The commercial seaport in the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky is now dilapidated. But a huge number of practically new ones, as they say, in the factory lubrication of armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, amphibious tanks, and self-propelled gun mounts, are concentrated on the pier. Military equipment stands without outposts, patrolmen and sentries. Dockers are very happy to be photographed for memory, right on the armor. Armored vehicles and heavy weapons are being withdrawn from the peninsula under the pretext of modernization. The nuclear submarine base, which is part of the Pacific Fleet in Vilyuchinsk on the Kamchatka Peninsula, remains without the necessary ground cover.
One of the officers of the General Staff, who had previously served in Kamchatka, sharply criticized this decision: “Several hundred units of artillery systems and armored vehicles will not make the weather. But such a denudation of the ground cover of the naval base of the Navy in Vilyuchinsk is an extremely wrong decision. And, despite the fact that only a few nuclear submarines are moored there now, this is a strategic reserve of the Pacific Fleet. Today, the nuclear submarine base remains uncovered from modern means of attack, either from the ground or from the air. The previously promised S-400s never made it to their destination - they got stuck on the way. The previously operating anti-sabotage units were completely reduced. Today the artillery component of protection is being reduced."
According to the official version, the armored vehicles are being sent for modernization. According to the head of the department of military communications in the region of the Kamchatka-Chukotka river and sea basin, Captain 2nd Rank Andrei Zenin, the export of equipment from Kamchatka began with the dispatch of 132 T-80 tanks to the "mainland". For this summer, it was planned to withdraw another 150 units of various types of military equipment. Half have already been sent to Vladivostok. According to A. Zenin, the old, but in full combat readiness, T-55 and T-62 tanks will be sent next. The officer did not report the final destination of the route, citing military secrets. At the same time, he confirmed that the equipment is fully operational and for each unit special passports have been issued to the Ministry of Defense.
The military claims that the "armor" is being sent for modernization to the 206th Ussuriisk tank repair plant. But, as you know, only tanks and no other types of weapons are repaired and improved there. However, the Akatsia, Hyacinth and Pion artillery systems are also sent in the same direction.
Transportation of such "flowers" across the country is very expensive. For example, sending a car from the Kamchatka Peninsula to Vladivostok is estimated at an average of 50 thousand rubles. And the transportation of heavy armored vehicles will naturally cost an order of magnitude more. The Ministry of Defense already has a debt to the Kamchatka Shipping Company of about 30 million rubles for the previously performed transportation.
Today, the warehouses at the Ussuriysk Tank Repair Plant are full, a huge amount of armored vehicles are also near Komsomolsk-on-Amur. For several years now, a rumor has been spreading among Kamchatka officers that Russia will not be able to avoid a war with neighboring China in the near future. And we have practically no chances of winning, given the obvious inequality of forces. As a result of the military reform, which is being actively carried out in the Russian Far East, there are no full-fledged divisions in the region today, and in order to avoid a repetition of the defeat of what happened back in 1941, the Ministry of Defense is pulling equipment and artillery from all over the country and placing them closer to the border with " a great friendly neighbor. " At the same time, according to Andrei Margiev, a Kamchatka military observer, the exported equipment is either intended to replenish its own warehouses, or the new Viktor But from the Ministry of Defense secretly plans to sell this equipment to some country where iron on khaki wheels is in great demand. …