The US Armed Forces are once again resuming projects aimed at improving the characteristics of the infantry squad's weapons. In this regard, we will evaluate the current developments and the reasons for choosing weapons and ammunition for them
Currently, the infantry squad's weapons are attracting more and more attention. In May 2017, the US Army Contract Office, headquartered in Arsenal Picatinny, issued two requests for information in order for the industry to make proposals for a new Interim Combat Service Rife (ICSR) and a replacement for the automatic weapons of the M249 SAW squad. (Squad Automatic Weapon). First of all, the emphasis is on greater range and penetration, as well as the capabilities of different calibers.
The desire to increase performance while reducing the load associated with a squad's primary weapon is hardly new. Over the past decade, many projects have been launched to develop new weapons, including Objective Individual Combat Weapon programs. Advanced Combat Rifle and Special Purpose Individual Weapon. In 2005, another XM8 program was closed, under which the squad's line of weapons was developed, including a sniper rifle, carbine, assault rifle and SAW. Other projects have focused on developing squad support weapons. An example is the XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement System grenade launcher project, which was launched in 2003 and ultimately closed in 2017.
None of these projects have been brought to their logical conclusion. Continuing a 25-year tradition, the M16 / M4 rifles and the M249 SAW light machine gun remain the squad's main weapons.
Defining requirements
At first glance, the ICSR system appears to be an attempt to find a rapidly deployable response to concerns expressed about the diminishing effectiveness of current weapons associated with the emergence of new advanced body armor. The new ceramic plates (also known as ESAPI - Enhanced Small Arms Insert) can withstand some standard rifle bullets. At the beginning of last year, General Milli, Chief of Staff of the US Army, was invited to a meeting of the Senate Armed Services Committee to discuss this problem. Answering questions from senators, the general said that an ammunition was tested at Fort Benning that could solve this problem, while confirming that the cartridge could be adapted to different calibers. At the same meeting, he said that the army wants to have a new ICSR rifle chambered for 7.62 mm.
Some weapons experts agree that it is not only the current 5, 56 mm cartridge that has problems penetrating these advanced protective plates. 7, the 62-mm standard M80A1 cartridge is also not without its drawbacks. In fact, they both need a new tungsten-cored bullet (possibly the one Millie talked about). But the M993 and XM1158 ADVAP cartridges that could meet these requirements are still being developed. According to Milli's assumption, a tungsten core capable of piercing an ESAPI plate can be realized in 5, 56 mm, 7, 62 mm or other calibers.
Although the American army is not averse to adopting a rifle chambered for 7, 62 mm, only selected units will accept it for supply. The US government is looking for funding sources to equip all army units with the M4A1 carbine. Option A1 solves several problems at once. Some industry experts suggest that the ICSR system is also a response to the army's frustration that its infantry squads were unable to counter enemy machine guns and 7.62x39mm sniper rifles in Afghanistan.
A request for information on the 7.62x51mm ICSR rifle was posted at the end of May. An ICSR Joint Discussion Conference was held at Fort Benning in July and a formal request was issued just 10 days later with a response date set for early September. Weapon requirements determine that it must be a ready-made rifle weighing less than 5.5 kg with semi-automatic and automatic fire and an actual fire range of about 600 meters. The request for proposals defines a possible contract in the amount of up to 50 thousand pieces, although the request for information referred to 10 thousand rifles. The actual rollout plan has yet to be determined and it looks like the actual order quantity has yet to be clarified.
Even selective rifle deployment presents a number of challenges. For example, if an additional separation caliber is introduced, then the supply becomes more difficult. Plus, the ammunition load of 210 cartridges of 7.62 mm caliber weighs three times more than the same amount of 5.56 mm cartridges. In addition, a smaller amount of ammunition carried will negatively affect the conduct of prolonged fire in hostilities. Finally, there will be problems with combat training and the achievement of the required level of qualifications and professionalism by the soldier, especially with those new and additional weapons that have completely different characteristics, for example, high recoil force.
Some experts point out that the 7.62mm caliber is already present in the infantry thanks to sniper rifles. The 600-meter range of the ICSR rifle implies that the shooter must have special skills. However, sources in the army argue that there is no particular need to make changes to the typical, historically developed scenarios of a combat clash, which, as a rule, occurs at a distance of 300-400 meters.
In this regard, the goals of implementing the ICSR platform look somewhat vague. Colonel Jason Bonann of the Army Combat Training Center noted that there is currently no approved requirement defined for this particular rifle.

Outline of the competition
On the other hand, Bonanne noted that sniper rifles are a direct and approved requirement of Deputy Chief of General Staff Daniel Ellin. The aim is to provide a modern 7.62mm rifle with a qualified squad designated marksman in every infantry squad. In addition to the fact that standard combat sights should be installed on it, it will be included in the armament and equipment list so that the squad can receive a powerful optical sight for supply to accurately hit targets at a distance of 600 meters.
There are several variants of the SDM rifle. One of them is the CSASS (Compact SemiAutomatic Sniper System) compact semi-automatic sniper rifle, now known as the M110A1, for which the army awarded a $ 44 million contract to Heckler & Koch (H&K) in March 2016. Used by specialized sniper teams, the M110A1 (photo below) will have more advanced aiming optics and will also be equipped with a 1-6x scope for SDM missions.

At a briefing in May 2017, the head of individual weapons programs stated that the need for SDM is 6,069 rifles in the 7.62mm configuration, which should be deployed as an urgent requirement. Bonanne stressed that these weapons should provide both long-range and close-range capabilities, while she called them a critical and unique aspect of the requirements. While no choice has yet been made, there is a sense that a suitable rifle may already be available.
Some observers have likened the ICSR to a competitive evaluation of an individual rifle conducted in 2012. Seven companies participated in this assessment, each presenting its own state-of-the-art rifle. However, in June 2013, immediately before the military trials, the army officially canceled the competition. The reason was that none of the candidates showed sufficient improvement over the M4A1.
In a subsequent report by the Pentagon Inspector General, it was noted that the army “inappropriately approved and approved the document on the requirements for the individual carbine program. As a result, the army wasted about $ 14 million in the competition to determine the source for the supply of new carbines, which was not necessary."
Applicants from this competition, as well as other applicants, may also participate in the ICSR competition. One of the alleged contenders is the 7.62 mm NK417 rifle. The CSASS military system is based on the H&K G28 model, which in turn is based on the NK417 model. The NK416 rifle (version of the NK417 caliber 5, 56 mm) is in service with the Marine Corps under the designation M27.
Other candidates for the ICSR platform may include the FN Herstal SCAR-H rifle used by Special Operations Forces, the MR762A1 rifle from H&K, the LM308MWS rifle from Lewis Machine & Tool (deployed in the British army under the designation L129A1), the SIG Sauer SG 542 rifle and possibly an improved sniper rifle Enhanced Sniper Rifle (modified М14, already put into service).
Companies do not comment on their participation in the ICSR competition, referring to the “competitive nature of the project”. However, the question remains as to what is required to meet the terms of the ICSR project.

The needs of the next generation
From a tactical point of view, the SAW is the backbone of a small unit and provides basic fire to support the squad's maneuver. Perhaps the most legendary is the M1918 BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle) automatic rifle, developed by John Browning. It was the basis of the defense of the infantry squad, and during the attacking actions provided it with suppression fire. The weapon, which was a cross between a machine gun and a rifle, despite its considerable weight with a magazine for 20 rounds, was reliable. The М1918 BAR rifle was in service with the American and other armies until the 60s of the last century.
When the M14 rifle was deployed in 1960, its 7.62 mm version was supposed to replace the BAR, but these plans were not destined to come true. The M16 rifle, although capable of firing in automatic mode, was also unable to provide the continuous fire necessary for the tasks of the squad. As a result, the 24-year-old US Army infantry squads did not have suitable SAW-class weapons.
Many foreign armies have adopted a light machine gun for their infantry squads. In May 1980, after four years of testing, the US chose the FN XM249 as its SAW. This system, based on the proven 7.62mm MAG58 medium machine gun (later designated M240), is intended "to provide special support for an infantry squad / fire group with precision fire." The light machine gun uses the same 5, 56 mm cartridge as assault rifles, and it is powered either from a belt or from a magazine.
The accuracy of the weapon and the sustained rate of fire of 85 rounds per minute were well received in the army. However, there were problems with delays and reportedly the wear and tear of these machine guns after 20 years of service was unacceptable.
In May 2017, the Army issued a request for information indicating an intention to locate the Next-Generation Squad Automatic Rifle (NGSAR) squad automatic rifle that could be deployed in the "next decade." According to the request, this replacement SAW "will combine the firepower and range of a machine gun with the precision and ergonomics of a carbine."
The requirement defines the maximum weight of 5.5 kg without ammunition and characteristics that will allow "to achieve superiority by hitting stationary and suppressing moving threats at a distance of up to 600 meters (threshold value) and suppression of all threats at a distance of 1200 meters (target value)." Some experts point out that the use of the term "rifle" in the title suggests that the army prefers a design other than a light machine gun.
The request for information specifies the cartridge for NGSAR, which should be 20% lighter. However, the deputy director of the Army Training Center, Volcker, stressed that "the caliber and ammunition are not specifically specified in order to give the industry maximum freedom of action in providing the best balance of opportunities."
For squad support weapons, long-term firing is equally important. In the request, it is defined as "at least 60 RPM in 16 minutes 40 seconds (threshold) and preferably 108 RPM in 9 minutes 20 seconds." This is equal to shooting 1000 rounds without overheating the barrel. For comparison, the maximum sustained long-term rate of fire for the BAR is 60 rds / min and for the M249 - 85 rds / min.
Updating ammo
The request for information also provides for "increased firepower". Together, these requirements are aimed at the capabilities of the new caliber and ammunition. The army continues to carry out a number of research projects to improve and develop new types of ammunition, for example, caseless, embedded or telescopic, and polymer casings of various calibers, including 5, 56 mm and 7, 62 mm, which could be used in NGSAR and others weapons. Textron and Arsenal Picatinny have been particularly successful in reducing the weight of such ammunition in the development of a cartridge with a polymer sleeve. They were able to reduce the weight of the 5.56 mm cartridge by 127 grains (8.23 grams), that is, by 33% compared to brass cases.
The officers from the Training Center also raised the question of whether polymer sleeve is a promising direction or is it better to look for a completely new and more advanced design. The second approach is stimulated by positive results in the development of telescopic cartridges (CT, cased-telescoped) with a polymer sleeve. The CT cartridge reduces the load on the soldier and at the same time allows you to carry more ammunition. However, the ST concept also requires the development of new compatible weapons.
The CT concept originated in the LSAT (Lightweight Small Arms Technologies) program, now known as CTSAS (Cased Telescoped Small Arms Systems). The LSAT program initially envisaged the creation of a lighter SAW and an individual carbine, including the parallel development of a new cartridge.
An industrial group led by AAI (now part of Textron) worked in collaboration with SIC Armaments. She successfully demonstrated a 5, 56 mm light machine gun, weighing 4, 2 kg without ammunition. The LSAT program also provided for the creation of an ST-carbine, but work in this direction was postponed. Bonann noted that the needs for a new advanced carbine are determined by the army.

As a result of activities under the LSAT program, Textron currently has a 5, 56 mm light CT machine gun. According to the company, “The ST light machine gun was demonstrated to the Swedish armed forces at the Ground Combat Center. Compared to current light machine guns, its 20% higher accuracy, stability when firing, reduced recoil and a queue length limiter made it possible to carry out firing missions with almost a third of the number of cartridges. In addition, the soldiers were impressed by the ease of handling and ease of maintenance. The company noted that with appropriate financial support, it can begin mass production of this platform by 2019.

A closer look at the caliber
The SAW Replacement Request for Information and Industry Day last summer were the first step in dialogue with industry. The process must move quickly if the army wants NGSAR to fall into the hands of soldiers within 10 years. From the point of view of accumulated experience, the process of acquiring weapons with even less technological problems than those described above often takes years before deployment begins, and this despite the fact that there is no need to organize an industrial base for new ammunition.
The capabilities of the new caliber will inevitably spark the debate over the "best" cartridge for infantry small arms. As a consequence, the discussion of the characteristics of the smaller 5.56mm cartridge with a higher speed and the 7.462mm cartridge has not subsided since its introduction in 1961. However, since the 1970s, it has become standard not only for the US military, but also for most NATO countries, in large part due to the advantages of a light and high-speed smaller cartridge.
Other armies independently chose similar calibers, for example, Russia chose 5.56x39 mm for its new weapons, and China 5.8x42 mm. Soldiers can now carry more ammunition, and the relatively low recoil allows for lighter weapons. Although the debate about the ideal caliber and optimal design continues, the military has come to the general consensus that lighter weapons and ammunition provide more advantages.
The adoption of the M16 rifle of 5, 56 mm caliber was a reflection of its compliance with combat operations at close and medium distances, typical for Southeast Asia, and in general for the temperate zones of the globe. The proliferation and adoption of the M16A1 as a standard rifle, and subsequently the M4 model, was at least partly driven by the never-ending desire to reduce the burden on the soldier and simplify the supply process.
In addition, this process was determined by the results of many in-depth analysis of the battle, which invariably showed that the vast majority of combat clashes of small units occurs within 400 meters. Deputy Director of the Training Center Volker noted that “the typical distance of combat clashes of the squad remains at around 400 meters. The main emphasis is on effective fire when attacking and defending in close combat. The uniformity of ammunition is very important from a tactical point of view and therefore became a decisive argument in the 1972 decision in favor of the 5, 56 mm cartridge for the M249 SAW machine gun, and not the 6x45 mm cartridge.

Upgrading ammunition
Over the past 30 years, the US military has spent considerable time and money researching and evaluating promising small arms and ammunition solutions such as caseless rounds, telescopic rounds, smart weapons, and advanced assault rifles. Each of these solutions promised significant advantages, but at the same time had unresolved technical problems, in connection with which it has not yet been adopted for service.
The technical reality at the moment is that the provision of increased ranges and penetration comes at the expense of additional mass and a corresponding reduction in ammunition. This was demonstrated in the CTSAS program, when the weight of the 5.56 mm cartridge was successfully reduced to 127 grains, then the CT technology (telescopic cartridge) was applied to the 6.5 mm caliber cartridge, the weight of which almost doubled to 237 grains. As a result, the light ST machine gun with 800 rounds of 5.56 mm caliber began to weigh 9 kg, while the same weapon with 800 rounds of 6.5 mm caliber began to weigh twice as much, 18.2 kg, but at the same time provided twice the range …
The US Army is still studying its small arms ammunition configuration study, which began in 2014 and finished in August 2017. Volcker explained that the report "is expected to give the Army command a clearer understanding of the options available and their benefits." However, as shown by the results of the CTSAS program, the development of small arms of the infantry squad is hampered by tactical and organizational rather than technical problems.
If it is important to maintain the uniformity of ammunition, defined by the term "universal cartridge", then in parallel it is necessary to develop individual and automatic weapons. On the other hand, one decision can be made to develop a cartridge with its own set of capabilities for an individual rifle, and the second to develop a cartridge with a significantly greater range and penetration for automatic weapons. Subsequently, weapons of two types could be proposed as a replacement for light and medium machine guns.
Tactical considerations and methods of combat use are the determining factors in making decisions on weapons and ammunition. There are many alternative ammunition and calibers available including, for example, 6.0 SPC, 6.5 Grendel,.264 USA and 7x46mm UIAC. each of which can meet specific needs. The choice comes down to answering the questions: What is the estimated combat distance? What is the role of each weapon in the squad? What is the acceptable trade-off between weight, performance and the number of cartridges we carry? The answers to them are unlikely to be limited by the technical characteristics of weapons and ammunition of the same type.
There appears to be an informal consensus that new ammunition will be used for the squad's next weapon. The likely candidate here is the CT configuration that is best production-ready. This will require a new weapon design and a corresponding increase in costs, which in the case of tight budgets could slow down the process and move it into the next decade. Special Operations Command said it could switch to 6.5mm this year, although Bonann noted that the smaller manpower allows for greater flexibility on this issue.
Not surprisingly, many provisions are being revised anew regarding caliber size, ammunition load, typical combat distances, combat techniques, tactics and the role of squad, and the importance of each of these factors. This happened more than once, at one time the Springfield 1903 was replaced by the M1 Garand rifle, then the M14 rifle was adopted, then it was replaced by the M16, which was later replaced by the M4 automatic carbine.
Lessons learned from past small arms programs serve as a reminder of the need for a more careful approach. However, the lengthy development and procurement process increases the risk of perpetuating the shortage of deployable systems. The reality is that one desired performance is achieved at the expense of another desired performance. Comparing the technical specifications of different weapons, looking for superiority without the context of combat use, is a clear oversimplification. The challenge is to find a balance that reflects combat missions, tactics and conditions of use, and then develop requirements for the characteristics of the system that will ensure this balance.
The final criterion remains: What is the most appropriate weapon that will allow the squad to complete the firing mission and maneuver? What is the best combination of weapons that will maximize the effectiveness of an infantry unit? The US military is looking for answers to these questions again.