In the middle of the 18th century, a struggle broke out in Europe between the coalitions of countries for domination on the continent and for the colonies. After the capture of Silesia by Frederick II, the population of Prussia, like its territory, doubled. In such conditions, this country could resist all the powers of Europe, which Frederick II took advantage of.

In Versailles, a meeting of diplomats of three countries: Austria, France and Russia was held, they prepared an agreement on the confrontation of the renewed Prussia. But the wise Frederick II did not flinch, he was not afraid of the warlike ladies - Maria Teresa, Pompadour and Elizabeth - and was ready to accept their challenge.

Another war began. The regiment under the command of Andrey Stepanovich Miloradovich occupies positions on the western border of the Russian Empire. But after a while, the commander-in-chief S. F. Apraksin gives the order: “A. S. Miloradovich hand over the regiment to the new commander, and come to the headquarters himself. Now A. S. Miloradovich is appointed as an officer on special assignments to deliver information about the hostilities to the Empress. At Groß-Jägersdof, the Russian army, together with the Baltic Fleet, wins a brilliant victory. A detailed report on this battle by A. S. Miloradovich delivers to St. Petersburg to be presented to Elizabeth. But the audience did not take place, the empress fell seriously ill. With bad news about Elizabeth A. S. Miloradovich returns to the army. Commander-in-Chief S. F. Apraksin, a sophisticated court commander, understood perfectly well that in the event of Elizabeth's death, Peter III, who admired the activities of Frederick II, would be enthroned. Then imminent execution awaits him.

Therefore, the commander-in-chief gives, without coordination with St. Petersburg, an order to withdraw all troops to winter quarters. The troops cease all hostilities. The allies of Russia continued fighting with Frederick II. After a long illness, Elizabeth recovered, she was put on her feet not only by doctors, but also by two monks specially sent to St. Petersburg from the Solovetsky Monastery. The Confederation urgently demanded that Commander-in-Chief S. F. Apraksin for a report to explain the reasons for the cessation of hostilities. The command of the troops was ordered to be transferred to V. V. Fermor. Elizabeth accused S. F. Apraksin in treason, not taking into account all his past merits. The Confederation needed a victory over Prussia at any cost.

Since 1758 A. S. Miloradovich has already begun to fight with Prussia under the new commander-in-chief. After the capture of Konigsberg by the Russian troops A. S. Miloradovich, together with scientists from the University of Konigsberg, was instructed to prepare a report to the empress on the scientific research that was carried out in this educational institution. It took two weeks to prepare the report. Scientists and officers worked almost around the clock. The new commander-in-chief Pyotr Semenovich Saltykov briefly familiarized himself with the materials of the report and ordered A. S. Miloradovich is preparing to leave for St. Petersburg.

At the same time, the Empress was sent a plan for the upcoming battles, according to which P. S. Saltykov intended to move the Russian troops from the shores of the Warta through Tarnov, Pnev, Lvovek to the Oder in a hidden march and, after the battle of Palzia, encircle the main forces of Prussia. The Commander-in-Chief in his report asked the Empress to arrange the supply of the Russian troops, who were in dire need of guns, rifles, ammunition, uniforms, sabers, horseshoes and much more. The troops "devoured" their equipment at an incredible speed, the quartermasters did not have time to deliver everything they needed to defeat the Prussians. After listening to all the instructions of the commander-in-chief, A. S. Miloradovich asked permission to leave for the capital. But Pyotr Semenovich noticed that one officer would go with him to St. Petersburg, who was transferred to the capital to command the regiment. “Yes, you've probably heard about him. This is Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, the commander of our separate flying detachment, which operated in the rear of the enemy. On the way, meet him, you will have to fight together for a long time. (And Saltykov was not mistaken.) “Now go, take care of your documents,” the commander-in-chief admonished Miloradovich. His fellow traveler A. S. Miloradovich found him in the room of the general on duty. The officers introduced themselves to each other, Miloradovich asked: "When can I leave?" To which he received the answer: "Immediately." “Well, then, with God on the road,” said A. S. Miloradovich. The officers settled in the carriage, the escort took his place, and the detachment rode off to the capital at a trot. To strike up a conversation, A. S. Miloradovich suggested A. V. Suvorov to hear him about the work of the Königsberg University. This proposal was also based on the fact that A. S. Miloradovich wanted to try to present his oral report, which he was to make to the empress when presenting all the documents on the activities of the university. “Of course, sir,” said A. V. Suvorov, turned half-turned to A. S. Miloradovich and prepared to listen. In the story of A. S. Miloradovich, all the main ideas of scientists about the knowledge of phenomena, the depth of which depends on the development of the human mind, which require constant development and improvement, were identified. “University scientists even introduced the terms“a priori and a posteriori knowledge of a person”into circulation, - continued A. S. Miloradovich. Suvorov was all the attention, he listened to his interlocutor as if spellbound. So the first two hours of the journey passed, the horses sharply dropped their speed, and the detachment stopped at the outpost. The duty officer opened the wheelchair door, reported the situation and invited the officers to the duty room. A. S. Miloradovich handed a bag with documents to his orderly and ordered to be with him all the time. The rest of the hussars of the escort detachment and orderly A. V. Suvorov were accommodated in the next room. We rested for three hours while the guard of the outpost put in order, fed and watered the horses. In three days' journey to the capital, A. S. Miloradovich and A. V. Suvorov so agreed in views and attitude towards serving the Fatherland that they became friends for life. During conversations and discussion of problems, these officers often switched from Russian to French, German, Turkish, Polish and Serbian. When they realized this, they laughed out loud. The hussars of the escort detachment exchanged glances, shrugged their shoulders and smiled. They were loyal to these officers of the Russian army.


Three days later the detachment entered Petersburg. Here, in the Empress's palace, the officers parted. One went to report, the other to headquarters to get directions to Novaya Ladoga, where the Suzdal regiment was stationed, which he was to command. In this regiment A. V. Suvorov prepared his first scientific team work on how to defeat the enemy. Based on the experience of the Seven Years' War A. V. Suvorov proposed a system of training and education of troops. The ideas outlined in this command manual are not devoid of philosophical views of the art of war. What caused this is difficult to understand now. Fate brought A. S. Miloradovich and A. V. Suvorov during the military operations of the Second Turkish War, but here they were already in the rank of generals. Further A. V. Suvorov continues the path of a brilliant commander, and A. S. Miloradovich continues the path of a statesman. In the fate of his son A. S. Miloradovich Mikhail, our legendary commander took an active part. Understanding the need to obtain a fundamental education for the possibility of serving Russia, A. S. Miloradovich, after reaching his son 13 years old, sends him to Königsberg University. Here Sergeant M. A. Miloradovich, under the guidance of I. Kant, masters both the exact sciences and the foundations of philosophy. Then, after the university course M. A. Miloradovich in Strasbourg comprehends the intricacies of managing military units. All this is done with the consent and approval of A. V. Suvorov. In France M. A. Miloradovich, in addition to his acquaintance with the French generals, was introduced to the royal court.
P. S. Education obtained by M. A. Miloradovich, allowed him in military affairs and in government positions to instantly find solutions based, as they say now, on the principles of multi-criteria assessments of situations. What is the fact for the fate of Russia, when, on the day after the Battle of Borodino, the commander of the rearguard of the Russian troops M. A. Miloradovich, managed to conclude a peace agreement for a day with the commander of the vanguard of the French troops I. Murat. During these days, the Russian troops, exhausted in the battle, managed to break away 25 versts from the enemy and reach new lines. And fresh Russian troops were already moving to these lines to defeat the French. This event allowed the people and the troops to consider M. A. Miloradovich "Savior of Russia".