Sevmash is not just a shipyard where submarines are built. This enterprise is a smithy of record-breaking submarines, in relation to which the epithets "first" and "most" are often used. A number of records for these submarines have not been broken to this day. It is unlikely that they will be surpassed in the foreseeable future. Let us recall them.
The world's first with ballistic missiles. In 1955 at Sevmash, according to the B611 "Volna" project, developed by TsKB-16 (since 1974 - as part of the SPMBM "Malakhit"), the world's first submarine, which received ballistic missiles, was refitted. On September 16, 1955, an R-11FM ballistic missile was launched from the B-67 submarine in the White Sea, which hit the battlefield at the training ground.

The world's first serial missile. In 1957-1958. 4 submarines were completed or refitted at Sevmash (the fifth was refitted at Dalzavod) according to the AB611 project (Zulu V - according to NATO classification). They became the world's first mass-produced ballistic missile submarines. They have two missiles
R-11FM in the stowed position were placed in vertical shafts inside a robust hull and cabin fencing. The missiles were launched from the surface position from the launch pad raised to the upper cut of the shaft. In 1957, the first brigade of strategic submarines was formed in the Northern Fleet under the command of Captain 1st Rank S. S. Khomchik.
The most massive strategic one. In the mid-1960s, construction began in Severodvinsk of Project 667A nuclear-powered missile submarine cruisers (SSBNs) (Yankee - according to NATO classification) developed by TsKB-18 (now TsKB MT "Rubin"). The plant handed over to the Navy 24 such nuclear-powered ships (taking into account those built at the Amur shipyard, the Soviet fleet received 34 submarines), the main weapons of which were 16 ballistic missiles of the D-5 complex. Their commissioning allowed the USSR to establish nuclear parity with the United States of America. Boats of this type are the most widespread among strategic submarine missile carriers. They served as a prototype for the creation of SSBNs projects 667B "Murena" (18 units, of which 10 were built at Sevmash), 667BD "Murena-M" (4 - all at Sevmash), 667BDR "Kalmar" (14 - all at Sevmash) and 667BDRM Dolphin (7 - all at Sevmash). Thus, 59 (!) Of 77 SSBNs of this family were built in Severodvinsk.

The world's first titanium and the fastest. In 1958, TsKB-16 began to create a project 661 nuclear submarine (Papa - according to NATO classification). In December 1963, the K-162 submarine was laid down at the Northern Machine-Building Enterprise in Severodvinsk, and it was launched in December 1968. Such a long period was explained by a number of circumstances. It was the world's first titanium alloy submarine armed with the Amethyst anti-ship missile system - the world's first with an underwater launch. That is why the design and construction of the K-162 was accompanied by a large amount of scientific and experimental design work. Project 661 nuclear submarine is the fastest in the world. On tests, she showed a full underwater speed of 44.7 knots. Until now, this record has not been broken by anyone.
The world's first fully automated nuclear submarine fighters. Since 1959, in SKB-143 (since 1974 - as part of the SPMBM "Malakhit"), work began on the design of a small nuclear highly automated high-speed submarine for anti-submarine defense,later received the designation "project 705" (Alfa - according to NATO classification). In total, the fleet received 7 boats of this type, including the revised project 705K, three of which were built at Sevmash. These submarine fighters with a normal displacement of 2250 tons had titanium alloy hulls, reactors with a liquid metal coolant, a full underwater speed of 38 knots (according to this indicator, the project 705 boats were inferior only to the project 661 nuclear submarine). Their armament included 18 torpedoes and rocket torpedoes. Due to the introduction of integrated automation systems, the number of the crew was supposed to be 18 people. However, at the insistence of the command of the Navy, it was increased to 32 people. Until today, Project 705 submarines have no analogues.

The deepest. In 1983, an experimental nuclear submarine K-278 of project 685 (Mike - according to NATO classification) developed by LPMB (now TsKB MT "Rubin") and built by Sevmash entered the Northern Fleet. This titanium alloy submarine was unique not only in that it could dive to depths of more than 1000 m, where it turned out to be inaccessible to the enemy's anti-submarine weapons, but also in that it could fire torpedoes at great depths due to the presence of torpedo tubes of a special design with pneumohydraulic power plants. type.
The nuclear submarine K-278, named "Komsomolets", was successfully operated for several years. Unfortunately, this unparalleled boat was destroyed by fire on April 7, 1989 in the Norwegian Sea.
The largest in the world. In December 1981, Sevmash handed over to the Northern Fleet the TK-208 heavy nuclear-powered missile submarine, the largest ever built submarine in the world. Its length is 172 m, and its width is more than 23 m. The underwater displacement of the atomic Leviathan reaches 48,000 tons. Project 941 "Shark" (Typhoon - according to NATO classification) of a heavy SSBN was developed by LPMB (CDB MT "Rubin") for a solid-propellant intercontinental ballistic missile RSM -52, which has 10 warheads with a capacity of 100 kt each. Project 941 nuclear submarines are armed with 20 such missiles. The launcher shafts are located between two parallel robust hulls. Despite its cyclopean size, Project 941 nuclear submarines are among the quietest among Soviet nuclear-powered ships. A total of 6 boats of this type were built. The head TK-208, which received the name "Dmitry Donskoy" in the Russian Navy, was re-equipped according to Project 941U and is now used as a platform for testing the newest strategic missile system "Bulava". It is expected that the remaining two "Sharks" in the Navy will be equipped with new weapons systems.
First strategic fourth generation. On April 15, 2007, the lead nuclear submarine "Yuri Dolgoruky" of project 955 "Borey", the first strategic missile submarine of the fourth generation, was solemnly withdrawn from the 55th workshop of Sevmash. Now it is undergoing a cycle of comprehensive tests.