One of the most interesting domestic developments in the field of armored vehicles is the so-called. tank support combat vehicle (BMPT). Russian designers have developed and offered customers several projects of such equipment, but for some time BMPT remained exclusively exhibition models without any real prospects. However, the situation changed a few years ago, and tank support vehicles were still able to become the subject of new supply contracts.
The idea of a tank support combat vehicle in its modern form was implemented by the designers of the Ural Design Bureau of Transport Engineering at the turn of the nineties and two thousand years. The project under the designations "Object 199" and "Frame", which later received the new name "Terminator", implied the restructuring of the chassis of the T-90 tank with the installation of a new combat module with an advanced armament complex. With barreled and rocket armament on board, such an armored vehicle could solve a wide range of combat missions.
Back in the late nineties, the general appearance of the complex of weapons for the BMPT was formed, with some changes or other used to this day. After some modifications and checks, the Terminator received a pair of 30-mm 2A42 automatic cannons, two twin Ataka-T missile launchers and a PKT machine gun mounted on a rotating turret. A pair of AGS-17 automatic grenade launchers was placed in the hull.

In the middle of the last decade, BMPT prototypes passed all the necessary checks, including state tests. However, the matter did not go further: experienced "Terminators" remained exclusively exhibition specimens with no real prospects. Over the next few years, the leadership of the ministry talked about the possibility of adopting the "Framework" into service, but in 2010 such plans were abandoned.
In 2013, Uralvagonzavod Corporation proposed two new variants of a tank support combat vehicle. The first project involved the installation of a special turret on the chassis of a T-55 medium tank and was intended for one of the countries of Latin America. For a number of reasons, this project did not produce real results. The second proposal also related to the use of an alternative chassis. The armored vehicle under the designation "Terminator-2" was to be built on the chassis of the main T-72 tank.
Since 2015, various materials have mentioned a new modification of the "Terminator", which has certain differences from previous machines. The unified tracked platform "Armata" should be used as a basis for it. At the same time, according to some reports, in order to obtain a significant increase in combat power, such a variant of the BMPT should be equipped with the A-220M "Baikal" module, equipped with a 57-mm automatic cannon. Unlike a number of other developments of the family, BMPT on the Armata chassis has not yet been presented to specialists and the public.
Having a characteristic and recognizable technical appearance, as well as differing in the range of tasks to be solved, "Object 199" and other machines based on it have invariably attracted attention. The armored vehicles received accolades, and the greatest future was predicted for it. However, these predictions did not come true. For several years, the real prospects of the "Framework" remained in question.
By the beginning of this decade, the issue with the supply of Terminators to the Russian army was resolved: the command refused to purchase such equipment. However, it soon became known about the start of mass production of armored vehicles. The starting customer of the BMPT was the armed forces of Kazakhstan. The contract involved the supply of a dozen combat vehicles in 2011-2013. The order was fully completed in due time. In early 2014, there were reports of a possible continuation of supplies, and now it was about the transfer of assembly kits to Kazakhstan. As far as is known, such an agreement has never appeared.
In mid-June, specialized publications reported on the possible resumption of BMPT production. According to the published information, the Uralvagonzavod enterprise at that time was preparing to assemble new armored vehicles. In addition, servicemen of the Russian armed forces arrived at the enterprise. All this indicated that in the very near future the Ministry of Defense was to place an order for new equipment.
According to June data, the first serial "Terminators" for the Russian army were to leave the assembly shop next year. At least a dozen vehicles can be built. In terms of their configuration and armament, they must correspond to those previously released for Kazakhstan. BMPTs for domestic units will be built on the T-90 chassis and will receive a pair of automatic cannons, supplemented by Attack-T missiles, a machine gun and automatic grenade launchers. The possibility of updating fire control systems using the developments in the Terminator-2 project was not excluded.
During the recent Army-2017 international military-technical forum, reports of the serial production of Terminators for the Russian army were confirmed. As it became known on August 24, the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Uralvagonzavod corporation signed several large contracts for the supply of various armored vehicles. One of these agreements involves the construction and transfer of a number of tank support combat vehicles to the army. The quantity and equipment of the ordered equipment, however, were not specified.
Several new export contracts may appear in the future. Just the other day, the head of the Main Armored Directorate, Lieutenant General Alexander Shevchenko, said that the Israeli and Syrian military had shown their interest in the Terminators. It is worth noting that the Syrian military has already had the opportunity to get acquainted with the original Russian development. BMPTs were previously sent to Syria for testing in a real local conflict, and showed themselves in the best possible way. As a result of such exploitation, official Damascus could show interest in new Russian technology. It is noteworthy that the "running-in" of combat vehicles in Syria had a certain impact on the decision of the Russian military.
Back in 2013, there were reports of a possible supply of tank support combat vehicles to Algeria. A few days ago, the domestic and foreign press reported the existence of such a document. According to published data, a contract for a large number of Terminators was signed last year. Algeria will have to receive more than 300 BMPTs on the chassis of the T-90SA main tank. Armament and fire control systems should be borrowed from the BMPT-72 "Terminator-2" project. It is argued that this technique will accompany the tanks of the ground forces and protect them from various threats.

According to reports, the first BMPTs will go to Algeria early next 2018. The last batch of cars must be handed over to the customer before the beginning of 2020. Thus, the largest contract will be completed in about two years.
At the moment, it is known about several completed and signed contracts for the supply of serial tank support vehicles. In accordance with these documents, by the end of this decade, the total number of built "Terminators" in different configurations will reach the level of 320-350 units. At the same time, at the moment, only ten vehicles built several years ago for Kazakhstan are in full-fledged military operation. Thus, the manufacturing enterprise faces very serious tasks.
In the case of the BMPT program, a very interesting situation can be observed. Proposed at the beginning of the last decade, the original combat vehicle not only attracted attention, but was also criticized. After examining the proposed sample, the Department of Defense did not show the expected enthusiasm. Throughout the zero years, the adoption and procurement of Terminators were constantly postponed until they were finally canceled.
Only at the end of the decade, the car became the subject of a contract, however, in this case, it was only about a small batch of equipment. After a few years, the situation began to change. At least in 2013, Algeria showed its interest in the BMPT, but its order was signed with some delay. According to media reports, this delay was due to the expectation of a new modification of the armored vehicle, which has improved characteristics. Finally, in 2017, the decision to adopt the Terminator into service was also made by the Russian army.
It should be noted that in all these cases, armored vehicles of older modifications, implying the use of existing tank chassis, became the subject of new orders. The current status and prospects of the Terminator on the Armata chassis are still unclear. Apparently, such a project is not yet ready even for testing, and therefore it will be possible to talk about real results only in a few years. Nevertheless, given the existing plans for the development of the fleet of armored vehicles, it can be assumed that such an BMPT has a certain chance of getting into the troops. However, if this happens, then only in the distant future.
Apparently, only a few years after the "premiere" of the first version of the BMPT, the military leaders of different countries began to understand the need and real prospects for such technology. Local conflicts of recent years have a number of characteristic features in the context of weapons and equipment, and therefore samples with the capabilities of the "Framework" can be of great interest. The consequence of this to date has been small orders from Russia and Kazakhstan, as well as a large contract with Algeria, implying the supply of more than 300 armored vehicles. It should also be expected that in the foreseeable future the Russian industry will receive new orders for Terminators of various modifications. After several years of painful uncertainty, the fate of the family of technology was decided. The cars are going into large series.