The rating was compiled by analyzing and comparing open information about the fleets of the leading powers. The main criterion is the number of warships of the main classes, taking into account their characteristics and the unique capabilities that they provide to their fleets.
When compiling the rating, the heterogeneous forces of the fleet (for example, naval aviation), as well as such hard-to-measure concepts as combat experience and the quality of personnel training, were taken into account. At the same time, small ships (boats, corvettes) and outdated combat units built in the 60s and 70s are deliberately absent in the calculations. One had only to get acquainted with their characteristics to understand: they do not mean anything against the background of modern ships.
6th place - the Navy of the Russian Federation
Great past and uncertain future. Instead of naval aviation complexes (MAK), we use other MAK (small artillery ships). How far-sighted was the hope for the supply of power plants from Ukraine? As well as the purchase of Mistrals from a NATO country. As a result, out of the promised fifty ships, there will not be even a couple of dozen ships on time (2020). Of these, one ship of the first rank (cruiser, destroyer or aircraft carrier). We are bringing the frigate to mind for the tenth year. How did this become possible with such a careful attention of society to the issues of rearmament of the army and navy?

The frigate of project 22350 "Admiral Gorshkov", in terms of the aggregate characteristics, is not inferior to many foreign destroyers
But this is our pride. Once the strongest fleet in the world, rightly sharing the first place with the US Navy. Own original findings and approaches to the conduct of hostilities. The world's best anti-ship missile school. Unique titanium submarines. Space exploration. A system of locations around the world.

Shooting anti-ship missiles "Onyx" from the submarine "Severodvinsk"

Prospect 955 Borey strategic missile submarine cruiser
What has been done in recent years? Not so little. One multipurpose and three strategic nuclear submarines were adopted. Three and a half frigates and a certain number of auxiliary units of the fleet were built. The naval aviation was partially updated (multipurpose fighters Su-30MK, modernized Il-38N “Novella”). The Kalibr cruise missiles were adopted. The renewed Varshavyanka boats went into a small series. Plus the remaining reserve from the already non-existent state of the USSR for a quarter of a century.
As a result, all the efforts made were enough to break out to the sixth line among the strongest fleets in the world.
5th place - Indian naval forces
It took the Hindus one decade to transform their collection of rusty troughs into one of the most powerful and modern fleets in the world. Aircraft carriers, supersonic anti-ship missiles and nuclear submarines. Now they have everything.

Missile destroyer "Kolkata"
During the indicated period of time, only from Russia were received: a modern 300-meter aircraft carrier, six missile frigates and a multipurpose nuclear submarine "Chakra" (formerly K-152 "Nerpa"). On the basis of our "Onyx", a three-speed anti-ship missile "Bramos" was developed and put into service. All Soviet-built diesel engines were modernized with the installation of the Club-S missile system (export version of the Caliber).

MiG-29KUB on the deck of the aircraft carrier "Vikramaditya" (formerly "Admiral Gorshkov")
Having received everything they could from cooperation with Russia, the Indians turned to the United States for help. And help did not keep you waiting: the Sikorsky helicopters, the landing ship and the anti-submarine Poseidon squadron to replace the Soviet Tu-142.
Meanwhile, the Indians ordered Israeli radars and naval air defense systems, Japanese flying boats and provided the launch of a military communications satellite with the support of the European Space Agency. At the same time, they do not forget about their own capabilities, having managed to build on their own a nuclear submarine ("Arihant"), five modern destroyers and launch their third aircraft carrier.

"Vikrant" under construction
The capabilities of the Indian Navy are not limited to eastern cunning and deceit. As practice shows, skilful and courageous sailors are born from the Kshatriya caste. That there is one enchanting raid on Karachi (1971).
The Indian Navy deserves its place among the best navies in the world.
4th place - the Navy of the People's Liberation Army of China
The global factory does not forget its needs. Since the beginning of the new century, the PLA Navy has replenished with a heavy aircraft carrier "Liaoning" (formerly "Varyag"), four UDC, twenty modern destroyers and the same number of missile frigates!

Chinese frigates visiting Malta
Why, with such an impressive rate of build-up of its naval forces, did China receive a not honorable fourth place at all? With all due respect to our eastern neighbors, they could not come up with a single original idea. All Chinese models of naval weapons are copies of Russian and Western models, as a rule, inferior in characteristics to their originals. Even the “fantastic” maneuvering warheads of anti-ship ballistic missiles are just a compilation of the ideas of the Soviet R-27K and the American Pershing-2.

Anti-ship ballistic missile tests
Frankly little attention is paid to the development of the underwater component. With such capabilities, there are only 6 multipurpose nuclear submarines and 5 strategic missile submarines.
And finally, the complete lack of combat experience. Fourth place.
3rd place - Japan Maritime Self-Defense Forces
Despite a number of severe restrictions (for example, the ban on long-range cruise missiles and the construction of nuclear submarines), the Japanese fleet qualitatively stands out from the rest of the fleets. A well-thought-out, balanced combat system for effective action in coastal waters and in the open ocean.

Launch of space interceptor SM-3 from the destroyer "Congo"
Japan is the third country in the world, apart from the United States and China, capable of massively building destroyers: exceptionally expensive and complex ships in the oceanic zone with developed air defense systems.
For 2015, the Japanese fleet has three aircraft carriers and 24 modern missile destroyers. To support the ships equipped with the Aegis system, four "bodyguards" were built, leveling the main disadvantage of the Aegis. Missile defense destroyers with special radars, “sharpened” for intercepting low-flying targets. Even the United States does not have such a thing!

The cunning Japanese have many secrets. The submarine fleet of 17 diesel-electric submarines, many of which (for example, the “Soryu” with anaerobic propulsion system) surpass nuclear-powered submarines in their aggregate characteristics. The most powerful naval aviation of 100 patrol and anti-submarine aircraft. The Japanese refused to purchase American Poseidons, independently developing a new generation anti-submarine aircraft - Kawasaki R-1.
Finally, their wonderful ideas about duty, honor and patriotism, which make this small island country reckoned with.
2nd place - Her Majesty's fleet
"It takes 30 years for a fleet to be built, but it will take 300 to acquire tradition."
The British are the only ones who have experience in modern naval warfare at a distance of 12 thousand km from their native shores. Her Majesty's sailors were the first (and so far the only) who managed to intercept an anti-ship missile in real combat conditions.

Unlike the rest of the sailors, dressed in light uniforms, the British sit at their posts, wrapped from head to toe in fireproof suits. They know firsthand what a ship fire is.
Helicopter carrier, 6 air defense destroyers, 10 nuclear submarines, 13 multipurpose missile frigates and 12 auxiliary ships - amphibious helicopter docks, naval tankers, integrated supply ships. The modern British navy is small but daring.

British "Type 45" has the most optimal design and composition of weapons among all existing air defense ships in the world.
In the next 5-10 years, the Royal Navy should include two large aircraft carriers (Queen Elizabeth, 60 thousand tons), 5 multipurpose nuclear submarines of the Estute class and 8 frigates the size of a destroyer, created under the program "global warship" …
1st place - US Navy
You can't really argue with the Yankees. The Americans have more ocean-going warships than all countries in the world combined. 10 nuclear aircraft carriers and 9 helicopter carriers, 72 nuclear submarines, 85 cruisers and destroyers, over 3,000 aircraft.

The quality gap is even greater, most of the US Navy ships simply have no analogues in the Old World. Giant floating airfields, the Aegis system, maritime patrol drones, 45-node LCS frigates, submarines carrying 150 cruise missiles …

The main question remains: against whom was all this created in such an amount? There is no adequate enemy on the globe. Not otherwise, the States are going to fight with Alpha Centauri.
When compiling the rating, the Naval Strategic Nuclear Forces (NSNF) were deliberately excluded from the brackets. An extremely formidable tool, the likelihood of which does not have a clear answer. NSNF guarantee the sovereignty of the state, at the same time, they do not give anything in domestic international conflicts waged with conventional weapons.
Strategic missile submarines are in service with six countries of the world. But in reality, only Russia and the United States have full-fledged nuclear forces. Only we and the Americans have enough capabilities to deliver a guaranteed strike: a flurry of hundreds of warheads that no missile defense system can hold back. Finally, only the Russian Federation and the United States have a complete set of NSNF assets: their own carriers, missiles, warheads and systems for transmitting Doomsday commands to submarines going under water (ZEUS, Vileika, and Goliath low-frequency transmitters). Without the last point, this superweapon wouldn't make sense at all.
A detailed story about each of the fleets could take more than one book. Nevertheless, the author sincerely hopes that this short material will be able to expand knowledge and increase public interest in this topic.

60-kilometer contacts of the Zeus transmitter. The core of the Earth is used as an antenna. The signal of "Zeus" penetrates into the depths of all oceans and means one thing: the Third World War has begun!