- said the spokesman for the US State Department John Kirby in response to a recent statement by the Russian president.
“Taking into account many factors, including not only the military, but also our history, geography, the internal state of Russian society, we can say with confidence: today we are stronger than any potential aggressor. Anyone ", - said V. Putin.
The search for the best army has a thick scum of populism. If we count in relative (specific) values, then history has known many great hosts.
Genghis Khan's army mobility and strategic art.
Or such a motivated, well-coordinated and well-controlled combat vehicle like the 1941 Wehrmacht.
In an absolute perspective, State Department spokesman J. Kirby is absolutely right. Against the background of the modern level of technology development, any army from past centuries looks like a gathering of ragamuffins. And modern radars and homing ammunition would have been perceived by the warriors of Genghis Khan for the presence of unclean forces.
The main intrigue of the new "cold war" remains the comparison of the armies of the great powers. The problem is that the 40 largest economies in the world have not openly fought each other for seven decades. We can draw conclusions only on the basis of statistical data on the number of soldiers and units of military equipment. As well as historical information, which we adjust to modern realities.
Historical experience itself does not say anything. Who could believe that the backward Japan, which never had a strong fleet, would break into the top three naval powers, win a number of brilliant victories in the naval forces of Britain and the United States - and just as rapidly drop out of the list of the strongest fleets. Less than 40 years for the entire cycle. With the subsequent revival already in a new guise and a new millennium.
Who considered the USSR a great military power in the early 1930s? No one. How so?
What else to expect from a country that lost the previous three wars with a crash (Crimean, Russian-Japanese, World War I). The events of the summer of 1941 also contradict the events of May 1945.
The Americans were defeated at Pearl Harbor and ignominiously squandered many battles. Ultimately, they "flattened" Japan with a score of 1: 9. This was the final ratio of military losses in the Pacific theater of operations.
In Vietnam, a huge army was unable to defeat a small but proud country. Just remember that the United States was not at war with Vietnam, but with North Vietnam on the side of the South Vietnamese government in Saigon. The goal is political control over both parts of the country. The goal, in those conditions, is impracticable.
But even the most ardent US hater will not deny that the military-technical level allowed the Yankees to win in one day. Simply by killing all the Vietnamese to zero. The poisonous Orange that was sprayed into the jungle was morning dew against the backdrop of a V-X combat force or megaton charges.
15 years later, the same story will repeat itself in Afghanistan. But who would argue that the Soviet army was weak?
Who is stronger - Russia or the United States?
The number of fifth generation fighters is 370 versus 8.
The number of cruise missile carriers: 142 versus 17.

The number of developed allies from among the countries of the first world, such as Germany, Japan, Great Britain. Possessing their own armies, powerful and equipped with the latest technology. And ready to provide the Pentagon with bases in all parts of the world.
The US Armed Forces are multinational. Modern Russia does not have a single sane supporter who would try to somehow strengthen Russia's defense capability, and not get another batch of military equipment. Of course, on credit, with a payment delay of 50 years.
In terms of the number of first rank warships (nuclear submarines, cruisers, aircraft carriers), the US Navy surpasses the fleets of all countries of the world combined.
The same ratio exists for the number of military space satellites (reconnaissance, communications, presumably, combat spacecraft).
The Pentagon is making attempts to create a strategic missile defense system with sea and land-based elements. The Echelon worldwide radio interception network has been created.

Someone will remind you of the importance of motivation and moral and volitional qualities of servicemen. But you will not be full of one spirit. The samurai were ready to bash their heads on the decks of enemy aircraft carriers, and how did that help them?
I do not think that the motivation of domestic conscripts, who often hide from the "summons", can be higher than that of the 20-year-old American "veterans" who enlisted in the army for the sake of a free college.
To be honest, every army has its own real professionals, sergeants and officers. "Nails" that hold everything.
And the number of patriots, ready to verbally "tear into strips" the flags of their opponents, on both sides of the ocean reaches frightening values. After all, speaking does not mean doing.
A bitter dispute about the quality of training of the Russian and American military can go on forever. But everything is much simpler, here are two historical facts for you.
1. Not a single American ship died from the detonation of its own ammunition. At all times, "domestic disasters" were a frequent occurrence in the fleets of other states (the British "Vanguard", the Japanese "Mutsu", the Russian battleship "Empress Maria", the death of the BOD "Otvazhny").
There is only one explanation - the strictest discipline and observance of instructions would have been impossible without high training of personnel. So much for the "Pearl Harbor base, which looks more like an expensive yacht club."
2. For half a century, more than 200 nuclear submarines of the US Navy have not had a single accident with damage to the reactor core.
More examples?
The Yankees have not crashed in seven years, none of the 180 "unusable fighters" F-35. Despite the air balancing act, flights at night, refueling, takeoffs and landings on the rocking decks of ships.

The geopolitical confrontation between Russia and the United States rests on nuclear deterrence, according to which we have designated parity. And no matter how different the circular probable deflection of missiles (CEP) is, the use of nuclear weapons is like multiplying by zero. Whatever the initial data, the result will be zero.
Why then all the other branches of the military? In addition to the United States, there are 180 other countries in the world, and many other problems.
The listed American systems, ships and drones do not pose a direct military threat to Russia. This technique serves to strengthen geopolitical influence and as a "last resort" in resolving local conflicts.
Someone wisely will notice that we are not losing, but simply do not want to participate in this "competition". On the other hand, official statements on this topic follow almost daily. We are proud of the military power of Russia at the Victory Parade and try not to notice the shortcomings.
However, the army - its appearance, training and equipment, is a direct reflection of the state's economy. In my opinion, the main problem is not the issue that is stronger - weaker, but the very popularity of this issue. And the constant reference to this topic in the speeches of officials. This happens for one reason: after all, Russia and the United States simply do not have any other topics for comparison.