"Blue Angels" (English Blue Angels) - aerobatics team of the US Navy.
The group was formed in 1946.
In 1950, the group was temporarily disbanded, and its pilots were sent to the Far East to participate in the Korean War (this step was caused by a shortage of flight personnel.)
In 1951, the Blue Angels were re-formed.

The group is currently flying F / A-18 Hornet fighter-bombers.
The maximum speed during the airshow is 700 mph (1300 km / h) and the minimum speed is 120 mph (220 km / h).
Aircraft of the Blue Angels aerobatic team are painted in the official colors of the American Navy (blue and gold).
Average age of the pilots in the aerobatic team: 33 years. And the average age of the technical staff is 26 years.

The Blue Angels team receives a regular salary without any additional monetary allowance, since it is a great honor to be a member of the legendary aerobatic team.
There is a lot of competition among the pilots who want to get into the group.
Each applicant must be in the Navy or Marine Corps as a jet pilot and have a minimum of 1,250 flight hours.