Most ordinary observers of the Russian Internet, as well as deeply politically engaged and immersed in military forecasting, our observers, at the first mention of the Global Hawk drone, instantly refresh their memory of the strategic reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle complex RQ-4A / B, which appears with enviable regularity in airspace of the "square", as well as in neutral airspace over the Black and Baltic Seas, conducting optical-electronic, radio-technical and radar reconnaissance of the positions of the 1st and 2nd army corps of the LDNR, as well as tracking the location of anti-aircraft missile regiments, artillery brigades, communication centers and other strategically important facilities in the Southern and Western military districts. It is well known that to perform the above range of reconnaissance tasks, these vehicles are equipped with a sufficiently powerful side-looking airborne radar AN / ZPY-2 MP-RTIP, represented by an active phased antenna array with a synthesized aperture (SAR) mode, which allows at a distance of up to 200-220 km to classify and identify stationary and mobile ground targets thanks to the resolution of the radar picture in 1 m.
Also in the reconnaissance "equipment" of the "Global Hawks" there is a long-focus multispectral reflective optical-electronic complex SYERS-2B / C LR-MSI, the optical zoom of which can reach 40X and more, which is comparable to the classic cameras of the KH-9 OBC ("Optical Bar Camera ") Perkin - Elmer, at one time installed on the reconnaissance SR-71A and U-2. With a focal length of 610 and 760 mm, respectively, the resolution of the latter reached 15 and 12 cm (depending on the modification), while the resolution (in comparison with modern CCD / CMOS sensors) was equivalent to 9-15Gpix! It is known that the Global Hawks in the RQ-4B Block 30 version will receive an even more advanced multispectral optoelectronic module MS-177, which, given favorable meteorological conditions (maximum transparency of the atmosphere), will be able to record minimal changes in movement at a distance of about 100 km, not only armored vehicles and artillery of the enemy, but also personnel.
Today we will consider another modification of the strategic UAV "Global Hawk", an objective review of which requires a thorough analysis of information both from Western resources and from our military-technical and analytical site pentagonus.ru. We are talking about the strategic UAV-repeater EQ-4B Block 20 "Global Hawk", equipped with a multi-band network-centric communication complex BACN ("Battlefield Airborne Communications Node", "onboard communication center for a theater of war"). The exact date of the beginning of the development of the BACN complex is not indicated even in American and Western European military-technical sources. However, it is known that the first super-long-range executive aircraft Bombardier BD-700 "Global Express" was converted to the E-11A modification (BACN equipment carrier) back in 2007. At the moment, the modules of the BACN complex are already installed on four E-11A business jets, as well as three EQ-4B Block 20 "Global Hawk" that have joined them, the first of which took off on February 16, 2018 from the US Air Force base in California. as reported by militaryparitet.com with a link to the official website of Northrop Grumman.

Having achieved operational combat readiness aboard the E-11A by the end of the 2000s, the BACN system was deployed to the international coalition airbase in Kandahar as part of the 430th Expeditionary Electronic Combat Squadron of the US Air Force, where it underwent baptism of fire, providing communication between the scattered on a huge territory by units of the US Army and the coalition countries, who participated in approximately 8,250 different missions in Afghanistan. The acquisition of the initial combat readiness of the EQ-4B Block 20 strategic UAVs equipped with BACN kits will significantly increase both the network-centric and operational-tactical capabilities of the air wing, previously equipped only with E-11A aircraft. Firstly, if the manned "signalman" E-11A has a flight duration (operating over the theater of the military) only about 11-14 hours, the EQ-4B Block 20 drone can patrol in a certain operational direction up to 34-36 hours, freeing from excessive load the E-11A crew. Also, during decisive clashes with the enemy on the ground sector of the theater of operations, the air wing represented by the Global Hawks will not need such frequent replacements due to exhaustion of fuel, and therefore the exchange of tactical information between friendly ground forces will be carried out more efficiently than through some only E-11A.
Secondly, if the "Bombardier" has a working height of about 13,500-14,000 m, then the EQ-4B rises to an altitude of 17,500-18,000, which not only significantly increases the radio horizon, but provides radio communication channels coverage of the most inaccessible areas of the earth's surface, covered by mountain ranges and folds, which for the E-11A in some situations may simply be unavailable. For example, we have a section of the contact line, the relief feature of which is a mountain range controlled by the enemy. At its southern foot (on the visible side) are deployed 2 Buk-M3 anti-aircraft missile battalions with a range of 70 km and capable of simultaneously intercepting up to 72 targets of any type. On the northern slopes of this mountain range, it was possible to throw a sabotage and reconnaissance group, whose tasks include the destruction of the 9S36M target illumination radars placed on a 22-meter mast, or the 9S510M command and control center.
This is done in order to deprive the Buk-M3 of the ability to intercept JASSM-ER missiles at long distances (which will facilitate the possibility of destroying divisions with a massive strike with these missiles), or completely disable it (in the event of the destruction of the 9S510M PBU). But the Buk-M3 is a military complex and extremely mobile, capable of changing its location in a matter of minutes. Consequently, the DRG fighters must see on their tactical tablets every minute updated information about the location of the self-propelled combat units of the Buk-M3 complexes.
Such information can only be received when a line of sight is established between the operator of the tactical tablet and the air repeater transmitting new target coordinates, for example, from the RC-135V / W "Rivet Joint" radio reconnaissance aircraft, patrolling 250-300 km from the scene. Signal transmission (and line-of-sight, respectively) from the E-11A repeater flying at an altitude of 13 km is impeded by several tens of meters of mountain range with a small slope angle. To ensure line of sight and normal passage of the tactical link radio channel to the DRG, the E-11A aircraft must approach the mountain range at a distance of 50 km. But after such a rapprochement, he will be within the radius of destruction of the Buk-M3 divisions. Naturally, the unmanned repeater EQ-4B "Global Hawk" flying at an altitude of 18 km has much more chances to provide line of sight and the proper level of radio signal transmission without having to enter the Buk-M3 affected area. It is in this that all the advantages of a higher-altitude relay or reconnaissance means are manifested. There is an opportunity to "look" there, much lower-altitude facilities have no access either with the use of optoelectronic systems, or with the use of onboard radar facilities. This is another reason why Northrop Grumman decided to use the RQ-4B Global Hawk unmanned high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, converted into an EQ-4B, as a platform for the Battlefield Airborne Communications Node (BACN) complex.

Thirdly, the appearance of unmanned drones EQ-4B Block 20 in the so-called "expeditionary electronic combat squadrons" of the US Air Force will partially relieve operators of BACN complexes installed on E-11A aircraft, the burden of processing and converting data from third-party reconnaissance means., as well as for their further retransmission to "motley" consumers (and to ensure data exchange between these consumers), which have terminals for displaying information with various transmitting and receiving interfaces. As a result, the freed up time can be used by E-11A operators to solve tactical tasks. In this case, the aircraft can be used as an air command post of the All-Union Communist Party. The E-8C "JSTARS" radar reconnaissance / ground targeting aircraft, as well as the E-4B "Nightwatch" and E-6B "Mercury" aircraft, with the only difference that the latter belong to the operational-strategic link and used mainly in case of escalation of major regional and global conflicts, including nuclear ones.
Now it's time to get acquainted with the "stuffing" of the network-centric complex of relaying and system linking BACN. The modular set of equipment for this complex is located in the nasal in-body niche EQ-4B Block 20 instead of the SYERS-2B / C rotary turret optoelectronic complex (sensors of the IMINT system). The most important thing to pay attention to in the BACN electronic "equipment" is a huge number of well-known coded communication radio channels for exchanging tactical information, through which it is possible to link not only between standard units equipped with "Link-11" and "Link- 16 / JTIDS”, but also in such“exotic”configuration for the armed forces as“Link-16 - 802.11b / JFX”. In other words, if an E-3C / G AWACS early warning aircraft transmits tactical situation information packets to the EQ-4B via the Link-16 radio channel (at frequencies of 0, 96-1, 215 GHz), the computing facilities of the BACN complex in almost real time (with a delay of several seconds) they can convert it into a high-frequency protected Wi-Fi radio channel 802.11b / JFX, developed by Northrop Grumman for the needs of the Western coalition forces.
This militarized Wi-Fi channel is encrypted by means of a pseudo-random frequency tuning (PFC) mode in a certain frequency range, close to 2.4 GHz. The final information about the air situation can be displayed on adapted tablets and smartphones of American / NATO military personnel, in accordance with which the infantry or mechanized unit will decide on further actions (assault on an enemy object, defense using MANPADS or self-propelled air defense systems, etc.); hundreds and thousands of options. Nevertheless, due to the worse penetration of the 802.11b radio channel through the atmosphere, the range of its reception by ground units will be several times shorter than Link-16. Moreover, this channel, which is part of the S-band of decimeter waves, will be partially vulnerable to powerful radio-electronic interference from the Krasukha-2 and Krasukha-4 electronic warfare stations, just adapted to counter the decimeter radar systems of AWACS aircraft (AN / APY-2, AN / APY-9, MESA, etc.)
There is also a CDMA mobile cellular communication module and a TCDL (Tactical Common Data Link) terminal. The first, possessing code division of signals of a noise-like type and a lower-frequency mode of operation (from 453 to 849 MHz), has an extremely high noise immunity and a decent communication range. The single tactical TCDL channel operates mainly in the Ku-band (at frequencies of 14-15 GHz) and remains effective at a distance of about 200 km. This channel is used to transmit video, streaming video, images, voice data and radar tactical information in real time at speeds from 1, 544 to 10, 7 Mbit / s. The TCDL transmit-receive architecture is represented by two parabolic antennas with a gain of about 20 dB and an amplifier with a power of 2 to 25 W. The above frequency range, as well as the hemispherical directional pattern of this radio channel, theoretically, could indicate the possibility of suppressing TCDL by means of X-Ku-band EW SPN-2 and Krasukha-4 stations. But, alas, these stations are not intended to suppress communications, but to effectively counter the on-board radars of tactical and strategic aviation at a distance of up to 100 km, as well as disorient the active radar homing heads of JAGM missiles and radio altimeters of tactical and strategic cruise missiles.
The BACN complex also provides voice communication between ground units using the VoIP protocol. Communication and relay channels such as SINCGARS and TTNT (Tactical Targeting Network Tecnology) are also used. If the first is a standard backup low-frequency radio channel for voice communication (known since the mid-1980s) with a low data rate and a low frequency hopping frequency (100 hops / s), then TTNT is another radio channel of the future, operating in wavelengths from 1, 755 to 1.85 GHz and 2.025 to 2.11 GHz. The closeness of frequency parameters to the Link-16 / CMN-4, determines the long range of TTNT (about 450 - 550 km), while its terminals are installed on deck-based multifunctional fighters F / A-18E / F "Super Hornet", electronic warfare aircraft EA-18G "Growler" and deck aircraft AWACS E-2D "Advanced Hawkeye".
Conclusion: strategic UAV repeaters EQ-4B Block 20 with BACN complexes on board will play a primary role not only during ground operations in the depths of the Eurasian continent, but also during large-scale naval operations with the simultaneous involvement of the US ILC in areas with difficult mountainous terrain near the enemy's coastline. This means that the new 40N6 interceptor missile for the Triumph anti-aircraft missile system will have a primary target for destruction in the event of a major war, and the Gradient VNII specialists will receive an excellent incentive to develop new types of electronic warfare equipment to suppress modern enemy communications …