The development of the "Tunguska" complex was entrusted to the KBP (Instrument Design Bureau) of the MOP under the leadership of the chief designer A. G. Shipunov. in cooperation with other organizations of the defense industry in accordance with the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 1970-08-06. Initially, it was planned to create a new cannon ZSU (self-propelled anti-aircraft installation), which was to replace the well-known "Shilka" (ZSU-23-4).
Despite the successful use of the "Shilka" in the Middle East wars, during the hostilities, its shortcomings were also identified - a small reach for targets (at a distance of no more than 2 thousand m), an unsatisfactory power of shells, as well as missing targets without firing due to the impossibility of timely detection.

The feasibility of increasing the caliber of automatic anti-aircraft guns has been worked out. In the course of experimental studies, it turned out that the transition from a 23-mm projectile to a 30-mm projectile with a two to threefold increase in the weight of the explosive makes it possible to reduce the required number of hits to destroy an aircraft by 2-3 times. Comparative calculations of the combat effectiveness of the ZSU-23-4 and ZSU-30-4 when firing at the MiG-17 fighter, which flies at a speed of 300 meters per second, have shown that with the same weight of the consumable ammunition, the probability of destruction increases by about 1.5 times, the reach in height increases from 2 to 4 kilometers. With an increase in the caliber of the guns, the effectiveness of fire against ground targets also increases, the possibilities of using cumulative projectiles in an anti-aircraft self-propelled installation for destroying lightly armored targets such as BMP and others expand.
The transition of automatic anti-aircraft guns from 23 mm caliber to 30 mm caliber had practically no effect on the rate of fire, however, with its further increase, it was technically impossible to ensure a high rate of fire.
The Shilka self-propelled anti-aircraft gun had very limited search capabilities, which were provided by its target tracking radar in the sector from 15 to 40 degrees in azimuth with a simultaneous change in the elevation angle within 7 degrees from the established direction of the antenna axis.
The high efficiency of the ZSU-23-4 fire was achieved only upon receipt of preliminary target designations from the PU-12 (M) battery command post, which used data that came from the command post of the division's air defense chief, which had a P-15 or P-19 all-round radar … Only after that did the ZSU-23-4 radar successfully search for targets. In the absence of target designations from the radar, the self-propelled anti-aircraft installation could carry out an independent circular search, but the efficiency of detecting air targets turned out to be less than 20 percent.
The Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense determined that in order to ensure the autonomous operation of a promising self-propelled anti-aircraft installation and high efficiency of firing, it should include its own radar station with a circular view with a range of up to 16-18 kilometers (with RMS of measuring the range up to 30 meters), and the sector the view of this station in the vertical plane should be at least 20 degrees.
However, the KBP MOP agreed to the development of this station, which was a new additional element of the self-propelled anti-aircraft installation, only after careful consideration of the special materials. research carried out at 3 Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense. To expand the firing zone to the line where the enemy can use airborne weapons, as well as to increase the combat power of the Tunguska self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, on the initiative of the 3rd Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense and KBP MOP, it was considered expedient to supplement the installation with missile weapons with an optical sighting system and radio remote control anti-aircraft guided missiles, ensuring defeat targets at ranges up to 8 thousand m and heights up to 3, 5 thousand m.

But, the feasibility of creating an anti-aircraft gun-missile system in the apparatus of A. A. Grechko, the Minister of Defense of the USSR, caused great doubts. The reason for doubts and even for the cessation of funding for the further design of the Tunguska self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (in the period from 1975 to 1977) was that the Osa-AK air defense system, which was put into service in 1975, had a close range of aircraft damage. (10 thousand m) and larger than that of "Tunguska", the size of the affected area in height (from 25 to 5000 m). In addition, the characteristics of the effectiveness of the destruction of aircraft were approximately the same.
However, they did not take into account the specifics of the armament of the regimental air defense link for which the installation was intended, as well as the fact that when fighting helicopters, the Osa-AK anti-aircraft missile system was significantly inferior to the Tunguska, since it had a longer working time - 30 seconds against 10 seconds at the Tunguska anti-aircraft gun. The short reaction time "Tunguska" ensured a successful fight against "jumping" (briefly appearing) or suddenly flying out from behind cover helicopters and other targets flying at low altitudes. SAM "Osa-AK" could not provide this.
The Americans in the Vietnam War for the first time used helicopters, which were armed with ATGM (anti-tank guided missile). It became known that out of 91 approaches of helicopters armed with ATGMs, 89 were successful. Artillery firing positions, armored vehicles and other ground targets were attacked by helicopters.
Based on this combat experience, helicopter special forces were created in each American division, the main purpose of which was to combat armored vehicles. A group of fire support helicopters and a reconnaissance helicopter occupied a position hidden in the folds of the terrain at a distance of 3-5 thousand meters from the line of contact. When the tanks approached it, the helicopters "jumped" 15-25 meters up, hit the enemy equipment with an ATGM, and then quickly disappeared. Tanks in such conditions turned out to be defenseless, and American helicopters - with impunity.
In 1973, by a government decision, a special complex research work "Zapruda" was initiated to find ways to protect ground forces, and especially tanks and other armored vehicles from enemy helicopter attacks. The head performer of this complex and extensive research work was identified by 3 research institutes of the Ministry of Defense (scientific supervisor - Petukhov S. I.). On the territory of the Donguz test site (the head of the test site Dmitriev O. K.), in the course of this work, an experimental exercise was conducted under the leadership of V. A. Gatsolaev. with live firing of various types of SV weapons at target helicopters.
As a result of the work carried out, it was determined that the reconnaissance and destruction means that modern tanks have, as well as the weapons used to destroy ground targets in tank, motorized rifle and artillery formations, are not capable of hitting helicopters in the air. The Osa anti-aircraft missile systems are capable of providing reliable cover for tanks from aircraft strikes, but they cannot provide protection against helicopters. The positions of these complexes will be located 5-7 kilometers from the positions of the helicopters, which during the attack will "jump" and hover in the air for 20-30 seconds. In terms of the total reaction time of the air defense missile system and the flight of the guided missile to the line of the helicopter location, the Osa and Osa-AK complexes will not be able to hit the helicopters. The Strela-1 and Strela-2 complexes and the Shilka launchers are also incapable of fighting fire support helicopters using similar tactics in terms of their combat capabilities.

The only anti-aircraft weapon that effectively combats hovering helicopters could be the Tunguska self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, which had the ability to accompany tanks, being part of their battle formations. ZSU had a short working time (10 seconds) as well as a sufficient far border of its affected area (from 4 to 8 km).
The results of the research work "Dam" and other add. studies that were carried out in 3 research institutes of the Ministry of Defense on this problem, allowed to achieve the resumption of funding for the development of the ZSU "Tunguska".
The development of the Tunguska complex as a whole was carried out in the KBP MOP under the leadership of the chief designer A. G. Shipunov. The main designers of the rocket and guns, respectively, were V. M. Kuznetsov. and Gryazev V. P.
Other organizations were also involved in the development of the fixed assets of the complex: Ulyanovsk Mechanical Plant MRP (developed a radio instrument complex, chief designer Ivanov Yu. E.); Minsk Tractor Plant MSKhM (developed the GM-352 tracked chassis and the power supply system); VNII "Signal" MOP (guidance systems, stabilization of the optical sight and the line of fire, navigation equipment); LOMO MOS (sighting optical equipment), etc.
Joint (state) tests of the "Tunguska" complex were carried out in September 1980 - December 1981 at the Donguz test site (head of the test site Kuleshov V. I.) under the leadership of a commission headed by Yu. P. Belyakov. By the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 1982-08-09, the complex was adopted.
The 2S6 combat vehicle of the Tunguska anti-aircraft gun and missile system (2K22) consisted of the following fixed assets located on a self-propelled tracked vehicle with high cross-country ability:
- cannon armament, including two 2A38 caliber 30 mm submachine guns with a cooling system, ammunition load of cartridges;
- rocket armament, including 8 launchers with guides, ammunition for 9M311 anti-aircraft guided missiles in TPK, coordinate extraction equipment, encoder;
- hydraulic power drives for guidance of missile launchers and guns;
- a radar system, consisting of a target detection radar, a target tracking station, a ground radio interrogator;
- digital calculating device 1A26;
- sighting and optical equipment with a stabilization and guidance system;
- a system for measuring the course and quality;
- navigation equipment;
- built-in control equipment;
- communication system;
- life supporting system;
- system of auto-blocking and automation;
- a system of anti-nuclear, anti-biological and anti-chemical protection.
The 2A38 double-barreled 30-mm anti-aircraft machine gun provided fire with cartridges supplied from a cartridge strip common for both barrels using a single feed mechanism. The assault rifle had a percussion firing mechanism that served both barrels in turn. Shooting control - remote with electric trigger. In the liquid cooling of the barrels, water or antifreeze was used (at negative temperatures). The elevation angles of the machine are from -9 to +85 degrees. The cartridge belt was made up of links and cartridges having fragmentation-tracer and high-explosive fragmentation-incendiary projectiles (in a ratio of 1: 4). Ammunition - 1936 shells. The general rate of fire is 4060-4810 rounds per minute. The assault rifles ensured reliable operation in all operating conditions, including operation at temperatures from -50 to + 50 ° C, with icing, rain, dust, shooting without lubrication and cleaning for 6 days with the shooting of 200 shells on the machine during the day, with fat-free (dry) automation parts. Survivability without changing the barrels - at least 8 thousand shots (the firing mode in this case is 100 shots for each machine gun, followed by cooling). The muzzle velocity of the projectiles was 960-980 meters per second.

The layout of the 9M311 SAM complex "Tunguska". 1. Proximity fuse 2. Steering machine 3. Autopilot unit 4. Autopilot gyro device 5. Power supply unit 6. Warhead 7. Radio control equipment 8. Stage separation device 9. Solid rocket motor
The 42-kilogram 9M311 SAM (the mass of the rocket and the transport-launch container is 57 kilograms) was built according to the bicaliber scheme and had a detachable engine. The single-mode rocket propulsion system consisted of a lightweight launch engine in a 152mm plastic housing. The engine reported the rocket speed of 900 m / s and after 2, 6 seconds after the start, at the end of the work, it separated. To eliminate the effect of smoke from the engine on the optical sighting of the missile defense system, an arcuate programmed (by radio command) trajectory of the missile was used at the launch site.
After the launch of the guided missile to the line of sight of the target, the main stage of the missile defense system (diameter - 76 mm, weight - 18, 5 kg) continued its flight by inertia. The average missile speed is 600 m / s, while the average available overload was 18 units. This ensured the defeat on the pursuit and collision courses of targets moving at a speed of 500 m / s and maneuvering with overloads of up to 5-7 units. The absence of a sustainer engine excluded smoke from the optical sighting line, which ensured accurate and reliable guidance of a guided missile, reduced its dimensions and weight, and simplified the layout of combat equipment and on-board equipment. The use of a two-stage SAM scheme with a 2: 1 diameter ratio of the launch and sustainer stages made it possible to almost halve the weight of the rocket in comparison with a single-stage guided missile with the same flight characteristics, since the engine separation significantly reduced aerodynamic drag in the main section of the rocket trajectory.
The composition of the missile's combat equipment included a warhead, a non-contact target sensor and a contact fuse. The 9-kilogram warhead, which occupied almost the entire length of the sustainer stage, was made in the form of a compartment with rod striking elements, which were surrounded by a fragmentation jacket to increase efficiency. The warhead on the structural elements of the target provided a cutting action and an incendiary action on the elements of the target's fuel system. In the case of small misses (up to 1.5 meters), a high-explosive action was also provided. The warhead was detonated by a signal from a proximity sensor at a distance of 5 meters from the target, and with a direct hit on the target (the probability of about 60 percent) was carried out by a contact fuse.

Proximity sensor weighing 800 gr. consisted of four semiconductor lasers, which form an eight-beam radiation pattern perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the rocket. The laser signal reflected from the target was received by photodetectors. The range of reliable operation is 5 meters, of reliable non-operation - 15 meters. The proximity sensor was cocked by radio commands 1000 m before the guided missile met with the target; when firing at ground targets, the sensor was turned off before launch. The SAM control system had no height restrictions.
The onboard equipment of the guided missile included: an antenna-waveguide system, a gyroscopic coordinator, an electronic unit, a steering drive unit, a power supply unit, and a tracer.
The missile defense system used passive aerodynamic damping of the rocket airframe in flight, which is provided by the correction of the control loop for transmitting commands from the BM computing system to the rocket. This made it possible to obtain sufficient guidance accuracy, to reduce the size and weight of onboard equipment and anti-aircraft guided missiles in general.
The length of the rocket is 2562 millimeters, the diameter is 152 millimeters.
The target detection station of the BM complex "Tunguska" is a coherent-pulse radar station with a circular view of the decimeter range. The high frequency stability of the transmitter, which was made in the form of a master oscillator with an amplifying circuit, the use of a target selection filter circuit provided a high suppression ratio of reflected signals from local objects (30 … 40 dB). This made it possible to detect the target against the background of intense reflections from the underlying surfaces and in passive interference. By selecting the values of the pulse repetition rate and the carrier frequency, an unambiguous determination of the radial velocity and range was achieved, which made it possible to implement target tracking in azimuth and range, automatic target designation of the target tracking station, as well as the issuance of the current range to the digital computing system when setting intense interference by the enemy in the range of the station accompaniment. To ensure operation in motion, the antenna was stabilized by an electromechanical method using signals from the sensors of the course measuring system and the quality of the self-propelled vehicle.
With a transmitter pulse power of 7 to 10 kW, a receiver sensitivity of about 2x10-14 W, an antenna beamwidth of 15 ° in elevation and 5 ° in azimuth, the station with a 90% probability ensured detection of a fighter flying at altitudes from 25 to 3500 meters, at a distance of 16-19 kilometers. Station resolution: range 500 m, azimuth 5-6 °, elevation within 15 °. The standard deviation of determining the coordinates of the target: at a distance of 20 m, in an azimuth of 1 °, in an elevation of 5 °.

Target tracking station is a coherent-pulse centimeter range radar with a two-channel angular tracking system and filter circuits for selecting moving targets in the angular auto-tracking and auto-rangefinder channels. The coefficient of reflection from local objects and suppression of passive interference is 20-25 dB. The station switched to automatic tracking in the target search and target designation modes. Search sector: azimuth 120 °, elevation 0-15 °.
With a receiver sensitivity of 3x10-13 watts, a transmitter pulse power of 150 kilowatts, an antenna pattern width of 2 degrees (in elevation and azimuth), the station with a 90% probability ensured the transition to automatic tracking in three coordinates of a fighter flying at altitudes from 25 to 1000 meters from ranges of 10-13 thousand m (when receiving target designation from the detection station) and from 7.5-8 thousand m (with autonomous sector search). Station resolution: 75 m in range, 2 ° in angular coordinates. Target tracking RMS: 2 m in range, 2 d.u. by angular coordinates.
Both stations with a high degree of probability detected and accompanied hovering and low-flying helicopters. The detection range of a helicopter flying at an altitude of 15 meters at a speed of 50 meters per second, with a probability of 50%, was 16-17 kilometers, the range of transition to automatic tracking was 11-16 kilometers. The hovering helicopter was detected by the detection station due to the Doppler frequency shift from the rotating propeller, the helicopter was taken for auto-tracking by the target tracking station in three coordinates.
The stations were equipped with circuitry protection against active interference, and were also able to track targets in the presence of interference due to a combination of the use of optical and radar BM equipment. Due to these combinations, the separation of operating frequencies, simultaneous or regulated by the time of operation at close frequencies of several (located at a distance of more than 200 meters) BM in the battery provided reliable protection against missiles such as "Standard ARM" or "Shrike".
The 2S6 combat vehicle mainly worked autonomously, but work in the air defense control system of the Ground Forces was not ruled out.
During autonomous operation, the following were provided:
- target search (circular search - using a detection station, sector search - using an optical sight or a tracking station);
- identification of the state ownership of the detected helicopters and aircraft using the built-in interrogator;
- target tracking in angular coordinates (inertial - according to data from a digital computer system, semi-automatic - using an optical sight, automatic - using a tracking station);
- target tracking by range (manual or automatic - using a tracking station, automatic - using a detection station, inertial - using a digital computing system, at a set speed, determined by the commander visually by the type of target selected for firing).

The combination of different methods of target tracking in range and angular coordinates provided the following modes of BM operation:
1 - in three coordinates received from the radar system;
2 - by the range received from the radar system, and the angular coordinates received from the optical sight;
3 - inertial tracking along three coordinates received from the computing system;
4 - according to the angular coordinates obtained from the optical sight and the target speed set by the commander.
When firing at moving ground targets, the mode of manual or semi-automatic weapon guidance was used along the distance reticle of the sight to the anticipated point.
After searching, detecting and recognizing the target, the target tracking station switched to its automatic tracking in all coordinates.
When firing anti-aircraft guns, the digital computing system solved the problem of meeting the projectile and the target, and also determined the affected area based on information coming from the output shafts of the target tracking station antenna, from the range finder and from the block for extracting the error signal by angular coordinates, as well as the system for measuring the course and angles quality BM. When the enemy set up intense interference, the target tracking station through the range measurement channel switched to manual tracking in range, and if manual tracking was impossible, to inertial target tracking or to tracking in range from the detection station. In the case of intense interference, the tracking was carried out with an optical sight, and in the case of poor visibility - from a digital computer system (inertial).
When firing missiles, it was used to track targets in angular coordinates using an optical sight. After the launch, the anti-aircraft guided missile fell into the field of the optical direction finder of the equipment for selecting the coordinates of the missile defense system. In the equipment, according to the light signal of the tracer, the angular coordinates of the guided missile relative to the line of sight of the target were generated, which entered the computer system. The system generated missile control commands, which entered the encoder, where they were encoded into impulse messages and transmitted to the missile through the transmitter of the tracking station. The movement of the rocket almost along the entire trajectory occurred with a deviation of 1, 5 d.u. from the line of sight of the target to reduce the likelihood of a thermal (optical) jamming trap entering the field of view of the direction finder. The introduction of missiles to the line of sight began about 2-3 seconds before meeting the target, ended near it. When the anti-aircraft guided missile approached the target at a distance of 1 km, the radio command for cocking the proximity sensor was transmitted to the missile defense system. After the time elapsed, which corresponded to the missile's flight of 1 km from the target, the BM was automatically transferred to readiness for launching the next guided missile at the target.
In the absence in the computing system of data on the range to the target from the detection station or the tracking station, an additional guidance mode of the anti-aircraft guided missile was used. In this mode, the missile defense system was immediately displayed on the target's line of sight, the proximity sensor was cocked after 3.2 seconds after the missile launch, and the BM was made ready to launch the next missile after the flight time of the guided missile had expired at the maximum range.
4 BM of the Tunguska complex were organizationally reduced to an anti-aircraft missile-artillery platoon of a missile-artillery battery, which consisted of a platoon of Strela-10SV anti-aircraft missile systems and a Tunguska platoon. The battery, in turn, was part of the anti-aircraft division of a tank (motorized rifle) regiment. The battery command post was the PU-12M control point, connected with the command post of the commander of the anti-aircraft battalion - the chief of the regiment's air defense. The command post of the commander of the anti-aircraft battalion served as the command post for the air defense units of the Ovod-M-SV regiment (PPRU-1, mobile reconnaissance and command post) or Assembly (PPRU-1M) - its modernized version. Subsequently, the BM complex "Tunguska" mated with the unified battery KP "Ranzhir" (9S737). When the PU-12M was coupled with the Tunguska complex, the command and target designation commands from the launcher to the combat vehicles of the complex were transmitted by voice via the standard radio stations. When interfacing with KP 9S737, commands were transmitted using codograms generated by the data transmission equipment available on them. When controlling the Tunguska complexes from a battery command post, the analysis of the air situation, as well as the choice of targets for shelling by each complex, had to be carried out at this point. In this case, target designation and orders were to be transmitted to combat vehicles, and from the complexes to the battery command post - information on the state and results of the complex operation. In the future, it was supposed to provide a direct connection of the anti-aircraft gun-missile system with the command post of the chief of the regiment's air defense using a telecode data line.
The operation of the combat vehicles of the "Tunguska" complex was ensured by the use of the following vehicles: transport-loading 2F77M (based on KamAZ-43101, carried 8 missiles and 2 ammunition cartridges); repair and maintenance of 2F55-1 (Ural-43203 with a trailer) and 1R10-1M (Ural-43203, maintenance of electronic equipment); maintenance 2В110-1 (Ural-43203, artillery unit maintenance); control and test automated mobile stations 93921 (GAZ-66); maintenance workshops MTO-ATG-M1 (ZIL-131).
Complex "Tunguska" by the middle of 1990 was modernized and received the name "Tunguska-M" (2K22M). The main modifications of the complex concerned the introduction of a new receiver and radio stations for communication with the battery-operated KP "Ranzhir" (PU-12M) and KP PPRU-1M (PPRU-1), replacement of the gas turbine engine of the electric power supply unit of the complex with a new one with an increased service life (600 hours instead of 300).
In August - October 1990, the 2K22M complex was tested at the Embensky test site (the head of the test site is V. R. Unuchko) under the leadership of the commission headed by A. Ya. Belotserkovsky. In the same year, the complex was put into service.
Serial production of "Tunguska" and "Tunguska-M", as well as its radar equipment was organized at the Ulyanovsk Mechanical Plant of the Ministry of Radio Industry, cannon armament was organized at TMZ (Tula Mechanical Plant), missile weapons - at the KMZ (Kirov Machine-Building Plant) "Mayak" of the Ministry of Defense, sighting and optical equipment - in LOMO of the Ministry of Defense Industry. Tracked self-propelled vehicles and their support systems were supplied by MTZ MSKhM.
The laureates of the Lenin Prize were Golovin A. G., Komonov P. S., Kuznetsov V. M., Rusyanov A. D., Shipunov A. G., State Prize - Bryzgalov N. P., Vnukov V. G., Zykov I. P., Korobkin V. A. and etc.
In the Tunguska-M1 modification, the processes of targeting an anti-aircraft guided missile and data exchange with the battery command were automated. The non-contact laser target sensor in the 9M311-M missile was replaced with a radar one, which increased the likelihood of hitting an ALCM-type missile. Instead of a tracer, a flash lamp was installed - the efficiency increased by 1, 3-1, 5 times, and the range of the guided missile reached 10 thousand meters.
Based on the collapse of the Soviet Union, work is underway to replace the GM-352 chassis, produced in Belarus, with the GM-5975 chassis, developed by the Metrovagonmash production association in Mytishchi.
Further development of the main tech. decisions on the Tunguska complexes were carried out in the Pantsir-S anti-aircraft gun-missile system, which has a more powerful 57E6 anti-aircraft guided missile. The launch range increased to 18 thousand meters, the height of the targets hit - up to 10 thousand meters. The guided missile of this complex uses a more powerful engine, the mass of the warhead was increased to 20 kilograms, while its caliber increased to 90 millimeters. The diameter of the instrument compartment has not changed and was 76 millimeters. The length of the guided missile has increased to 3.2 meters, and its mass has increased to 71 kilograms.
The anti-aircraft missile system provides simultaneous shelling of 2 targets in a sector of 90x90 degrees. High noise immunity is achieved due to the combined use in the infrared and radar channels of a complex of means that operate in a wide range of wavelengths (infrared, millimeter, centimeter, decimeter). The anti-aircraft missile system provides for the use of a wheeled chassis (for the country's air defense forces), a stationary module or self-propelled tracked vehicle, as well as a ship version.
Another direction of creating the latest air defense means was carried out by the Precision Engineering Design Bureau named after V. I. Nudelman development of the towed air defense missile system "Sosna".
In accordance with the article of the chief - chief designer of the design bureau B. Smirnov and deputy. chief designer V. Kokurin in the magazine "Military Parade" No. 3, 1998, the complex located on the trailer chassis includes: double-barreled anti-aircraft machine gun 2A38M (rate of fire - 2400 rounds per minute) with a magazine for 300 rounds; operator's cabin; an optoelectronic module developed by the production association "Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant" (with laser, infrared and television equipment); guidance mechanisms; digital computing system based on 1V563-36-10 computer; an autonomous power supply system with a rechargeable battery and an AP18D gas turbine power unit.
The artillery base version of the system (complex weight - 6300 kg; height - 2, 7 m; length - 4, 99 m) can be supplemented with 4 Igla anti-aircraft missiles or 4 advanced guided missiles.
According to the Janes Defense weekly publishing house of 11.11.1999, the 25-kilogram Sosna-R 9M337 missile is equipped with a 12-channel laser fuse and a warhead weighing 5 kilograms. The range of the missile's destruction zone is 1, 3-8 km, the height is up to 3.5 km. The flight time to the maximum range is 11 seconds. The maximum flight speed of 1200 m / s is one third higher than the corresponding indicator of the Tunguska.
The functional and layout of the missile is similar to that of the Tunguska anti-aircraft missile system. The diameter of the engine is 130 millimeters, the sustainer stage is 70 millimeters. The radio command control system was replaced by more noise-immune laser-beam guidance equipment, developed taking into account the experience of using tank guided missile systems created by the Tula KBP.
The mass of the transport and launch container with a rocket is 36 kg.