Stereotypes. This is a reality that not only interferes with life, but it greatly complicates the normal functioning of the brain. And these stereotypes need to be destroyed from time to time, if not shaken, then to the full.
There is no need to talk about what stereotypes have been developed in our country for the last ten years in relation to our Ukrainian neighbors. And the majority of consumers of information in Russia are absolutely sure that Ukrainians are all as one similar to those organisms that act as clowns on Solovyov's TV show.
I am just happy that I had the opportunity to talk about how calmly and imperceptibly (for us) some Ukrainians are doing their job. Not the ones who destroy monuments and desecrate graves. I will not even try to prove that they are minuscule in Ukraine, they will not believe it anyway.
I will talk about those who are engaged in completely opposite cases. In Ukraine.
On June 22, 2020, on the Day of Remembrance and Mourning, at a war memorial in the village of Gatnoe, Fastovsky district, Kiev region, it was planned to reburial the remains of 22 Red Army soldiers who defended Kiev in 1941, among whom it was possible to establish the surname (by the death medallion) of only one of them. This is Sergei Titovich Savenok.
As luck would have it, the commander joined them, who was discovered by the search engines of the archaeological patriotic search association "Dnepr - Ukraine" from the city of Kiev in September 2019.
The story of Vitaly Rubanov, Deputy Head of the APPO "Dnepr-Ukraine":
Then the heads of the organizations, Sergey Pavlovich Raspashnyuk (APPO "Dnepr - Ukraine") and Alexander Vladimirovich Marmashov (LLC "Association of Veterans of Naval Intelligence") joined the work, who decided to jointly carry out an examination and all the necessary work on identification and subsequent reburial.
My further correspondent was Sergey Gafarov, Deputy Chairman of the Association of Veterans of Naval Intelligence, who provided photographic materials and information on the work done.

It took the expert about two months to work out the document found in the ground. Brief excerpt from the report:
Immediately there was a reasonable assumption about the death of the captain of the third rank Bast.
In the course of the work, a previously imperceptible fact became clear. The document was shot through by a bullet. And since the party card, as a rule, was carried in the left pocket of his tunic, it is quite possible that the wound was just in the area of the heart and led to the inevitable death of Yevsey Zusevich.

Then Sergei managed to witness another miracle, when in the "Live Journal", under an article about the actions of the Pinsk flotilla, he found the following comment:
This was written by the granddaughter of Captain Bast, Marina Viktorovna Bast, who lives in Germany. She sent Sergei a personal file from her grandfather, which she received at the Russian State Archive of Aviation and Military Sciences and photographs. And at the same time she shared general information about her grandfather.
Evsey Zusevich Bast was born on August 31, 1903 in the town of Makarov, Kiev district. Jew. Father - Zus Moishe Shlemov (Zakhar Solomonovich) Bast (born in 1888) was a hereditary tailor. The craft of tailoring has been passed down from generation to generation. Mother - Hana Rukhlya Ovseevna (Anna Evseevna), as usual, is a housewife. Yevsey was the eldest son in the family, besides him, there were three more brothers: Semyon (1909 - 1973-03-10), Yakov (1911-1941), Mikhail (1912 - 1970-11-05).
The family moved to Kiev in 1914. In 1920, Zus Shlemovich died during a pogrom. Anna Evseevna is left with four children in her arms without a livelihood. Yevsey, the eldest in the family, was forced to leave the military-economic courses of the Red Army, where he was enrolled in September 1920. He goes to work.
As a literate person, Yevsey Zusevich worked as a clerk, census-taker, and worker in the boiler room of the Bolshevik plant.
In 1925 he was drafted into the army and sent to serve in the Black Sea Fleet Semi-Crew (FPE).

And then his military service began, which, frankly, stepped far beyond the urgent borders:
- from 1926-09-01 in the 4th Hydro-reconnaissance detachment, then in the 4th detachment of the reconnaissance naval aviation;
- from 1927-08-01, head of the library;
- since 1927 clerk of the extra-urgent service of the 53rd separate air squadron;
- from 06.12.1927, the weapons master of the 53rd department. an air squadron with a secondment for work in the operational unit of the Black Sea Air Force headquarters;
- from 1928-01-10 to 1931-20-10, student of the Parallel Courses of the Higher Naval Order of Lenin of the Frunze Red Banner School;
- from 05.1931 member of the CPSU (b);
- from 20.10.1931, the chief of watch of the gunboat "Red Azerbaijan" of the Caspian military flotilla;
- from 1931-05-11 to 1932-25-07 ship artilleryman of the KL "Red Azerbaijan" of the Caspian military flotilla;
- in October 1932 he marries Lyubov Lvovna Shmelkina;

- since 1932-27-11, student of the SKUKS artillery sector (special courses for command personnel) of the Red Army Navy;
- from 10.07.1933 he was transferred to service in the Dnieper military flotilla (DVF): port artilleryman, commander of the artillery group of KL "Verny", divisional artilleryman;
- from 1933-01-11, the commander of the art group of the CR "Verny";
- in 1934 he completed two courses of the evening army KOMVUZ (communist higher educational institution) at the House of the Red Army in Kiev;
- 1934-02-09 son Victor is born;
- from 01.01.1935, Bast - assistant commander of the CR "Verny";
- from 1935-05-28 - commander of the CR "Verny";
- in 1936 he received a ticket of a member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks No. 0261560 (issued by the Political Department of the Dnieper Military Flotilla);
- from 1936-27-10 - acting commander of military unit 1775 of the Dnieper military flotilla;
- 28.12.1936 was awarded with a personalized gold watch (pr. NKO USSR No. 184);
- from 1937-15-02 - the commander of the monitor "Levachev" of the 2nd division of monitors of the Far Eastern Fleet;
- from 1937-29-07 - deputy. chief of the 6th branch of the headquarters of the Far Eastern Fleet;
- from 1938-10-03 - chief of the 6th department (in command and control of the fleet) of the headquarters of the Far Eastern Fleet;
- from 1939-29-10 - commander of a detachment of monitors of the Far Eastern Fleet;
- since July 1940, the commander of the monitor division of the Pinsk military flotilla (PVF);
- 1941-04-04 he was awarded the title "Captain 3rd Rank";
- from 1941-11-07 - the commander of the monitor division of the Berezinsky Detachment of river ships;
- from 20.07.1941 - commander of the Berezinsky detachment of river ships;
- from 1941-11-08 - I. O. chief of the command department of the headquarters of the PVF (pr. on PVF №061 from 1941-11-08).

From left to right: Novikov Nikolai Ivanovich, senior political instructor, head of the PVF naval club, Bast E. Z., captain of the 3rd rank, commander of the PVF monitor division, Maksimenko Klimenty Vasilyevich, lieutenant commander, head of the 1st department of the ORSO headquarters of the PVF, Roslavtsev Dmitry Vasilievich, senior political instructor, deputy. editor of the PVF newspaper "On a combat watch". Pinsk military port, May 1941 (photo from the family archive of Bast M. V.)

Captain of the third rank Bast went missing while leaving the encirclement in September 1941.
1942-21-04 excluded from the lists of the command staff of the Navy as missing (order of the head of the Command Directorate of the People's Commissariat of the Navy No. 088).
And now, after so many years, the captain of the third rank Bast was finally buried the way he deserved, namely, together with the same soldiers of that war.

Unfortunately, many memorials, including in the village of Ivankovo, where many PVF sailors were buried in 2007 and 2009, are now closed to new burials. Marina Viktorovna Bast had the idea to bury her grandfather next to his wife, in the cemetery in Berkovtsy, but since she lives in Germany, and burying requires quite a lot of paperwork, together with the search engines, it was decided to bury the captain of the 3rd rank Bast during the next event …
This is what happened in Gatnoye. 22 Red Army men from among the defenders of Kiev and the captain of the third rank of the Pinsk military flotilla Bast were interred. With observance of all military honors. Yes, the event was not pompous, the quarantine and the abnormal heat affected, but everything was done in such a way that none of the participants had a shadow of doubt that a great and useful work had been done.
Sergey Gafarov:
For us, as people who are studying the history of the Pinsk military flotilla (no less than 16 years), the key factor was that the sailor, who on September 20, 1941, lay in the ground as anonymous and was listed as missing according to all dry statistical lists without a trace, after long 79 years he regained his name and was buried, as every person deserves. And even more so the one who went into his last battle with contempt for the enemy and a rifle in his hands …
Probably, many will now say that this is a one-time affair, that all over Ukraine they are demolishing monuments that they can only reach …
However, to believe it or not is a private matter for everyone. I specifically asked Sergei a question in this regard when we talked about the article. Here's what he replied:
Moreover, now the search engines of several organizations are continuing the summer sessions, which we are planning to jointly tell the Russian reader about. It seems to me that this makes a certain sense.
Of course, it is convenient for someone to think that “Ukraine is everything”. We will not impose our opinion on this. But for those who think that this is not so, I am sure it will be interesting. There, abroad, which does not go through the minds and souls, there are many people for whom the war did not end until the last soldiers were buried. And it gives hope to the hearts.