Unmanned aerial vehicles are divided into several classes for different purposes. One of them is the so-called. loitering ammunition. This concept provides for the creation of a UAV with reconnaissance equipment and an integrated warhead. Such a device is capable of patrolling in the desired area, finding a target and attacking it like a cruise missile. Loitering munitions, also known as "kamikaze drones", are being developed in several countries, including Russia. However, in our country, such equipment has not yet been accepted into service.
Projects of the past
Until recently, the domestic industry did not deal with the subject of loitering ammunition. Nevertheless, some samples of unmanned vehicles still had the ability to destroy targets "at the cost of their own lives." So, in the early nineties, a heavy attack UAV Tu-300 "Korshun" was put out for testing. It was equipped with advanced optical-electronic equipment and could carry weapons on an external sling.

Heavy UAV Tu-300 "Korshun." Photo Arms-expo.ru
The main task of the "Korshun" was to search for ground targets with their subsequent defeat with the help of suspended weapons - bombs or missiles of various types. According to some reports, the project also provided for the operation of the device as a kamikaze drone. In extreme cases, the UAV could aim at a target and attack it like a rocket. However, this was an extreme measure, and in normal situations the Korshun had to return to base after the flight.
In May 2016, from unnamed sources in the defense complex, it became known about the start of the development of a new loitering ammunition of the "classic" model. This project was probably proposed taking into account foreign experience and involved the use of proven foreign ideas. It was planned to modify one of the existing domestic UAVs, equipping it with an integrated warhead.
Soon the Russian press clarified that the new "kamikaze" will be created on the basis of the serial reconnaissance drone "Orlan-10". At the same time, the characteristics of the future sample were not specified, although the available data on the base sample allowed some assumptions to be made. Thus, with a takeoff weight of 14 kg, the Orlan-10 carries a payload of 5 kg. It is capable of accelerating to 150 km / h, being in the air for 16 hours and moving away from the starting point by 600 km (up to 120 km when controlled by the operator). Apparently, the loitering ammunition based on the "Orlan-10" could have similar characteristics.
However, since then, new reports on the creation of a loitering munition based on a reconnaissance UAV have not appeared. Unfortunately, the current status of this development remains unknown, and this may hint at the lack of real results. The project was probably closed due to technical difficulties or lack of interest from a potential customer. As a result, at the moment, "Orlan-10" is used to carry various payloads, but not warheads.
Draft of the present
A few days ago, the premiere show of the newest Russian UAV from the category of loitering ammunition took place. This kamikaze drone was developed by Zala Aero, which is part of the Kalashnikov concern and is one of the main domestic UAV manufacturers. The new project is called "KUB-UAV" (English version of KYB-UAV). This product is designed specifically for striking enemy targets and was originally designed to solve such problems.

Preparations for launching the Orlan-10 spacecraft. Photo of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
"KUB-UAV" received a glider of a characteristic type, built according to the "tailless" scheme with a swept wing and a pair of ridges on the tips. There is a pronounced fuselage of circular cross-section. An electric motor with a pushing propeller is placed in the aft fuselage. For maneuvering, mechanization is used on the trailing edge of the wing. The fuselage accommodates a payload of the required type weighing up to 3 kg.
The wingspan of the drone is 1.21 m, the length of the fuselage is 950 mm. The device is capable of speeds up to 130 km / h and stay in the air for up to half an hour. The launch is carried out using the launch catapult. Landing devices are not used due to the characteristic role of the product: instead of returning to the launch area, it must attack the designated target.
According to the development organization, the KYB-UAV UAV can deliver a payload in the form of a warhead to a specified point using a satellite navigation system. It also provides for the use of the so-called. targeting load - an optoelectronic system that monitors the underlying terrain and searches for targets. The use of optical means reduces the permissible warhead weight.
Depending on the method of guidance used, "KUB-UAV" can attack both stationary targets with known coordinates, and moving objects. Stationary enemy targets can be destroyed in any guidance modes. In this case, the "television" mode provides an attack on moving targets, the coordinates of which are constantly changing.

UAV "KUB-UAV" on the starting rail. Photo Zala Aero / kalashnikov.media
Zala Aero claims that by now the "KUB-UAV" product has passed the necessary tests and is ready for operation. A video of one of the test launches was published. The video shows the UAV taking off from the starting guide and falling onto the target. Loitering ammunition entered the target almost vertically and deviated from it literally a couple of meters.
A new type of kamikaze drone was presented to the public and potential customers just a few days ago as part of a foreign military-technical exhibition. Information about the possible appearance of orders for such equipment has not yet appeared, but news of this kind may arrive at any time. While there is reason for optimistic forecasts: "KUB-UAV" has every chance to enter service with both the Russian army and foreign armed forces. To a certain extent, the appearance of export contracts is facilitated by the demonstration of the product at the IDEX-2019 exhibition.
The future of projects
To date, several promising projects of loitering ammunition have been worked out in Russia, but, apparently, only one of them has reached the testing stage so far. The first domestic kamikaze drone in the past could have been the Tu-300 "Korshun", although in his case such capabilities were an addition to the main means of solving problems. Then the appearance of a combat version of the Orlan-10 product was expected, and the other day for the first time a completely new specialized UAV "KUB-BLA" was shown.
Great hopes are now being pinned on the latter, and the developer company expects that it will be able to interest the Russian and foreign military, after which real orders will follow. However, the opinion of the Russian Ministry of Defense about such equipment remains unknown, which is why the real prospects of KYB-UAV are not completely clear. The proposed model may find a place in the Russian armed forces, but a different outcome is also possible.

"CUB-BLA" falls on the target. Photo Zala Aero / kalashnikov.media
In the area of export orders, there may be reasons for optimism. The concept of loitering ammunition enjoys a certain popularity in the world, and a market for such products has already formed. The new Russian development is able to win back its share of this market and go into series production in the interests of third countries. Obtaining such results should be facilitated by the demonstration of the finished UAV at an exhibition in the UAE.
However, the new Russian UAV will face serious competition. Foreign countries have already developed and put up for sale about two dozen types of kamikaze drones with different characteristics and capabilities. It will not be easy to win back your niche and gain a foothold in it in such conditions.
Despite serious advances in the field of loitering ammunition, such products are still of limited distribution and cannot compete with other categories of UAVs. The reasons for this are obvious: the kamikaze drone is actually a "hybrid" of a reconnaissance aircraft and guided weapons. At the same time, he not only receives the positive qualities of "ancestors", but also has certain disadvantages. In addition, duplication of functions with other products may be considered impractical.
Loitering ammunition should work like a reconnaissance UAV and look for its target, and then fall on it like a bomb or rocket. The need to solve two different kinds of problems can lead to the complication and rise in the cost of the design in comparison with specialized products. Also, a potential customer may have questions about the need to use a kamikaze drone instead of a bundle of reconnaissance UAVs and any available strike system, especially if the latter has great combat advantages.

Undermining the warhead. Photo Zala Aero / kalashnikov.media
It is well known that the Russian Ministry of Defense in recent years has shown great interest in promising UAVs capable of carrying a combat load. New percussion samples of medium and heavy classes are being developed. At the same time, there is no particular interest in disposable loitering ammunition. In particular, this can explain the small number of projects of this kind and the absence of such weapons in the army. It seems that the Russian command does not consider kamikaze drones to be necessary and gives preference to equipment of other classes, capable of solving only one task, but doing it as efficiently as possible.
However, light vehicles with the ability to conduct reconnaissance and strike can be used. They can be considered as a special tool for special forces, capable of ensuring the solution of tasks in isolation from the main forces and fire weapons of other classes. In addition, one should not forget about the international arms and equipment market. The creation of exclusively export samples, as practice shows, is a profitable business and allows defense enterprises to earn good money.
Taking into account the current state of affairs and the prospects for its development, the domestic industry should continue to develop loitering ammunition - both at the request of specific buyers and on an initiative basis. If the Russian command nevertheless shows interest in such equipment, the army will be able to receive it as soon as possible. Also, such developments can be promoted on the international market. Finally, do not forget that the development of kamikaze drones will contribute to the development of the entire direction of unmanned vehicles.
How events will develop in the future - time will tell. However, it is already clear that Russian enterprises are capable of developing and building loitering ammunition. But the real prospects of these projects depend, first of all, on the wishes and plans of customers - domestic and foreign military.