- Monya, let's say you have six apples, half you gave to Abram. How many apples do you have left?
- Five and a half.
To paraphrase the ancient Jewish wisdom (“To buy a watch for a million is not a feat, a feat to be able to sell it”), we note that purchasing military equipment abroad is not considered a great achievement. Achievement - when some of the best submarines in the world are bought on extremely favorable terms: for half of their market value, or even transferred free of charge, in the form of returning the historical debt for the Holocaust and compensation for the criminal military-technical cooperation between Germany and Iraq in the late 1980s years, which, according to the citizens of Israel, could harm their country.
The layout is as follows - in the period 1998-2000. the Israeli Navy adopted three German-built submarines: INS Dolphin and INS Leviathan - their construction was fully funded by the German government; INS Tekumah - The cost of building this boat was split equally between Germany and Israel.
In the 2010s, a new round of cooperation between the Israeli Navy and Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft AG began. The following three boats are planned for construction: INS Tannin, INS Rahav and another submarine, whose name has not yet been announced.
The three new boats are an upgraded version of the INS Dolphin with an air-independent hydrogen fuel cell power plant. Modern technologies allow 2-3 weeks to do without surfacing. With the correct tactical application, the combat qualities of such submarines are identical to nuclear-powered submarines - and even surpass them in a number of important parameters (stealth). Smaller size and power, the absence of roaring turbines and itchy pumps of the reactor coolant, a power plant that works without explosions and vibrations, giving a minimal heat footprint - a non-nuclear submarine merges with the natural background of the ocean, turning into a deadly enemy. As the results of the latest NATO exercises have shown, in a duel situation, NNSs are in most cases the first to detect nuclear submarines and the first to strike.

The device of the Dolphin-type submarine (sub-series 2). Displacement underwater - 2300 tons. The working depth of the immersion is 200 meters. Submerged speed - up to 20 knots. The crew is 40 people.
Equipped with the most modern weapons and electronics. The cost of a German boat of this level on the world arms market reaches 700 million dollars. Israel pays 2/3 of the cost of their construction, the rest of the funds for the construction of boats again come from the German budget.
It is difficult to say how ethical it is to talk about the ratio of millions saved and millions of human lives lost during the tragic events of 1939-45. As well as the very fact of the installation of such a "monument" to the victims of Nazism - underwater vehicles created for new murders. Or does the German gift allude to the ancient "eye for an eye" law, calling for just revenge and provoking an armed conflict between Israel and Germany?

The mangled cabin of the submarine INS Dakar (formerly Bitan HMS Totem, 1943), raised from a depth of 3000 meters. The submarine died on the transition from Great Britain to Israel in 1968 under mysterious circumstances.
No less surprising are accusations of criminal cooperation between German firms and Iraq. In fact, Saddam Hussein fought with Soviet and, to a lesser extent, French-made weapons. The Scud missiles that fell on Israel have nothing to do with the FRG. This is despite the fact that during the 1980s the US State Department recognized Iraq as a "friendly regime" - as opposed to religious fanatics from Tehran. There are more questions than answers, so I propose to turn to the technical side of the question.
So, the Dolphin-class diesel-electric submarine.
It is a development of the well-known Type 209 submarines - high-quality German technology, which is in service with 13 countries of the world (in total, the Germans built 61 boats of this type for export)! The variant for the Israeli Navy combines a number of elements of the new generation Type 212 submarines, while it is somewhat shorter than the original design: the Dolphin is only 57 meters long with a maximum hull width of about 7 meters. The boat looks overly “bulky” against the background of modern nuclear-powered ships (for comparison, a Virginia-class submarine has a hull length of 115 meters and a width of 10 meters), but the “short man” has the advantage of better controllability and maneuverability.
The entire body of the submarine is permeated with nerve fibers and sensors of the STN Atlas ISUS 90-55 combat information system. Not so much is known about this development of German specialists - for example, in 2000, during a tender for the supply of combat information systems for Collins-class submarines of the Australian Navy, the Australians conducted comparative tests of the German BIUS (aboard the Dolphin submarine) and the American BIUS "Raytheon" CSS Mk.2 (aboard the USS Montpelier submarine of the "Los Angeles" type). The verdict of the specialists was unambiguous - the German system is head and shoulders above the American one in terms of classification and recognition of a large number of hydroacoustic contacts. She is able to highlight more useful information and is not prone to failures and "freezing" at the most inopportune moment of time. In addition, it is ideally compatible with non-nuclear submarines. Alas, the Australians were forced to compromise the interests of their sailors - the tender was canceled. The new program, adopted under pressure from the United States, provided for the development of a CSS based on CSS Mk.2.

Gal-type submarine. A series of three British-built submarines 1976-77. Currently withdrawn from service.
But back to the Israeli Dolphin. In addition to the high-tech BIUS STN Atlas ISUS 90-55, several more detection systems of our own and foreign production are installed on board, including:
- detector of radar radiation 4CH (V) 2 Timnex, developed by Elbit Systems Corporation (Haifa), capable of direction finding the direction to the enemy radar with an accuracy of 1, 4 °;
- radar centimeter range for searching surface targets (developed by the Israeli company ELTA Systems);
- hydroacoustic station CSU 90 in nose cone, PRS-3 sound direction finder and FAS-3 sonar with side-scan antenna (all systems are supplied by the German company Atlas Elektronik);
- two periscopes for searching and attacking targets, set by the American company Kollmorgen.
Among other features of the Israeli Navy submarines - the most powerful weapons. Ten torpedo tubes: six 533 mm and four 650 mm! Ammunition - 16 torpedoes, mines and cruise missiles. It is possible to attach containers with diving equipment and mini-bathyscaphes to the body.
TAs of 650 mm caliber have not recently been used anywhere, except for submarines of the USSR Navy to launch "long torpedoes" and long-range anti-submarine missiles with a special warhead. Something similar is found on three American SeaWolves - these submarines use a scheme with self-exiting torpedoes, which is why the TA caliber was increased to 660 mm (standard 533 mm ammunition is used). But how will Israel surprise us?
The authoritative reference book Jane's Fighting Ships indicates that large-caliber TA are used as airlocks for the exit of combat swimmers, as well as in the form of compartments for storing special equipment.
There is also information that Israeli boats are equipped with Popeye Turbo cruise missiles - an ammunition created on the basis of the Popeye air-to-surface missile with an increased launch range of up to 1,500 km and the ability to equip nuclear warheads. In 2000, the United States refused to provide Israel with Tomahawk cruise missiles, citing an international agreement banning the export of cruise missiles and UAVs capable of carrying a combat load of 500 kg at a range of over 300 km. The Israeli Navy had to urgently develop its own replacement - an impromptu based on an aircraft missile, which, alas, "did not fit" into the dimensions of a standard 533-mm torpedo tube. A test launch of such an ammunition from a submarine of the Israeli Navy in the Indian Ocean was recently recorded by the intelligence of the US Navy. The Germans themselves express justified fears about this - there is an opinion about the prohibition of the sale of such equipment to Israel, tk. this can lead to irreversible and frightening consequences. But now it is too late to discuss anything - five of the six ordered boats have already been transferred to Israel (three are in service, two are at the final stage of construction and retrofitting, the transfer to the fleet is scheduled for 2014).
The Israelis themselves evade a direct answer, explaining that launch cups are inserted inside the 650-mm TA - the system is used to launch conventional Sub-Harpoon anti-ship missiles (this is in the presence of six standard TA caliber 533 mm!).
Why does Israel need a submarine fleet?
The journalist who has been on board the Dolphin shares his admiring impressions of the modern interiors of the compartments and two dozen plasma panels in the boat's CPU, which display all the necessary information: data from hydroacoustic stations and inertial navigation systems, parameters and degree of weapon readiness, the situation in the compartments, information on supplies of fuel, air and fresh water - everything that the ship's officers need to know.

Immersion! Immersion! " - the order of Commander M. is broadcast in the compartments from the speaker system of the public address system. The helmsman gives up the steering wheel - and the boat obediently sinks into the depths. Moving 100 meters below the surface of the Mediterranean Sea, the crew begins to localize the resulting "fire" in the engine room. Having successfully coped with the "fire", the boat floats to periscope depth - Commander M. raises the periscope and examines the horizon: everything is clear! The boat does not pose a hazard to shipping in the Haifa port area. Moving on … Here, a couple of tens of kilometers from the coast of Israel, Dolphin is working out the routine tasks of the combat training service. Commander M. is pleased with his ship and the competent actions of the crew …
Jacob Katz, a reporter for The Jerusalem Post, is one of only two media representatives who have visited Israeli submarines in the past 10 years. The Israelis carefully hide information about their submarine fleet, leaving foreign researchers in conjecture about the strategy and tactics of the combat use of submarines of the Israeli Navy.
Meanwhile … To the aid of the three Dolphins (sub-series 1) are rushing even more formidable ships of sub-series 2 - Tannin, Rahav and the sixth, unnamed boat, which will join the ranks of the Navy in 2017. The new boats are 10 meters longer than the Dolphin and are equipped with an air-independent power plant on hydrogen fuel cells - similar to the German Type 212. Even with partial co-financing from Germany for their construction, the six non-nuclear submarines will be the most expensive system adopted by the IDF.

But why did a country smaller than the Moscow Region need such sophisticated, expensive and heavily armed submarines? Is Israel facing a threat from the sea?
Among the darkest and most mystical speculations are the following: Israeli NNMs provide a doctrine of guaranteed retaliation in the event of an attack on Israel using weapons of mass destruction. Popeye Turbo missiles with nuclear warheads are capable of reaching targets in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Syria or troubled Sudan. The navigation autonomy of 8000 miles, coupled with the strategic range of cruise missiles, allows you to target any country in the Middle East and the African continent.

Possible route of the "Horsemen of the Apocalypse" to the coast of Iran
However, the Israeli submariners face other, more pressing tasks - for example, the covert transportation of combat swimmers and sabotage groups to the enemy's coast. Successful submarine raids were carried out on several occasions during the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War (1973).
Covert surveillance of the coast and the movements of enemy ships, adjusting artillery fire, setting minefields, search operations related to the survey of the seabed - the range of tasks for the submarine fleet is enormous.
Finally, the main thing is combat operations at sea. The presence of submarines of this level allows Israel to have a strategic advantage over any of the Arab countries: "Dolphins" are able to cut all communications in the Mediterranean, Red or Arabian Sea, block the enemy coast and tear to pieces any frigate of the Iranian or Saudi Arabian naval forces.
It is reported that in connection with heightened tensions with Iran and fears over the Iranian nuclear program, Israel is constantly keeping one of its submarines in position in the Indian Ocean, in readiness to strike a deafening blow on Iranian military infrastructure. Due to their outstanding combat capabilities, the Dolphin-class submarines are identified as the main offensive force of the Israeli Navy.

Cryogenic oxygen tanks and metal hydride tanks are visible through the removed skin of the streamlined hull

INS Tannin