Four days later, the XI International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2013 will open in the town of Zhukovsky near Moscow, which will be held under the patronage of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The head of the Russian state spoke highly of MAKS. The President said that during its existence, the salon "has turned into a good, solid international platform, where manufacturers can show what they have done, and fans of aerospace technology can look at the achievements of the global aviation industry and the space industry."
Rostec CEO Sergei Chemezov said that this year the state corporation plans to show more than 100 exhibits. Some of them will be represented by the enterprises of Shvabe OJSC, the key shareholder of which is Rostec.
The decision to form the Shvabe holding, the leader in the optoelectronic industry of the domestic economy, was made in 2008 in accordance with the intention of the Russian government to implement the policy of reforming the military-industrial complex of Russia. The main goal of the unification of the leading Russian optical enterprises was to increase the competitiveness of the Russian optoelectronic industry in the world markets of military and civilian products. In 2009, real measures were taken to unite the enterprises into a single whole.
The holding got its name in honor of the founder of the Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant, the German Theodor Schwabe who came from Switzerland to Russia, who in 1837 opened a company in Moscow for the sale and production of geodetic instruments, optical accessories and medical instruments. As the general director of Shvabe Sergey Maksin explained, this name was chosen for the holding in order to show the long and rich history of the company and to announce the traditionally high quality of its products. “The rebranding was necessary so that our holding could compete on equal terms with the world's leading companies, for which the brand is one of the key assets, the most important competitive advantage, no less important than the production base,” he stressed. The director also noted that the Company has "good rates of development, there are a lot of people willing to join the holding." “We look forward to expanding and preparing for it,” Maxine said.
The structure of "Shvabe", which until October 2012 was called "Research and Production Concern" Optical Systems and Technologies ", includes 37 organizations, including research institutes, design bureaus, research and production and production associations. They are located in Moscow and the Moscow region, in St. Petersburg, Vologda, Kazan, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk. The headquarters is located in Yekaterinburg.
The enterprises of the holding employ about 20 thousand people, including 4, 8 thousand scientific workers, 478 of whom have degrees of doctors and candidates of science. The average age of employees is approximately 49.6 years. In 2012, the holding's management carried out planned work to reduce the management staff and increase the number of technical specialists. The management team was cut by 16% and the number of engineers and technicians increased by 33%. At the same time, the number of workers remained unchanged, but labor productivity increased significantly.
In 2012, as Sergei Maksin recently told representatives of the Russian media, the holding's net profit amounted to 934 million rubles, which is 13% more than in the previous year. According to the director, in 2013 it is planned to increase the net profit to 1.051 billion rubles. Sales volume last year amounted to 26 billion rubles, that is, increased by 27% compared to 2011. In 2013, it is planned to increase this figure by another 21%. The expected profit should be 31.5 billion rubles.
The most important event in the history of Shvabe, according to its head, was the completion last year of corporatization of all federal state unitary enterprises included in the holding. Now, having become joint-stock companies, these enterprises have the opportunity to enter the stock markets and borrowing markets, including foreign ones. In addition, the key shareholder of the Rostec holding made a decision to transfer the blocks of shares of its member organizations to the ownership of Shvabe.
In 2017, the holding intends to enter an IPO, which, as Sergei Chemezov noted, will attract additional investment. The proceeds from the sale of shares are planned to be used to modernize the holding's enterprises, R&D and develop new products.
Shvabe develops and manufactures high-tech optoelectronic systems and complexes for military and civil purposes. According to the head of Rostec, the corporation headed by him "attaches paramount importance to the development of the optical-electronic direction." “Not a single domestic aircraft or helicopter can do without the products of the enterprises of the Shvabe holding. It is installed and successfully operated on space, land and marine technology, and is in great demand among builders, hunters, traffic organizers, doctors and scientists both in Russia and abroad,”Chemezov said.
The range of products developed and manufactured at the holding's enterprises includes about 6 thousand items. Last year, almost 75% of Shvabe's products were intended for all types and branches of the RF Armed Forces, as well as for the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The rest of the products were supplied to the civil sector. In the future, it is planned to change this ratio and increase the range of civilian products, the volume of which should increase to 50%.
On orders from law enforcement agencies, research and production units develop and produce optoelectronic systems and complexes, many other military products. They supply the troops with sighting systems for combat aviation, missile forces, the Navy and reconnaissance. Products of this purpose are used in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and other law enforcement agencies.
The enterprises of the holding develop and manufacture various optical materials, high-energy lasers, as well as large-size optical products for astronomers. They manufacture equipment for Earth sensing satellites, meteorological satellites and docking equipment for the ISS.
In addition, Shvab creates a variety of medical equipment: respiratory, ophthalmological, laboratory diagnostic equipment, instruments for surgery, neonatal equipment, defibrillator monitors, ventilators, surgical lighting systems, as well as laser equipment for the treatment of oncological diseases.
The holding's civil and military products are in real demand in more than 80 countries around the world. But China and India are still the main importers of its military component. In 2012, the company's total portfolio of orders for the next five years exceeded 81 billion rubles.
The recently developed Strategy for the Development of the Holding until 2020 indicates that its leadership attaches paramount importance to the creation of new technologies for military and civil purposes. At the present stage, the holding develops and implements 79 unique technologies, including such as an optoelectronic integrated system for the latest generation aircraft, mobile surveillance and tracking all-altitude stations for observing man-made space objects; fluorosilicate fiber optics; laser crystals of double yttrium-lithium fluoride up to 15 mm in diameter and up to 150 mm in length with rare earth elements; ion exchange glass for gradient optics; devices adaptable to work with the helmet-mounted target designation and indication system. The enterprises of the holding are also developing a new generation of optoelectronic infrared systems for information and telecommunication systems for global monitoring of the territory of the Russian Federation, the water area of the World Ocean and outer space. Optical-electronic systems for anti-aircraft missile systems, optical aiming systems for fire control and reconnaissance equipment using technologies for the production of new brands of optical glass, aerospace optical-electronic and optical-photographic means of sensing and monitoring the earth's surface are being created. Recent developments include a complex of laser devices for protecting ships from pirates, an unmanned hyperspectral complex for conducting remote aerial reconnaissance in the near zone of an adjacent territory.
In 2012, Shvabe enterprises spent 3.7 billion rubles on R&D. Until 2020, it is planned to increase this figure several times. And in general, allocations for the innovative development of the holding in 2020 are planned to be increased to 87 billion.
Currently, the holding has created 10 centers of competence in the most important areas of activity, including such areas as laser systems and complexes, ECO for military and civil aviation, for the navy and air defense, for armored vehicles, for small arms, weapons close combat, artillery, reconnaissance and a number of others. In the near future, it is planned to create four more such centers.
The holding's management plans to carry out a large-scale diversification of production and double the share of civilian products and income from their sales. For example, the volume of sales of medical equipment by 2020 is expected to grow 34 times, and of optical materials - nine times.
Most of the enterprises of the Shvabe holding will take part in the upcoming aerospace show. For the first time, they will present their products and technologies as a whole, and not as separate expositions, albeit at one stand, as it has been so far. The Shvabe stand will include space and aviation components. According to representatives of the holding, some of the enterprises will not exhibit real exhibits, but only information about themselves and their achievements, with which visitors can get acquainted with the help of interactive monitors.
The holding's management plans to show its potential customers a lot of military products, which in terms of their parameters and cost are superior to similar foreign equipment. One of them is the 1PN-96MT night sight. It is manufactured at the Vologda Optical and Mechanical Plant. JSC "Research Institute" POLYUS "them. M. F. Stelmakh”will demonstrate laser designators - rangefinders ЛЦД-4 and ЛЦД-4-3, rangefinder-goniometer set KDU-1, laser gyrocompass LGK-4 and laser rangefinder module LDM-2. Novosibirsk will exhibit its latest innovations, including a PT2 thermal imaging monocular, a PT3 thermal imaging sight, a PN23-3 night sight, a laser rangefinder with a ballistic computer LDM-2VK, a TsLN-2K dual-band laser designator, a PNN14M refinery night vision device, as well as a number of other equipment for a similar purpose. instrument-making plant. The Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant will show Optical-location systems for Su and MiG 13SM-1 and OLS fighters, as well as the modernized round-the-clock surveillance and search system GOES-337M, designed for installation on Mi-17 helicopters.
In addition, the Shvabe stand will display advanced equipment and civilian products. UOMZ will show the SON 730, SON 820 and SON-M optical observation systems. The Lytkarino Optical Glass Plant will demonstrate space mirrors for satellites with the "Opal" and "Karat" relief structure, a meteorological visibility range meter, and a cloud height recorder ROV-5. Krasnogorsk plant them. S. A. Zvereva will present the GEOTON-L1 multi-zone remote sensing imaging equipment for the Resurs-P spacecraft, which is currently operating in space.
The holding's management attaches great importance to the upcoming salon, since it will allow potential domestic and, above all, foreign partners, to demonstrate new technologies created at its enterprises, such as, for example, photo detectors and thermal imagers and a number of its other latest technological advances.