Tell me, how often did you have to disassemble the AK bolt to clean the drummer? The truth has already become commonplace that the M16 bolt group consists of small parts that are easy to lose during cleaning, so we will not dwell on it, but the principle of "hung" parts is worth talking about again.
Note its shape in M16. It is a smooth cylinder that slides into the breech shank on a travel fit. Carbon deposits settle on it, falling from both sides. The source of carbon deposits is gases that generously flow from the chamber and the gas tube into the cavity of the bolt carrier. Therefore, if you do not clean the weapon in time without losing the cotter pin, pin or the striker itself, then it can simply jam, and the jammed (or worn) striker will be difficult to pierce with the trigger, this will weaken the prick of the primer and lead to a misfire.
Every schoolboy knows what the drummers of AK, SVD or PM look like. This is how the drummer of the stormgewer looks like:

The contact of the outer surface of the striker with the inner surface of the gate channel is minimized. The cavities between the edges serve as a reliable buffer for the accumulation of dirt or carbon deposits. As you can see, this is an obvious truth, known in the weapons world for a very long time. Why did Stoner make the drummer in such a simple shape? There are three answers. Either he did not know this "subtlety", or he knew, but ignored it, or some technological difficulties prevented it.

This drawing from the instruction shows the reason for the poor prick of the primer due to carbon deposits on the perpendiculars of the striker. Perpendiculars (right angles between surfaces, axes and parts), not only in weapons, but in mechanical engineering in general, are, at least, not feng shui, but in this case, a direct evil, as you can see.
So this unfortunate "carnation" is not as simple as it seems. The development of its design and manufacturing technology in a Kalashnikov assault rifle took about four years. Specialists of the research institute took part in the work, and they proposed the final look, which serves to this day. In total, about a hundred options were tested, until the ideal combination of design, steel grade, heat treatment and production technology was found, which would guarantee its complete reliability within the entire resource of the weapon. The thoroughness of the work carried out is evidenced by at least the fact that, in addition to increasing the survivability of the striker, the problem of inertial piercing was solved, the frequency of which was only 0.003%, nevertheless, this defect did not remain without finding the cause and eliminating it.

There is nothing to oppose to this device in the Kalashnikov assault rifle, it is absent there as a class. If the wiki is not lying to us, a buffer is a shock-absorbing device, that is, a mechanism of several parts. Steel or tungsten weights are located in the pipe cavity, separated by elastic spacers and a small gap. In the rollback, the weights are pressed against the front end of the buffer, so the recoil of the bolt group is obtained in two stages, first the bolt and the frame, then the impact of the weights. In the run-up, a similar, spread over time, blow occurs. This allows you to reduce the vibration of the weapon and, accordingly, improve the accuracy of automatic firing. In addition, the load rolling in the buffer meets the bounced bolt carrier, that is, it performs the function of a counter-rebound.

The time-smeared impact of the frame with a buffer in the reel makes it meaningless to compare the masses of the AK and AR moving systems, even without taking into account the pressure difference created by the cartridges that differ in power. Roughly speaking, if a blow of ten kilograms is required for a reliable locking, then it will not lock itself with two blows of five. Likewise for unlocking. The wedge (a tapered sleeve in the AK) is knocked out by a vigorous blow of gases into the piston of the bolt carrier. In the AR, a time-stretched force is required to pull the sleeve through virtually its entire length of contact with the chamber.
In the process of working on the accuracy of automatic fire in the AK, the bolt carrier buffer was also tested, but it, like the dust curtain, did not come true. But the developed by M. T. Kalashnikov hammer retarder, the idea of which was submitted by V. F. Fierce. This device increases the time between the actuation of the self-timer after the frame has come to the forward position and the prick of the capsule. During this time, it stops its oscillations in the rebound and the shot occurs at the moment when the system has a stable state, which has a positive effect on accuracy.
In principle, no dogs are buried in the design with a buffer, the AK is still more heaped in automatic firing. But in general, five kopecks can be inserted into the solution of the rollback system in a hollow tube with a movable buffer. In the famous video, you can see what happens when water enters the butt cavity. A small fountain of displaced water, which additionally slows down the rollback of the shutter group. Maybe that's why the shooter, out of harm's way, first makes several single shots and only then turns.
What if the water freezes?

Perhaps, this is where the comparison of technical solutions between AK and AR will end. Piston circuits such as FN SCAR or HK-416 do not contain any outstanding solutions, they have their own shortcomings. There is no massive transition to them, with the exception of France. But it’s clear why. The old junk - FAMAS, has exhausted its resource, strategic reserves, as in Russia, have not been created, it is possible to move to a more reliable system. And there is no mass refusal from the gas pipeline scheme in favor of the piston one due to the action of the law of the celestial spheres, which states that in order to recognize the system as morally obsolete and subject to replacement, it is necessary to collect the same coveted complex coefficient that I wrote about earlier.
Work on bugs.
In connection with the mention of the term "entropy" by me, I deservedly got a blow from my knowledgeable comrades. In this connection, I conclude: either continue to make an intelligible interpretation of a little-known term or use it without interpretation, hoping that ignorant readers will engage in self-education or do without such terms altogether. I give a concept, but not without amateur performance, which I warn students about in advance.
All systems obey the same laws of development and existence of the General Systems Theory. Entropy is a probabilistic indicator of the state of thermodynamic, informational, dynamic and other systems. The variety of states depends on the number of elements of the system and the relationships (interactions) between its elements. The state can be both operational and emergency. From the point of view of the system itself, it is completely violet which one. As well as the onset of an event - either meeting a mammoth or not, the entropy will be 0, 5. From the point of view of the Creator, if he does not want to be trampled by a mammoth, then he needs to freeze all mammoths or put them in such areas where I cannot penetrate, using, among other things, protection from a fool from me, or rather, from my actions. Say, unlikely, and there is no need to powder the brains.
Good. In programming, there is a term UUID (Universally Unique Identifier). It is a unique combination of symbols used in distributed systems without a single control center. Something like e03a7152-c9ce-11e6-9975-031da142bdc1. The probability of creating the same combinations is ten to minus thirty-eighth degrees. Nevertheless, Microsoft managed to generate two identical codes one day, which led to very big problems for users. I don't remember the details, but Big Brother seems to be thoroughly cleaning up the global network for negative facts about the empire of himself. From a creative point of view, there is an explanation for this fact. This is a common human factor or, as we would say, a design defect - a mistake or ignorance of the programmer who wrote the code generator. From the point of view of the system, it is completely on the drum for her - the event happened.
Finally, what does this have to do with the question we are studying? Direct. There is a generator of random combinations on the AR gate and on the HK-416 piston, one of which is emergency.
This is a set of split rings for obturation. In the case when the cuts of the rings stand in one row, there is no need to talk about any obturation. So "arrange the rings in a staggered manner to avoid loss of gas pressure":

Warn - do not warn, there will always be someone who reads the instructions last, and who, sooner or later, will set the puck cuts in one line. Just like that, for beauty, due to the innate sense of perfectionism.
And there is also an inattentive or experimenter who forgets or does not insert the leading finger (pin) when assembling the shutter assembly. And then bang bang:

and there is no experimenter.
And finally, the cherry on top of the cake - "don't mix up the closures":

The most technically tough empire that has been to the moon was never able to provide interchangeability in weapons developed before the flight. Moreover, it also does not guarantee the user's life.
How is that? The weapon developed for the army of mass conscription of the illiterate population and the weapons of the gangs of savages, with large gaps, produced at an enterprise with a low technological culture, and suddenly provides interchangeability at the level of the shutters, and the high-precision rifle produced according to aviation technologies and standards not only does not provide interchangeability, but can he also kill his inattentive and forgetful masters?