In military history, it very often always happens that the victim of a grandiose shameful defeat then, decades later, and sometimes even centuries later, tries quite successfully to turn his collapse into a victory. Such precedents have been taking place since the times of the Egyptian pharaohs. Now, in the era of global media and the Internet, the scale of falsification, in particular, the history of the Second World War, has reached grandiose proportions.

It got to the point that in the USA and Western countries a significant part of the population, and sometimes a large (!), Are seriously convinced that Berlin was taken by the Anglo-Americans, and the Eastern Front was secondary for the Hitlerite Wehrmacht … Moreover, special attention in this the campaign of falsification is being given to countries that were not only members of the Warsaw Pact, but also to the former Soviet republics, where every year the number of those who begin to believe in such fabrications only increases.
Unfortunately, it can be stated with confidence that the activities of all those who are trying to resist this phenomenon, including the Russian state itself, still remain ineffective and episodic.
In fact, this question is fundamental for all anti-fascist forces, since it is one thing when a victory is won through unprecedented heroism and the utmost exertion of all the forces of the people, and another thing when the enemy is defeated by the so-called "filling up with corpses" and fear of machine guns allegedly standing behind the back of the troops of the "blocking detachments".
Such false statements from beginning to end break the bond between generations and force people, first of all, Russians, to lose faith in the power of their people, dooming them in advance to defeat in the ongoing global confrontation.
An instrument of falsifications and lies regarding the Second World War is an effective way to split society and further contribute to the conditions for the formation of intra-state conflicts that can directly threaten the security of the state.
Meanwhile, the archives preserved absolutely reliable data testifying to the gigantic losses of Nazi Germany, incurred by it precisely on the Eastern Front.
At the same time, let us not forget that the Nazis here actively pursued a policy of total destruction of the civilian population of the USSR and prisoners of war of the Red Army, which cannot be said about the Soviet troops and their attitude towards the Germans themselves. Remember "Hitlers come and go, but the German people remain …"?

Thus, the excess of losses among citizens of the USSR over the losses of citizens of a united Europe, which was part of the Third Reich, was predetermined from the outset. And whoever tries to blame the USSR and its leadership for this is simply committing blasphemy against all the victims.

So, let's turn to the evidence of the German archives.
On March 1, 1939, the German army consisted of 3.2 million people. By September 1, 1939, the number of German armed forces was increased to 4.6 million people, of which 2.7 million served in the ground forces, 1 million in the reserve army, the rest in the Air Force and the Navy.
In total, by the beginning of the world war, there were 103 divisions, that is, about 45 thousand servicemen were involved in supporting the combat activities of one division.
These modest efforts were accompanied by the introduction of compulsory labor service for persons between 18 and 25 years of age. The number of working women has been increased to 13.8 million, which is one third of all workers and employees. In Germany at that time, a non-working woman was rare.
Officially, the Germans call their losses 10572 killed in the war with Poland, 30322 wounded and 3409 missing. Although, according to the BA / MA RH 7/653, the casualties in Poland were 16843, and the missing were 320 people. The number of the missing has been reduced by 10 times, and the number of those killed is 1, 5 times more.
In every occupied country, not to mention its allies in the war with the USSR, fascist Germany attracted the population of such countries for economic activity. For example, the occupation of Poland gave the Third Reich the opportunity to soften labor conscription for its women, because 420 thousand Polish prisoners were involved in the work, and in October 1939, labor conscription was established for the entire population of Poland from 18 to 60 years old of both sexes.
Thus, the statement that the whole of Europe was at war against the USSR is by no means an exaggeration. And during the information wars of our time, this very Europe needs to be reminded of this in all its languages.

Victory over the USSR and its occupation was to become, if not the final, but a prerequisite for achieving the goals of world domination.
By the time of the attack, Germany, in addition to the already mobilized 7, 4 million Germans, could call in about 8 million more. But at least 3-5 million had to be left to work in Germany itself, and to organize the occupation order in the conquered territories. After all, work in the Gestapo, SD, Abwehr, etc. only true Aryans should have. That is, the mobilization reserve in Germany itself in reality amounted to 3-5 million people.
In Europe, there was still a large number of so-called "Volksdeutsche", or ethnic Germans, of which 3-4 million people could be mobilized. The influx of conscripts gave another 0.6 million people annually. To the approximate largest number of the Wehrmacht, it would be possible to add conscripts from among the conquered peoples, but their number should not, for reasons of combat ability and stability, exceed 10-20%, maybe 30%, of the total number.
This would give another 2-3 million people, and if the war drags on and the mobilization resources have to be used in full, then all 6 million people.
Mobilization in Germany in 1939 began at an older age. Consequently, under the normal course of events, that is, with the victorious Drang nach Osten, the mobility resource would have been 15-16 million people, and with a less successful coincidence, about 25-30 million people (for 6 years of war, about 3, 6 million conscripts), Germany's labor resources, even without women and prisoners of war, amounted to 30-35 million people. In addition, during the war, 0.5 million women were drafted into the German army, not counting civilians.
By 1940, the population of the Third Reich had increased to 90 million people, and, taking into account the satellites and the conquered countries, reached 297 million people.
According to the official data of the 1939 population census, 170 million people lived in the USSR, after the annexation of Western Belarus, Western Ukraine, the Baltic countries, Bukovina and Bessarabia, the population of the USSR as of June 1, 1941 was just over 196 million people.
As you know, about 34.5 million people passed through the Red Army during the war. This amounted to about 70% of the total number of men aged 15–49 years in 1941.
By December 1941, the USSR had lost 7% of the country's territory, where 74.5 million people lived before the Second World War. In June-December of the same year, about 17 million people were evacuated.
Thus, the dry figures of statistics indicate that no "corpses were filled up", "with sticks on machine guns" and other false slanderous such fabrications could not and did not exist in principle, because the number of those called up to the Red Army was approximately comparable to the mobilization resource Germany itself, not to mention the satellite countries of the Third Reich.
By the way, prisoners of war of these countries - France, Holland, Belgium, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Spain, Finland, etc. According to the results of the war in the East, the USSR counted 1, 1 million citizens of European countries, among them - 500 thousand Hungarians, almost 157 thousand Austrians, 70 thousand. Czechs and Slovaks, 60 thousand Poles, about 50 thousand Italians, 23 thousand French, 50 thousand Spaniards. There were also Dutch, Finns, Norwegians, Danes, Belgians and many others.
Hungary during the war on the Eastern Front lost almost 810 thousand people, Italy - almost 100 thousand, Romania - about 500 thousand, Finland - almost 100 thousand.
Thanks to such help from Europe, the Germans were able to mobilize 25% of the total population into the army, while the USSR mobilized "only" 17% of its citizens.
If German losses were minimal, and the Red Army, as Mark Solonin and others like him asserts, "collapsed" in 1941, then why then in the fall of 1941 in Germany the entire contingent born in 1922 was called up and the question arose about the conscription of persons in 1923 the year of birth?
They were called up by the summer of 1942. At the beginning of the war, mobilization began with the senior draft age, with the contingent born in 1894-1906. This means that since the fall of 1941, during the war alone, no less than 16 ages were called up, this is about 8, 8 million Germans within the borders of Germany in 1937, considering the average draft age, as Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel testifies, at 550,000 people.
Consequently, only during the summer-autumn of 1941, at least 1, 4 million people were called up, so the number of the Wehrmacht on 06/22/41 was 7, 2-7, 4 million people. And, finally, if the Red Army "filled up with corpses", then why after the defeat at Stalingrad in Germany announced a total mobilization?

And the last question: in October 1944 in the Third Reich, a "supertotal" mobilization was announced, and all unsuitable men from 16 to 65 years old were gathered into the Volkssturm battalions. Where have those few million Germans and their allies gone?

1945 year. Where did the adult soldiers of the Wehrmacht go ???
Believe it or not, modern falsifiers and professional liars of our time have been successfully opposed in the past … by US observers who, on December 11, 1941, estimated the losses of the Germans in the Eastern campaign killed at 1, 3 million people, which is about 8 times more than the German figure of 167 thousand person on December 1, 1941 …
By the way, they were echoed by the Germans themselves …
On June 29, 1941, the Imperial Propaganda Minister Dr. Joseph Goebbels wrote in his diary: "The Russians are defending themselves bravely. Their command is operating better than in the first days" …
"Already the battles of June 1941 showed us what the new Soviet army is like," recalled General Blumentritt, chief of staff of the 4th Army, which was advancing in Belarus. "We lost up to fifty percent of our personnel in battles …"
General G. Doerr in his book "Campaign to Stalingrad" had information about 100 thousand killed in the last week of January 1943 in the 6th Army. His data is indirectly confirmed by the number of 147, 2 thousand German corpses buried by Soviet troops in Stalingrad.
Veterans of the Wehrmacht Wieder and Adam say: “In 1943, the defeats of the Wehrmacht were presented as victories. The "cemeteries" of Soviet tanks, cars, killed and prisoners were shown. In the newsreel, after a few shots were fired, the Russians fled. But in the cinema halls, where the wounded German front-line soldiers were sitting, there was a whistle, screams - lies! Not a single soldier or officer now speaks disparagingly about Ivan, although until recently they used to say so all the time. A soldier of the Red Army every day more and more often acts as a master of close combat, street battles and skillful disguises"

Colonel-General G. Friesner, commander of Army Group South Ukraine: “It is absolutely true that the top Soviet command, starting from Stalingrad, often exceeded all our expectations. It skillfully carried out a quick maneuver and transfer of troops, a shift in the direction of the main attack, showed skill in creating bridgeheads and equipping starting positions on them for the subsequent transition to the offensive …
And it is completely "unclear" (but actually understandable!) Where in the works of forgers the huge fire superiority of the Red Army disappears, especially after 1942, when large artillery, from 122 mm and higher calibers, as well as the famous Katyushas? Who was the target of hundreds and thousands of Soviet attack aircraft and bombers? After all, in the end, not on Mars, but on the German troops …

Finally, if the losses of the Red Army were so great, what prevented the Germans in the most critical periods for them, if their losses were so minimal, as false historians claim, not to announce total and super-total mobilizations, but simply to call on the allegedly available recruits and to create for themselves on decisive sectors of the front a victorious, at least 3-fold according to all the canons of military science, superiority in numbers for a decisive offensive? But these conscripts were never found …

This alone serves as a clear confirmation of the fact that in reality the victims of the Wehrmacht were gigantic.
And it remains to state that in the case of the falsification of the losses of the Wehrmacht and the Red Army, there is a skillfully organized massive company carried out as part of an information war to revise the results of Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam and with the goal of getting rid of Russia as a geopolitical competitor.