The history of the X-90 began in 1971. Then the developers turned to the USSR government with a project to build small strategic cruise missiles that could operate at low altitudes, applying to the terrain. This proposal did not find a response from the leadership then, however, after the United States began developing strategic cruise missiles (Cruise Missile) in 1975, it was remembered. The missile developers were ordered to begin development in mid-1976. It was supposed to be completed by mid-1982. By December 31, 1983, the missile was supposed to be put into service. One of the main requirements was to provide the rocket with supersonic speed.
At the end of the 70s the X-90 reached a speed of 2.5-3M, and in the 80s it was already 3-4M. Visitors to the MAKS-1997 air show could admire the GLA experimental hypersonic aircraft in the Raduga pavilion.
GLA is the prototype of a new cruise missile. It should carry two individually guided warheads that can independently engage targets at a distance of up to 100 km. from the point of separation from the main rocket. The Tu-160M bomber is supposed to be the carrier.
At that time, the GLA X-90, equipped with a ramjet engine, had a length of about 12 meters. The current rocket does not exceed 8-9 meters.
After separation from the carrier aircraft at an altitude of 7000-20000 meters, the delta wings unfold, with a span of about seven meters, as well as the tail. Then the solid-propellant booster is turned on, which accelerates the rocket to supersonic speed, after which the main engine comes into action, providing a speed of 4-5 M. The range is 3500 kilometers.

The first flight of the Kh-90
According to the Kremlin, no state in the world possesses hypersonic missiles. The United States at one time abandoned their development for financial reasons, and limited themselves to subsonic ones. In Russia, work was also carried out inconsistently, but the pauses were short. Already in July 2001, the press reported on the launch of the Topol rocket. At the same time, the behavior of the warhead, which was unusual for ballistics specialists, was noteworthy. At that time, it was not confirmed that the warhead was equipped with its own engine, allowing it to maneuver in the atmosphere at hypersonic speed. The already mentioned exercises in February 2004, which were first held throughout Russia since 1982, turned out to be a real sensation. During these exercises, two ballistic missiles were launched: one Topol-M and one RS-18. As it turned out later, the RS-18 was equipped with a kind of experimental apparatus. He went out into space, and then again "dived" into the atmosphere. This maneuver seems incredible given the state of the art. At the moment the warhead enters the dense layers of the atmosphere, its speed is 5000m / s (approx. 18000 km / h). Therefore, the warhead must have special protection against overloads and overheating. The experimental apparatus had no less speed, but easily changed the direction of flight and did not collapse at the same time. There are no miracles in aerodynamics. American shuttles and Soviet Buran, modern fighters have similarities. Apparently, the apparatus tested during the exercises is similar to the X-90. To this day, its real appearance is, as already mentioned, a state secret.

Moscow's new trump card
"This unit can overcome the regional missile defense system," - said the representative of the General Staff, Colonel-General Yuri Baluyevsky at a press conference after the exercise. Unlike the existing ballistic warheads, this device is capable of "at any time change the flight trajectory in accordance with a predetermined program, or already over the enemy's territory to be re-aimed at another target."
Instead of a conventional warhead, which follows a constant trajectory, and could theoretically be intercepted by an anti-missile, the RS-18 had a device capable of changing the altitude and direction of flight, and thus overcome any, including the American anti-missile system. When asked by journalists how, in his opinion, the United States would react to this news, President Putin said, "The United States is actively developing its own weapons." The President reminded that Washington recently withdrew from the ABM Treaty, stating that this step is not directed against the Russian Federation. The modernization of existing and development of new weapons systems in Russia are also not directed against the United States, assured President Putin, adding: "Together with other states, Russia is responsible for stability and security on the vast Eurasian continent."

The dream of invulnerability
Russia's Strategic Missile Forces include:
3 missile armies, 16 missile divisions. They are armed with 735 ballistic missiles with 3159 nuclear warheads. These include 150 R-36M UTTH and R-36M2 silo-based Voevoda (NATO designation of both types SS-18 Satan), each carrying 10 independently controlled warheads, 130 silo UR-100N UTTKh (SS-19 Stileto) with 780 warheads and 36 RT-23 UTTH “Molodets” with 360 warheads based on railway complexes, 360 mobile monoblock complexes RT-2RM Topol (SS-25 Sikl) and 39 newest monoblock complexes RT-2RM2 Topol-M (SS-27 "Topol-M2").
According to Russian experts, equipping even a small part of this arsenal with cruise warheads will make Russian missile forces "for decades ahead" invulnerable to any missile defense system. Even the coming missile defense of George W. Bush will turn into a "super-expensive and useless toy." In addition, Russian experts remind that a hypersonic warhead is not the only development in this direction. There are also programs "Cold" and the flying laboratory "Igla", which tests the parts of the Russian aerospace aircraft (RAKS). All of them can be part of a single plan for creating a maneuvering warhead that is invulnerable to a promising missile defense system.

History of missile defense
The idea of overcoming missile defense systems is, in principle, not new. Back in the 60s, a project of a "global rocket" was being created in the USSR. The idea was to launch the warhead into low-earth orbit with the help of a launch vehicle, where it turned into an artificial Earth satellite. Then, on command, the braking engine was turned on, and the warhead was directed at any target to destroy it. At that time, the SShA established their missile defense on the assumption that Soviet missiles would fly up at the shortest distance across the North Pole. It is difficult to imagine anything better as a first strike weapon, since global missiles could attack the United States from the south, where the Americans did not have radars to detect incoming missiles and take countermeasures. On November 19, 1968, this Soviet system was put into service and put on alert in small numbers. At the Baikonur cosmodrome, 18 R-36 orb rockets were deployed. (orbital) mine-based. After the conclusion of the SALT-2 treaty, which prohibits orbital rockets, the system was dismantled. Although the treaty was not ratified, the USSR and the United States adhered to its terms. In 1982, the dismantling and destruction of the P-36 orb began, which ended by May 1984. The launch complexes were blown up.
Rockets are the power of Russia
Perhaps now, at a new technological level, the system will experience a rebirth. This means that the American missile defense system, in which the US is investing tens of billions of dollars, is meaningless. Therefore, the US is now beginning to deploy radar systems near Russian borders to detect and destroy missiles immediately after launch, before the warhead detaches.
But for this, according to experts, there are a number of countermeasures, partly developed within the framework of the Soviet SDI countermeasures program. Thus, attempts to intercept can be hampered by the fact that the rocket, in the active phase of the flight, performs an orbital maneuver. For example, the Topol-M rocket, according to the statement of its general designer Yu. Solomonov, can perform vertical and horizontal maneuvers. In addition, the trajectory, which does not leave the dense layers of the atmosphere, significantly complicates the interception. And in a critical situation, Russian generals can return to the idea of global missiles. And this is not a complete list of countermeasures to avoid the interception of missiles at the active stage. When the X-90 hypersonic warhead separates from the missile, it is practically invulnerable.

Tu-160: White Swan hits relentlessly
This is the pride of the Russian Air Force - the Tu-160 strategic bomber costing billions of rubles. Due to its slender, elegant shape, it is affectionately called “White Swan”. However, its other names are more consistent with reality - "Sword with 12 blades" (due to 12 cruise missiles on board), "Weapon of the nation", "Deterrent factor". It is also called the "Russian flying miracle", and NATO stands for Blackjack. The first copy of the missile carrier was built in 1981. Initially, 100 of these machines were to be put into operation, but since the Americans insisted on the inclusion of this class of bombers in the START treaty, the USSR limited itself to 33 units.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Tu-160s were divided between the former Soviet republics. At present, the long-range bomber aviation of Russia has 14 bombers of this class. Initially, there were 15 of them, but one of them crashed over the Volga in 2003. Each car has its own name, for example “Ilya Muromets” or “Mikhail Gromov”. The last of this list - "Alexander Molodshiy" - entered service in 2000. All of them are based in Engels on the Volga. For armament with X-90 missiles, the planes of the aircraft were increased. This modification is called Tu-160M.
Developer MKB "Raduga"
Designation X-90 GELA
NATO code name AS-19 "Koala"
Type strategic cruise missile hypersonic experimental aircraft
Inertial and radio command control system
Carrier Tu-95
Geometric and mass characteristics
Length, m approx. 12
Wingspan, m 6, 8-7
Weight, kg
Number of warheads 2
Power point
Scramjet engine
Solid propellant accelerator
Flight data
Flight speed, M = 4-5
Launch altitude, m 7000
flight 7000-20000
Range, km 3000