T-80BVM. Old tank with new features

T-80BVM. Old tank with new features
T-80BVM. Old tank with new features

Currently, the military department and the defense industry are implementing several projects for the modernization of armored vehicles in service. Among other things, tanks of the main models are being repaired and updated. In the near future, the ground forces will be able to receive the next modernized tanks, rebuilt in accordance with one of the latest projects. To strengthen armored formations, it is proposed to use improved combat vehicles of the T-80BVM type.

According to known data, the Russian army currently has several thousand T-80 main battle tanks of all serial modifications. Moreover, the age of even the newest machines of this type has reached 20 years. Such equipment is supposed to be kept in service for the maximum possible period, which leads to the need for repair and modernization. Last year, the existence of a new project for upgrading the T-80 tanks was announced, and by now various details of such a project have become known.


Serial tank T-80BV. Photo Vitalykuzmin.net

The first mention of the upcoming modernization of T-80 tanks appeared several years ago. Officials and specialists in the field of armored vehicles have repeatedly talked about various ways to improve performance, but until a certain time all this remained at the stage of discussion. Only in 2016, the Ministry of Defense announced its intentions to update such equipment. The most notable work on this topic began last year, and has yielded definite results to date.

For the first time, a project with the designation T-80BVM was mentioned in official materials at the end of last summer. On August 24, within the framework of the Army-2017 military-technical forum, the Ministry of Defense and the scientific-production corporation Uralvagonzavod signed several contracts for the construction and modernization of armored vehicles. The topic of one of these documents was the overhaul and deep modernization of T-80 tanks. As specified, the new project was named T-80BVM.

Soon, some information about the progress of work and the technical side of the project became known. On September 7, the head of the Main Armored Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, Lieutenant General Alexander Shevchenko, talked to the domestic press and spoke about the new project. The head of the GABTU pointed out that the experience of hostilities in Syria has demonstrated certain shortcomings of serial samples of armored vehicles. For this reason, the Office has accelerated the process of modernizing existing samples and developing new ones.

At that time, according to General Shevchenko, the upgraded T-90M tank had already entered state tests. In addition, the specialists were preparing for future tests of the updated armored vehicle of the T-80BVM type. How exactly the tank with the letters "BVM" differs from its predecessors has not yet been specified.


Experienced T-80BVM during the show in September 2017 Photo Decoder / otvaga2004.mybb.ru

On September 9 last year, at the 33rd combined-arms training ground (Luga, Leningrad Region), official events dedicated to the Tanker's Day were held. As part of these events, a demonstration of existing and promising technology took place in a static display and on the track. First of all, attention was drawn to several of the latest models of armored vehicles, including the experimental T-80BVM tank. Along with such a tank, an information plate was present at the exhibition, revealing some interesting features of the project. In particular, it noted the processing of the weapons complex.

In mid-October last year, it was announced who would operate the new equipment. Izvestia, citing an unnamed source in the Ministry of Defense, wrote that in the summer of 2017, the future operators of the T-80BVM were identified. The vehicles of the new type in 2018 were supposed to enter service with the 4th Guards Tank Kantemirovskaya Division. Combat vehicles with special characteristics of mobility and mobility, it was argued, could become a universal tool for the European theater of war.

According to the domestic press, the supply of T-80BVM tanks will increase the combat capabilities of the Kantemirovsk division. The 12th and 13th Guards Tank Regiments from this formation are still armed with T-80U tanks, which have been produced since the mid-eighties. In addition, the division has T-80BV tanks in the vehicle fleet of the 423rd Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment of the Yampolsky Regiment. All this equipment no longer fully meets modern requirements, and therefore needs modernization. According to last year's data, the first T-80BVMs will be transferred to the 4th Guards Division in 2018.

At the beginning of last February, the research and production corporation Uralvagonzavod published information on the procurement of various products. The documents that have become available show certain details of last year's contracts with the Ministry of Defense, signed during the Army-2017 exhibition. From them it is clear how many and what products are supposed to be purchased, and it also becomes possible to establish the amount of equipment planned for modernization.


Board view. New remedies can be considered. Photo Decoder / otvaga2004.mybb.ru

According to these data, in the current year NPK Uralvagonzavod will repair and modernize 31 tanks out of stock under the BVM project. In 2019, another 31 combat vehicles will undergo a similar update. The modernization of equipment will be carried out by the Omsk Transport Machine Building Plant, now part of the research and production corporation. Whether the process of producing T-80BVM tanks will continue after 2019, and whether the army will receive equipment over 62 units is unknown. If such an order appears, it will only happen in the future.

On March 21, Izvestia announced the technical details of the new project concerning the updated weapons complex. An unnamed source in the military department told the publication about the decision to use the 9K119 Reflex guided weapons complex in the new project. Thus, the modernized tanks will retain the possibility of using guided missiles with a relatively long firing range, but the type of such weapons will change, as well as its main characteristics will increase.

It should be noted that such messages were not news in the full sense of the word. The fact is that the Reflex complex was mentioned in the context of the T-80BVM project last year. On an information plate, which stood next to an experienced tank at an open display, it was indicated that the "BVM" project provides for the use of this particular system. Thus, the other day the domestic press did not disclose any new information, although it confirmed the already known facts.

The existence of the T-80BVM project in its current form was announced just a few months ago. Subsequently, announcing this or that information, the military department and the media have drawn up a sufficiently detailed picture that makes it possible to understand exactly how the tanks available in the troops will change. In addition, the timing of such work was indicated, and some of the future operators of the modernized equipment became known.


Relikt modules and grilles are mounted on top of the existing housing. Photo Decoder / otvaga2004.mybb.ru

According to known data, the T-80BVM project provides for overhaul and updating of the T-80BV serial main tanks, created and put into service in the mid-eighties. Measures are proposed that affect all the main aspects of technology. Due to new devices, the level of protection and survivability, combat effectiveness, etc. are increased. At the same time, a number of existing units are retained, which makes it possible to do with minimal design alterations.

The T-80BVM tank should be equipped with a GTD-1250TF gas turbine engine capable of developing power up to 1250 hp. It is expected that the use of the new engine will, to a certain extent, improve the driving performance and mobility of the machine on all terrains. At the same time, serious processing of the engine-transmission compartment is not required, which might be necessary for the installation of a diesel engine. The proposed power plant allows a speed of up to 70 km / h and a cruising range of 500 km.

The armored body of the vehicle does not change in the new project, but it receives additional protection. The entire frontal projection and a significant part of the hull and turret sides are equipped with Relikt ERA modules. The hull feed, which cannot be covered with such products, is additionally protected by lattice screens. The installation of the new explosive reactive armor significantly changed the appearance of the tank, giving it some resemblance to modern versions of the T-72 and T-90 vehicles. According to some sources, the tank may be equipped with the "Arena" active protection system, but there is no reliable information about the plans of the Ministry of Defense to install such equipment.

The most serious changes have been made to the composition of the weapons complex. The tank is still equipped with a 125-mm 2A46M1 launcher and NSVT and PKT machine guns, but new weapons are now used to control the weapon. The fire control system "Sosna-U" was used, which includes the commander's and gunner's sights with day and night channels, as well as a laser rangefinder. Thus, in terms of weapons control, the T-80BVM tank is unified with another modern combat vehicle of the Russian army - the T-72B3.


The aft compartment is protected by lattice screens. Photo Decoder / otvaga2004.mybb.ru

Initially, the main T-80 tanks of the BV line, including the T-80BV, were equipped with a 9K112 Cobra guided weapon system with a 9M112 missile. The development of this complex, which consisted primarily in the development of new missiles, continued until the end of the eighties. As part of the T-80BVM project, it was decided to replace the outdated Cobra with a more modern system of the same class. In the course of modernization, the tanks will receive a 9K119 Reflex guided weapon system with 9M119 missiles. At the same time, only the new control system will be mounted on the tanks. Recycling of the gun-launcher or loading mechanism is not required.

The use of the new missile system will give the updated tank several advantages. Firstly, the firing range for the main targets will increase. Unlike the outdated Cobra, the new Reflex is capable of hitting a tank or other object at a distance of up to 5 km. Also, the 9M119 missile is distinguished by increased armor penetration characteristics and is capable of penetrating at least 800 mm of homogeneous armor behind ERA. Finally, the Reflex complex controls the missile using a laser beam. This eliminates the suppression of the control channel with the breakdown of the attack.

According to previously published data, the installation of new attachments of protection will not have a noticeable effect on the dimensions of the combat vehicle. The T-80BVM will have a length (hull) slightly more than 7 m, a width of less than 3.4 m and a height of about 2.2 m. The combat weight will grow to 46 tons. maintain basic indicators of mobility while improving dynamics.

Not so long ago it became known that in accordance with last year's contract, the Uralvagonzavod corporation in 2018-19 will have to modernize a little more than six dozen T-80 tanks according to a new project. What will happen to several hundred other armored vehicles of this family, available in combat units, has not yet been specified. It is quite possible that the situation will develop in which the Ministry of Defense will find resources to update a certain number of other tanks. However, the modernization of all combatant T-80s is not possible for a number of technical and economic reasons.

In the near future, completely new models of armored combat vehicles will enter service. However, even after this, the army will continue to operate older equipment of a number of types. To maintain the required combat capability and meet modern requirements, the tanks in service need timely repairs and upgrades. In recent years, the military and industry have created several projects of this kind at once. Troops are already receiving updated T-72B3 tanks, and deliveries of the upgraded T-90M and T-80BVM are to begin soon.
