« Work brothers - such simple, uncomplicated, but - at the same time - such necessary words. They can be safely addressed to everyone who performs their duty - military or civilian, at home or on its distant borders. And they sound especially shrill if you remember the conditions in which they were said.
July 10 marks one year since the death of the Hero of Russia, police lieutenant, 31-year-old Magomed Nurbagandov, who said these simple words, which have now become the motto of many people.
And this story began quite simply: on July 9, 2016, a large company of relatives arranged a picnic in the forest, not far from the usual Dagestan village of Sergokala. No one thought about something tragic or heroic, no one could have imagined that two people would never return home.
By the evening, almost all the vacationers went home. The cousins Magomed and Abdurashid and (according to various sources) two or three underage boys remained in the forest. By the morning of July 10, they were attacked by bandits, carriers of the extremist ideology of the "Islamic State" (ISIS, an organization banned in the Russian Federation). From the point of view of these militants, people peacefully resting in the forest are by definition "infidels" ("infidels"). Then it turned out that at least one of these terrorists had previously tried to escape to Syria, but was stopped. I decided to continue my criminal activities on the territory of Russia.
After the intruders began to beat one of the boys, Abdurashid stood up for him. He died first. "", - this is how the attackers commented on his behavior. According to ISIS traditions, they filmed everything that happened.
Having laid the hostages face down, the militants began to search their victims' car. And they found a certificate of an employee of the non-departmental security, which belonged to Magomed. This predetermined his tragic fate. Magomed, along with one of the brothers, was tied up and pushed into the trunk of the car - the same one that had been searched. They took me some distance from the camp. There the massacre took place.
Subsequently, the terrorists cut the video footage of their atrocity. They posted a video of the murder, provided it with ISIS symbols and threats that it would be so with everyone, but tried to hide the fact that Magomed, who was shot by them, had a choice: bow his head or die. That is, he died not as a victim, but as a hero.
The terrorists demanded from Nurbagandov to urge his colleagues on camera to stop working in law enforcement agencies. In response to this the opposite call was sounded: the very words “Work, brothers”.
Courage comes in all sorts of ways. And not everyone, even those who do not bow to bullets on the battlefield, is able to maintain courage in those conditions when he was left alone with death. If in battle a bullet may or may not hurt, then you can expect mercy from the scum only at the cost of a bowed head and complete submission. In addition, it is not known how the bandits will behave - they will shoot immediately or decide to turn the last minutes of life into hell …
And the heroic deed is not always done “beautifully”, “in the world”, where, as they say, “death is red”. It happens that people may not even hear about such feats.
So in this case, no one could have known about the enormous courage of a simple police lieutenant, a native of a small Dagestan village. But thanks to pure chance, the country saw that there, in the forest, the young policeman fell not just as a victim of a gangster massacre, but as a man who remained faithful to his duty to the end.
So, the killers did not include the words "Work, brothers" in their violent video. But two months later, in September 2016, during a special operation in the city of Izberbash, the gang was defeated. The terrorists were found to have the very phone on which they were filming their barbaric villainy. And there, on the recording, the words "Work, brothers" were heard. Words that were heard by the whole country.
On September 21, 2016, President Vladimir Putin signed a decree awarding Magomed Nurbagandov the Star of the Hero. After meeting with his parents, the head of state said: "".
Abdurashid, who died the same morning, was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage. Miraculously managed to survive the younger brother of Magomed, who with him ended up in the clutches of bandits. The militants released him with the words: "".
However, the villagers were not scared. Moreover, when it became known under what circumstances Magomed died, they went out into the street and called on the authorities to immortalize the name of the Hero in the names of the street and school.
A year has passed. In the small homeland of Magomed Nurbagandov, in Sergokal, commemorative events were held in his honor. Poems and songs are composed in honor of the courageous police officer. “Work, brothers! We are working, brother!"