Rosinformburo publishes an article by Sergei Storozhevsky. The veteran of the Strategic Missile Forces proposes to immediately start creating a System for Ensuring the Guaranteed Infliction of Unacceptable Damage to the aggressor. A number of provisions of this article are of a controversial nature. We remind you that the opinion of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.
At the beginning of the 21st century, the US military machine reached a new level of development and increased its colossal advantage in the practical implementation of breakthrough technologies:
- combat lasers and electromagnetic guns were created;
- hypersonic shock systems brought to flight tests;
- The Air Force is equipped with fifth-generation aircraft;
- NASA switched to the use of reusable unmanned spacecraft;
- The Pentagon put in place a total system for monitoring the earth's surface and began to create a global missile defense system.

And that's just the beginning of the list. For obvious reasons, which there is no point in listing, our country cannot compete on equal terms with America. Russia is left with the only opportunity to maintain its position - to move away from traditional military rivalry. It is necessary to compensate for the relative weakness of the military-industrial potential by creating a flexible System of Ensuring the Assured Infliction of Unacceptable Damage (SOGND). The main feature of the SOGNU should be its effectiveness in delivering a preemptive strike on our territory.
The Russian Federation now possesses land, sea and air-based nuclear deterrent forces. Their basis, in terms of the degree of guaranteed use, is made up of the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces). Today, missiles on stationary and mobile launchers are on alert. Alert alert provides missile launch within approximately a minute after receiving an order.
The most effective were heavy missiles with multiple warheads (MIRVs) and an integrated anti-missile defense system. The range of their action made it possible to hit targets not only along the trajectories of the lowest energies. The payload delivery probability was well above 90%.
Stationary ground-based missiles are housed in protected launchers and concentrated in positional areas. These areas are covered by air defense systems, and the activities of the agent network and sabotage detachments in them are hampered.
Launchers (PU) and command posts (CP) of a stationary type are well-protected structures that can withstand an overpressure of up to 200 kg per square centimeter and remain operational during the passage of seismic waves arising from the explosion of a nuclear weapon.
A completely different situation arises with mobile strategic complexes. They are on duty in places of permanent deployment in positions that protect only from atmospheric precipitation. Excessive pressure of 0.3 kg per square cm destroys the complex. On the march, "Topol" and "Yarsy" are practically defenseless. The thickness of the solid-propellant rocket's carbon fiber shell is less than a millimeter, and the launch containers do not even protect against bullets. Thus, any clash will lead to the impossibility of launching a rocket.

Even during Operation Desert Storm, sabotage groups of British and American special forces showed their effectiveness against mobile operational-tactical complexes in Iraq. Being at a distance of 2-2.5 km, they were guaranteed to disable the missile using special sniper small arms. To do this, it was enough to hit one bullet in the contour of the rocket.
The development of technologies in the field of portable anti-aircraft systems, robotics, UAVs, high-precision large-caliber long-range sniper weapons, robotics and automatic combat modules, provide new opportunities for neutralizing strategic missiles directly over the area of their deployment.
At present, the United States is in continuous control over strategic objects of the Strategic Missile Forces. Only irresponsible leaders can think that a column of large-sized equipment, stretching up to a kilometer on the march, emitting a noise of 100-120 decibels and leaving a clear track on the ground, can covertly leave the area of permanent deployment and move unnoticed to a new position.
In peacetime, the territory of modern Russia is no longer safe for both citizens and protected objects. You should not be under any illusions; it is enough to systematically analyze the summaries of incidents.
I repeat: mobile ground strategic complexes such as Topol, Topol-M, Yars, Avangard are extremely vulnerable and cannot guarantee unacceptable damage to the enemy.
In these conditions, you cannot spend money on ineffective projects.
What projects should be considered effective?
Projects that are guaranteed to inflict unacceptable damage to the enemy. We should not set the task of winning the war against the United States, this time has passed for a long time. We must create a system capable of autonomous mode, given the parameters of a critical situation, to inflict unacceptable damage on the enemy. The destruction of our headquarters and command and control systems can be a critical situation. A critical situation is a loss of signal between the Retaliation System (SOGNU) and our Command Posts.

Against whom should FALSE be directed?
First of all, SOGNU should be directed against the United States and Great Britain, and also, unfortunately, against the satellite countries. All this together is somewhat beyond the NATO bloc.
What is unacceptable damage?
Unacceptable damage can be considered such losses or changes in the habitat, in which the decision-making center will avoid creating a critical situation that automatically launches SOGNU.
The notion of unacceptable harm applies to the following areas:
- military infrastructure and personnel of the armed forces;
- industry;
- infrastructure;
- population;
- ecology;
- the elite.
The most just and effective would be the destruction of the elite, in the sense of the center responsible for making a fatal decision.
The most vulnerable targets are: habitat, population, infrastructure and industry. There should be no illusions, the Earth is a large submarine and responsibility is distributed among all crew members.

What to do?
Proceeding from clear goals and opportunities, as well as a reserve of time, it is necessary to concentrate resources on the most effective and realistic directions for creating SOGNU. We have groundwork, we do not start from scratch.
Just look at the vast sea areas around the United States, Great Britain and their satellites. There can be many options. Placement of bottom stationary land mines of high power with anti-handling devices. Placement of autonomous, "sleeping" underwater launchers of ballistic and cruise missiles placed at optimal distances from targets, the use of ammunition causing maximum damage to the environment, etc.
The strategy for the development of our security system should not be about insanely pumping resources into the advanced, but traditional weapons systems, they will not save us. We must act unexpectedly, quickly and competently. When you are surrounded by a group of bandits in a dark alley with the intent to kill, the rules and codes of honor are out of place. Perhaps this is the only case when the goal - the defense of the Motherland - justifies any means.
How much time do we have left?
There is not much time left. Prototypes of Western hypersonic vehicles, laser systems, attack UAVs and the latest anti-missile missiles will very soon turn into working models of military equipment and go into service. This will upset the delicate balance of strategic forces and make our country defenseless against any, even non-nuclear attack from the developed West. The only way to prevent this sad scenario is the immediate implementation of the elements of the Assurance System of Guaranteed Infliction of Unacceptable Damage to the aggressor.