Project of a nuclear submarine with a rocket engine (patent RU 2494004)

Project of a nuclear submarine with a rocket engine (patent RU 2494004)
Project of a nuclear submarine with a rocket engine (patent RU 2494004)

Existing patent laws in various countries do not require a workable invention to be attached to an application. This, in particular, makes life easier for various "projectors" offering deliberately unrealizable ideas. As a consequence, patent offices have to deal with a large number of dubious ideas, which nevertheless lead to patents. For objective reasons, the ideas set forth in these patents will never be implemented in practice, but in some cases they may be of certain interest.

In March of this year, a patent was published under the number RU 2494004 with the laconic name "Nuclear submarine". Despite the simplicity of the title, the document contains several overly bold ideas proposed for use in the nuclear submarine fleet. The inventors M. N. Bolotina, E. N. Nefedova, M. L. Nefedova and N. B. Bolotin propose an original design of the submarine, which will provide a noticeable increase in some characteristics, as well as give it a number of new capabilities that are not yet available to modern submarines.

The proposed submarine, described in the patent, has a non-standard "trimaran" type layout. The main element of the boat is the central module of the traditional double-hull design. Protection of the crew and units from water pressure is provided by a robust housing, on top of which a lightweight housing is placed. It is proposed to fill the space between the two hulls with ballast tanks. In addition, a sturdy hull should be equipped with a sturdy wheelhouse that can accommodate a pop-up rescue chamber. From the point of view of the general layout and purpose, the central building hardly differs from the units used on modern submarines. Nevertheless, the new project offers a number of new non-standard solutions.

Project of a nuclear submarine with a rocket engine (patent RU 2494004)
Project of a nuclear submarine with a rocket engine (patent RU 2494004)

General scheme of the proposed submarine, top view

On the sides to the central module it is proposed to attach two so-called. streamlined torpedo module. The torpedo modules, as conceived by the authors, are a kind of central unit with a number of characteristic changes. Additional power units and propellers should be placed in the side modules. Finally, on top of the central module, there should be a large streamlined jet engine casing. Like the side torpedo modules, the jet engine should be used to enhance the performance of the submarine.

Taking into account some of the features of existing submarine designs, the authors of the patent propose an original layout of a robust hull. Modern submarines have a single robust hull, divided into compartments by sealed bulkheads. Nevertheless, as the inventors note, such a division does not solve the task of separating the compartments, since there are many openings in the bulkheads for pipelines, cables, etc. Thus, in the event of an emergency, it is possible to spread it to neighboring compartments through the existing technological openings.

To solve this problem, a non-standard layout of a robust hull is proposed that contains a power plant, weapons, control systems, living quarters, etc. The main element of a strong hull of a promising nuclear submarine should be a special keel truss, on which the rest of the units should be installed. Instead of a single robust body, the inventors propose to use several relatively small capsules. Each such unit should contain one or another equipment: a power plant, habitable volume, weapons, etc. It is assumed that such an arrangement of robust hulls will allow maintaining the required characteristics of protection against external pressure, as well as separating the compartments from each other, in particular, separating the crew and hazardous parts of a nuclear reactor. In this case, the capsules should not be completely separated. For communication between them, it is proposed to use sealed hatches and airlocks.

One of the capsules of the proposed submarine should perform several functions aimed at ensuring control of the submarine and rescuing the crew. It is proposed to place a central post and all systems control equipment in it. The central station capsule should also function as a rescue chamber. If necessary, it should be separated, saving the entire crew. For more effective performance of tasks to rescue people, the camera should be made in the form of a full-fledged mini-submarine.

Another original proposal concerns how to power the submarine. So, instead of a set of diesel generators and a large battery of large capacity, it is proposed to use thermoelectric generators. The power of these units associated with a nuclear reactor, according to the inventors, should be selected in accordance with the parameters of the main engine and other onboard systems.


Central module schematic, side view

Control over the onboard systems of a promising nuclear submarine should be carried out using remote control systems. This feature of the project, in particular, allows you to significantly reduce the size of the crew. According to the calculations of the authors of the invention, no more than 15 people should be present in the crew to ensure a three-shift watch. Their task is to monitor the operation of systems and control them using automated tools. Ancillary tasks such as food, cleaning, medical assistance, etc. must be performed by the watch shift. As evidence of the effectiveness of this approach, the inventors cite the experience of astronauts.

For additional protection of the propeller and steering units, as well as to solve a number of existing problems, the inventors propose an original design of the propeller shaft and other power plant units. In existing projects of submarines, the aft part of the hull is narrowed, which reduces the volume available for the installation of various equipment. The patent RU 2494004 proposes to use a non-standard propeller hub design, which does not require a narrowing of the body.

For this purpose, a gap is provided in the aft part of the light hull, in which the propeller hub is located. The latter, in turn, rests on the structure of a solid body and must move along special supporting surfaces with an anti-friction coating. A similar unit is proposed to be cooled using seawater.

Due to the increased hub diameter, a new propeller design is required. It is proposed to be equipped with a large number of blades of reduced height. According to the inventors, this design will provide the required traction even at super low revs.

It is proposed to rotate the propeller due to several electric motors installed radially inside a robust hull. On the output shafts of the engines, it is proposed to place gears that mesh with a gear wheel inside the propeller hub.


Another variant of the scheme of the central module

Side torpedo modules are double-hull units with their own nuclear reactors and other elements of the power plant. In addition, the modules are equipped with their own propellers, the same design as in the case of the central module of the submarine. In the bow of the torpedo modules there are automated compartments with weapons. The side modules' own armament should consist of several torpedo tubes with a torpedo supply. As with other systems, weapons must be controlled remotely from a central post.

The torpedo modules, according to the inventors, should be connected to the central module of the nuclear submarine using quick-release fasteners. In particular, fire bolts can be used for this. If necessary, the crew should be able to reset the modules and continue the task without them.

One of the most interesting proposals of the inventors concerns an additional power plant. The team of authors proposes to equip a promising nuclear submarine not only with three propellers with electric motors, but also with a liquid-propellant rocket engine. Such a unit, which is not at all characteristic of old, modern or promising submarines, should positively affect the characteristics of the submarine.

On the upper part of the stern of the central hull, it is proposed to mount a pylon with a large casing of the rocket power plant. To protect the units, the nozzle can be covered with a releasable cover. Inside the casing, there must be a power frame, an engine with a combustion chamber and a nozzle, a gas generator, a turbo pump unit and other components of a liquid engine. In addition, the project provides for the use of thrust vector control systems in two planes.

To control the thrust vector, the engine must swing horizontally and vertically, providing directional and trim control. Any roll control systems are not provided for in the engine design. Apparently, such control is proposed to be carried out using the rudders on the hull of the boat.


Original propeller layout

Patent RU 2494004 proposes an original method for supplying an engine with fuel. In order to avoid the use of tanks for transporting fuel and oxidizer, an engine running on a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen can be used. Such fuel can be obtained from seawater by electrolysis. Due to the presence of a nuclear reactor on the submarine, such a method of extracting fuel is considered optimal. As a result, the submarine, as conceived by the authors, can remain under water for a long time, if necessary using a rocket engine running on independently produced fuel.

A promising rocket-powered nuclear submarine can carry torpedo and missile weapons. The torpedo tubes and their ammunition are planned to be placed in the side torpedo modules. Missile launchers, in turn, must be located in one of the nose capsules of the robust housing of the central module. The inventors believe that such a nuclear submarine can carry missiles of various types, both anti-ship and designed to attack targets at ranges of up to 3-5 thousand km.

A submarine of a non-standard design must have appropriate combat tactics. Indeed, patent RU 2494004 proposes an extraordinary method of carrying out attacks. According to the authors of the invention, a promising submarine should be able to accelerate to high speeds. So, when surfacing and turning on the jet engine, it should develop a speed of the order of M = 0.5 … 1. In this case, the submarine is virtually invulnerable to enemy attacks.

Having accelerated to high speed, the submarine must make an attack using torpedoes or missiles. It is noted that due to the high speed of the boat at the time of launch, countering the launched torpedoes becomes impossible. Also, while moving at high speed, the submarine can launch missiles. Through the use of various weapons, it is possible to solve operational-tactical or strategic tasks. After completing the attack, the submarine should return to the depth.

The use of an additional booster rocket engine makes it possible to carry out sudden rapid attacks, as well as to leave the target area. In particular, in the event of detection, such a submarine will be able to move away at a considerable distance from the enemy in the shortest possible time and then go under water. Thus, by the time anti-submarine ships or enemy aircraft arrive at the detection area, the promising nuclear submarine will be at a safe distance from it.


Power plant, propeller and jet engine

The inventors believe that in the proposed project they were able to successfully solve a number of important problems. First: ensuring a short-term significant increase in the speed of the dol level of M = 0, 5 … 1. When using this opportunity during a torpedo or missile attack, it is possible to effectively defeat the target with the almost complete invulnerability of the boat itself to the enemy's defenses.

Second task: thrust vector control. Due to several original ideas, the proposed liquid-propellant rocket engine can be used for control in two planes. Due to the rocking of the combustion chamber and the nozzle, it is proposed to control the trim and direction.

The third success, according to the inventors, concerns the safety of the crew. Being in a separate capsule and controlling all systems remotely, divers do not risk anything. In addition, the rescue of the crew in an emergency is provided by a detachable chamber, which normally performs the functions of a central post. In addition, there are no fuel tanks in the habitable capsule, which should increase the safety of the crew.

The power plant of the proposed nuclear submarine includes three independent modules. Each of them has its own nuclear reactor and a number of other equipment. In addition, all three main modules of the submarine are equipped with their own propellers of the original design, connected to a set of electric motors. All this, according to the inventors, should provide the possibility of long autonomous navigation.

The same design feature is the solution to the fifth problem of the project. Three autonomous power plants allow achieving high structural reliability. In the event of failure of one of the installations, the submarine maintains its course and can continue to perform the assigned combat mission.

Finally, the modular design of the structure allows, if necessary, to use a promising nuclear submarine for non-military purposes. To do this, it is necessary to dismantle the side torpedo modules and change the equipment of some capsules used for military purposes.

The proposal of the inventors M. N. Bolotina, E. N. Nefedova, M. L. Nefedova and N. B. Bolotin is of interest, at least, as a curious technical curiosity. Their invention is so unusual and complex that one can judge its prospects even without a detailed study. Moreover, even with a superficial examination, it can be seen that the proposed project has technical, operational and tactical problems. As a result, it is unlikely that it will be able to find application in the medium term or even in the distant future.


Diagram of an additional power plant with a jet engine

Nevertheless, it should be noted that some of the proposals look sound and are already used in practice in one form or another. So, domestic designers have already used the idea of dividing a single strong cylindrical compartment into several separate units of a different shape. Thus, a special submarine (nuclear deep-water station) AS-12 of project 210 Losharik, according to some sources, has a solid hull assembled from several spherical compartments. This arrangement has increased the strength of the hull and, as a result, the maximum immersion depth.

Other ideas can in no way be recognized as realizable or suitable for practical use. For example, the idea of full control of all systems from a central location, while looking promising and attractive, is fraught with difficulties. This requires many automated systems, however, even in this case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to reduce human participation to the required level or eliminate the need for submariners to stay outside the designated habitable compartment.

Also, the minus of the proposal can be considered a specific layout with a central module and two torpedo tubes connected to it. This design can hardly be considered optimal from the point of view of hydrodynamics. It will encounter increased water resistance, which will negatively affect a number of basic characteristics, first of all, the speed of movement and energy consumption.

Such design features, in particular, can make it difficult or even impossible to achieve the planned speed characteristics. As conceived by the inventors, a promising nuclear submarine on the surface should develop a speed at the level of the speed of sound (probably, there is a speed of sound in air, not in water). However, due to the large area of the wetted surface, the submarine design must face high water resistance, which will call into question the possibility of acceleration even to 50-100 km / h, not to mention higher speeds.

The patent proposes to equip the submarine with an additional jet engine. This idea does not look very plausible, primarily for the reason that rocket engines, for various reasons, have not yet found application in the submarine fleet as the main propulsion device for submarines. Moreover, there are reasons to doubt that they will be used at all in this area. Thus, for now, jet submarines remain only in science fiction. Thus, the submarine "Pioneer" from the book "The Secret of Two Oceans" by G. Adamov was equipped with a jet engine running on a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen.


Diagram of a rocket engine and its control systems

Even if you imagine that a submarine can really be equipped with a jet engine, such a technique will surely face a number of serious problems. It is easy to guess that a large casing of such a power plant, located above the central body, will necessarily lead to a deterioration in the already not the best streamlining. Thus, the engine can only be useful during a high-speed attack, while the rest of the time it will only interfere and degrade performance.

The proposal to attack targets from the surface with acceleration to maximum speed also looks dubious. The main "trump card" of submarines is their stealth, which allows them to quietly take an advantageous position for an attack and fire torpedoes or missiles. Ascent to the surface and acceleration to transonic speed do not fit into the classical method of using submarines. Moreover, such proposals directly contradict it.

In addition, in this case, a fair question arises: if the proposed submarine should attack the enemy on the surface, then why does it even need the ability to move at depth? You can also ask a second question: why climb to the surface and accelerate, if you can just as well destroy the target by attacking from the depths? These questions do not have normal answers, corresponding to the classic proven tactics of using submarines of various classes. In addition, it is doubtful that these questions can have any logical and understandable answers at all.

As you can see, the original nuclear submarine, which is the subject of patent RU 2494004, has a lot of original and unusual features that attract attention, but close the project's path to implementation. Upon close examination, the proposal of the inventors M. N. Bolotina, E. N. Nefedova, M. L. Nefedova and N. B. Bolotina turns out to be another promising project with no clear prospects.

Such inventions appear with enviable regularity and often become the subject of patents. However, they never reach the stage of practical application. Complexity, ill-conceivedness and other negative features ultimately affect the further fate of the proposals, which is why they remain on paper and cannot become something more than a reason for the pride of the creator. On the other hand, despite the dubious prospects, such things are of certain interest. They perfectly demonstrate what tricks the human mind is capable of in creating new ideas.
