This is a continuation of the article about carbines of the KS-23 family. The first part is HERE.

Over time, a fairly wide range of 23 mm ammunition of various types of action was developed for the KS-23 carbine: with rubber and plastic bullets stuffed with buckshot or with inert containers for training shooting, with containers containing irritating chemicals CS "Lilac", and also blank (with expelling charges): for shooting locks and throwing special grenades. Attempts were also made to expand the capabilities of the carbine by creating cartridges for it with solid bullets (lead and steel), as well as buckshot. The result met expectations, but at the cost of the exceptional effectiveness of the ammunition was the high value of the recoil force of the weapon. This forced the designers to take up the development of similar 12-gauge cartridges and smooth-bore shotguns for them.
Characteristics for some cartridges for carbines of the KS family, which were produced by NPO Tekhnika at the Research Institute of Special Equipment, later renamed to PKU NPO Spetstekhnika i Svyaz.

Perhaps this is a complete list of 23mm cartridges with explanations.
Judging by the comment of the user with the nickname “Gross kaput” - there is ammunition for emergency opening of doors.
Most likely, this is the “Volna” cartridge, in which the training inert grenade was replaced either with a plastic container filled with compressed bulk material like sand, or a bag with fine lead shot.
Also “Gross kaput” mentioned the Lilac-7M ammunition.
It may have been developed, but Google doesn't know anything about it.
Most likely, this is the Lilac-7 cartridge with an increased concentration of the CS irritant and an effective use range increased to 150-200 meters.

To increase the effectiveness of the weapon, over-caliber gas grenades (36 and 82 mm) were developed, as well as muzzle attachments for shooting them.

Blank (knockout) cartridges, barrel attachments. "Nozzle-6" for firing 36-mm grenades "Cheryomukha-6" and "Nozzle-12" for firing 82-mm grenades "Cheryomukha-12" and over-caliber gas grenades (36 and 82 mm).

The KS-23 carbine with a muzzle attachment No. 12 for firing 82-mm Cheryomukha-12 grenades.
In addition, a muzzle attachment "Cat" (OTs-06) was developed, which allows throwing a grappling hook with a rope attached to it at a distance of up to 35 meters, or to a height up to the level of the 7th floor of a residential building. "Cats" were developed of 2 types: with folding "paws" (OTs-06-03) and with fixed "paws" of the anchor type (OTs-06-02).

Muzzle attachment for shooting hooks of the "Cat" type
Just before the article was published, I discussed with Vadim, my friend and a veteran of the special unit of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova, the advantages and potential of the carbine. It turned out that the KS-23 carbine is in service with the Panther detachment, my friend fired several shots from it at the trunk of a dried tree and appreciated its power and effectiveness. He added that the gunsmiths could easily adapt the over-caliber attachments from the Cheryomukha to shoot a container with a net. The carbine-net-gun would be useful to the special forces soldiers.
TTX carbine KS-23:

User “krutoyarskiy0474” left the following review on the forum:

User “grossfater_m” posted this review on

Charlie Cutshaw in his book Small Arms of Russia. New Models”writes:

The "Yeltsin coup" of 1993. Here is a photo and commentary of a participant in the events who was injured. Source:

Several archival photos of fighters armed with KS-23 carbines.

For several years of operation, not only the strengths, but also the weaknesses of the KS-23 carbine were manifested. The operators came to the conclusion that a bulky carbine with a length of more than 1 meter with a massive wooden butt is not always suitable for operational activities. The VV and the Ministry of Internal Affairs asked to provide them with a more compact weapon, while maintaining the excellent fighting qualities of the basic version. And in the early 90s, as part of the implementation of the theme "Drozd", such a version appeared.
KS-23M "Drozd" (modernized special 23-mm carbine). Work on the "Drozd" theme began in the same Scientific Research Institute of Special Equipment in October 1990, and on December 10, 1991, an experimental batch of 25 carbines under the C-3 code entered for testing.
The tests were successful, and in the same year the upgraded version of the carbine was assigned the KS-23M Drozd index and it was adopted by the police and internal troops.
The modernized KS-23M "Drozd" carbine differed from the basic version by its shorter barrel by 10 cm and the absence of a wooden stock. The stock was replaced with a plastic fire control handle and a removable T-shaped metal shoulder rest (skeletal stock) was developed.
In the comments, KardeN met the following nomenclature data: KS-23-1 (with a stock and a standard barrel), KS-23M (short barrel, removable stock) and also KS-23-1M - a short barrel, but a constant stock.

Carbine KS-23M "Drozd" with an attached butt

Carbine KS-23M "Drozd" from KardeN's arsenal. Please note: the attached stock is equipped with a rubber shock-absorbing butt pad. Homemade "tuning"

Latch for the buttstock of the KS-23M "Drozd" carbine
The entire range of cartridges used for firing from the KS-23 is used for firing from the modernized Drozd CS, including the Cat, Nozzle-6 and Nozzle-12 barrel attachments.

Despite the fact that the KS-23M "Drozd" carbine is more compact than its predecessor, it inherited the main disadvantages of all weapon systems equipped with a tubular magazine, namely: low rate of fire, small magazine capacity and the inability to quickly change the type of cartridge used. The following version of the carbine is devoid of these shortcomings: KS-23K.
TTX carbine KS-23 M "Drozd":

Several archive photos from the Drozd KS-23M.

Still from the video report (Kurgan region, November 2012). Fighters of the SOBR Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation are preparing for a business trip to the North Caucasus. The troika is working out the penetration into the room. In the hands of one of the soldiers - KS-23M "Drozd". One shot from the KS-23M at the door - and work began!

Still from the video report (Kurgan region, November 2012). Carbine KS-23M "Drozd", leaning against the wall

Still from the video report (Kurgan region, November 2012).
A knock-out cartridge for carbines of the KS-23 family.
About myths

Extract from the "Weapon" forum (
Although the official website of the Tula KBP does not say anything about this relationship, most likely the author of this statement is right: since both the RMB-93 and the GM-94 have a constructive scheme with a movable barrel, the store in both samples is located above the barrel, and spent cartridges are ejected downward.
The principle of reloading in both samples is also identical: the ammunition is sent when the barrel moves backward ("towards itself"), and the cartridge case is removed when the barrel moves forward "away from itself".

KS-23M carbine and GM-94 grenade launcher
Carbine KS-23M in the cinema
Film "Swing", 2008.

With endless cartridges in the cinema it seems to have become tighter, but even without it there are enough “jambs”.
For example, in the film "Swing" a fighter with a barrel attachment for throwing grenades a hundred or one and a half meters has no place in a building being assaulted, but in a shelter, at some distance from it. Whoever watched the film remembers that the KS-23M did not find use in this picture.
Gentlemen-comrade filmmakers! Don't skimp on consultants!
KS-23M carbine in video games
* Crossfire VN.
* Mod for Half-Life 2 called Firearms: Source.
* Call of Duty: Black Ops.
* 7.62 High Caliber.

A still from the video game Call of Duty: Black Ops. In the hands of the character - KS-23M

A still from the video game Call of Duty: Black Ops. A character named Mason is ready to pick up "Harpoon". This is KS-23M with the OTs-06 "Cat" attachment.
With his help, Mason shot down a Soviet helicopter during the uprising in the zone ("Vorkuta" level).

Arsenal in the video game 7.62 High Caliber. The KS-23M carbine is marked with a red arrow
Sources of information:
Skrylev I. KS-23: Our police carbine.
Mischuk A. M. 23-mm special carbine (KS-23).
Degtyarev M. The birth of "Snipe".
Blagovestov A. From what they shoot in the CIS.
Monetchikov S. B. Infantry weapons of the 3rd Reich. Pistols.