combat capabilities, with the exception of the Russian frigate of Project 22350, also looks worthy. The limited ammunition and single-beam launcher of the Shtil air defense system significantly reduce the capabilities of collective defense air defense systems, allowing only 12 targets to be fired at with two-missile salvoes. We recognize naval weapons against submarines as ineffective, but this weakness is compensated to a certain extent by the presence of two helicopters, which become the main means of destruction of submarines.
Thus, "Shivalik" is primarily a strike ship. But it will be effective in escort too. Lessons from previous wars with Pakistan, India's main adversary in the region, suggest that this is enough.
The F-22P has a total displacement of 3144 tons. The power plant with a total capacity of about 24 thousand horsepower makes it possible to develop 29 knots with a cruising range of 4000 miles at economic speed. Seaworthiness gives the "Pakistani" the opportunity to operate in the oceanic zone at significant distances from the coast. The ship's strike armament is eight C-802 anti-ship missiles. These subsonic missiles fire up to 120 kilometers and are equipped with a low-power warhead weighing 165 kilograms. The flight altitude on the marching section (up to 120 meters) allows long and medium-range air defense systems to shoot down these missiles. The ship's air defense is provided by multi-channel air defense systems FM-90N with ammunition load of eight missiles with a firing range at aircraft up to 12 kilometers, and at anti-ship missiles - up to six. When attacking from the air, a single-barreled 76-mm AK-176M gun and two 30-mm seven-barreled guns are used. To defeat submarines, 2x6 RDC-32 PLURs and two three-tube TA for small torpedoes are intended, there is also a Harbin Z-9EC ASW helicopter (in terms of its performance characteristics, it is close to the Soviet Ka-25PL). It monitors the airspace and issues target designation to air defense systems of the SUR 17 radar. To search for submarines, there is a GAS with a subtle Chinese antenna.
The armament of the F-22P testifies: in almost all respects, it is significantly inferior to the Indian opponent. The only superiority of the "Pakistani" is the presence of anti-submarine torpedoes and PLUR. However, in search, he is significantly inferior to the "Indian". The shock capabilities of the ship are unsatisfactory. With a short firing range and high vulnerability of anti-ship missiles, the Pakistani frigate does not pose a threat to modern ships with powerful air defense and weapons. The F-22P does not have the ability to strike at ground targets, the air defense systems are clearly insufficient, and in collective defense it is useless, since it does not have the corresponding air defense systems. The ability to reflect airborne weapons is limited to eight missiles. The probability of hitting targets by artillery fire is relatively low.
Thus, the Pakistani frigate can be assessed as a strike and anti-submarine ship with very modest capabilities. He is able to operate primarily in the coverage area of fighter aircraft.
"Alvand" is much inferior to opponents in size: full displacement - only 1350 tons. Disproportionately powerful power plant (in the amount of more than 42 thousand liters.sec.) provides an exceptionally high maximum speed of 39 knots with a decent range of economic progress (18 knots) - 3650 miles. This allows the "Iranian" to operate at considerable distances from their ports, although it is redundant for its main purpose - the protection of the country's economic zone.
For strikes against surface targets, there are four C-802 anti-ship missiles, analogs installed on the Pakistani frigate F-22P. The ship does not have an air defense system, air defense is provided only by artillery: one universal Mk8 gun of 114 mm caliber British-made, 35-mm twin AU "Oerlikon" and three single-barreled 20-mm AU GAM-B01 "Oerlikon". The outdated British three-barreled 305-mm bomber "Limbo" with 24 RSL ammunition can be used against submarines. The ship is equipped with a Sea Hunter BIUS. When detecting high-altitude targets, AWS 1 radar is used, low-flying ones - radar type 1226. EW means RDL 2AC and FH 5-HF, as well as two three-barreled 120-mm Mk5 for passive jamming. For the search for submarines and the use of anti-submarine weapons, a subkeeping GAS type 174 is used. The ship does not have its own aircraft, which is understandable with its small displacement.

I repeat: "Iranian" in the first approximation corresponds to the main purpose - to protect the economic zone of the country, but good seaworthiness allows, on occasion, to use these frigates in other regions of the World Ocean. At the same time, "Alvand" is inferior to "classmates" in almost everything. Its strike armament is very limited - four short-range anti-ship missiles are vulnerable to modern air defense systems and give a minimum of chances to hit even a small modern warship. Air defense means are also insufficient to repel single strikes of air defense forces, such as anti-ship missiles. The capabilities of a 114-mm gun in a collective air defense system are negligible. With the capabilities of the means of searching for submarines equal to those of other ships, their defeat by the "Iranian" is unlikely.
In fact, the frigates "Alvand" are multipurpose ships. However, the effectiveness of solving problems arising from the composition of the armament is much less than that of the "classmates" - opponents, which, however, is not surprising given the small displacement.
Saudi "Riyadh" is significantly larger and more powerful than Iranian opponents; they were designed and built at the shipyards of the French company DCNS specifically for the KSA Navy. Full displacement exceeds 4500 tons, cruising range at economic speed - 7000 miles. However, in terms of maximum speed, the "Saudi", unable to develop more than 24 knots, is significantly inferior to the "Iranian". The main air defense system is an air defense missile system with two eight-container UVPs for the Aster-15 air defense missile system (16 missiles in total) of medium range (up to 30 km). Striking weapons - eight Exocet anti-ship missiles in two launchers. The latest modifications of this missile fire up to 180 kilometers, but according to known data, the KSA fleet was supplied with samples with a range of 70 kilometers. Artillery is represented by 76-mm gun "OTO Melara" and two 20-mm guns. To combat submarines, the 533-mm TA is intended. Electronic armament includes a ship's CIUS, modern surveillance and firing radars of French production, as well as a GAS with a subkeeping antenna. A multipurpose helicopter is based on the frigate.
The developers have focused on shock and anti-aircraft capabilities to the detriment of anti-submarine potential. Probably, at one time this was the right approach, given that the KSA sees Iran as the main enemy, the capabilities of the submarine fleet of which at the time of the development of tactical and technical requirements and the design of Riyadh were insignificant, and the light surface forces were very noticeable. But the ammunition load of the air defense missile system on the frigate is small. It seems that this is due to the fact that there is little possibility of inflicting multiple strikes of airborne weapons with their large number in the raid on KSA ships. The firing range of the Exocet anti-ship missiles is quite satisfactory when striking ships with outdated anti-ship missiles or none at all. That is, judging by the tactical and technical data, "Riyadh" is focused on fighting an adversary that is obviously weaker in terms of technology. However, today Iran has created a powerful submarine fleet, has ships and boats with long-range missiles. The estimated 7,000 miles of economic progress suggests that the admirals of the KSA see the possibility of using the frigate in remote areas, but there may be opponents of modern ships. Therefore, we admit that the "Saudi" weapon system no longer fully meets the requirements of the day.
Percussion instruments
Let us evaluate the frigates' capabilities in the conditions of probable combat use, taking into account the peculiarities of the combat mission. As before, we will consider actions in an armed conflict against a weak enemy and in a war with a high-tech and powerful Navy. In any case, ships will have to solve the following main tasks: destroy groups of surface ships and submarines, repel enemy air attacks, and work on ground targets.

In a local war, if frigates act as part of a naval group against a weak enemy, the weight coefficients of the significance of the tasks (taking into account the probability of their occurrence) for all the samples under consideration, based on the similarity of the nature of the armed struggle in naval and ocean theaters in such conflicts, can be estimated as follows: groups of surface ships and boats - 0, 3, submarines - 0, 15, repelling an air attack - 0, 4, striking ground targets in the operational depth - 0, 1, and against anti-amphibious defense objects - 0, 05. In war against high-tech and powerful navies, frigates will solve significantly different tasks, and accordingly, the weight coefficients will also differ.
Now let's evaluate the capabilities of the "duelists" in solving typical problems. In relation to the first, a typical shipborne search and strike group (KPUG) or a strike group (KUG) of MRK (corvettes) and missile boats consisting of three to four units will be considered as an object of strike. All other things being equal, only the Indian Shivalik can go out for a volley and fire without risking a response from the enemy. All other frigates that have Chinese-designed anti-ship missiles with a firing range less than that of the enemy will have to enter the zone of reach of their weapons and reach the strike position for a long time. The team of the Saudi "Riyadh", equipped with a modification of the "Exocet" anti-ship missile system with a firing range of 70 kilometers, is especially bad. The enemy will simply pre-empt in a volley and prevent rapprochement.
Only "Shivalik" can deliver missile strikes against ground targets. With a salvo of eight Club-N missiles at one large object or a group of three or four small "Indian" is capable of guaranteed hitting them within the effective firing range of up to 150-200 kilometers from the water's edge. The warhead weighing about 400 kilograms will allow solving the problem with a significantly smaller outfit of weapons than when using the "Harpoon" of the corresponding modification.
When suppressing the PDO system, as before, we assess the capabilities of the frigates in relation to the company stronghold. Let us also consider the task of hitting ground targets in order to support the actions of troops in the seaside direction. In this case, the Iranian "Alvand", which has a 114-mm gun, has the greatest capabilities. The chances of the rest of the ships with their 76-mm art installations are significantly lower.
We continue to evaluate frigates for fighting submarines in terms of the probability of detecting and destroying a submarine in a given area as part of a typical KPUG of three frigates. Shivalik and Riyadh have the best search capabilities. However, the "Indian" has the corresponding armament (when using UVP for attack missiles) is significantly worse. Pakistani and Iranian frigates are equipped with less effective means of finding submarines. At the same time, the chances of "Alvand" are also reduced due to the weak anti-submarine weapons.
Evaluation of the capabilities of the compared samples during an air attack of the enemy is carried out according to the ability of a warrant of three escort frigates and one ship of the core (for example, a cruiser with a destructive air defense potential of five units) to reflect a typical air attack squad of 24 anti-ship missiles with a salvo range of three minutes. This approach is correct, since the task under existing conditions and trends in their change can be posed to any of the types under consideration. The probability of maintaining the combat capability of the ship of the order core is taken as an indicator of efficiency. The results of the estimated calculation are shown in the diagram.
The integral index of compliance of the Indian frigate "Shivalik" is, for local wars - 0, 38, for large-scale - 0, 39. For the Pakistani F-22P - 0, 14 and 0, 16, respectively. For the Iranian "Alvand" we get the values 0, 12 and 0, 14. The "integrals" of the Saudi "Riyadh" - 0, 22 and 0, 21.
The conclusion is simple: in local conflicts and large-scale wars, the most versatile and modern "Shivalik" meets its intended purpose to the highest degree. It lags insignificantly behind the European and South Asian "classmates". Next, by a significant margin, is the Saudi "Riyadh", which in terms of combat effectiveness is comparable to the very old Turkish "Yavuz". The main reason for the weakness of a completely modern ship is insufficient shock and anti-submarine capabilities.
The Iranian and Pakistani frigates, paradoxically, are close in terms of compliance with the combat mission, which can only be explained by the fact that the weapon system of the modern F-22P is not completely balanced: with a very decent strike and anti-submarine weapons, its air defense capabilities are too small, and anti-ship missiles are really time outdated.