The way the Russian Defense Minister communicates with his subordinates did not like the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. One day, not a wonderful day for him, Anatoly Serdyukov received a call from the Kremlin and politely but categorically demanded "to work to form a positive image of military reform," a source close to the country's leadership told Nezavisimaya Gazeta.
As you know, after the recent events, “close sources” do not just sound the alarm. He poured one of these "springs" of Yuri Luzhkov with an icy wave - and washed the once unsinkable mayor overboard. Therefore, the head of the Ministry of Defense took the "bell" very seriously …
Excerpts from the circulation of the Union of Naval Forces:
“The Minister of Defense misinforms the leadership of Russia and its citizens, criminally hiding and falsifying the catastrophic state of the Armed Forces, to which they were brought with his direct participation. It is impossible not to see the fall of the country's defense capability to an unacceptably low level, which threatens the very existence of our Motherland."
“Destroyed or disorganized military science, military education, command and communications system, fire service of the Ministry of Defense, military medicine … The most independent and competent admirals, generals, officers, warrant officers, warrant officers, who soberly perceived the inferiority and criminality of the leadership's activities were thrown out of service or resigned. Ministry of Defense.
"Dropouts, traders, unprincipled careerists, casual ladies and gentlemen for the defense of the country have been assigned to leading and responsible positions."
KM. RU has repeatedly told about the scandal connected with Serdyukov's visit to the Seltsy training center of the Ryazan Higher Command School of the Airborne Forces, including with comments from specialists. In an open letter from the Union of Russian Paratroopers, details of the incident were given - how the minister, cursing the commander of the school, Colonel Andrei Krasov, ordered the destruction of the church built on the territory of the training center, and threatened to dismiss Krasov himself. “Who's the boss here? You?! To fire on … this boss! To demolish the temple! Don't give money to the center,”Serdyukov was infuriated then.
An open letter from the paratroopers was addressed, among other "citizens of Russia", to the President of the Russian Federation. And now, apparently, Dmitry Medvedev realized that not everything is calm in the troops. Despite the subsequent denials, they say, the minister was in Seltsy, but there was no swearing, and even more so he did not encroach on the church … Information about the "high-ranking" battle was personally rejected by the commander of the Airborne Forces - Hero of Russia, Lieutenant General Vladimir Shamanov. And Colonel Krasov himself admitted (though not directly to journalists, but in the retelling of another "source") that the conversation in a raised voice, and from both sides, did indeed take place, but it did not concern the temple, but the unfinished repair of the dining room and engineering networks …
Nevertheless, it was decided to discuss the moral character of Serdyukov in the State Duma. But there, his deputy, Grigory Naginsky, began to breastfeed his patron. It was he who told the deputy and other public, "how everything was." According to the deputy minister, the head of the defense department did not like the large number of unauthorized construction projects on the territory of the unit. T. to. Over the past two years, the Ministry of Defense has not allocated any limits on construction in Seltsy, the leadership of the unit illegally launched the builders, who "have earned 180 million rubles there." The shop opened on the "closed" territory caused particular indignation. As Naginsky explained, there was no "rudeness and obscenity" in the conversation, but "heightened tones" took place, which in the current situation seems "natural". And, like a real press secretary, he especially noted that "I absolutely agree with the Minister of Defense" in his indignation.
Not everyone was convinced by Naginsky's fiery speech. The deputies decided to create a commission headed by Mikhail Babich, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee. It is expected that it will take about two weeks to clarify all the circumstances of the scandal. Then the commission will present its vision of the situation.
Meanwhile, the "military revolt" was gaining momentum. The paratroopers were supported by the sailors by sending their "black mark", in which they asked the head of state to "immediately stop the insane and voluntaristic reforms carried out by a group of amateurs, alien to military affairs, who can only destroy, dismember, sell and destroy what is left of the Armed Forces." …
The Kremlin did not wait for the appearance of the battleship Potemkin on the horizon and hastened the minister to "correct the image." He heard: according to Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Serdyukov immediately organized a meeting with representatives of the Service of General Inspectors (SGI), which includes former military leaders and heads of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of Russia and the former USSR. The minister reported to the high meeting on the success of the reform and said that a special body would be created in his department "to work with veterans and veteran organizations." Probably so that those were discouraged to write letters …