The 6th International Arms Salon MILEX-2011 is gaining momentum. The display of the achievements of the military-industrial complexes continues in Minsk. The exhibition is somewhat chamber in nature - there is no motorized show, the exposition is static, but very interesting. And there are a lot of guests on it, including from very far abroad.
According to the chairman of the state military-industrial committee of the Republic of Belarus Sergei Gurulev, close military-technical ties are currently maintained with almost forty countries. And this can be seen at the Minsk salon. There are many representatives of Arab and African countries. The number of visitors from the PRC has significantly increased compared to previous exhibitions. Belarus and China are now experiencing a real boom in expanding their relations in all areas.
The interest of foreign guests is often explained by the fact that Belarus was able to preserve its high-tech industry sector and scientific and design potential accumulated back in Soviet times. And Soviet models of military equipment are still in the arsenals of many countries of the former Third World.
However, the Belarusians managed not only to preserve, but also to develop their defense-industrial potential. The local defense industry literally gushes with various innovative ideas, which are quickly transformed into metal.
The Belarusian enterprise "Tetraedr", for example, shows products that have been created recently. The most modern technologies are embodied in them. These are the mobile anti-aircraft missile system T38 "Stilet" and the multipurpose missile-gun system "A3", in which the highlight is an autonomous combat module.

"Stiletto" is notable for the fact that it is the first mobile air defense missile system, created in the Republic of Belarus, but with the use of components produced in Russia and Ukraine. It was created as a modernization project of the well-known air defense system of the Land Forces "Wasp". However, in the course of many years of work, Belarusian engineers came to the conclusion that they are able to create a completely original product that will significantly surpass the old, albeit significantly modernized, complex. This is how the T38 was born with the original Stiletto missile - a product of the Belarusian-Ukrainian cooperation. The creation of the rocket is being completed in one of the specialized design bureaus in Kiev. The Stiletto will be capable of striking virtually all types of air targets, including stealth cruise missiles.
"A3", which stands for a system capable of being used against air targets, enemy ground vehicles and against saboteurs - that is, three "anti", has no analogues on the territory of the CIS. The bottom line is that on well-camouflaged and mine-protected sites, remote from each other at a certain distance, up to several kilometers, modules are installed, equipped with modern optoelectronic surveillance systems coupled with computer fire control units. On each module, depending on the tasks to be solved, small anti-aircraft, guided anti-tank missiles, machine-gun and cannon armament, as well as other means of destruction can be installed on each module. The optics of the module scans a given area on the ground and in the air. Information is transmitted via a cable or radio relay line to the central control point. And then - according to the situation. It is necessary to destroy the goal, it will be done instantly and completely unexpected for the enemy. It is necessary to transfer the coordinates of a moving object to another module - no problem.

Such an effective system of comprehensive protection of important facilities and hard-to-reach sections of the state border cannot but be in demand today. It is no coincidence that the military delegations of all CSTO countries got acquainted with the displayed "A3" very carefully. It is noteworthy that in this product, along with Belarusian and Ukrainian technologies, Russian know-how is also implemented. In general, it becomes obvious that the most advanced models of modern technology, including military ones, can be created today only as a result of cooperation between leading enterprises from different countries.
A striking example of this is one of the world's best multi-channel tank sights "Sosna", created as a joint Belarusian-Russian-French product.
It is no coincidence that the state corporation "Russian Technologies" is activating a variety of projects with the participation of Belarusian enterprises. To a large extent, therefore, the Russian exposition at MILEX-2011 is the largest among foreign participants. However, it is probably not worth considering us as foreigners in the Republic of Belarus. No matter how, but we are building the Union State.