UVZ equipment for a new generation army

UVZ equipment for a new generation army
UVZ equipment for a new generation army

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Research and Production Corporation "UVZ" includes the most famous developers and manufacturers of military products

One of the largest military-industrial holdings in the world - Scientific and Production Corporation Uralvagonzavod OJSC - throughout its history was famous for its highest scientific and technical potential. …

UVZ equipment for a new generation army
UVZ equipment for a new generation army

UVZ novelty - T-90SM tank

The UVZ Corporation currently unites in its structure almost 30 industrial enterprises, research institutes and design bureaus located in five federal districts of Russia and abroad. The production and creation of military equipment is the leading direction of its activity. It is logical that it was the Nizhniy Tagil Uralvagonzavod in 2007 that united under its own name enterprises that have been working in the field of creating weapons for more than one decade, recognized developers and manufacturers of products for the military. It was on its basis that the Ural Tank Plant was created in 1941, from the assembly line of which an echelon of "thirty-fours" - a legendary combat vehicle, which today remains a masterpiece of design thought and a role model for tank builders all over the world - went to the front every day. No other tank plant in the world, either before or after the war, achieved such productivity. And in just seven decades of its tank history, the Nizhny Tagil enterprise produced about 100 thousand units of special equipment - and this is an absolute world record!


T-34 tanks are still in service at the Victory Day parades

The characteristic features of combat vehicles produced by UVZ have always been high efficiency, reliability and unpretentiousness, low cost and significant modernization potential inherent in them. World famous tanks T-54, T-72, T-90S and others were and are unique in many ways and are widely used in the armies of many countries of the world. BREM-1M, BMR-3M, IMR-3M, MTU-72 - engineering vehicles of the UVZ brand have no less efficiency. A combat vehicle for fire support (BMPT) is the latest model of weapons, has a high level of security, firepower and controllability. For its unique tactical and technical characteristics and firepower, the fire support combat vehicle was named by military specialists "The Terminator".

The modernized T-90SM occupies a special place among the tank products of Uralvagonzavod today. This vehicle is undoubtedly the next step in the development of domestic tank building. The modernization affected the entire range of characteristics of the T-90S tank and made it possible to significantly improve its combat and operational qualities. The T-90SM confidently surpasses its predecessors in terms of the main indicators that determine combat effectiveness. These are, first of all, the fundamentally increased capabilities of fire destruction, high protection against most anti-tank weapons, a reliable life support system and improved mobility.

All tanks and engineering vehicles produced at Uralvagonzavod were developed in the open joint-stock company Ural Design Bureau of Transport Engineering (UKBTM). It is part of the integrated structure of the corporation and possesses highly qualified personnel, a powerful design and production base, as well as advanced technologies in the design of science-intensive products.


Fire support combat vehicle (BMPT)

Currently, the UKBTM is developing the latest combat vehicle. By 2015, Uralvagonzavod plans to change the entire tank lineup. A universal combat platform will be created, which will house all types of weapons related to tracked vehicles: a main battle tank, armored personnel carrier, infantry fighting vehicles, as well as combat support vehicles.

During the Great Patriotic War, T-34 tanks were manufactured not only in Nizhny Tagil, but also at many other domestic factories. One of the largest manufacturers of thirty-fours for the front was the Omsk enterprise, now part of UVZ, - the open joint-stock company Design Bureau of Transport Engineering (KBTM). Thanks to the experience gained during the war, this enterprise also became one of the leading manufacturers of special equipment in the country: by orders of the Ministry of Defense, Omsk specialists manufactured the T-80 tank, radiation, chemical, biological protection vehicles and other equipment. The priority of development of Omsk designers is protected by more than 400 patents for industrial property objects and 1200 copyright certificates for inventions. One of the most promising KBTM products is the TOS-1 heavy flamethrower system, which strikes targets at a distance of 6 km and is designed to destroy the enemy by the effect of pressure drops.

At present, in its activities to create a scientific and technical groundwork for the development of promising models of armored vehicles, KBTM JSC is pursuing a technical policy of gradual improvement of the components of military tracked vehicles and the continuity of available progressive design solutions. The company's specialists form scientific and technical cooperation of developers and manufacturers on new types of weapon systems, protection and mobility for combat vehicles of the future.


Heavy flamethrower system TOS-1


UVZ is famous not only for tanks today. The corporation offers the army the widest range of modern military products. The production of artillery weapons in the special equipment division is represented by two Yekaterinburg enterprises - Uraltransmash OJSC and Zavod No. 9 OJSC, as well as the Burevestnik Central Research Institute in Nizhny Novgorod.


122 mm D-30 howitzer with circular fire

Uraltransmash is one of the oldest domestic enterprises. It dates back to 1817, but the production of combat vehicles at the plant began in the war years. For more than 60 years, the enterprise has developed or modernized about 40 samples of military equipment. More than 20 combat artillery and engineering items were adopted by the Soviet and Russian armies and were mass-produced or manufactured in its workshops. Now Uraltransmash is the only Russian plant where self-propelled artillery installations, widely known both in Russia and in other countries, are produced. A significant stage in the development of domestic self-propelled artillery was the creation in 1989 of the 2S19 Msta-S self-propelled howitzer, which surpassed many foreign analogues in terms of its tactical and technical characteristics.

One of the leading enterprises of the country's military-industrial complex since the Great Patriotic War is Plant No. 9. It was on it that the 122-mm howitzer 2A31 and the 152-mm howitzer 2A33 were created for the first domestic self-propelled howitzers 2S1 "Gvozdika" and 2S3 "Akatsia", as well as such a famous weapon as the 122-mm howitzer D-30 with circular fire. Its modification - the 122-mm D-30A howitzer - is one of the most widespread in the world: about 3,600 of its units are located in 35 foreign countries, excluding the CIS countries. One of the newest products of the Yekaterinburg enterprise is the 2A61 howitzer, which is classified as a regimental and developed on a modified three-man carriage of the 122 mm D-30 howitzer.

And, of course, Plant No. 9 is one of the domestic leaders in the creation and production of barreled artillery for all tanks that make up the backbone of the modern Armed Forces of Russia. The T-90S tank is armed with 125-mm cannons of the D-81 family developed by the Nine.

The team of the Nizhny Novgorod research institute "Burevestnik", created in the 70s of the last century as the head enterprise for barrel artillery armament of the Ground Forces and the Navy, during its glorious work performed more than 400 R&D and presented a number of samples of ship, field artillery, mortars, maintenance equipment and artillery armament support. Currently, TsNII specialists are working on the creation of a promising interspecific 152-mm artillery complex, which will become the basis of the artillery weapons system of the Russian army in the coming decade.


Self-propelled howitzer 2S 19 "Msta-S"

JSC "Rubtsovskiy Machine-Building Plant" is engaged in the development and production of special machines. Over a half-century history, more than 70 types of various types of machines and products have been designed and mastered. Today, RMZ produces more than 15 samples of military products. The most famous are: the command combat reconnaissance vehicle BRM-ZK "Lynx" based on the BMP-3, for the creation of which the team of specialists from the rubtsovskoye was awarded the prize of the government of the Russian Federation, and the mobile reconnaissance station PRP-4MU. It was created on the basis of the BMP-1 and is designed to conduct reconnaissance of stationary and moving ground targets day and night, in any meteorological conditions and in a wide temperature range at an altitude of up to 3000 m above sea level. The new generation vehicle in the field of mobile reconnaissance vehicles is the mobile reconnaissance station PRP-4A.

In addition, today the structure of the UVZ corporation includes one of the largest developers and manufacturers of electrical equipment and automated control systems for special and general industrial purposes in Russia - JSC Scientific and Production Association Electromashina. The developments of the Chelyabinsk enterprise are installed on such well-known machines as T-55, BMP-1, BMP-2, T-72, T-80, BMP-3, T-90S. In total, there are over 300 products that have been successfully used on armored vehicles in operation in more than 50 countries around the world. These are fire control systems and their elements, optical-electronic suppression and curtain systems, fire-fighting equipment, as well as air conditioning and autonomous energy saving systems, electric drives, electric motors, starters and much more.


Combat reconnaissance vehicle BRM-3K "Lynx"

Research and Production Corporation "UVZ" includes the most famous developers and manufacturers of military products. This is a technique that has repeatedly glorified the Russian industry and the country, has repeatedly proved its power, reliability and quality of products. Taking into account the modern composition of the UVZ special equipment division, the scientific and technical potential of its members, it becomes clear that the corporation will become one of the main executors of the government task of rearming the Russian army within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Development of the Defense Industrial Complex of the Russian Federation until 2020" successfully implements it and justifies the confidence of the state.
