Laser is an optical quantum generator, an abbreviation for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission Radiation. Since the time when A. Tolstoy wrote the fantastic novel "The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin", engineering and military thought has been actively looking for possible ways to implement the idea of creating a laser weapon that could cut armored vehicles, aircraft, combat missiles, etc.
In the process of research, laser weapons were divided into "burning", "blinding", "electro-magnetic-pulse", "overheating" and "projection" (they project pictures on the clouds that can demoralize an unprepared or superstitious enemy).
At one time, the United States planned to place interceptor satellites in low-earth orbit, capable of destroying Soviet ballistic intercontinental missiles on the initial flight path. This program was called the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). It was SDI that gave impetus to the active development of laser weapons in the USSR.
In the Soviet Union, for the destruction of American interceptor satellites, several experimental models of laser space guns were developed and built. At that time, they could only work with powerful ground-based power sources; their installation on a military satellite or space platform was out of the question.
But despite this, experiments and tests continued. It was decided to carry out the first testing of the laser cannon in sea conditions. The cannon was installed on the auxiliary fleet tanker "Dixon". In order to obtain the required energy (at least 50 megawatts), the tanker's diesel engines were powered by three Tu-154 jet engines. According to some reports, several successful tests were carried out to destroy targets on the shore. Then there was perestroika and the collapse of the USSR, all work stopped due to lack of funding. And the "laser ship" "Dixon" went to Ukraine during the division of the fleet. His further fate is unknown.
At the same time, work was underway to create the Skif spacecraft, which could carry a laser cannon and provide it with energy. In 1987, the launch of this device, which was called "Skif-D", was even supposed to take place. It was created in record time by NPO Salyut. A prototype space fighter with a laser cannon was built and ready for launch; an Energia rocket with an 80-ton Skif-D spacecraft docked on the side was at the start. But it so happened that it was at this time that the well-known guardian of US interests, Gorbachev, came to Baikonur. Gathering the Soviet space elite three days before the launch of the "Skif" in the conference hall of Baikonur, he said: "We are categorically against the transfer of the arms race into space and will show an example in this." Thanks to this speech, "Skif-D" was launched into orbit only in order to be immediately thrown for incineration into the dense layers of the atmosphere.

But in fact, a successful launch of the Skif would mean a complete victory for the USSR in the struggle for near space. For example, each Polet fighter could destroy only one enemy apparatus, while he was killed himself. "Skif" could fly in orbit for quite a long time, while hitting enemy vehicles with its cannon. Another indisputable advantage of the "Skif" was that its cannon did not require a special range, and 20-30 km of action would be enough to destroy the alleged targets of vulnerable orbiting satellites. But the Americans would have to rack their brains over space stations that hit thousands of kilometers on small armored warheads, which rush at breakneck speed. "Scythians" were shot down by satellites in pursuit, when the speed of the pursued target in relation to the hunter can be said simply as a snail.

Polet-1 maneuvering satellite
It turns out that the Scythian fleet would smash the American low-orbit constellation of military satellites to pieces with a 100% guarantee. But all this did not take place, although the remaining scientific and technical base is an excellent basis for modern developers.
The next development of the Salyut Design Bureau was to be the Skif-Stilet apparatus. The prefix "Stiletto" appeared in the name because they were going to install the onboard special complex (BSK) 1K11 "Stilet", developed at NPO Astrophysics, on it. It was a modification of the "ten-barreled" ground installation of infrared lasers of the same name, operating at a wavelength of 1.06 nm. Ground "Stiletto" was intended to disable the sights and sensors of optical devices. In the conditions of the vacuum of space, the radius of action of the rays could be significantly increased. In principle, the "space stiletto" could be successfully used as an anti-satellite weapon. As you know, the destruction of the optical sensors of a spacecraft is tantamount to its death. What happened to this project is unknown.

Not so long ago, in an interview with reporters, Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Nikolai Makarov said that in Russia, "as well as in the whole world, work is underway on a combat laser." Adding at the same time: "It is too early to talk about its characteristics." Maybe he was talking about the development of this particular project.
According to Wikipedia, the fate of the ground-based Stiletto is also very sad. According to some reports, none of the two examples that have been put into service are currently in operation, although formally the Stiletto is still in service with the Russian army.

Laser complex "Stilet" on state tests

Photos of one of the Stilett complexes, 2010, Kharkov Tank Repair Plant No. 171
Some experts believe that during the May 9, 2005 parade, Russia demonstrated laser cannons, and not "prototypes", but production vehicles. Six combat vehicles with “warheads” and “terminal devices” removed were standing on both sides of Red Square. According to experts, these were the same "laser guns", immediately dubbed by the witches "Putin's hyperboloid."
Apart from this ambitious demonstration and publications about the Stiletto, there is no more detailed information about Russian laser weapons in the open press.
The electronic reference book of the Russian Defense Ministry, Arms of Russia, informs: “The experts in this field, despite the contradictory and unproven data due to the closed nature of this topic, assess the prospects for the creation of military laser weapons in Russia as realistic. This is due, first of all, to the rapid development of modern technologies, the expansion of the field of using laser weapons for other purposes, the desire to create such weapons and the advantages that they have in comparison with traditional weapons. According to some estimates, the real appearance of combat laser weapons is possible in the period 2015-2020."
A reasonable question arises: how are things on this issue with our potential overseas adversary, the United States?
For example, Colonel General Leonid Ivashov, president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, gives the following answer to this question:
“For us, the danger is posed by powerful chemical lasers deployed on Boeing-747 aircraft and space platforms. By the way, these are lasers of Soviet design, transferred to the Americans in the early 90s by order of B. Yeltsin!

Indeed, not so long ago, an official statement by the Pentagon appeared in the American press that the tests of a combat laser installation for combating ballistic missiles, intended for deployment on aircraft carriers, were successful. It also became known that the US Missile Defense Agency received from Congress funding for a test program for 2011 in the amount of one billion dollars.
According to the plans of the American military, aircraft equipped with laser systems will operate mainly against medium-range missiles, although it is more likely that only against operational-tactical ones. The damaging effect of this laser, even under ideal conditions, is limited to 320-350 km. It turns out that in order to shoot down a ballistic missile at the acceleration stage, an aircraft with a laser must be within a radius of 100-200 km. from the location of the rocket launchers. But the positional areas of intercontinental ballistic missiles are located, as a rule, in the depths of the country's territory, and if the plane accidentally ends up there, then there is no doubt that it will be destroyed. Therefore, the adoption of an airborne laser by the United States will only allow them to prevent threats from countries that have mastered missile technologies, but do not have full-fledged air defense.
Of course, over time, the Pentagon may also launch lasers into space. And Russia must be ready for retaliatory measures.