In the mid-2000s, the newest towed howitzer M777 entered service with the US Army. Soon, two projects for the modernization of such weapons were implemented, aimed at improving the basic technical and operational characteristics. Recently, the American industry is engaged in a new project to modernize existing weapons. By the end of this decade, it is planned to deliver the first serial howitzers of the new M777ER model to the customer.
One of the main characteristics of an artillery gun is its range of fire. By increasing it, you can improve the basic fighting qualities of the howitzer, both firepower and combat survivability. It is the increase in the firing range that is the main goal of the current American program ERCA (Extended Range Cannon Artillery), within which the promising M777ER (Extended Range) gun is being created. According to the results of this program, a new modification of the M777 howitzer should enter service, which has a number of characteristic differences and increased characteristics.
The proposal to create a new version of the M777 howitzer appeared at the beginning of this decade, and real development work began in the framework of the 2015 financial year. The creation of a new artillery system was entrusted to BAE Systems, which previously developed the basic howitzer, as well as the Picatinny arsenal, which is part of the Military Development Center (ARDEC). Together, the two organizations were supposed to conduct the necessary research, find ways to modernize the weapon and implement similar proposals.

First published image of the M777ER howitzer
In accordance with the plans of 2015, by the middle of the next financial year, the project developers had to formulate the main provisions of the new project. By mid-2018, it was planned to complete all the necessary design work, and prototypes were to be built over the next year. For the second quarter of fiscal 2019, the Pentagon has scheduled the start of production and operation. The adoption of the M777ER gun into service was attributed to the middle of 2020.
Modern towed and artillery systems of 155 mm caliber are capable of attacking targets at ranges of about 30 km. Studies under the ERCA program have shown that there is a theoretical possibility of increasing this parameter more than twice - up to 70 km. Such a task can be solved by using a longer barrel, which accelerates the projectile better, as well as by using active-reactive shots. It was confirmed that modern technology allows you to create a weapon with the desired parameters.
According to the established schedule, the first few years were devoted to research and design, and prototypes were supposed to appear only in 2018. However, Picatinny's arsenal and BAE Systems were able to speed up the work in a noticeable way, and thanks to this, the first tests began already in 2016. At the same time, general information about the project, technical features of the modernization of the gun and its expected results were published.
Design and its capabilities
The M777ER howitzer was based on the serial product M777A2, equipped with special control systems. In the basic version, it has digital tools for various purposes, and is also equipped with an EPIAFS device for entering commands into programmable projectile fuses. Apparently, the customer and the designers considered that the combination of existing electronics and a promising weapon would allow obtaining the highest possible combat and operational characteristics.
The basis of the M777ER project is the gun itself, which received the working designation XM907. In general, it is similar to the units of the existing M777A2 system, but it has a number of serious differences. First of all, an elongated barrel was created for the updated howitzer. The existing unit with a length of about 5 m (39 calibers) was supplemented with a section with a length of 1.8 m, as a result of which the total barrel length increased to 55 calibers. The increase in barrel length led to an increase in a number of loads on the main devices of the gun, which had to be created anew.

M777A2 gun at the time of the shot
The breech block of the howitzer still has a piston design, but it has been redesigned in accordance with the increased requirements. A new muzzle brake was also needed. The new device has a pair of transverse baffles interacting with propellant gases. The muzzle brake for the M777ER differs markedly from the equipment of the base M777A2; it has different shapes and sizes.
The XM907 cannon on a towed carriage is equipped with a ramming mechanism that makes it easier to prepare for a shot. In addition, the project provides for the use of special magazines for the rapid production of several shots in a row at minimal intervals. Each such magazine, having the appropriate dimensions, holds six separate loading rounds.
According to recent reports, the ERCA program provides for the use of modernized fire control systems. The updated equipment is capable of calculating data for firing at a distance of 30 to 70 km, and is also compatible with modern and promising projectiles. The EPIAFS device for working with programmable fuses passes from the serial M777A2 to the new M777ER. At the same time, the ability to use a standard panoramic sight is retained. It is expected that from the point of view of the gunner's work, the modernized howitzer will hardly differ from the existing ones.
According to known data, the XM907 gun did not require a new carriage and is installed on an existing product. The carriage of the M777 howitzer is assembled mainly from titanium and aluminum parts, due to which it has a minimum weight with sufficient strength indicators. It is due to the lightweight carriage that the howitzers of the new American family are distinguished by a high ratio of firepower and weight.
The lower carriage of the carriage has a central support platform, with which four sliding beds are hinged. The rear beds are equipped with folding coulters. On the front, a pair of wheels is provided for transportation in tow. The upper machine, capable of rotating on the lower one around the vertical axis, is equipped with vertical guidance, recoil devices and a cradle for the barrel. To control the aiming, both manual and mechanical drives are provided. The design of the carriage provides circular guidance along the horizontal from zero to + 71 °.

Experimental product M777ER on testing
M777 howitzers of the first modifications in the stowed position have a length of 9, 5 m, in combat - about 10, 7 m. The new M777ER has these parameters significantly more - due to the barrel elongated by 1, 8 m. The weight of the existing systems is 4.2 tons, while the new one is heavier by about 1000 pounds (450 kg). Despite the increase in weight and dimensions, it is expected that the upgraded weapon will not be less comfortable to work with. A possible deterioration in running or other characteristics can be considered an acceptable price to pay for a sharp increase in combat qualities.
The upgraded howitzer is said to remain fully compatible with all 155mm single-loading rounds used by the US Army. The longer barrel is expected to send conventional projectiles at a range of at least 25-30 km - farther than the serial M777 with a barrel length of 39 calibers. Active-reactive and guided projectiles of the existing models will also be able to show improved range characteristics. However, with their help it will not be possible to obtain the desired range of 70 km.
As part of the ERCA program, together with the howitzer, a promising guided active-rocket projectile XM1113 is being developed. This product will be sent flying using the enhanced propellant XM654. The new projectile should be equipped with a homing system based on satellite navigation, which will allow it to effectively destroy stationary objects with previously known coordinates.
It is the right combination of the barrel length of the XM907 product, a powerful charge and a projectile with an increased supply of solid fuel that is expected to significantly increase the projectile's flight range. According to current calculations, the M777ER howitzer with the XM1113 / XM654 round will be able to attack targets at distances of up to 65-70 km.
Testing process
At the end of March 2016, the US Army announced the start of testing a prototype of a promising howitzer. Arsenal Picatinny and BAE Systems have produced a full-size mock-up of the weapon, corresponding to the main provisions of the project. On the serial carriage from the M777A2, a mock-up of the barrel group was imposed, made in accordance with the project being developed. The resulting artillery system, of course, could not be used during fire tests. However, she showed off the appearance of the M777ER, and also had to take part in some checks.

View from a different angle
In the spring of 2016, specialists from several organizations conducted field tests, the purpose of which was to determine the driving performance of a promising howitzer. According to known data, the increase in the length and mass of the gun did not have a significant effect on the passability and strength of the gun carriage. The assembled system met the requirements, and this made it possible to proceed to the next stages of the project.
In February 2017, the US military released information about a new stage of checks. By this time, BAE Systems had produced the first full-fledged prototype of the M777ER howitzer, fully corresponding to the project. A gun with a 55-caliber barrel and a single-chamber muzzle brake was sent to the test site, where they fired several dozen shots and evaluated the results.
As part of these tests, existing 155-mm projectiles with variable charges of the Modular Artillery Charge System (MACS) type were used. The testers fired 70 shots with full control over the performance and operation of various systems. The fire was conducted using different propellant charges and with different elevation angles. The Pentagon's official report did not give the exact values of the obtained characteristics, but indicated that the longer barrel made it possible to obtain an increase in the range of several kilometers. Thus, the main innovation of the ERCA project has proved its potential.
According to the test results, the development organizations had to make some changes to the existing project, which made it possible to improve the weapon as a whole and its individual units. It was reported that in July, an experienced M777ER howitzer was supposed to re-enter the range for the next stage of testing. The third test firing was planned for November. This time, it was planned to involve artillerymen from the ground forces and the Marine Corps, who in the future will have to operate serial guns.

While preparing to fire
According to the latest information, testing of new rounds, including guided XM1113 active-rocket projectiles, should begin in 2018-19. The successful completion of this stage of the ERCA program will allow the preparation of the serial production of the latest weapons with unique characteristics. In accordance with current plans, at the very beginning of the next decade, the army and the ILC will receive the first serial M777ER howitzers with new types of shells. After that, mass production of new products will begin and the modernization of the existing M777A2 according to the new project.
Advantages and disadvantages
With the successful completion of all the work carried out by the American industry at the present time, the US artillery units will be able to receive new weapons with uniquely high characteristics. It is argued that the complex in the form of an M777ER gun and a guided projectile of a new type with an enhanced propellant charge will increase the firing range by almost twice in comparison with current weapons. Located in a closed position, the gunners will be able to attack targets 70 km away.
It is not hard to guess what tactical consequences the appearance of such artillery systems may have. In terms of their firing range, the howitzers of the new model will surpass not only all barrel systems of their caliber, but also many multiple launch rocket systems. First of all, this expands the area of responsibility of the gunners. In addition, it becomes possible to deliver strikes to great depths by towed artillery, without involving long-range MLRS or aviation. The advantages of this approach are obvious.
Also, a long firing range can dramatically reduce the risks of being hit by a retaliation. To destroy the battery, the enemy will have to use not 155-mm artillery or MLRS with similar characteristics, but more serious weapons or even involve aviation. This will lead to a slight increase in the time for organizing a retaliatory strike, and in certain circumstances will allow you to stay in position longer, firing at the target.
In general, the Extended Range Cannon Artillery program and its main elements in the form of the M777ER howitzer and the XM1113 projectile looks extremely interesting. The proposed concept is capable of seriously affecting the characteristics and potential of towed howitzer artillery, as well as, to a certain extent, change the tactics of using guns. Together with serial howitzers and shells for them, the US Army will receive new opportunities.

Working moments of tests
However, one should not overestimate the new American project and forget about its shortcomings. The main problem of the ERCA program, as often happens, is excessive cost. In 2015-17, about $ 5 million was spent on the development of the gun alone. According to the published documents, in 2018-19 the annual spending on the program will grow and increase several times. The launch of serial production will require new funding and will understandably affect the total cost of the project.
According to known data, the M777A2 howitzers were purchased by the Pentagon at $ 4.6 million apiece. The promising M777ER will not be cheaper, although their cost has not yet been specified. Thus, the total cost of development work planned for ordering serial guns and shells for them should reach a very high level. As a result, the program will have opponents, and this may be followed by a reduction in funding with reduced plans.
Apparently, the ERCA project was not without technical problems, but its developers are in no hurry to announce their list. Probably, the longer and heavier barrel makes it difficult to transport the gun, especially in rough terrain, and its manufacture is associated with technological problems. It is also to be expected that the increased recoil from the XM654's boosted charge is detrimental to the survivability of the existing lightweight gun carriage.
It seems that the American industry has nevertheless managed to create a towed howitzer that combines an acceptable caliber and the highest fire performance. However, the ERCA / M777ER project has not yet been brought to the stage of mass production, and therefore its results are still unknown. The available data on the new howitzer does not allow for particularly pessimistic assessments, but also does not give rise to excessive optimism. However, everything suggests that the US Army will indeed be able to obtain a highly effective weapon with a long firing range. But the howitzer and the shells for it can make a noticeable hole in the budget.