Why does the Russian Federation buy foreign weapons?

Why does the Russian Federation buy foreign weapons?
Why does the Russian Federation buy foreign weapons?
Why does the Russian Federation buy foreign weapons?
Why does the Russian Federation buy foreign weapons?

In recent years, the process of purchasing foreign weapons has been gaining momentum in the Russian Federation, huge amounts of money are and will go to the West, which could support the development of the domestic military-industrial complex, create new jobs, increase the salaries of workers in our enterprises, give impetus to the creation of new weapons systems. in addition, it is well known that, while developing new weapons systems, dozens, hundreds of new products and technologies are created "along the way" that can be used in the civilian sphere. In addition, this leads to the final degradation of domestic design bureaus in a number of promising areas, creates the danger of dependence on the West in the field of components, ammunition, there is a danger of failure of electronics on Western products in the event of a war with NATO.

Voennoe Obozreniye has already announced the desire of the naval command to install foreign-made artillery systems on frigate-class ships under construction, and we are also talking about the purchase of systems for our diesel submarines - diesel engines, diesel generators, ventilation and air conditioning systems. (https://topwar.ru/3365-na-rossijskix-korablyax-ustanovyat-evropejskie-artillerijskie-ustanovki.html). And later it became clear that these were outdated artillery systems: the Italian 127-mm OTO-Melara (model 1968) and the French Creusot-Loire Compact (1953/1968). UAVs were purchased from Israel, already outdated models. There is an agreement with Italy to buy 10 Lynx armored vehicles from Iveco, at the end of 2011 the 1st armored vehicle should leave the assembly line at KAMAZ. A figure has been announced about the construction of 1,700 vehicles for the Russian FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense (https://topwar.ru/1096-rossiya-potratit-1-mlrd-dollarov-na-zakupku-1700-italyanskix-bronemashin.html). Moreover, the vehicle will use light armor according to German technology.

Plans have been announced to buy up to 1000 units of Panar light armored vehicles for the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs from France, possibly some of the vehicles will be produced in Russia (https://topwar.ru/3453-rf-planiruet-zakupit-do-1000-edinic-francuzskoj -bronetexniki.html). The Ministry of Defense was negotiating the purchase of trial batches of the Italian Frezzia infantry fighting vehicles (BMP) and heavy BM Centauro for testing. Probably, lots for the Ground Forces will also be bought (https://topwar.ru/3529-ministerstvo-oborony-planiruet-priobresti-partii-probnyx-italyanskix-bmp-i-bm.html). This list is incomplete, it can be continued: "Mistrals", sniper rifles, a field camp was bought in Germany from Karcher Futuretech GmbH, and so on. A good symbol-image of such a policy in the field of armaments is the Mistral barge, an iceberg under our military-industrial complex.

The question arises - why? Are we going to fight China and Islamic countries in a few years ?! To do this, we buy weapons and military technology from NATO countries, our recent enemies. That is, NATO is now "rear" for us?

Or are things with the military-industrial complex in the Russian Federation so bad that there is nothing left to do but buy foreign weapons? Yes, it seems not, many countries buy weapons from our military-industrial complex, many models are considered the best in the world - 4th generation aircraft, helicopters, air defense systems and anti-missile defense systems, there are excellent examples of small arms. Our tanks are at the level of the best in the world, so the T-90 criticized by Russian military experts is considered stronger than the vaunted German Leopard (https://topwar.ru/3835-russkie-voennye-yeksperty-t-90-silnee-leoparda-2a6.html). There are excellent examples of their armored vehicles, such as "Tiger", "Wolf". There is a constant increase in purchases of our weapons abroad - our army does not see such supplies, it receives crumbs, and almost all new equipment goes abroad. Even the NATO countries have recognized our high level in the military field in a number of areas, for example, they are asking for the supply of our helicopters for Afghanistan, they are more reliable in the highlands. China and India are actually creating their own aircraft carrier strike groups at the expense of our developments.

The statements that our weapons are expensive are ridiculous - you can drastically reduce their cost by launching them into series, naturally, that a batch of 10-30 aircraft is more expensive than two or three hundred.

It is ridiculous to listen to statements that our military-industrial complex cannot create what is bought abroad, this is a deception. So, the same famous MiG developed a very promising model of the Skat unmanned aerial vehicle, but no development followed (https://topwar.ru/3940-sudba-skata.html)

Apparently, the main reason is ordinary greed, “our” officials have become so insolent, relaxed that they simply “cut the loot” before our very eyes. Here, as older people say - "Stalin is not on you." Complete impunity, it's nice to go on business trips abroad at the expense of the state, that is, citizens of Russia, listen to the sweet speeches of those who meet, visit "sweet Europe", receive "kickbacks" for which you can buy real estate in the same Europe. Complete impunity, who will be frightened by the "transfer to another job" ?! It leads to a total degradation of the management corps, the situation can be corrected only by demonstrative hanging. Confiscation of all property, including all relatives, mistresses, friends, that they will not be able to prove the fact of the purchase with a salary. This is the psychology of intelligent animals that live only one day, with their narrow selfish interests.

Another reason is "internal enemies" who are interested in eliminating the domestic military-industrial complex, the final transformation of Russia into a raw-materials country, without hope for the revival of industrial potential and high technologies, which are mostly associated with the development of the military-industrial complex and the space industry. To kill in Russia any possibility of the revival of its greatness, strength, power.

The only way to stop such processes of decay is reasonable repression, measures of the highest social protection, with a simultaneous program of educating the new elite, the aristocracy of Russia, ascetic, strong-willed, wise, classes of warriors and sorcerers. Traders should not be allowed to run the state, their level is the bazaar, the market.
