The Ukrainian Black Sea Navy is one of the most important branches of the armed forces in Ukraine.
How has its fate been shaped since the collapse of the Soviet Union?
Recently, the Ukrainian naval forces, which are remnants of the USSR Black Sea Fleet, celebrated another anniversary. How was the holiday dedicated to the Ukrainian Black Sea Navy?
In Sevastopol, which is a hero city, the Ukrainian government decided to hold a large-scale solemn event, a parade, in which ships would participate, as well as fireworks. Nevertheless, the ceremonial events ended and the usual activities of the Ukrainian fleet began again, which is not developing as well as we would like. One of the most important problems is the duration of the operation of ships, as well as boats. For example, only 1 ship has been in operation for up to 10 years. And then the situation looks much worse! The service life is: 10-20 years for 3 warships, boats, 20 years and more - 22 units. During the independence of Ukraine, in 20 years, only 5 warships were built, and 1 of them has already been lost. It is important to note that the small landing ship "Donetsk" was almost never used, but it is already lost! Currently, the ship was listed as a "technical property" and left to rust on the coast of the navy. Yulia Tymoshenko previously signed an order, according to which the military ship "Donetsk" was excluded from the Naval Forces, since the established service life has come to an end, the tactical and technical parameters have deteriorated significantly, and restoration is impractical.

Landing craft on air cushion "Donetsk" (U-420) (decommissioned)
Interestingly, Ukraine constantly complains about the inadequacy of its naval forces, but at the same time handed over to Georgia a border patrol boat, a missile boat made according to the 205MR project, which in 2008 was destroyed by the sailors of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation. In addition, this warship was destroyed near the pier!

The cruiser "UKRAINE" has not been assigned a number; not in service. There is no chance of joining the Ukrainian Navy.
Further more fun. The Minister of Defense of Ukraine is trying to urge citizens to start making contributions for the construction of the corvette. At the same time, being the commander of the Naval Forces, he was able to make sure that the support vessels needed by the state were excluded from the navy. These vessels were sold at a low cost of scrap metal.

The frigate "Dnepropetrovsk" (U-134) (decommissioned, sold). The undisputed hero is the same "Selfless"
The project 206MR missile boat, Uman (photo above), also sank. After the collapse of the USSR, it was transferred to the Naval Forces of Ukraine, where it was renamed "Uman". In 2009, the boat was driven to the pier of Streletskaya Bay, after which it was near the pier for a long time. However, in early 2010, the Sevastopol residents saw that the ship sank near the pier at a depth of about 10 meters. This event is an event that the Ukrainian Black Sea military fleet is gradually disappearing into oblivion.

Frigate "Nikolaev" (U-133) (decommissioned, sold)
The "reserves" also included the submarine "Zaporozhye", which is also needed by the state, and therefore there is a chance that its condition will be brought to a serviceable state. Despite this, the sailors of the Ukrainian Black Sea Navy note that the Zaporozhye submarine is already being used by military officials as a cash cow. However, sooner or later, the service life will definitely end, after which a replacement will be required!

Submarine "Zaporozhye" (U-01) (not in service)
It is also important to note that Ukraine sold to China the famous military cruiser Varyag, which had belonged to the Ukrainian Naval Forces since Soviet times. However, the cruiser was in an unfinished state, although there was an opportunity to invest in its construction. If the cruiser Varyaga were completed in Ukraine, it could provide protection for the Black Sea Fleet. The government did not have the opportunity to engage in the construction of the Varyag, the economic situation in Ukraine is weakened, so the goal was to get rid of the military cruiser. China needed a military cruiser "Varyag", which could be completed, after which it was possible to provide additional protection for its state. Thus, in 1998, Ukraine sold the cruiser to China, and this is what saved it from rusting. In 2005, China began to finish building the Varyag in Daryan, and this year its sea trials began.

Large landing ship "Rovno" (U-400) (decommissioned, sold)
If the government of Ukraine is able to carry out all the measures that will contribute to the development of the Military Forces of Ukraine, the number of serviceable support vessels will be only 36%, warships - 50%, combat boats - 86%. Currently, the number of serviceable ships, ships, boats is much less! It is one thing if a ship is withdrawn and anchored in the middle of the Sevastopol Bay, but it is quite another if it is used, it has the necessary weapons, equipment for reconnaissance, navigation, as well as communications, a variety of machines, mechanisms in good working order, thanks to which it can the protection of Ukraine is ensured. The ideal case is if there is a ship that fully meets the requirements of an armed naval confrontation.

Frigate "Sevastopol" (U-132) (decommissioned, sold)
As noted above, in connection with the situation that has developed with the Ukrainian Black Sea military fleet, the Minister of Defense demanded to start collecting money from citizens and start providing finances to sponsors in order to build a Ukrainian corvette. But, if you take into account all the circumstances, then this proposal becomes ridiculous. In addition, next to the pier of Balaklava Bay, not far from Sevastopol, there is a luxurious yacht of the president's son, the cost of which can be the same as the price of construction, as well as the maintenance of a small displacement warship.
The Naval Forces of Ukraine are warships and other components that are important, for example, naval aviation, marines, coastal missile forces, naval bases. The command and control bodies of the Naval Forces should also work harmoniously, including the Naval Operations Center, the Naval Forces Command, the Coastal Defense Forces Center, the Coastal Defense Brigades, the Naval Special Forces Center, the coastal artillery group, coastal missile divisions, the Marine Corps battalion, the military - educational institutions, as well as scientific institutions. In total, the Navy currently owns 26 warships and boats, 55 ships and support boats, 41 tanks, 176 armored combat vehicles, 20 helicopters, 6 artillery systems of more than 100 mm caliber, as well as 10 aircraft.
It seems that the grouping is impressive, but given the above circumstances, in the end, you come to a different conclusion. Coastal missile systems "Granit", which can be used to destroy surface targets in the Black Sea, are currently not working, but are in a mothballed state. A similar situation has developed with the naval aviation brigade, which does not have high-power defensive weapons.