The growth in the number of equipping the armies of the countries of the Far East today attracts quite serious interest. If we talk about the largest army not only in this region, but also in the world, then the first place is unconditionally occupied by the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA). This army has about 6 million so-called military labor units at its disposal, with a purely military personnel numbering about 2 million people.
Today, the PLA is well equipped and equipped with new weapons and military equipment. Not the last place is occupied by cars. When it comes to quality, they often talk about Japanese cars, but the military vehicles produced in China recently can also be called quite acceptable for solving a whole range of tasks.

Many units of Chinese military equipment are very similar to samples of foreign equipment. So military Chinese vehicles are no exception in this regard. For example, the famous Chinese BJ-212 "Beijin" ("Beijin"), which began production in the 60s of the last century, is a copy of the Soviet 469th UAZ. This car is still great for driving in terrain, where ordinary cars will be helpless.

Since the beginning of the 90s, the Chinese began to produce the military vehicle BJ2020S, which is a kind of modification of the previous versions of the Chinese UAZ. This car has become a real workhorse of the Chinese army and is used to transport not only personnel, but also special military equipment. At the same time, the BJ2020S can be used as a self-propelled platform for launching various projectiles and missiles. Often the machine is used for use in a marching battle, equipping it with an ATGM or a large-caliber machine gun.
This vehicle is used not only by Chinese troops, but also by Chinese police units. In such vehicles, detainees are transported during operational raids, and mobile forensic laboratories are also created to conduct simple examinations at the scene of incidents.

In the 80s, the Chinese created another military vehicle based on Soviet design. We are talking about the WS2400, which is based on the MAZ-543. The Chinese counterpart has the same 8x8 wheel arrangement and is used for the same purposes as the Soviet version: missile systems, fire fighting equipment, and combat alert.