In local conflicts around the world, there have been many cases of the use of originally purely peaceful aircraft in hostilities. Quite often, converted agricultural aircraft were involved in assault strikes in the course of numerous local wars and mutinies.
So, during the war in Southeast Asia, the Vietnamese An-2 biplanes not only delivered various cargoes and took out the wounded, but also struck ground targets and even tried to attack South Vietnamese and American warships at night. In the 80s in Nicaragua, agricultural An-2 was bombed by detachments of pro-American "contras". And in the 90s, these aircraft were noted in hostilities in the territory of the former Yugoslavia.
In addition to containers with chemicals and sprayers, airplanes involved in spraying defoliants in order to destroy drug-containing plants often had to hang NAR blocks and machine guns for self-defense. And also take measures to improve the survivability and security of the crew.
All this, as well as the desire to increase sales, prompted the management of Air Tractor Inc to create a combat version on the basis of its Air Tractor AT-802 agricultural aircraft. Air Tractor Inc was founded by former pilot Leyland Snow back in 1978. Snow himself flew for several years on agricultural aircraft and was well aware of the features of this work. The first aircraft of the company was the piston Air Tractor AT-300 with a tank capacity of 320 gallons (1200 liters). Pratt & Whitney R-1340, air-cooled, radial piston engine, 600 hp. allowed light to accelerate the plane to 270 km / h.

Air Tractor AT-300
A characteristic feature of all Air Tractor machines is a high-raised cockpit, which provides a good view and the pilot's presence in a stream of clean air, which is important when working with pesticides. Much attention was also paid to the thrust-to-weight ratio, maneuverability and protective coating of the fuselage structure to protect against the corrosive effects of chemicals.
The company's aircraft were popular not only in the United States, but also in other countries. Sales volumes of Air Tractors increased and new models appeared. The Air Tractor AT-400 series aircraft were equipped with turboprop engines and an oversized chemical tank. The introduction of carbon fiber reinforced plastic and load-bearing elements made of stronger alloys made it possible to increase the carrying capacity. Aircraft modifications AT-400, AT-401, AT-402 differed from each other in engines, dashboard, tank capacity and auxiliary equipment.

Air Tractor AT-402
In the 500 series, the size of the fuselage and the wingspan were increased, which made it possible to accommodate a tank of chemicals with a capacity of 1,900 liters. In the future, in addition to air field sprayers, the company produced 500 series training and firefighting aircraft.

Air Tractor AT-502
The Air Tractor AT-602 has become the largest aircraft compared to its predecessors, thanks to which the capacity of the tank with chemicals has increased to 2385 liters. Pratt & Whitney PT6A -60AG turboprop with 1,050 hp accelerated the aircraft to a maximum speed of 318 km / h.

Air Tractor AT-602
But most of all the aircraft of the 800 series became famous. In the second half of the 1980s, the requirements for agricultural aircraft increased, at the same time, the demand in the fire-fighting aviation market increased. Under these conditions, in the middle of 1989, the design of a new aircraft of a larger size and with a more powerful power plant than all the aircraft previously built by the company began. The aircraft, designated Air Tractor AT-800, made its first flight in October 1990.
The large size and increased weight of the aircraft required the use of the Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A engine, which is standard for all later modifications of Air Tractor aircraft in the PT6A-67AF 1350 hp version. The propeller remained the same - a five-blade reversible metal Hartzell with a constant speed. The capacity of the fuel tanks has increased to 946 liters, and the capacity of the chemical tanks to 3,066 liters.
Air Tractor aircraft equipped with turboprop engines are very similar to each other and differ only in geometric dimensions. However, this can only be noticed when the cars are nearby at the airfield parking lot, in the air they all look the same. The exception is firefighting options equipped with Wipaire float chassis. Hydroplanes are able to independently take water from the surface of reservoirs. This significantly increases the number of "combat sorties" in comparison with the fire-fighting aircraft that fill the tanks with water at the airfield.

Air Tractor AT-802 Fire Boss
On October 30, 1990, the AT-802 Fire Boss float took off for the first time. This "flying firefighter" has become widespread, and is used not only in America, but also in several European countries, such as Greece, Spain, Portugal, France, Croatia, as well as in Argentina, Brazil and Chile.
Two more modifications of the basic AT-800 model are known. This is the AT-802 two-seater agricultural and training aircraft, which received a flight certificate in April 1993, and the AT-802A aircraft, which is a single-seat modification of the AT-802 aircraft with the same power plant and similar weight data.
In total, as of 2014, more than 2000 Air Tractor aircraft of all modifications were built, of which 800 series aircraft - more than 500. Apparently, the first case of "combat use" of Air Tractor AT-802 aircraft occurred in Colombia in the early 2000s, when coca plantations were pollinated with defoliants from these machines. There, "Air Tractors" were often bombarded from the ground. At the disposal of the militants of the drug cartels and leftist rebel groups were not only light small arms, but also large-caliber anti-aircraft machine guns and RPG-7 grenade launchers. This weapon posed a serious danger to absolutely unprotected aircraft operating at extremely low altitudes. The situation was aggravated by the fact that "on a combat course" when spraying chemicals AT-802 flew without maneuvering at low speed. After the planes began to return with bullet holes, an emergency handicraft revision had to be carried out. The cockpit was covered from the sides and bottom with improvised armor - bulletproof vests, and the fuel tanks were filled with neutral gas. However, passive measures to increase survivability were not limited to. On combat missions, flying sprayers were escorted by Colombian Air Force attack aircraft Cessna A-37 Dragonfly and Embraer EMB 312 Tucano.

At the Paris Air Show in 2009, the AT-802U light attack aircraft, based on the AT-802 two-seat model, was demonstrated. This aircraft is designed for close air support and aerial reconnaissance, observation and correction of ground forces.
A 1600 hp Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-67F turboprop accelerates an aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight of 7250 kg to a speed of up to 370 km / h. The total capacity of the fuel system provides the ability to patrol in the air for more than 10 hours. The wingspan of the aircraft is 18, 06 m, and the length is 10, 87 m.

Light attack aircraft AT-802U
The AT-802U attack aircraft differs from the agricultural version in its anti-bullet armor of the engine and cockpit, protected fuel tanks and a more durable fuselage and wings structure. The aircraft retains the ability to install a tank with chemicals and sprayers. In the compartment where the tank is installed, it is also possible to transport various goods, place additional equipment and fuel tanks.
The complex of weapons and special equipment AT-802U was developed and installed by specialists from IOMAX (Mooresville, North Carolina). The aircraft has nine hardpoints to accommodate weapons and equipment. The armament includes both guided and unguided aircraft weapons weighing up to 4000 kg.
Possible suspension of two three-barreled large-caliber machine guns GAU-19 / A caliber 12.7 mm, blocks of 70-mm NAR and bombs weighing up to 226 kg, as well as guided air-to-ground missiles with laser guidance such as AGM-114M Hellfire II and DAGR (Direct Attack Guided Rocket).

For the use of guided munitions, the aircraft is equipped with an optoelectronic sighting system operating in the visible and infrared ranges - AN / AAQ 33 Sniper xr from Lockheed Martin. The survey systems include IR and L3 Wescam MX-15Di video camera. It is located in the lower front hemisphere on the turret and is equipped with an aircraft-to-ground communication line operating in a protected mode with ROVER (Remotely Operated Video Enhanced Receiver) video signal receivers, which allows image transmission in real time.
To protect against anti-aircraft systems, there is equipment for warning about the launch of anti-aircraft missiles with automatic ejection of "traps" and electronic countermeasures AAR-47 / ALE-47. The complex of onboard equipment AT-802U allows the use of weapons at night. In terms of its combat strike capabilities and security, the light attack aircraft is comparable to specialized combat helicopters, but significantly surpasses them in terms of time spent in the air and flight altitude. A practical ceiling of 7,620 meters allows the AT-802U to strike with high-precision ammunition, being out of the reach of small-caliber anti-aircraft guns and MANPADS. The aircraft is equipped with an oxygen system, which allows for long-term high-altitude flights. Other important factors for potential buyers are the flexibility of use, low cost and low operating costs of an attack aircraft built on the basis of an agricultural aircraft. Data released by the US Department of Government Maintenance Statistics shows that the AT-802 has an average of 1.7 man-hours of maintenance per flight hour.
Simple reliable design, highly sophisticated avionics, minimal ground support equipment, as well as the time-tested Pratt & Whitney PT6A-67F engines make the AT-802U optimal in terms of cost-effectiveness for poor countries that have problems with all sorts of insurgents and separatists.
Despite the large selection of reconnaissance and attack unmanned aerial vehicles and helicopters at the disposal of the American special services and the military, during special operations against drug traffickers, which took place recently in the jungles of Latin America, the Bureau of International Drug Control and Law Enforcement (INL) and its structural division INL Air Wing preferred the AT-802U. According to INL Air Wing reports, the aircraft performed well in missions that required coordination of ground forces, fire support, reconnaissance and surveillance.
The ability of the aircraft to fly from areas limited in area turned out to be especially valuable. AT-802U were also involved in the delivery of goods, the removal of the wounded and important witnesses from the special operations area. Several times the aircraft received combat damage due to shelling from the ground, but each time they were insignificant, and not a single aircraft was taken out of service for a long time. Acting in the interests of INL Air Wing, light attack aircraft brought bullet holes several times, when from an extremely low altitude, making several combat approaches, they "processed" targets from large-caliber machine guns or "marked" them with NAR with phosphorus warheads. During the night strikes with the use of precision-guided ammunition, there was no enemy opposition.
According to American and Colombian experts, the multifunctional Air Tractor AT-802U has become a worthy replacement for the decommissioned OV-10 Bronco, with significantly lower operating costs and greater capabilities of reconnaissance equipment and the presence of an all-day complex of guided weapons.
Based on the results of practical application, the batch of AT-802U was acquired by the Air Force of Colombia and the United Arab Emirates. Already in service with the UAE Air Force, AT-802U light attack aircraft are deployed at Falaj Hazza airfield on the border with Oman. Eight reconnaissance and attack aircraft Cessna AC-208 Combat Caravan are also based there. All of these aircraft are subordinate to the UAE Special Operations Command.

AT-802U in Yemen
After the intervention of the Saudi coalition in the armed conflict in Yemen, part of the AT-802U from the UAE Air Force was transferred to the Yemeni forces fighting against the Houthis. According to reports, deliveries of AT-802U aircraft were also carried out to Jordan and Croatia.
The Archangel BPA of the American company IOMAX became another combat aircraft, designed on the basis of the "maize". The aircraft was first demonstrated at the Le Bourget Air Show in June 2013. Earlier, the IOMAX company developed the sighting and reconnaissance equipment and armament system for the Air Tractor AT-802U aircraft.

Airplane Thrush 710
The Archangel BPA is based on the Thrush 710 agricultural aircraft. The Air Tractor AT-802 and Thrush 710 are structurally very similar and represent versions of the same aircraft designed by Leland Snow. The Thrush 710 aircraft develops a speed higher by 35 km / h and has the best ratio of weapon weight and fuel capacity. Archangel with a takeoff weight of 6720 is capable of covering 2500 km at a cruising speed of 324 km / h.

Archangel BPA cockpit
The reconnaissance and strike "Archangel" is equipped with more advanced avionics compared to the AT-802U. A container of an electronic reconnaissance system and a synthetic aperture radar and an electron-optical turret, manufactured by FLIR Systems, can be suspended under the aircraft. On the Archangel BPA Block I modification, the two-seater tandem cockpit has dual controls and is equipped with three 6-inch color multifunctional indicators at the pilot in the front cockpit, and one 6-inch and one 12-inch (for observation and target designation systems) indicators at the operator in the rear cockpit. The aircraft has a centralized radar and missile attack warning sensor system.

Archangel BPA operator's cabin
The main emphasis in the creation of the Archangel BPA aircraft was placed on the use of guided weapons, and it does not carry small arms. In this respect, its capabilities are higher than that of the Air Tractor AT-802U.

Six underwing hardpoints can carry up to 16 70-mm Cirit missiles with a laser guidance system, up to 12 AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, up to six JDAM or Paveway II / III / IV UABs. The Archangel in the shock version is capable of carrying more weapons on external suspension than any other aircraft of the same weight category. It is intended for independent search and destruction of small groups of militants, when the use of combat helicopters, jet fighters or attack aircraft is difficult from the point of view of combat effectiveness or inexpedient for economic reasons. The cost of the vehicle is approximately $ 8 million, for comparison, the cost of the popular light turboprop attack aircraft EMB-314 Super Tucano is $ 12-13, and the AH-64D Apache Longbow (Block III) combat helicopter - $ 61.0 million.

One of the first Archangel BPA
Apparently, "Archangel" even surpasses AT-802U in flexibility. The presence of a perfect on-board electronic system makes it equally effective both in covert operations and in routine patrol flights. Most of the armor protection on the Archangel BPA is made of quick-detachable, and is mounted if necessary, depending on the nature of the task being performed. It is reported that some elements of protection can withstand the impact of bullets of 12.7 mm caliber.

Archangel BPA Block III reconnaissance and attack aircraft
The most advanced variant is Archangel BPA Block III. This aircraft received a "glass cockpit" and an even more advanced sighting and navigation system and weapons. Compared to the original version, the Block III has been redesigned and now looks significantly different from the base Thrush 710. The glass two-seater cockpit for the pilot and weapon operator has been moved forward and raised. This increased the forward and downward visibility. It also freed up space in the aft fuselage to accommodate the electronic units of avionics and other equipment. A more rational layout made it possible to increase the volume of the sealed fuel tanks.
When creating Archangel BPA Block III, much attention was paid to protecting the aircraft from missiles with TGS used in MANPADS. Compared to the AT-802U, the aircraft's thermal signature has significantly decreased. When flying in areas with a high risk of using modern MANPADS, in addition to heat traps, a suspended container with laser equipment should be used to blind the homing head.
This model, created taking into account the accumulated combat experience, embodied all the best from the AT-802U aircraft and the first versions of the Archangel BPA. This aircraft strongly resembles the German Junkers Ju 87 Stuka dive bomber and can be filmed in feature films about the Second World War "without makeup". The light attack aircraft Archangel BPA Block III was created specifically to participate in a competition announced by the Philippine government to replace the extremely worn out "anti-guerrilla" OV-10 Bronco. The Philippine Air Force intends to purchase six close air support aircraft for a total of $ 114 million. Prior to this, several Archangel BPA Block I and Block II aircraft were purchased by the UAE. Officially, the UAE Air Force plans to use the "Archangels" as a "border patrol aircraft", in fact, they are most likely intended to replenish the fleet of aircraft of the special forces. In addition to the UAE and the Philippines, Angola, Bolivia, Egypt, Cote d'Ivoire, Niger and Turkey have shown interest in the IOMAX light attack aircraft. You don't need to be a great expert in geopolitics to understand that not the richest countries, having problems with all sorts of insurgents and separatists, are interested in the plane.
A significant part of the readers of the Voennoye Obozreniye website traditionally criticize light turboprop attack aircraft, calling them either a "dead-end branch" of military aviation, or "underplanes." At the same time, it is indicated that in terms of security, flight speed and payload, these machines are inferior to the classic jet attack aircraft created for the "big war" - the Su-25 and A-10. However, we can recall that all modern combat helicopters are also much inferior in these characteristics to classic attack aircraft, but no one advocates abandoning helicopters. In modern conditions that have changed a lot since the Cold War, lightweight, relatively inexpensive multipurpose vehicles are entering the scene. On the contrary, no one is going to resume production of the well-protected Su-25 and A-10.
Modern turboprop attack aircraft, at least, are not inferior in the composition of weapons and avionics to combat helicopters, surpassing them in speed, altitude and flight range. At the same time, light attack aircraft, due to their design features, are much less vulnerable to small-caliber anti-aircraft guns. MANPADS carry the same threat to both helicopters and light aircraft, but, nevertheless, combat helicopters are actively used in hostilities in various parts of the world and it is not heard that they are often shot down. It may be objected to me that the helicopter is capable of hovering and hiding in the folds of the terrain, but how many have seen the Mi-24 hovering on a combat mission? At the same time, a turboprop aircraft can climb above the launch ceiling of MANPADS and effectively use guided weapons from there.
Compared to "large" attack aircraft, fighter-bombers and combat helicopters, light attack aircraft cost much less, and the cost of performing a combat mission is several times cheaper. There is an opinion that money is not counted in a war. One can agree with this, but only in the “big war”. It is irrational to send long-range bombers or cruise missiles worth several tens of millions of rubles to destroy several SUVs, a tent with a dozen militants or small warehouses far away from the land, if it is possible to perform the same task using a relatively cheap combat aircraft, even if it does not have a brutal appearance and amazing data. In addition, it is not always possible to use bombers and cruise missiles, what is applicable on the territory of another country, part of which is controlled by militants, is absolutely impossible, say, in the North Caucasus. Each job requires its own tool, it's stupid to hammer the buttons with a sledgehammer or, even worse, a microscope.
UAVs and light turboprop combat aircraft each occupy their own niche and are not direct competitors. It is no secret that the resource of manned aircraft is many times higher than that of unmanned aerial vehicles. Due to the greater carrying capacity, manned aircraft are able to take on board a wider range of weapons, surpassing drones in the characteristics of sighting navigation equipment. It is known that most of the American strike and reconnaissance UAVs in Afghanistan, Iraq and other hot spots were lost due to the failure of control equipment and operator errors. By definition, it is impossible to remotely intercept control of a light attack aircraft or shoot it down with a directional radio pulse.
In my opinion, one should not oppose light universal turboprop machines to other military aircraft. Light attack aircraft are an inexpensive and effective means of dealing with illegal armed groups, as well as a highly flexible reconnaissance and surveillance tool. In addition to ground work, aircraft of this class can destroy helicopters and drones. At the moment, light turboprop multipurpose aircraft are in great demand, and the demand for them is growing every year. Unfortunately, our country has nothing to offer in this market so far.