The US Navy's LaWS program explored the possibility of using cheap fiber laser technology as the basis for laser weapons that could be integrated into existing Phalanx installations.
For the first time, the US Navy is fully prepared to demonstrate the operation of high-energy laser weapons and recently announced plans to launch a prototype electromagnetic rail gun at sea. Consider the progress in the next generation of pulse weapons
For several decades, the US Navy has only been talking about the deployment of lasers, pulsed energy systems and electrical weapons on ships. A number of very attractive theoretical advantages - almost unlimited magazines, cheap ammunition and quick impact, and more - contributed to the fact that the scientific and technological community in the defense sector invested significant resources in creating, developing and demonstrating related technologies at that time. This process has resulted in a flood of publications and patents, several prototypes and a host of illustrious world records.
However, from a technical point of view, such weapons turned out to be too difficult to design and manufacture. The technology and technical means did not always fit well with the anticipated time frame, and some initially promising solutions turned out to be impractical or not working; the laws of physics sometimes got in the way of progress.
Even so, the Navy maintained faith in basic science, and the prudent allocation of R&D resources to mitigate risk and develop key advanced technologies has recently begun to pay dividends. Indeed, the Navy is currently on the verge of deploying its first operational high-energy laser (HEL); it is also planned to launch a prototype of an electromagnetic rail gun into the sea in 2016.
Naval Research Chief Rear Admiral Matthew Klunder describes this high-yield weapon as "the future of naval combat," adding that the Navy "is at the forefront of this unique technology."
It is worth recalling, however, that directed energy weapons such as high power lasers and high power microwaves have been studied for over four decades. For example, the Navy opened a department under the HEL program back in 1971 and began the development, manufacture and testing of a military demonstration model of a powerful (about a megawatt) HEL on deuterium fluoride.
The recent history of the development of directed energy weapons for the US Navy really began with the re-establishment in July 2004 of the program office (PMS 405) for the directional energy systems and electrical weapons of the Naval Systems Command. This step served as a new impetus for scientific and technical developments, which were put off for about a decade in a box labeled "exotic". It's not that research has been put on hold, rather the technology hasn't had a clear path to success.
Over the past decade, the PMS 405 has served as a hub for the transfer of electric and directed energy weapon technology from laboratories to the navy. In this role, he coordinated R&D between naval research centers, government laboratories and industry.
It is also worth noting here the contribution of the ONR (Office of Naval Research) and the Naval Surface Warfare Establishment Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD), the Naval Surface Warfare Development Center in Dahlgren. ONR has overseen innovation in high power laser and rail gun technology, while NSWCDD was founded as a "center of excellence" for research, development, directional energy simulation. As part of the Directed Energy Research Office, the Directed Energy Warfare Office (DEWO) is moving HEL technology from the science and technology space to the naval front line.
The charm of the laser
In the abstract, high-power HEL laser weapon systems offer many advantages over traditional cannons and guided munitions: delivery of an impact at the speed of light and a short target irradiation time; scalable impact (ranging from lethal to non-lethal); line-of-sight accuracy; high precision guidance; super-fast re-acquisition of the target; a large and renewable magazine free of the hazards and logistical burdens associated with standard explosive ordnance.
However, above all, the prospect of a very low cost per shot - according to ONR's calculations, significantly less than one dollar per shot - had a mesmerizing effect on the command of the US Navy, which is looking for ways to continue funding.
At the same time, despite the fact that they often talk about the positive qualities of HEL systems, the complex tasks of finalizing the laser weapons deployed on ships have been haunting physicists and engineers for a long time. Focusing power on a goal is one of the main challenges. A laser weapon needs to be able to focus a high-energy beam at a small and clearly defined aiming point on a target in order to deliver impact. However, given the many types of potential targets, the required amount of energy and range at which destruction will be guaranteed can vary significantly.
Power isn't the only issue. Thermal spreading can occur when a laser beam emitted for an extended period of time along the same line of sight heats the air it passes through, causing the beam to scatter and defocus. Targeting is also made more difficult by the complex and dynamic properties of the surrounding marine environment.
Next, you need to consider various issues of integration with the platform. Bulky prototype devices have a large form factor, and off-the-shelf systems require significant downsizing to integrate with smaller platforms. The integration of HEL weapons into warships also imposes new requirements on the carrier platform in terms of power generation, energy distribution, cooling and heat dissipation.
ONR identified the Free Electron Laser (FEL) in the mid-2000s as the best long-term solution for the ship's HEL weapon system. This is because the wavelength of the FEL beam can be fine-tuned to the prevailing environmental conditions in order to achieve the best "atmospheric permeability".
In this regard, under the leadership of ONR, the Innovative Naval Prototype (INP) program was launched with the aim of developing a 100 kW class FEL demonstrator with an operating wavelength in the range of 1.0-2.2 microns. Boeing and Raytheon were awarded concurrent annual Phase IA contracts in April 2009 for preliminary design, and Boeing was selected to continue Phase IB in September 2010, after which the project was advanced to the design critical review phase.
After completing a critical review of the FEL power plant, Boeing set out to build and test the next 100 kW FEL demo, designed to operate at three different wavelengths. However, ONR scrapped the INP in 2011 in order to channel current resources into the development of a solid state laser (SSL). Work on FEL is currently focused on continuing work to reduce the risks associated with this system.

The LaWS, designated AN / SEQ-3, will be deployed to the US Navy's Ponce over the next few months as a "rapid response vehicle." LaWS guiding device will be installed over the bridge of the Ponce ship
This resource redirection is a consequence of the greater maturity of SSL technology and the prospect of accelerated deployment of affordable HEL weapons in the US Navy. ONR and PMS 405 recognized this development path for the next period of time back in the mid-late 2000s.
According to Rear Admiral Klander, the SSL program "is among our highest priority science and technology programs." He added that these emerging capabilities are particularly compelling because they offer “an affordable solution to the costly problem of protecting against asymmetric threats. Our opponents may not even show up knowing that we can aim a laser at a target for less than a dollar per shot.”
For the past six years, the emphasis has been on the development of solid state technology, as evidenced by developments and demonstrations in this area. One example is the Maritime Laser Demonstration (MLD). In April 2011, Northrop Grumman installed a prototype SSL laser on a test vessel, which knocked out a small target vessel with its beam. Peter Morrison, HEL Program Manager at ONR, said it was "the first time a HEL with such power levels has been installed on a warship, powered by that ship, and deployed at a remote target in the sea."
The MLD demonstration was the culmination of a two and a half year design, development, integration and testing effort. On the MLD project, along with Industry, the High Energy Technology Division and the Navy Laboratories at Dahlgren, China Lake, Port Huenem and Point Mugu; this project also embodies developments taken from the general high-power solid-state laser program.
Meanwhile, in March 2007, work began on a prototype laser weapon system Laser Weapon System (LaWS), conceived as an addition to the existing 20-mm short-range Mk 15 Phalanx (CIWS) complex. The LaWS will take advantage of commercial fiberglass laser technology to provide an additional weapon type to engage a subset of low-cost “asymmetric” targets such as small UAVs and fast combat boats.
The LaWS program is managed by PMS 405 in collaboration with the Integrated Combat Systems Program Execution Office, DEWO Dahlgren and Raytheon Missile Systems (original manufacturer of Phalanx). The program envisions putting low-cost fiberglass laser technology at the heart of a laser weapon that could potentially be integrated into an existing Phalanx installation. This requirement for the integration of the laser with the existing installation determines its mass up to 1200-1500 kg. It would also be desirable that this additional armament does not affect the operation of the installation, the azimuth and elevation angles, the maximum transfer speed or acceleration.
Power limits
Given these limitations, off-the-shelf commercial fiber laser technology has been identified as the most promising solution. Although this SSL technology has some power limitations (they are gradually being removed as the technology improves), the use of fiber-optic lasers has made it possible to reduce the cost of not only the technology of weapon installations, but also the modification of the system on existing installations.
After an initial period of analysis, threat mortality assessments, critical component reviews and tradeoffs, the LaWS team completed the design and implementation of the prototype system. In order to achieve sufficient power and, accordingly, lethality at a certain distance, this type of technology requires the use of a new beam combiner, which could combine six separate 5.4 kW glass fiber lasers in free space so as to obtain a higher radiation intensity on the target.
In order to reduce the cost for this program, a lot of equipment was collected, previously developed and purchased for other research tasks. This includes the L-3 Brashear KINETO K433 tracking support, a 500mm telescope and high-performance infrared sensors. Some of the components were purchased off-the-shelf, such as the fiber lasers themselves.
In March 2009, a LaWS system (with one fiber laser) destroyed mortar shells at the White Sands range. In June 2009, they were tested at the Center for Naval Aviation Combat Systems, during which the prototype tracked, captured and destroyed five UAVs that performed the "threat role" in flight.
The next series of full-scale tests took place on the open sea in May 2010, where the LaWS system successfully destroyed four UAV targets in "close to combat" scenarios at a distance of approximately one nautical mile in four attempts. This event was called significant in ONR - the first destruction of targets with a full cycle from guidance to a shot in a surface environment.
However, confidence in the US Navy in their desire to move forward on an accelerated development plan was given by sea tests on the DDG-51 USS Dewey (DDG 105) missile destroyer in July 2012. During tests on the destroyer Dewey, the LaWS system (temporarily installed on the flight deck of the ship) successfully hit three UAV targets, setting its record for capturing targets 12 out of 12.
Plans to install LaWS, designated AN / SEQ-3 (XN-1), aboard USS Ponce serving as a floating forward base (intermediate) in the Persian Gulf, were announced by the Commander of Naval Operations, Admiral Jonathan Greenert in April 2013. of the year. AN / SEQ-3 is being deployed as a "rapid response capability" that will enable the US Navy to assess technology in operational space. The experiment is being led by the Naval Operations Research Directorate in collaboration with the Central Command of the Navy / Fifth Fleet.
Addressing delegates to the Surface Fleet Association Symposium in January 2014? Rear Admiral Klunder said it was "the first operational deployment of directed energy weapons in the world." He added that the final assembly of the LaWS was carried out at the NSWCDD center, at the Dahlgren test site, tests of the complete system were completed before being sent to the Persian Gulf for installation on the Ponce ship. Offshore tests are scheduled for the third quarter of 2014.
The LaWS will be installed on the deck at the top of the Ponce Bridge. “The system will be fully integrated with the ship in terms of cooling, electrical and power,” Klunder said. It will also be fully integrated with the ship's combat system and Phalanx CIWS short-range system."
NSWCDD upgraded the system and demonstrated the Phalanx CIWS's ability to track and transmit targets to the LaWS system for further tracking and targeting. On board the Ponce, the commander of the missile and artillery warhead will work on the LaWS control panel.
The data collected during the maritime demonstration will go to the ONR's SSL TM (SSL Technology Maturation) program. The main goal of the SSL TM program, launched in 2012, is to align the thresholds and objectives of the science and technology program with future research, development and procurement needs.
According to ONR, the SSL TM program activity is to conduct "several demonstration events with prototype systems in a competitive space."Three industry groups were selected to develop SSL TM projects, led by Northrop Grumman, BAE Systems and Raytheon; the analysis of draft designs is scheduled to be completed by the end of the second quarter of 2014. ONR will decide next year which ones are suitable for a marine demonstration.
Rail gun in the sea
Along with the laser, the US Navy is considering the electromagnetic rail cannon as another transformational weapon system that allows the delivery of ultra-high-speed projectiles at extended ranges with very high accuracy. The fleet plans to obtain an initial range of 50-100 nautical miles, increasing over time to 220 nautical miles.
Electromagnetic cannons overcome the limitations of traditional cannons (which use chemical pyrotechnic compounds to accelerate the projectile along the entire length of the barrel) and offer extended ranges, short flight times and high-energy target lethality. By using the passage of a very high voltage electric current, powerful electromagnetic forces are created, for example, theoretically, a marine electromagnetic cannon could fire projectiles at a speed of more than Mach 7. The projectile will very quickly reach an out-of-atmospheric trajectory (flight without aerodynamic drag), re-entering the atmosphere to hit the target at a speed exceeding 5 Mach numbers.
The program for the prototype ship's electromagnetic gun was launched by ONR in 2005 as the main component of scientific and technological work, within the framework of which it is necessary to refine the technology of rail guns so as to put a completely finished system into service with the fleet around 2030-2035.
During the Phase 1 phase of the INP innovative project, the emphasis was on developing launcher technology with an appropriate lifespan, developing pulsed power technology and reducing the risk to projectile components. BAE Systems and General Atomics have delivered prototypes of their rail guns to NSWCDD for testing and evaluation.

During the Phase 1 phase of the Navy's electromagnetic cannon R&D program, the emphasis is on developing a launcher with a sufficient lifespan, developing reliable pulsed power, and reducing the risk to the projectile. BAE Systems and General Atomics Deliver Prototype Rail Guns to Arms Development Center for Test and Evaluation
In Phase 1, the goal of demonstrating the experimental setup was achieved, in December 2010 an initial energy of 32 MJ was obtained; a promising weapon system with this energy level will be capable of launching a projectile at a range of 100 nautical miles.
BAE Systems was awarded a $ 34.5 million contract from ONR in mid-2013 to complete Phase 2 of the INP program, and was selected first, leaving the rival General Atomics team behind. At the Phase 2 stage, technologies will be finalized to a level sufficient for the transition to the development program. The launcher and pulse power will be improved, allowing the transition from single rounds to multi-shot capabilities. Thermal regulation techniques will also be developed for the launcher and the pulsed power system, which are necessary for prolonged firing. The first prototypes will be delivered during 2014; development is carried out by BAE Systems in collaboration with IAP Research and SAIC.
At the end of 2013, ONR awarded BAE Systems a separate contract worth $ 33.6 million for the development and demonstration of the Hyper Velocity Projectile (HVP) hypersonic projectile. The HVP is described as the next generation guided projectile. It will be a modular projectile with low aerodynamic resistance, compatible with an electromagnetic cannon, as well as existing 127-mm and 155-mm cannon systems.
The initial phase of the HVP contract was completed in mid-2014; their goal was to develop a conceptual design and development plan to demonstrate fully controlled flight. Development will be carried out by BAE Systems in cooperation with UTC Aerospace Systems and CAES.
The cost of an HVP projectile weighing 10.4 kg for an electromagnetic cannon is estimated at about $ 25,000 apiece; according to Admiral Klunder, "the projectile costs about 1/100 of the cost of the existing missile system."
In April 2014, the Navy confirmed its plans to demonstrate the rail gun aboard its high-speed ship Millinocket in 2016.
According to Rear Admiral Bryant Fuller, Chief Engineer of NAVSEA Naval Systems Command, this demonstration at sea will include a 20 MJ rail gun (a choice will be made in Phase 1 INP between prototypes manufactured by BAE Systems and General Atomics). which will fire single shots.
“At the naval surface weapons center in Dahlgren, we have fired hundreds of shells from a coastal installation,” he said. "The technology is mature enough at this level, so we want to take it out to sea, put it on a ship, conduct full-fledged tests, shoot a number of shells and study it from the experience gained."
“Since the rail gun will not be integrated with the Millinocket ship for the 2016 demonstration, this ship will not undergo an extended modification to provide these capabilities,” Rear Admiral Fuller said.
The entire electromagnetic rail gun consists of five parts: an accelerator, an energy storage and storage system, a pulse shaper, a high-speed projectile, and a rotary gun mount.
For the demonstration, the gun mount and booster will be installed on the flight deck of the Millinocket ship, while the magazine, ammunition handling system and energy storage system consisting of several large batteries will be located below deck, most likely in containers in the cargo compartments.
The US Navy intends to return to sea in 2018 with the aim of firing bursts of electromagnetic guns from the ship. Full integration with the ship can be carried out in the same 2018.
As part of a separate development, the US Navy research laboratory in early 2014 tested a new small-caliber rail gun (one inch in diameter). The first shot was fired on March 7, 2014. Developed with support from ONR, this small rail gun is an experimental system that uses advanced battery technology to fire multiple launches per minute from a mobile platform.

The US Navy plans to show the operation of the rail gun at sea during tests on the Millinocket (JHSV 3) in 2016.