Any weapon, real or potential, is scary, first of all, not in itself, but because of the one in whose hands it may end up. When representatives of the country's military elite, under a fantastic and deceitful pretext that caused bloody chaos in Iraq, appeal to the "full spectrum of domination", this does not inspire calm and optimism. Especially when you consider that it is the Pentagon, represented by the Air Force, the Navy and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), that is one of the main customers of the HAARP research program in Alaska.
When Bin Laden is no longer needed
In light of various natural disasters of recent times, HAARP - High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, a program of research of geomagnetic high-frequency activity, is again heard. If literally. And if scientifically or, let's say, officially: "a program of research on the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with a particular interest in comprehending and using the possibilities to improve communication and intelligence systems, both for civilian and defensive purposes."
It is clear that the properties of the ionosphere do not imply any other direct use, except by way of electromagnetic action. And this fully justifies the fears that the bases of similar HAARP joint government-corporate programs (Colorado in the USA itself, Arecibo in Puerto Rico (next to long-suffering Haiti), Gakona in Alaska, Armidale in Australia, etc.) are the points of development and experimental the use of climatic weapons. Weapons banned by the "Convention on the Prohibition of Military Impact on the Environment" adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1977.
Hence the official notes of the 1999 Committee on International Affairs, Security and Defense of the European Parliament and the Commission of the Defense and Science Committees of the Russian State Duma in 2002, the accusations of Hugo Chavez, numerous publications in various media, the haarp.net network and so on. On the other hand, as noted in one of the best recent materials on this topic (based mostly on a survey of official sources), the American military-industrial lobby directly points to the "fantastic" prospects of "climate weapons" as a means of "psychological operations." in the interest of achieving "full spectrum dominance" on planet Earth (the expression full spectrum dominance over the entire globe is officially used as a strategic goal in the Joint Vision 2020 document published by the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Armed Forces in 2006).
Regardless of whether there is a climatic weapon acting "through the impact on the ionosphere" or not, it is already effectively present in the space of information wars. Moreover, it is used in this context, one might say, by all and sundry. American and Chinese military and industrialists, the Venezuelan president, European and Russian "leftists", antiglobalists and ufologists … Why is it dangerous? Firstly, by the fact that the topic is “washed out” and it becomes unclear where the truthful information about real research and activities is, and where is the information operation and the excitement. Second, the sound idea of climate research for disaster prevention is being compromised.
From climate control to global control?
Any weapon, real or potential, is scary, first of all, not in itself, but because of the one in whose hands it may end up. When representatives of the country's military elite, under a fantastic and deceitful pretext that caused bloody chaos in Iraq, appeal to the "full spectrum of domination", this does not inspire calm and optimism. Especially when you consider that it is the Pentagon, represented by the Air Force, the Navy and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), that is one of the main customers of the HAARP research program in Alaska.
The contractor is the international military-industrial company BAE Systems. It is headed by a British citizen Dick Olver, who has the following statuses:
1) the business ambassador of the United Kingdom, 2) a member of the board of directors of the Reuters agency, 3) an advisor to the banking corporation HSBC, 4) a member of the "Trilateral Commission" (!).
For a long time, Mr. Olver was one of the leaders of the gas sector at TNK-BP, which recently set an example of "climate impact" during the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. At the same time, Dick Olver is the non-executive chairman of the company, that is, to put it simply, the “overseer”. The Executive Directorate is made up of professionals in all the necessary fields, and the composition of the group of non-executive directors clearly shows that one of the largest military-industrial companies in the Anglo-Saxon world represents the interests of the British Commonwealth that replaced the British Empire as a whole.
The fact that the main customer of BAE Systems in general and within the HAARP program in particular is the Pentagon, tells us that this program, like the whole "history" with "American dominance", is not so much American as Anglo-Saxon. And belongs to a much more powerful establishment than the British establishment, the shadowy transatlantic Anglo-Saxon empire.

Are there any alternatives?
Let us also pay attention to the project of the European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association (EISCAT), which goes back to the 1970s, like the HAARP program. This is a project of the European Union, which is carried out by scientific institutions in Germany, France, Great Britain, Scandinavian and Eastern European countries, China and Japan. There are no "intelligence", "defense" and even "communication" goals in the mission of the project. First of all, we are talking about the study of climate mechanisms in the interests of counteracting natural phenomena, that is, it seems, about pure science. The lack of military and corporate budgets is taking its toll on the EISCAT project that it recently agreed to paint a slogan in the sky in exchange for a massive donation to a UK retailer.
The only "conspiracy" moment in this alternative to HAARP, which is not yet particularly attracting the attention of the public, is the location of the EISCAT experimental radar on the island of Svalbard (Spitsbergen archipelago). The very one where, according to quite official information, a large Western near-government business, together with international structures, is building a bunker for storing genetically pure samples of agricultural plants.
With regard to the USSR, it is known that the study of the ionosphere and the possibilities of generating electromagnetic radiation was carried out within the framework of the Sura project, which was allegedly curtailed with the collapse of the Soviet Union. However, geophysics in Russia has not disappeared, but in the HAARP and EISCAT projects, Russian specialists, unlike representatives of other former republics of the USSR, do not take special part.
As for China, the participation of its scientists in the EU project does not mean that China does not have its own “closed” project, hidden by the noise of accusations against the Yankees who allegedly caused the 2008 earthquake in Sichuan.