According to the Center for the Analysis of World Arms Trade (TsAMTO), Russia is in first place in the ranking of exporting countries of MBT (main battle tanks). Moreover, in terms of quantitative parameters, it ranks first with a wide margin from competitors, somewhat inferior to the United States in terms of cost.
Between 2006 and 2009, Russia exported 482 new tanks, worth a total of $ 1.57 billion. In the period from 2010 to 2013, taking into account the declared intentions for direct deliveries of already concluded contracts, as well as licensed programs, the number of new MBT exported can reach 859 machines, with a total value of $ 2.75 billion. With this indicator, Russia will retain its leadership among the world's major suppliers of MBT in the next 4-year period.
In the category "battle tanks" following the results of 2009, the Russian Federation entered the UN register with the following data: 80 tanks were delivered to India, 4 - to Turkmenistan and 23 - to Uganda.
According to the data of the same TsAMTO, 80 T-90S MBTs were transferred to India under the 2007 contract. In total, Russian-assembled MBTs will be delivered 124 pieces, the remaining 223 vehicles will be assembled directly in India itself from vehicle kits received from the Russian Federation. In 2008, another 20 ready-made tanks were delivered, the remaining 24 were delivered in 2010.

Indian T-90S
Turkmenistan also received the first 4 MBT T-90S under the 2009 contract for the supply of 10 vehicles.
Uganda, which previously purchased only T-55s, apparently received the same vehicles or, possibly, T-72s from the presence of the Russian Ministry of Defense.


The technological reserve, created with the expectation of the future, should allow Russia to re-equip its army with new MBTs, while maintaining its leading position in the world tank market. In the summer of 2010, at the exhibition "Defense and Defense-2010" in Nizhny Tagil, a closed presentation of the promising MBT T-95 developed by the designers of the NPK Uralvagonzavod took place. According to available data, the T-95 has a mass of about 55 tons, compared to the T-90, it has a lower silhouette, it is also more maneuverable and more armored. The T-95 tower has a remote control.
In general, in the next 4 years, compared to the previous 4-year period (2006-2009), the market for new MBT expects a growth of about 20%. After saturation of the market in the 1990s with tanks that were in service, there has recently been a tendency for the sales of new MBTs to grow. The main role in this growth was played by the fact that all recent military conflicts have shown the importance of using modern tanks in the theater of operations. The high rates of production of export MBTs are confirmed by the data below.
In total, in an 8-year period, from 2006 to 2013, it is planned to sell at least 4515 tanks in the world for an amount exceeding $ 16.54 billion. Of this amount, the market for new tanks will amount to at least 2,478 vehicles worth $ 14.75 billion, or 54.9% of the total and 89.1% of the value of global MBT supplies.
In the period from 2006-2009. 1117 new combat vehicles were sold worth $ 6, 65 billion. In 2010-2013. Taking into account the already concluded contracts, declared intentions and tenders, the market volume will be 1360 MBT for the amount of $ 8.09 billion, or 121.8% in quantitative terms (121.6% in value).
On the world tank market, the main competitors of Russia are the United States and Germany.
The second place in the number of MBTs delivered is occupied by the United States. In 2006-2009.209 Abrams tanks worth $ 1.5 billion were exported, in 2010-2013, according to the existing portfolio of orders and intentions for direct purchase, 298 new vehicles worth $ 3.84 billion will be exported. In terms of quantity, as it is easy to see, the United States is significantly inferior to Russia, but in terms of value, due to the higher price per unit of equipment, the United States' indicators are higher than the Russian ones.
Germany is in third place. In the period from 2006 to 2009, thanks to the conclusion of large contracts for the licensed production of Leopard-2 tanks, the Germans in Greece and Spain managed to achieve the greatest success in selling their MBTs. In total, during this period, 292 MBTs worth $ 3.33 billion were exported for the period 2010-2013. the order book is so far 122 new cars worth 1.21 billion dollars.
China is also actively involved in trade in the global MBT market. At the moment, the Chinese are in fourth place in the ranking. China entered the world market with a joint project of the Type-85 tank with Pakistan.
The fifth place is taken by Poland, which supplied Malaysia with the PT-91M Twarda MBT. This contract came as a surprise to all major market players, and most likely it will become the only achievement of this country in this sector of the global arms market.