"Crusade" of the West against Russia. The behavior of England and France before and at the outbreak of World War II is difficult to explain. It seems that the British and French are mad. They did literally everything to make their countries commit suicide in the interests of Hitler and the United States.
Madness of England and France
The behavior of England and France before and at the outbreak of World War II is difficult to explain. It seems that the British and French are mad. They condoned Hitler in unleashing a big war in Europe, in every possible way "pacified" the aggressor, instead of nipping the war at its very beginning. Although there were all the possibilities for this - political, economic, and military. The world war led to the collapse of the British world colonial empire, destroyed the French colonial empire. The war destroyed the economies of the two great powers and devastated Western Europe. Western countries after the war became "junior partners" of the American superpower.
In fact, the Anglo-French are themselves to blame for their defeat. They did not stop the aggressor at the very beginning, they contributed to the growth of his power. They indulged Hitler in every possible way. Did not crush the Reich at the very beginning of the war. They pushed Germany against Russia with all their might, but in the end their game turned out to be more primitive than the American one, which collected all the cream of the war. It is obvious that such a fate was not expected in Paris and especially in London. On the contrary, the British planned to strengthen their position after the world war.
Why didn't England and France crush Hitler in 1936-1938?
The allies in the 30s could easily break the Fuhrer's neck. Germany was extremely weak. Hitler, his entourage and generals knew this. In the first years, the Nazis had only militant marches, beautiful banners and speeches instead of real force. Even in 1939, going to war with England and France, with a front with Poland, was suicide for the Third Reich, not to mention earlier operations. The German military themselves knew this and were terribly afraid. They would have easily removed Hitler: killed or overthrown. For this, England and France had to show interest and will, to give guarantees. However, they needed Hitler, so this did not happen.
As soon as Hitler came to power, he immediately liquidated the consequences of the Versailles agreement on the disarmament of Germany. If in 1933 Germany's military spending amounted to 4% of the total budget, in 1934 it was already 18%, in 1936 it was 39%, and in 1938 it was 50%. In 1935, Hitler unilaterally refused to comply with the provisions of the Versailles Treaty on demilitarization, introduced universal military service in the country and created the Wehrmacht. In the same year, the Reich, with the consent of Britain, abolished the restrictions in the field of naval weapons, began to build a submarine fleet. An extensive construction of combat aircraft, tanks, ships and other weapons was launched. The country has deployed a wide network of military airfields. At the same time, Britain, France and the United States not only did not prevent the Reich from arming, and clearly prepare for a big war, on the contrary, they helped in every possible way. Thus, on the eve of the war, the United States was the main supplier of oil to Germany. Almost half of the strategic raw materials and materials the Germans imported from the USA, England and France, their colonies and dominions. With the help of Western democracies, more than 300 large military factories were built in the Third Reich. That is, the West not only did not stop the armament of the Reich, on the contrary, it helped with all its might. Finance, resources, materials. No notes of protest, no military demonstrations that would immediately bring Berlin to its senses.
The Führer's first step towards external expansion was the occupation of the Rhine Demilitarized Zone in 1936. After Versailles, Berlin could not have any fortifications, weapons and troops beyond the Rhine, near the borders with France. That is, the western borders were open to the French and their allies. If the Germans violated these conditions, the Anglo-French could occupy Germany. In March 1936, Hitler blatantly violated this condition. German troops occupied the Rhineland. At the same time, the German commanders were very afraid of this impudent trick of the Fuhrer. The head of the German General Staff, General Ludwig Beck, warned Hitler that the troops would not be able to repel a possible French attack. The same position was held by the Minister of Defense and Commander-in-Chief of the Reich's armed forces, General Werner von Blomber. When German intelligence discovered the concentration of French troops on the border, von Blomberg begged the Fuhrer to immediately give the order to withdraw the units. Hitler asked if the French had crossed the border. When he received the answer that they had not done this, he told Blomberg that this would not happen.
German General Guderian, after the end of World War II, declared:
"If you French had intervened in the Rhineland in 1936, we would have lost everything, and the fall of Hitler would have been inevitable."
Hitler himself said:
“The 48 hours after the march to the Rhineland was the most exhausting of my life. If the French entered the Rhineland, we would have to retreat with our tails between our legs. The military resources at our disposal were inadequate for even moderate resistance."
Blomberg had only four combat-ready brigades at his disposal. The Wehrmacht itself appeared in Germany only after the operation on the Rhine, when the Fuehrer ordered the urgent formation of 36 divisions, but they still had to be created and armed. For comparison: Czechoslovakia had 35 divisions, Poland - 40. The Reich had practically no aviation. For the operation, they scraped together three weak understaffed fighter aviation regiments (each had hardly 10 combat-ready vehicles). France could mobilize 100 divisions in a matter of days and easily kick the Fritzes out of the Rhineland. And then force a change of government and remove the Fuhrer. The German military themselves would have eliminated Hitler. However, the position of financiers prevailed in Paris, who were afraid of a deep financial and economic crisis (the situation was difficult) in the event of a full-scale mobilization and war. The military also took a cautious stance. And England's parliament was dominated by pro-German insistence. Like, the Germans took their toll, you can't fight. "Public Opinion" was in favor of "keeping the peace." Therefore, London put pressure on Paris so that the French refrain from sudden movements.
Thus, if at this moment, when Hitler's meager forces crossed the Rhine, the French and British responded with a powerful military demonstration, there would be no world war and tens of millions of deaths. Not the collapse of the British and French empires. The Hitlerite aggressor state was destroyed in the bud. However, Paris and London turned a blind eye to aggression (as well as to subsequent ones). Hitler was not punished.
Further aggression by the Reich
It was also possible to end the weak Third Reich during the second major crisis - in 1938, when Hitler aimed at Austria and the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia. During this period, Moscow tried with all its might to create a system of collective security in Europe. But the British constantly and persistently broke it, which ultimately caused a terrible massacre. Stalin then wisely suggested to the French and British: let's give joint guarantees to Czechoslovakia and Poland. In the event of German aggression, Poland and Czechoslovakia had to let the Red Army through for the war with Germany. And France and England had to commit to create a Western Front against Hitler. Paris and London did not agree to this. So is Poland. They did not want to see Russians in the center of Europe. Realizing that Hitler was being pushed to the East and it would not work out with the West, Stalin agreed to a pact with the Reich in August 1939. As a result, Stalin achieved the main thing: World War II began as a clash between the imperialist Western powers. And Russia remained on the sidelines for some time, Britain did not immediately succeed in substituting the Russians, as in 1914.
In March 1938 England and France turned a blind eye to the Anschluss of Austria (How England gave Austria to Hitler). In September 1938, the Munich Agreement was signed on the transfer of the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia to the German Empire. London and Paris have deepened their grave again. The German generals were in a panic over the actions of the Fuhrer and were very afraid of the war. They were sober and intelligent people, they knew the depth of Germany's weakness and did not want a repeat of the 1918 catastrophe. Even the chief of army intelligence (Abwehr), Admiral Canaris, played against Hitler. He kept in touch with Britain. On the eve of the Czechoslovak crisis, German generals wanted to stage a coup and overthrow the Fuhrer. However, the British did not support this idea. German generals were ready to carry out a coup in 1939, but they were again not supported.
At the time of the Sudeten crisis, the western border of the Reich was bare. The French army could occupy the Ruhr, the industrial heart of Germany, in one throw. While the Czechs, who received political and military support from France and the USSR, would have fought on their fortified lines. In the East, the Soviet Union opposed the Reich. Germany could not fight Czechoslovakia, France and the USSR at once. However, the French and British gave Czechoslovakia to Hitler to be devoured, did not conclude an alliance with the USSR and did not support the military conspirators in Germany itself. That is, it was possible not to fight at all, only to provide organizational and moral support to the German conspiratorial generals, and Hitler was eliminated.
Thus, the West, with its own hands, strengthened Hitler unprecedentedly. Indisputable authority was created for him. They instilled faith in the German people and the army in his genius. Many of yesterday's conspiratorial generals have become loyal servants of the regime.

Missed Opportunities to Crush Hitler
Another opportunity to strangle Hitler was in France and England in March 1939, when the Reich dismembered and occupied Czechoslovakia (How the West surrendered Czechoslovakia to Hitler), Klaipeda-Memel. Hitler had no pact with Russia yet. The Soviet Union could create an Eastern Front. The Wehrmacht was still weak. Czechoslovakia, with the approval of the Western powers, could still resist. But Western Europe again went to "pacify" the aggressor."
Even in September 1939, England and France could still end Hitler with relatively little blood and quickly. All combat-ready forces of the Reich were bound by the Polish campaign. From the western direction, Germany was practically exposed - there were no strong defensive lines, there were secondary reserve units, without tanks and aircraft. Again, the Ruhr was virtually defenseless. The perfect moment to end the German Empire is a blow to the military-industrial and energy heart. But the British and French start a "strange" war ("Strange War". Why England and France betrayed Poland). In fact, they calmly wait while the Germans beat the Poles. They "bomb" Germany with leaflets, play football, taste wines, fraternize with German soldiers. Later, the German military leaders admitted that if the Allies had come forward at that moment while the Germans were fighting in Poland, then Berlin would have to ask for peace.
England and France committed suicide. They did not destroy the knowingly belligerent and aggressive Hitlerite regime, they missed several favorable moments for the defeat of the Reich. Paris and London first helped Hitler to arm himself to the teeth, fed him a part of Europe, provoked the Fuhrer into further seizures, hoping that soon the Germans would again grapple with the Russians.
In the spring of 1940, Hitler again found himself in a difficult position. On the Western Front, he is opposed by the armies of France and England, which are supported by a powerful defensive line. Hostile Belgium and Holland have not yet been occupied, Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, and the Balkan countries are free. The German submarine fleet has no free access to the Atlantic. The British navy can easily blockade the weak German navies. Western powers have the ability to cut off the Reich from the sources of strategic resources and materials. The Anglo-French are preparing a landing operation in Scandinavia. The German generals are still dissatisfied with the war started by the Fuhrer. There are no resources for a long war, again the threat of a crushing collapse.
Under these conditions, Hitler begins an operation to seize Norway. The Western powers receive information on the preparations for the seizure of Norway in time. However, the Anglo-French are dragging out the question of landing their troops in Scandinavia. England and France have a powerful combined fleet, that is, they can simply overwhelm the German transports with landing units and destroy the German Navy. As a result, Hitler suffers a terrible defeat, loses access to iron ore, which can lead to a military conspiracy and a coup. But the allies are missing this chance. They postpone the landing of their troops at the last moment, and the Germans are ahead of them quite a bit.
England and France had a chance to stop Hitler even in May 1940. They receive Berlin's secret plans to defeat the allies of Holland, Belgium and France. The Germans were going to break through to the sea through the Ardennes and cut off a large group of enemy troops in Belgium. The Allies knew the exact date for the start of the German offensive. And again inaction and apathy. Hitler gets the opportunity to conduct a new "blitzkrieg", the Wehrmacht takes Paris. The Fuhrer's positions in Germany and Europe itself are becoming steel.
As a result, it turns out that Britain and France acted in the interests of Hitler and the United States. They did literally everything to elevate Hitler, to create for him the authority of a genius and a great invincible leader, they gave almost all of Europe. Even France surrendered almost without a fight. The national interests of the French and British were sacrificed in favor of the interests of supranational finance capital (with the main base in the United States), which relied on unleashing a new world war. Financial international capital ("world behind the scenes", "golden elite", etc.), which included royal families, the highest aristocracy of the Old World, financial houses united in a network of orders and Masonic lodges, subjugating the special services of countries, was able to paralyze, to deprive the ruling circles of England and France of the will to resist. At the same time, many representatives of the British and French elites themselves worked to establish a "new world order." The national interests of Great Britain, England, Germany, and the United States itself, were indifferent to them. And the masters of the West saw the Stalinist USSR as the main enemy. Therefore, Hitler was allowed to create his own "European Union" in order to throw it on Russia. On the Russians, who dared to create an alternative to the Western slave-owning world, start building their own just world order. Russian (Soviet) globalization.