The image of a Soviet officer was always painted with a kind of patriotic touch, there was always a certain pathos. In all the patriotic pictures, he raises the fighters to the attack, and if the pictures of the period of the Patriotic War, then he has a TT in his hands, and if of a later time, then the PM. So it seemed to all ordinary people that these pistols are only in service with the Soviet Army. By the way, this is not far from the truth, although new melee weapon systems were being developed, their implementation proceeded with a creak. Recently, there have appeared several striking, stand out among their similar samples of this type of weapon.
Self-loading pistol MP-444 "Bagheera"
The product, codenamed "Bagheera", is a fundamentally different development of the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, unlike the entire range of such weapons. The pistol base is made of plastic, which is made from polymer compounds and meets the required strength criteria. The main working elements of the pistol are metal, they are, as it were, "filled" with body plastic. The pistol can use three types of ammunition in its modifications: 9x17, 9x18 PM and PMM and 9x19 "Parabellum".

The pistol frame is made of molded plastic, which has been heat-treated and made the product especially durable. It has integrated front and stern slide rails. The percussion mechanism is equipped with a striker, which has a special cocking mechanism, with which you can manually cock the striker and fire, both self-cocking and with a preliminary cocking of the striker. The trigger mechanism is located in the front and stern guides of the bolt section. The return mechanism of the buffer type serves to soften the impact force of the barrel and the bolt in the extreme rear position.

The presence of a cartridge in the chamber can be judged by the ejector, by its contour, which is visible even in conditions of insufficient visibility.
The safety mechanism includes a mechanical safety lock, which is located on the bolt part, and an auto-lock for the striker, which prevents him from piercing the cartridge primer until the trigger is squeezed all the way. Directly the safety flag in the lower position opens up the possibility of firing. In the upper position, it blocks the trigger without removing the firing pin from the cocking position, which makes it possible to carry the product in the ready position for firing and, if necessary, quickly start firing with a weak trigger. If the lever of the safety mechanism is moved beyond the latch, the function of resetting the striker from the firing position will be triggered. The clip stopper is located behind the trigger guard and can be installed under a comfortable hand. The sight is not adjustable.
Design features
- extremely comfortable product ergonomics
-plastic corrugated protrusion at the end of the handle, softening the recoil force
- the minimum size of the pistol grip coverage
-location of the main points of control of the pistol in the zone of action of the thumb
The performance characteristics of the MR-444 / MR-444K "Bagheera"
Weapon weight without cartridges … 0, 76 kg
Length … 186/186 mm
Barrel length … 101/101 mm
Bullet muzzle velocity … 420 (Luger) / 360 (9x18) m / s
Amount of cartridges in a clip -10/15 cartridges
Self-loading pistol MP-446 "Viking"
The self-loading pistol MP-446 Viking is a development of the Yarygin pistol range and is created on the platform of the PYa 6P35 Grach pistol, which is in service with the RF Armed Forces. The modification has been mastered by production in order to increase the demand for a product in which component materials are used, which reduce the cost of weapons as a product through the use of polymer plastics.

The product consists of a frame on which a double-cocked trigger trigger is mounted (firing a shot, both from a combat platoon and with a manual self-cocking), a durable plastic frame, a bolt and return mechanism, and a lock.
The ammunition supply is carried out from a two-row box-type cage.
The basis of the operation of the pistol automation is the principle of recoil of the bolt with a short stroke of the barrel section. Locking for a shot is made by tilting the barrel by one combat stop of the coupling.
The role of the indicator of the presence of a cartridge in the chamber is played by the upper protrusion of the ejector.
The magazine latch is capable of being installed under the shooter's comfortable working hand. A mechanical-type fuse, with two-way control, blocks the trigger, both when firing self-cocking and when pre-cocking.

A return spring with a guide rod is located under the barrel. Incomplete and complete disassembly of the product is carried out without the use of additional materials using a standard cleaning rod. It is simple in operation, as well as in handling.
The performance characteristics of the MP-446 "Viking"
Caliber - 9 mm
Cartridge - 9x19mm Luger
Pistol weight - 0.9 kg
Product length - 190 mm
Barrel length - 114.5 mm
Height - 140 mm
Width - 38 mm
The number of cartridges in the clip - 17 pcs.
Sighting range - 50 m
By a separate order, the MP-446 "Viking" is produced in a version with a sight that can be adjusted.
Self-loading pistol MP-445 "Varyag"
This pistol is designed on the basis of the 6P35 Grach pistol, which is in service with the RF Armed Forces. Prepared for production as an export option. The weapon was being prepared for mass production, as the main weapon of the police and some army units.

The self-loading MP-445 "Varyag" was "loaded" chambered for 9x19, and its "twin" MP-445 SW used even more powerful.40 S&W ammunition from Smith & Wesson. There is also a compact version of the MP-445C ("C" - from the Latin word "compact"). A little later, the model range was replenished with the "compact" MP-445CSW chambered for SW. Despite the fact that all models of this series are no different, they all have their own external design with striking similarity.

The automation of the product operates due to the short stroke of the barrel section. USM - trigger type, double cocking, which makes it possible to fire self-cocking. The MP-445 sight is adjustable both in height and horizontally, and in the MP-445S "compact" sights are of a fixed type with three contrast points. For the manufacture of the frame of the product, a durable polymer thermoplastic was also used. An indicator of the presence of a cartridge in the chamber in the form of an ejector upper protrusion is made on the bolt part. The clip latch is made in the form of a double-sided lever, which makes it possible to rearrange it under the leading hand for convenience when shooting. The return spring is located under the barrel. Has special grooves for mounting the target designator.
The Bagheera and Viking pistols remained experienced.