In recent years, the BMPT tank support combat vehicle, also known under the names "Object 199", "Frame" and "Terminator", has regularly appeared at various exhibitions of weapons and military equipment. The original development of the Ural Design Bureau of Transport Engineering receives a lot of positive reviews, but, nevertheless, has no noticeable success. The Russian armed forces have still not expressed a desire to acquire such equipment, and the only BMPT operator at the moment is Kazakhstan, which intends to receive only ten such vehicles.

As it became known just a few days ago, in the very near future the list of BMPT buyers may increase. According to reports from the Algerian weapons and military equipment blog, BMPT vehicles were recently tested in Algeria. The Russian sample has passed the test cycle at the Hassi Bahbah mountain range. The purpose of these activities, it is alleged, could be preparation for the signing of a contract for the supply of equipment of this model. There is no official confirmation of this information yet, but the very fact of testing BMPT at the Algerian training ground can speak volumes.
First of all, he says that Algeria, already using Russian-made military equipment, is interested in further cooperation in this area. A striking example of this is the composition of the tank forces of Algeria: they use equipment exclusively Soviet (T-55, T-62 and T-72) or Russian (T-72 and T-90S) production. Moreover, the last contract at the moment for the supply of T-90S tanks was signed in 2011. In accordance with this agreement, Algeria will receive 120 tanks. Given the fact that the BMPT has the ability to be built not only on the basis of the T-72 tank, but also on the basis of the T-90 chassis (including the T-90S), one can understand one of the reasons for the Algerian attention to this combat vehicle.

However, the main reason why Algeria not only showed interest in the BMPT, but also initiated tests on its territory, is the original weapons complex. It is the weapon that is the main feature of the "Object 199", giving it the appropriate capabilities. Recall that the tank support combat vehicle is armed with two automatic cannons 2A42 30 mm caliber, one 7.62 mm PKTM machine gun and two automatic grenade launchers AG-17. In addition, four transport and launch containers with missiles of the Ataka anti-tank complex are mounted on the turret. Thanks to the use of such a wide range of weapons, the BMPT is said to be capable of dealing with a wide variety of targets on the battlefield, from manpower to heavy armored vehicles of the enemy.
Another feature of the "Object 199" is the use of a tank chassis. The slightly modified armored hull provides crew protection on par with modern Russian main battle tanks. The borrowing of the power plant and the chassis from the tanks in the same way affected the mobility of the new combat vehicle. Thanks to these factors, the BMPT is able to operate in the same order with other armored vehicles and perform its main task - fire support for tanks.
It should be noted that in discussions of the BMPT vehicle, its ambiguous fire capabilities are often noted. First of all, opponents of this project pay attention to the limited capabilities of the barrel armament. The fact is that 30-mm automatic cannons cannot fight modern well-protected armored vehicles, and course grenade launchers do not provide the required accuracy of fire. In the context of the combat capabilities of the BMPT, examples can be cited regarding recent wars, including those that took place in the Mediterranean region. In these conflicts, regular armies had to fight insurgent formations with specific technical equipment. Most often, the Libyan or Syrian armored vehicles were opposed by the so-called. technical cars - pickup cars with weapons installed in the back. To destroy such targets, the power of 30-mm guns may even be redundant, and automatic grenade launchers and machine guns are capable of guaranteed fulfillment of a combat mission.

Perhaps, considering the Russian BMPT, the Algerian military takes into account the situation in the region and recent trends. It cannot be ruled out that the interest in the "Object 199" is due to the nature of the recent local conflicts with active urban battles. As practice shows, even modern main tanks cannot always work effectively in urban conditions, including due to the composition of the weapons. In other words, in urban combat, a gun can have excess power, and the capabilities of machine guns do not always allow them to hit the target with a guarantee. In this case, BMPT, armed with cannons, grenade launchers and a machine gun, can be much more useful in comparison with tanks.
Yet BMPT is not a panacea. One of the most serious arguments against this vehicle concerns the level of protection of the weapons. Cannons, machine guns and missiles are located on a lightly armored turret and are therefore at increased risk. In addition, other claims are made against the BMPT, both technical and tactical in nature.
Until recently, "Object 199", due to its specific appearance, had ambiguous prospects. The combination of the pros and cons of this vehicle did not allow us to talk about its imminent adoption by the Russian army. In the near future, perhaps, the matter will finally get off the ground and the prospects of BMPT will be clear and understandable. According to the well-known specialist in the field of armored vehicles A. Khlopotov, the Ural design bureau of transport engineering recently took into account all the wishes and criticism. As a result, a new project appeared under the name BMPT-72 ("Object 183"). Details about this new product have not yet been announced, but, according to Khlopotov, will soon be published.
If in the modernized version of the BMPT not only some equipment is updated, but more serious modifications are introduced, this can have a beneficial effect on the prospects of the project. However, due to the lack of detailed information, it remains only to make assumptions, which, most likely, will be far from reality. Nevertheless, even in its current state, the BMPT project may be of interest to the armed forces of some countries. So, Kazakhstan has already signed a contract for the supply of these machines, and Algeria has conducted tests at its proving ground. Naturally, only two countries cannot be called a reason for pride or evidence of the great success of the new combat vehicle. However, the creation of "Object 183" can radically change the situation and allow the updated BMPT to find new buyers. I would like to hope that the new development of Russian designers, in which so much effort and time has been invested, will not add to the list of unsuccessful projects remaining at the stage of small-scale production.