At the September firing at the Kapustin Yar range, the Buk-M2E anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) demonstrated 100% effectiveness. He hit five targets with five shots. This was announced by the press secretary of the commander of the North Caucasus Military District, Lieutenant Colonel Andrei Bobrun. The firing was carried out by an anti-aircraft missile brigade, the first to receive the Buk-M2E air defense system in the Russian army.
The shooting once again confirmed the unique combat characteristics of the Buk-M2E air defense missile system. It is a multifunctional, mobile, multipurpose medium-range anti-aircraft missile system. Lead developer - Research Institute of Instrument Engineering named after V. V. Tikhomirova, the main manufacturer - JSC "Ulyanovsk Mechanical Plant" (UMP).
The complex hits any aerodynamic targets, including maneuvering tactical and strategic aircraft, fire support helicopters, including hovering, a wide range of missile targets: tactical ballistic, anti-radar, cruise. SAM is also capable of attacking surface targets (class "destroyer" and "missile boat"). It provides firing of ground-based radio-contrast targets both in a noise-free environment and in conditions of intense radio countermeasures.
The affected area of the complex is:
- by range: from 3 to 45 km;
- in height: from 15 m to 25 km.
Complex reaction time: 10-12 sec.
The probability of hitting the target with one missile: 0, 9-0, 95.
The complex uses modern phased antenna arrays with an effective command phase control method, which allows simultaneously tracking and hitting up to 24 targets with a minimum time interval. The presence in the composition of the air defense missile system of a radar for illumination and guidance of the RPN 9S36E with an antenna post rising to a height of 21 m ensures the defeat of targets flying at low and extremely low altitudes, in wooded and rugged terrain. Placing combat assets on high-speed self-propelled tracked chassis makes it possible to deploy and collapse the air defense system in a time of no more than 5 minutes. It takes only 20 seconds to change positions with the equipment turned on. All this testifies to the high mobility of the complex.
The modern hardware and software implementation of the jamming protection channels ensures the confident functioning of the combat assets of the complex in conditions of intense noise barrage interference with a power of up to 1000 W / MHz.
The possibility of daily operation of the main combat means of the complex - SOU 9A317E in the mode of an optoelectronic system, implemented on the basis of submatrix thermal imaging and CCD-matrix television channels, significantly increases the noise immunity and survivability of the air defense missile system.
The high efficiency of the complex has been repeatedly confirmed by multiple successful firing tests at the training grounds of the Russian Federation and foreign customers in conditions as close as possible to combat. The Buk-M2E anti-aircraft missile system is one of the best medium-range air defense systems in the world. He is in increasing demand on the world arms market.

Another product manufactured by UMP, the Tunguska anti-aircraft self-propelled gun (ZSU), also gets a second wind. It was developed in the 80s. XX century. The lead developer is the State Unitary Enterprise “Instrument Engineering Design Bureau (KBP). ZSU is intended for air defense of motorized rifle and tank units of troops in all types of their combat operations. ZSU provides detection, identification of nationality, tracking and destruction of air targets: tactical aircraft, helicopters, including hovering, cruise missiles, remotely piloted aircraft when working from a place, in motion and from short stops, as well as the destruction of ground and surface targets and targets dropped by parachutes. In the ZSU, for the first time, the combination of two types of weapons (rocket and cannon) with a single radar and instrument complex was achieved.
Many years of experience in operating the Tunguska ZSU, Tunguska-M ZSU and its further modifications have shown that they have insufficient noise immunity when firing missile weapons at targets that use optical interference. In addition, they are not equipped with equipment for automated reception and implementation of target designation from a higher command post, which reduces the effectiveness of the combat use of the ZSU battery during a massive enemy raid.
To eliminate these shortcomings, the Tunguska-M ZSU was modernized. As a result, in 2003, the Tunguska-M1 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (ZSU 2S6M1) appeared with significantly improved combat characteristics.
The use of a new rocket with a pulsed optical transponder and the modernization of its control equipment made it possible to significantly increase the noise immunity and increase the likelihood of hitting targets operating under the cover of optical interference. Equipping the rocket with a radar proximity fuse with a firing radius of up to 5 m significantly increased the effectiveness of the ZSU in the fight against small targets. Now the range of target destruction has increased from 8,000 to 10,000 m. And the introduction of equipment for automated reception and processing of external target designation data from a command post of the type PPRU (9S80) significantly increased the effectiveness of the combat use of the ZSU during massive raids. The modernization of the digital computing system of the ZSU based on the new computer expanded the functionality of the DCS in solving combat and control tasks, and increased the accuracy of solving problems.
The gunner's "unloading" system provides automatic, high-speed, two-coordinate target tracking with an optical sight. This greatly simplifies the process of tracking the target by the gunner, while increasing the tracking accuracy. At the same time, the dependence of the effectiveness of the combat use of the optical channel on the level of professional preparedness of the gunner decreases.
The modernized radar system provides reception and implementation of external target designation data, operation of the gunner's "unloading" system. The reliability of the equipment has been increased, the technical and operational characteristics have been improved.
The use of a more powerful gas turbine engine with a doubled resource increased the power of the ZSU energy system and reduced power drawdowns when working with the weapon guidance hydraulic drives turned on.
Currently, work is underway to increase the viewing height of the ZSU radar to 6 km (instead of 3.5 km) and the introduction of television and thermal imaging channels with automatic tracking, which will ensure the presence of a passive target tracking channel and all-day use of missile weapons.
ZSU "Tunguska-M1" fires from a place and in motion. In terms of the effectiveness of protecting the military units it covers on the march and stationary objects from air attack weapons that raid at low altitudes, it has no analogues in the world.