"Sorokapyatka" 45-mm anti-tank gun model 1937 (53-K)

"Sorokapyatka" 45-mm anti-tank gun model 1937 (53-K)
"Sorokapyatka" 45-mm anti-tank gun model 1937 (53-K)

Video: "Sorokapyatka" 45-mm anti-tank gun model 1937 (53-K)

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45-mm anti-tank gun mod. 1937 was the main weapon of the Soviet army during the initial stage of the Second World War. The line of development continues in the design of the gun, which begins with the 37-mm anti-tank gun, which was adopted by the Red Army in February of 31, and purchased from the German company Rheinmetall along with the documentation.

"Sorokapyatka" 45-mm anti-tank gun model 1937 (53-K)
"Sorokapyatka" 45-mm anti-tank gun model 1937 (53-K)

Soviet soldiers and 45-mm anti-tank gun model 1937 (53-K) ("forty-five")

In 1932, a 45 mm barrel was placed on the gun carriage. The cannon obtained in this way became the basis for the creation of the 1937 model anti-tank gun. The wedge gate of this gun, unlike all previous samples, was equipped with a semi-automatic mechanism. In addition, ballistic characteristics have been improved, and wheel travel suspension has been introduced.

The prototype 45-mm anti-tank gun was manufactured at plant number 8, where it was assigned the factory index 53-K. After carrying out factory tests, he was sent to the Scientific Test Artillery Range. During the tests, which took place from August to September 1937, 897 shots were fired, of which 184 were from concrete. The system was also tested by carriage for 684 kilometers. The 45-mm cannon passed the firing test. During the transportation, the suspension spring broke.


Soviet soldiers fire from a 45-mm anti-tank gun of the 1937 model 53-K at German positions on the banks of the Volga in Stalingrad

In November 1937, plant No. 8 produced an experimental series (6 units) of 45-mm cannons, which differed from the standard cannons of the 1932 model:

1. Semi-automatic shutter, which worked when using armor-piercing and fragmentation shells, while the model 1932 cannon only when using armor-piercing. This was achieved due to the forced charging of the semiautomatic springs during the shot;

2. A special push-button release. The button was located in the center of the steering wheel of the lifting mechanism;

3. Suspension of the crank-spring type, which in the USSR was first implemented in this system;

4. Wooden PTP wheels of the 1932 model were replaced by GAZ automobile wheels with GK. The ZIK-1 wheels were converted from the wheels of the GAZ car with minor changes in the spokes;

5. The upper lathe was a riveted-welded structure made of sheet steel, while the upper lathe of the 1932 PTP model was made by casting;

6) The swing mechanism has been changed;

7) The lower machine is welded.

Of the six experimental guns, all except No. 5 were intended for military trials, and model No. 5 was intended for the needs of the plant. In the period from December 1937 to January 1938, these guns at the range of the plant number 8 passed factory tests.


In ambush "forty-five", 45-mm anti-tank gun model 1937 (53-K)

On January 22, gun no. 3 (barrel no. 0734), equipped with a Ya-3 front end, was sent to the Scientific Test Artillery Range, where it arrived on 28 January. During factory tests, 605 shots were fired from it. After the delivery of the gun, NIAP employees disassembled it, and then assembled it with errors, as a result of which some parts were rendered unusable.

During the field tests at the Scientific Test Artillery Range, 1208 rounds were fired, of which 419 with fragmentation and 798 armor-piercing shells. The rate of fire when using a manual trigger for both guns (sample 1932 and sample 1937) is the same when firing without correcting the aiming. When using the push-button trigger, the rate of fire of the 1937 cannon was 13% higher when firing an armor-piercing projectile and 6% when firing a fragmentation projectile. During the firing, there were 16 semiautomatic failures, of which 13 with armor-piercing shells and 3 with fragmentation shells. Some failures were due to poor quality liners. After the 281st shot, the semiautomatic inertial body screw failed. The work of the semi-automatic equipment was generally recognized as satisfactory.


Soviet artillerymen prepare to open fire with a 45-mm anti-tank gun. Karelian front

During field tests, the gun traveled 2074 km, while the transport speed over rough terrain (without the front end) was from 15 to 30 km / h, on cobblestones - from 30 to 35 km / h, and on the highway about 60 km / h. The system was stable during transport.

At the beginning of the 38th year, military tests were carried out on three 45-mm guns 53-K (No. 1, 2 and 4), having Ya-3 limbs. Six Komsomolets tractors took part in the tests. During military tests, on average, 450 shots were fired per barrel, while the semi-automatic equipment showed trouble-free operation. In these tests, the run Moscow - Kharkov - Krasnodar was carried out. After correcting minor flaws, it was possible to begin gross production. On 1938-24-04, the 53-K gun was adopted under the name of the 45-mm anti-tank gun of the 1937 model. 1938-06-06 serial production was launched.

The design of the gun consisted of two main parts: a gun carriage and a barrel with a bolt. The fastened barrel consisted of a monoblock tube and a screw-on breech. The vertical wedge breech ensures reliable locking of the barrel bore during firing and ensures extraction (ejection) of the spent cartridge case after opening. The semi-automatic mechanism provides a high rate of fire of the gun - 15-20 rounds. The gun carriage is optimal for its purpose - an anti-tank gun. The carriage design includes: a cradle with recoil devices, an upper movable machine with guidance mechanisms, a lower stationary machine with sliding beds, a sprung course, a shield cover and sights. Sliding beds provide a horizontal angle of fire up to 60 °. The sprung course using automobile-type wheels makes it possible to transport the implement using mechanical traction at a speed of up to 50 kilometers per hour. When the gun is transferred to the firing position, in which the beds are spread all the way to the sides, the cushioning mechanism is turned off, and the wheels and the lower machine are rigidly connected through the combat axle, thereby ensuring the stability of the gun during the shot, as well as the safety of the cushioning. After transferring the gun to the stowed position (the beds are brought together), the cushioning turns on automatically.


Soviet soldiers in Vyborg against the background of the Vyborg castle with a camouflaged 45-mm anti-tank gun

The compact design of the gun (length 402 cm) and low shield cover (height 120 cm) ensure its stealth on the battlefield. To facilitate camouflage, the cannon's shield cover is folded. The gun was mainly used to destroy armored targets and enemy firing points with direct fire at a distance of 1000-1500 m. When firing over long distances, observing the results of firing was difficult due to a cloud of projectile burst (small in size).

The set of ammunition consisted of unitary cartridges with armor-piercing, sub-caliber and armor-piercing tracer shells, fragmentation grenades, as well as unitary cartridges with buckshot. Armor-piercing tracer and armor-piercing shells were used to destroy tanks, armored vehicles, as well as to fire at the embrasures of firing structures. When meeting at a right angle at a distance of 500 meters, they pierced 43 mm armor, and at a distance of 1 km - 32 mm. A sub-caliber projectile at a distance of 500 meters, when meeting at a right angle, pierced armor with a thickness of 66 millimeters, and at 100 meters - the distance of dagger fire - 88 millimeters. In the first year of the war, these indicators were quite enough to destroy all types of Wehrmacht tanks.


Soviet artillerymen with a 45-mm anti-tank gun

A fragmentation grenade was used to destroy manpower and openly located firing points. When a grenade bursts on the surface of the ground, it gives about 100 damaging elements (fragments), which are capable of inflicting defeat in an area up to 7 meters in depth and up to 15 meters along the front. Buckshot cartridges were used to repel infantry attacks on the position of the gun. The range of use is up to 400 meters. Buckshot consists of bullets that were put into a sleeve in a special shell. When fired, bullets from the bore fly out at a certain angle, striking enemy forces along the front - up to 60 meters, in depth - up to 400 meters.

In the pre-war years, in addition to these shells, smoke and armor-piercing chemical shells were fired. The latter were intended to poison the garrisons of bunkers and tank crews. The mass of the armor-piercing chemical projectile was 1.43 kg, it contained 16 grams of potent toxic substances.

The production of 45-mm anti-tank guns, which had been curtailed before the war, was restored in an extremely short time at several enterprises at the same time. One of the enterprises, which was merged with the Kiev plant "Arsenal", evacuated to the east, already by the end of 1941 provided the front with 1,300 45-millimeter cannons of the 1937 model. In the 42nd year, the production of these guns was replaced by the production of modernized 45-mm guns of the 1942 model. In total, 37354 45-mm anti-tank guns of the 1937 model were manufactured during 42-43 years.


The crew of the Soviet 45-mm anti-tank gun changes position

45-mm guns of the 1937 model were in service with anti-tank divisions of rifle divisions (12 guns) and anti-tank platoons of rifle battalions (2 guns). The same cannons were used to arm individual anti-tank regiments, which consisted of 4-5 batteries (16-20 guns each). An important milestone in the development of anti-tank artillery was the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of 1942-01-07. In accordance with this order, the anti-tank artillery was renamed the anti-tank artillery. The officer corps, which was part of the PTA, was taken on a special account and was appointed only in them. After undergoing treatment in hospitals, the wounded sergeants and soldiers had to return to the PTA units. For the personnel, the following were introduced: increased salaries, payment of a bonus to the calculation of the gun for each destroyed enemy tank, a distinctive sleeve insignia. Of course, all this contributed to an increase in the effectiveness of anti-tank artillery.


Calculation of the Soviet 45-mm anti-tank gun. Kursk Bulge. Filmed, most likely, in the rear - this does not look like the conditions of a real battle (the position is not equipped, the huts in the distance are peacefully clean, not touched by the war)

Here is an excerpt from the document of the "Main Artillery Directorate of the Red Army", which describes the purpose of the 45-mm anti-tank gun 53-K: tanks of any type.

In addition to the main purpose (destruction of tanks), the cannon, which is armed with buckshot and a fragmentation projectile, can successfully destroy enemy firing points located behind light shelters, infantry and cavalry operating in open areas.

The cannon, being in service with rifle units, must accompany the infantry at all periods of the battle, relentlessly follow it, firing direct fire at the enemy's firing points.

The main combat qualities of the 45-mm anti-tank gun are:

a) Maneuverability and mobility;

b) rate of fire;

c) Armor penetration;

d) The flatness of the trajectory.

The cannon can be transported by mechanical traction (by car or by the "Komsomolets" tractor), as well as by horse traction. The movements of the front end and the gun carriage are reliably sprung, which makes it possible to allow speed when moving with mechanical traction: on tarmac - 50-60 km / h, on good quality dirt roads - 40-45 km / h, on cobblestones - 30-35 km / h …

… To make full use of the combat qualities of a 45-mm anti-tank gun, it is necessary to correctly formulate a firing mission, carefully apply the gun to the terrain, and also flexible maneuvering during a battle.

The quick implementation of the assigned fire missions is ensured by the trouble-free operation of the gun. To ensure trouble-free operation, you need excellent training in calculating the tool, strictly coordinated work, the interchangeability of its numbers in case of loss, excellent knowledge of mat. parts of the gun, as well as timely replenishment of ammunition.

Unitary cartridges are used for firing from a 45-mm anti-tank gun of the 1937 model, the same as for the 45-mm anti-tank vehicle of the 1932 model."

The performance characteristics of the 45-mm cannon of the 1937 model:

Caliber - 45 mm;

Weight in firing position - 560 kg;

Mass in the stowed position: 1200 kg;

The initial velocity of the projectile is 760 m / s;

Vertical guidance angle - from -8 ° to 25 °;

Horizontal guidance angle - 60 °;

Rate of fire - 15-20 rounds per minute;

Maximum firing range - 4400 m;

The maximum range of a direct shot is 850 m;

Armor penetration according to the norms - 28-40 mm (at ranges of 500 and 1000 m);

Armor-piercing projectile weight - 1430 g.
