The leading formation among the coastal units of the Russian Navy is rightfully considered the separate Guards Orders of Suvorov and Alexander Nevsky, the Bialystok Marine Brigade of the Baltic Fleet, which celebrated its 68th birthday this year. Today, this renowned unit is summing up the results of the next academic year, during which the brigade successfully completed all the tasks assigned to it.
This year has been especially fruitful for the brigade. Firstly, combat training was carried out according to an improved, more intensive program, the number of practical classes increased significantly. Secondly, the units of the marines took part in almost all significant events of the Baltic Fleet, including international ones, they clearly worked out planned and demonstrative exercises, and entered combat services. By the way, the personnel of the reconnaissance company still carries out combat service in one of the regions of the World Ocean, another group is preparing for the next trip to the Atlantic aboard the BF patrol ship to counter sea pirates.

The professional actions of the Baltic marines were also highly appreciated during the large-scale exercise Vostok-2010, in which the airborne assault company of the brigade took part.
In addition to the planned battalion tactical exercises this year, the brigade has become the base for several ostentatious tactical exercises. So, in May, at the training ground of the Baltflot Khmelevka, the participants of the 1st International Congress on Military Medicine were shown the organization of work in the event of a massive arrival of the wounded, sick and injured. Having landed troops on the coastal area captured by the mock enemy and cleared it of the enemy, the Marines quickly deployed a mobile medical hospital, where the specialists of the medical company began to provide first aid to the injured. The participants in the congress - military practitioners - praised the actions of the brigade's units.
And in August, on the basis of the unit, a comprehensive training course for journalists from the north-west on preparation for work in crisis situations took place. For the Bastion participants, an effective training base and decent living conditions were created on the brigade's territory, and a realistic background of practical exercises at the Khmelevka training ground, during which media representatives managed to play the role of hostages of a bandit formation, to see how the operational groups operate to free them. The role of the "bandits" and liberators was played by the servicemen of the air assault battalion, they also demonstrated their combat skills in other types of armed conflicts.
In the preparation of these ostentatious exercises, of course, it was not by chance that the stake was made on the Marine Corps Brigade. Marines have always been distinguished by high training, professionalism and courage, and the Baltic brigade confidently defends the title of the best in this type of troops.
At the Baltic Fleet, this unit was one of the first to become part of permanent combat readiness last year. In 2010, one hundred percent completing the officer and personnel of the main divisions of the brigade was completed: an air assault battalion and a marine battalion, a reconnaissance company, a communications company, a logistics battalion and other units, on which the command and control of troops and the life of the brigade depend.
According to a specialist in the combat training department of the brigade, Major Vladimir Pikalov, most of the year the combat units of the marines spent at the training grounds, honing their martial skills there, at the same time, along with the basics of combined arms combat, carefully working out counter-terrorism topics. Classes at the tank, vododrome, autodrome, airborne training and combat firing exercises of squads, platoons, company tactical exercises - the Khmelevka marines' training ground is loaded daily from morning until late at night. In the dark, that is, in difficult terrain conditions, at least a third of all classes are held. The personnel practice the same test shooting and driving exercises at night as during the day, only the safety requirements increase significantly. The readiness of the training ground and night exercises are under the personal strict control of the acting commander of the brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Yuri Boychenko.
Simultaneously with field trips, tactical, engineering, and fire training classes are also held on the territory of the brigade, where a modern educational and material base has been created, there is an opportunity to master the basic equipment of the marines - armored personnel carriers. An airborne complex is also deployed here, where practical actions on airborne landing, ground elements of a parachute jump are practiced. And already in February, training grounds for airborne training will begin and each of the conscripts will learn to competently and safely make a parachute jump with full ammunition, to act correctly after landing as part of their unit. These classes are conducted by specialists of the airborne regiment, and three of its officers these days, preparing for training, are improving their qualifications at the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School.
Each of the brigade's subdivisions, whether it be a company of amphibious assault vehicles, reconnaissance company or signalmen, conducts such field training sessions with working out and passing the standards for practical training twice a year. All these activities in 2010 were carried out efficiently and received positive assessments.
In the September tactical exercises of the Baltic Fleet, the marine brigade again demonstrated its high level of skill, skill and professionalism during the landing of amphibious and airborne assault forces on an unequipped coast and liberating it from a mock enemy. The personnel of the brigade once again confirmed the motto of the Baltic marines: "Where we are - there is victory!" And the final stage of the combat training of the airborne assault battalion was the recent battalion tactical exercise for the commander-in-chief's prize. The result speaks for itself: a positive assessment of the exercises and the title of the winner in the competitions of the highest status. By the way, the personnel of the DShB became the owner of the commander-in-chief's prize for the third year in a row.
Today, the last control classes in all subjects of study have been completed, standards and tests have been passed. The school year is over. The brigade units confirm their readiness for the beginning of the next training period. The objects of the rear, material, technical and training base have been checked and restored, because the results of the next academic year also largely depend on their condition. According to the acting commander of the brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Yuri Boychenko, serious funds have been allocated this year for re-equipping the brigade with new equipment and weapons, which made it possible to completely renew the car park, replacing the outdated Urals with new KamAZ trucks. These vehicles have already shown themselves in action during the 100-kilometer march to the tactical exercise area of the airborne assault battalion. By the way, combat training of the DShB personnel is carried out with the use of new weapons. For example, in the arsenal of each soldier, a modified AK-74 assault rifle with a night sight.
A number of special equipment was also replaced, in particular, the communications platoon received a new command and staff vehicle. The armored personnel carriers in service have undergone high-quality routine maintenance and are fully ready for the next exercises and tactical exercises. There are plans to renovate repair shops and field kitchens.
In a few days, the new academic year starts. According to the developed plans for combat, special, drill, physical training, it will become even more intense than the previous one. For the servicemen of the current draft arriving in the Marine Corps Brigade, two training units have been created, where combined arms training is being completed these days. And then work and study days begin - the development of a military specialty, the development of an algorithm for actions in response to the alarm of each serviceman - from a sailor to a brigade commander, daily combat and sports activities. The next stage is the coordination of squads, platoons and companies, so that in winter it will be lively and hot on Khmelevka again. And in February - March, during the live shooting, the young recruits will have to show what they learned in the winter period of training, the result of which will be the battalion tactical exercises of the Marine Corps brigade. For the young men who now proudly call themselves Marines, all this is a serious incentive. In the dynamics of the service, the guys become real men.

The brigade officers will also have to improve their professional level, almost half of whom are also newcomers, recent graduates of military universities. Here they clearly understand that only a thoroughly trained officer is capable of competently working with personnel, clearly setting and performing any task. There are no vacations in this study; methodological classes and training camps are held with officers all year round. Just at the base of the Baltic Fleet coastal troops, another training session has ended, at which the company commanders confirmed their professional level. Similar vocational and methodological training will be conducted with the commanders of formations and units.
Service in the illustrious Marine Corps Brigade demands the utmost dedication from officers. It is important in a short time to prepare a well-trained warrior, strong in spirit, capable of competently acting in any situation. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to serve in the Baltic Fleet Marine Brigade. Both conscripts and graduates of military universities pass a serious qualitative selection. Both will have to prove their right to be called the elite of the fleet on a daily basis. The command of the brigade notes that recently the competitive spirit has noticeably strengthened in the unit: the commanders and personnel of platoons, companies and battalions have actively participated in the competition to prove that their unit is the best in combat, drill and physical training, in disciplinary terms, in carrying out services in outfits and guards.
In a word, the Baltic marines continue to improve their combat skills, coordination and tactical training in the course of operational training, complex tactical exercises and campaigns of the forces and troops of the Baltic Fleet, remaining its professionally trained vanguard.
The brigade is actively preparing for the Day of the Marine Corps. General brigade formation, honoring veterans and the most distinguished officers, parade, demonstration performances with a demonstration of hand-to-hand combat, elements of driving combat vehicles (here it is called "waltz of armored personnel carriers") - everything will be solemn, powerful, beautiful! And this is already one of the traditions of the brigade, traditions that are honored and multiplied here.


Separate Guards Orders of Suvorov and Alexander Nevsky The Bialystok Marine Brigade of the Baltic Fleet is the only one in the Russian Navy to be awarded the title of Guards. Formed on March 21, 1942 as an infantry rifle regiment, it traveled a glorious battle path from Stalingrad to the Elbe. For the courage and heroism shown during the liberation of Orel, on September 25, 1943, by order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, the regiment was renamed 336th Guards. For the courage and heroism of the personnel during the war, the regiment was awarded the Orders of Suvorov III degree and Alexander Nevsky. The infantrymen ended the war near Berlin. Then the regiment was transferred to Minsk. In June 1963, the guards motorized rifle unit was reorganized into a separate marine regiment. The new military formation was transferred from the Belarusian Military District to the Baltic Fleet. Since 1967, the subdivisions of the Marine Corps regiment have begun to carry out combat service on the ships of the Baltic Fleet.
On the basis of the subdivisions of this regiment, the formation of units of the marines of other fleets was going on. The basis of the marine brigade of the Caspian Flotilla was also the Baltic, who sent the first battalion there.
On November 20, 1979, the separate Bialystok Guards Orders of Alexander Suvorov and Alexander Nevsky Regiment was reorganized into a separate Guards Marine Brigade.
In the post-war period, the brigade participated in many exercises and maneuvers, and carried out combat service in the Atlantic and Mediterranean. In 1973, the brigade was awarded the Pennant of the Minister of Defense "For Courage and Military Valor." A special line in the history of the unit records the performance of special tasks on the territory of the Chechen Republic in January - July 1995. About one and a half thousand marines fought against illegal armed groups. More than eight hundred have received state awards. For the courage and heroism shown during these hostilities, five Balts were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, not without losses: 46 marines were killed, 125 were injured. On the territory of the brigade, a memorial was erected to the guardsmen who died in the performance of their military duty in the North Caucasus. The names of the heroes are kept in the museum.