The history of the Red Empire - USSR is full of various myths. One of them is uncompetitiveness of the Soviet Union. According to the supporters of this idea, the socio-political and economic system built in our country was obviously worse than the western one, and therefore collapsed. She lost in the competition with the Western, capitalist model.
The main argument of the supporters of this myth is the death of the USSR in 1991. They say, from the very creation of the Soviet Union, there were fatal defects in the Soviet model, which led to the collapse. This is one example of the so-called. after-knowledge, where the main role is played not by real or invented defects of the system, but by the fact of the collapse of the system.
Although, suffice it to say that the Soviet model prevailed in the terrible Great Patriotic War over the very effective Hitler model of the Third Reich. And the model of the Third Reich can hardly be called uncompetitive. And she was able not only to win a brilliant victory, but to recover in just one five-year period, and then to confront in the "cold war" half of the world, and the most developed part of it (in terms of science, technology, military affairs). In addition, the USSR achieved brilliant success in the development of space and military technologies, created one of the best (or even the best) education systems in the world. In addition, the Red Empire managed to pull a huge "cart", providing significant assistance to the countries of the socialist bloc, the "third world".
Apparently, the supporters of this myth, due to their Euro-Atlantic worldview, believe that the only competitive system is the Anglo-Saxon capitalist model, which underlies the matrix of Western civilization. And, therefore, based on the example of the Soviet Union, all competitors and adversaries of the Western world are doomed from the outset.
All empires fall apart
This is a very popular myth, according to which the USSR was an empire, and therefore collapsed. But in reality, all peoples, states and great powers (empires) have the same development cycles: inception - growth - flourishing - withering and death.
Therefore, it is wrong to apply this idea exclusively to the USSR. It's safe to say that sooner or later the world will see the collapse of the United States, China's new empire. In addition, there are a number of peoples on the planet who are the bearers of the "empire" program, one of such great peoples is the Russian people. While it exists on the planet, the restoration of a new great power in the vastness of its settlement is inevitable.
And one should not think that this is an exception, as not only the Russian program, but also the Indian and Chinese programs are exceptionally stable - these civilizations have suffered more than one failure in their development, but have always been restored.
The "root cause" myth
Speaking about the death of the Soviet Union, many talk about the "main reason" that destroyed the country. Usually called “non-competitiveness” of the USSR, the betrayal of Gorbachev and Yeltsin, economic insolvency, crisis, subversive work of the CIA and other Western special services, the organization of the Union - from the national republics, etc.
But, in reality, any one "main" reason cannot explain the collapse of the USSR. The death of the Soviet Union occurred due to the complex impact on its structure of internal and external causes. Not one "main reason", but a related set of reasons. In this complex, the gradual loss of ideological guidelines, the cosmopolitanization of Russian culture, the decomposition of the Soviet nomenclature, economic problems, subversive actions of foreign special services, playing the "national card", etc.
The USSR collapsed by itself
The myth of “non-competitiveness” is in many ways analogous to the thesis about the “complete non-viability” of the USSR. Supporters of this myth argue that since the Soviet Union was "unviable", then it collapsed by itself, without external influence.
But, if in the 90s, this statement was accepted by many, the Russian intelligentsia is inclined to self-flagellation, then a lot of analytical works appeared that completely refute this statement. If we consider the reasons for the death of the USSR in a complex, it is clear that along with internal defects and problems, a massive external influence was carried out. From the psychological pressure of the leadership, such as Operation Star Wars (SDI), to the powerful cultural impact, through cinema, music, fashion, etc. The impact was directed both on the Soviet nomenclature and on society as a whole.
Obviously, the USSR was helped to die. The "natural end" of the USSR is another myth aimed at denigrating our past, developing an inferiority complex, they say, these Russians cannot even create a "normal" state, everything goes awry for them.
The USSR ruined the Gorbachev conspiracy
This myth aims to simplify our story, it leads people away from other reasons. After all, only an understanding of the whole complex of causes of death will help to avoid such mistakes in the future.
It is clear that Gorbachev and Co. are criminals responsible for the death of a great power. Whether they acted purposefully or went with the flow, the commission of inquiry must determine. But there is no need to dwell on their activities and personalities; it is necessary to build a more holistic picture of this geopolitical catastrophe.
The experience of the collapse of the USSR is very important for us, it is necessary to free ourselves from both Soviet mythology (like the idealization of the Brezhnev era) and anti-Soviet mythology. Understand why the Soviet Union died. This misunderstanding poses a certain threat to the modern Russian Federation, since the technologies that were tested in the USSR are quite applicable to us. Rather, they are already being used - they are playing the "national card", nurturing national elite groups, eroding Russian culture with a "Hollywood" cosmopolitan culture, etc.