Today in one of the blogs I read about how the regiment was sold in 1992. At first I just wrote a comment, and then I realized that this comment is poured into a whole article.
Many servicemen and military pensioners take offense at me for my harshness. However, by the nature of my work, I have to deal with a large number of protest groups, people uniting against the ruling regime, and at the same time, almost daily communicate with the military, who are completely like the civilian population, and all their grievances are dumped on the Internet.
In Russia, protests and hunger strikes have been taking place every day since 2005. The people earlier than the military, incl. and the military, realized that there was a disaster in Russia. The enemy is inside the country. And, of course, they hope that the army will protect them. And the army was silent until the reforms of Putin and Medvedev began And in the army itself..
Those. monetization of benefits, administrative reform, school, health care, etc. the servicemen did not feel on themselves, or preferred to be silent, in accordance with the military discipline developed over the years.
And then it happened SUDDENLY! And even a hot summer with fires … The people again looked at their army with hope, and they were in confusion, they could not realize that there would be no external invasion of the enemy, and a real war had been going on inside the country for a long time. But they do not want to believe it, hoping that the commander-in-chief and those whose orders they are ready to carry out have long betrayed the entire army. This is really very difficult to grasp. And the servicemen needed a reboot. The government arranged this reset for them in full. But! Again, it is very difficult for them to believe that the army has been sold in the bud.
And they checked the landing party for strength. So, just in case. It turned out that they were loyal to the authorities, but in fact, the landing troops betrayed their people by that rally. But even this does not want to be understood by former and current military personnel, just as they do not want war.
And it goes and grows: information - from TV channels intoxicate the people, educational - after school reform, social - to kill the weakest (medical care, low-quality medicines, products with harmful additives, combined, not tested, vaccinations), economic - with killing agriculture, industrial enterprises. And, of course, subversive behind enemy lines - the entire military elite is being removed by the military reform.
And as in any war, marauders reign in Russia. They rob everything, take it abroad, sell it. At the same time, they created the appearance of the legality of what was happening. Judge for yourself:
On the one hand, Chapter 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: “State power in the Russian Federation is exercised on the basis of division into legislative, executive, and judicial. The legislative, executive and judicial authorities are independent”(Article 10 of the Constitution). The only source of power is its multinational people. (Article 3, paragraph 1 of the Constitution).
However, on the other hand, in the following sections of the Constitution there is a gross contradiction: (Article 83 paragraph "e" of Chapter 4, Article 102 paragraph "g" of Chapter 5, Article 128 paragraphs 1, 2 of Chapter 7), and Namely: the judiciary is formed by the appointment of judges of the Federal Courts by the President of the Russian Federation, judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts - by the Federation Council on the proposal of the President.
Judges appointed by the President are not independent and independent !!!
In this part, it is important to understand that the Fundamentals of the Constitutional System, i.e.the first part of the Constitution is the most important part of the Constitution, which should be based on and which should be left in the future. And in accordance with Art. 16 Chapters 1 of Articles 4, 5, 7 of the Constitution are illegal.
In fact, all court decisions in Russia are illegitimate.
And then it's more interesting …
In general, the entire system of government is illegal, because one of the main principles of the organization of a democratic state governed by the rule of law has not been observed: the principle of separation of powers. Consequently, our state is neither legal nor democratic, which also contradicts the Fundamentals of the constitutional system of Russia.
And even more interesting …
There is no judicial body in Russia where we can appeal these provisions! DOESN'T EXIST AT ALL!
But the Fundamentals of the Constitution says: this type of court is carried out directly by the multinational people of the Russian Federation (Article 3, Clause 2 of the Constitution).
That is why any competent lawyer, judge, prosecutor in Russia KNOWS that by swearing on the Constitution, the Presidents calmly violate it. I hope you remember that before Medvedev's inauguration, the State Duma adopted amendments to the law on referendum, that questions about power CANNOT be put to a referendum! And this is already the purest totalitarian, fascist regime. And a graceful element of war against his people.
Everything. There is nothing more to talk about with the authorities. But servicemen of all branches of the military continue to write petitions to the Kremlin. As one colonel said: It is not necessary to send letters there, but cruise missiles …
So the whole point now is that while protecting the power, the employees of the internal troops and affairs, in fact, are fighting against their people as a whole. And their activities are very similar to the work of the Gestapo. If you don't believe me, watch the video and photos from the Marches of Dissent, Strategies - 31, etc. But allowed Russian marches, organized by the movement of the so-called. the militia of Minin and Pozharsky, in which people throw their hands up, as under Hitler!
Submariners have also long been accustomed to the idea that they serve the eternal Reich. Don't believe me again? Look here:
Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper, article “Lords of the Deep”, published September 5, 2003. Here is her last paragraph: “The crew barracks is decorated with a coat of arms: a white polar wolf, pulling the bowstring, prepares to launch a torpedo missile at the target. And below is the motto: "My honor is called loyalty."”.
Armbands for crew members with this motto. Don't get it yet? I explain: it's all about the motto. Back in 1931, Adolf Hitler conveyed a letter of thanks to the head of the SS Berlin branch Kurt Dahlüge, which contained the phrase: “SS-Mann, deine Ehre heißt Treue” (SS man, your honor is called loyalty!). Heinrich Himmler introduced this proposal as an SS motto based on a letter from the Fuehrer, since then the inscription "Meine Ehre heißt Treue!" (My honor is called loyalty). Now she "decorates" the barracks of our submariners. Needless to say, war.
Those who serve now are subordinate to the Chief Medvedev. Those. the troops are also against their people.
And the citizens of Russia can only rely on themselves.