Many, when they see the tests of the Aeryon Scout, are surprised that it is a bird or an airplane. No - this is a completely new flying robot, on which special cameras are installed for video surveillance.
Equipped with the most sophisticated tracking and intelligence system in the world, the Aeryon Scout aims to track down and detect spies and criminals in huge crowds of people. The user simply points to a place on the prepared Google Maps on the screen of the Touch controller, and the robot-fly in the specified place within a radius of 30 miles will make high-quality video and audio recording, and also transmit it in real time for viewing on the iPhone.
The Aeryon Scout tracking device can rise to a height of 150 meters above the ground and can be removed at a distance of over 3 thousand meters and be out of the zone of visible control. The engine is practically silent and is attached to the main platform as self-tapping screws.

Aeryon is a reconnaissance aircraft capable of completing the most challenging aerial reconnaissance missions at the highest quality available today. It is capable of transferring photos to any electronic device, regardless of whether it is a remote computer or even a portable iPhone.
The Scout and its laptop, including the control panel, fit easily into a suitcase so that it can be quickly deployed when needed to spy on crowds, both overtly and covertly. One of the most ingenious features of the device is that the camera is self-correcting and self-guided, so even if it flies forward at high speed, the camera will constantly focus on the tracked object.

The camera is capable of zooming in, which allows you to get an accurate image of the suspect's face for further identification. Scout, due to its potential, can be used for both military and civilian purposes. In today's world, instant access to high-quality aerial reconnaissance is a requirement of the time and by no means a luxury. This may be the information that will subsequently save hundreds of lives. The Aeryon Scout instantly delivers quality aerial reconnaissance wherever needed. These can be both hard-to-reach mountain gorges and shelled battlefields.