In recent years, active work has been going on in various countries to create combat lasers. A promising weapon of this class is expected to have high performance and can have a serious impact on the face of future armed conflicts. Some successes have been achieved in the field of laser combat systems, but such weapons are still far from practical use. Scientists and designers have yet to solve a number of important problems that prevent laser weapons from getting into the army. Meanwhile, in our country, several projects of laser systems have been created, which, being somewhat similar to weapons, are already being used in practice.
In the early nineties, the Troitsk Institute for Innovative and Fusion Research (SSC RF TRINITI) began research work aimed at creating a promising technological complex based on a laser. It was assumed that the mobile laser technological complex (MLTK) could be quickly delivered to the desired place, deployed and prepared for work, after which it would be able to cut various objects and structures. Such a system, as conceived by the authors of the project, could be used to solve a wide range of problems faced by various enterprises. First of all, the MLTK complexes were supposed to be used to eliminate various accidents, etc. works.
By the end of the nineties, SSC RF TRINITY completed work on the first two projects. In the MLTK-5 and MLTK-50 projects, some general ideas and developments were used, however, these complexes differed in a number of parameters. Their main difference was in the type and power of the laser. The laser of the MLTK-5 complex developed a power of 5 kilowatts, the MLTK-50 - 50 kW. The first two mobile laser technological complexes used lasers of various systems. A less powerful complex was equipped with a continuous gas laser (the working medium is a mixture of carbon dioxide, neon, and helium) of a closed circuit pumped by a self-sustained discharge. The MLTK-50 complex, in turn, received a repetitively pulsed electron-beam-controlled laser using a mixture of air and carbon dioxide as a working medium.

Mobile laser technological complex "MLTK-50"

Field tests of MLTK-50 at a firing stand for remote cutting of metal structures
Mobile laser complex MLTK-5 was made in the form of several units installed on a car semitrailer (total weight about 11 tons) and suitable for relatively simple transportation to the place of use. If necessary, the components of the complex can be quickly delivered to the right place and prepared for work. Service personnel of 2-3 people can prepare the installation for operation in one and a half to two hours. The capabilities of MLTK-5 allow generating laser radiation with a power of 0.5 to 5 kW with a wavelength of 10.6 microns. Consuming about 150 kW of electricity (380 V, 50 Hz), the MLTK-5 complex can affect objects at a distance of about 30 meters. The permissible time of continuous laser operation reaches 8-10 hours.
The main task of the MLTK-5 complex is remote cutting and welding of various structures. The power of the laser used makes it possible to exert a destructive effect on various objects at a distance of several tens of meters. However, studies have shown that MLTK-5 and similar systems can be used to perform other tasks. Thus, the possibility of cleaning surfaces from various contaminants has been investigated: technological deposits, paint, etc. with the help of the so-called. laser peeling. The same technology allows cleaning the water surface from the oil film. Thus, the actual range of tasks that can be solved using mobile laser systems is much wider than it might seem at first glance.
The development of the MLTK-50 complex was carried out by the Troitsk Institute for Innovative and Fusion Research in cooperation with Gazprom. The main task in the development of this project was the creation of a mobile laser complex capable of cutting metal and reinforced concrete structures. A technique capable of cutting a variety of structures at a distance from them was proposed for use in emergency operations on gushing gas or oil wells.
The basis for the MLTK-50 setup was a repetitively pulsed electron-beam-controlled laser, which uses a gas mixture as a working medium. The mixture consists of atmospheric air with a 5% addition of carbon dioxide. The gas mixture is pumped through the working chamber at a speed of about 8 kg per second. In this case, the gas flow develops a speed of up to 50 m / s. To pump the gas mixture at such a speed, it was necessary to create a pump based on a serial aircraft engine. The gas turbine unit is located in such a way that the working chamber of the laser is in its air intake. A 50-kilowatt laser and associated equipment were placed on two car semi-trailers. The first is the base for the laser itself and the telescope of the beam guidance system. The second semi-trailer, in turn, carries the pumping system and a number of other auxiliary components of the complex. The total weight of the two semitrailers of the MLTK-50 complex is approaching 50 tons. The mobile complex can be transported by rail in special containers.
Upon arrival at the place of work, the service personnel of three people can prepare the MLTK-50 complex for work within a few hours. During operation, the installation requires a power supply of about 750 kW. A 50-kilowatt laser beam can be focused at a distance of 20 to 80 meters from the complex. The laser of the complex can work continuously for no more than 10 minutes, after which a 20-minute break is required. In this mode, the installation can cut metal and reinforced concrete structures, performing the assigned task. Gazprom has received several sets of the MLTK-50 system.
The next mobile laser technological complex was created in the interests of the state corporation "Rosatom". The MLTK-2 unit was developed not only for remote cutting of various structures, but also for surface decontamination. The MLTK-2 complex consists of two modules measuring 2x2x2 meters, which together weigh no more than 2 tons. The 2 kW fiber laser used in this complex can cut metal parts up to 20 mm thick at a distance of about 6 meters from the output optical head. It is possible to carry the latter at a distance of several tens of meters from the main modules of the complex.

Block diagram of the MLTK-20 laser technological complex
The mobile complex MLTK-2 is used not only by Rosatom, but also by the State Research Center of the Russian Federation TRINITY. The manufacturer, having finalized the original complex, created a section for commercial metal cutting. At the request of the customer, the new installation is capable of cutting sheets of ferrous or non-ferrous metals no more than 14 mm thick.
The MLTK-3 system became a further development of modular mobile laser systems. It includes three sources of radiation with a power of 1 kW at once. Each of these radiation sources has its own cooling system. The generated radiation from the three sources is transmitted via fiber optic cables to the beamforming and positioning system. This block is responsible for combining several rays into one and aiming it at the desired object. A characteristic feature of the MLTK-3 complex is its architecture. It is divided into seven modules, each weighing no more than 100 kg. This facilitates the transportation and use of the entire complex.
The latest mobile laser complex created at the Troitsk Institute for Innovative and Fusion Research is MLTK-20, developed by order of Gazprom. Its architecture resembles the MLTK-3 described above. MLTK-20 consists of four 2x2x2-meter containers weighing about two tons each. Three out of four units are equipped with ytterbium fiber lasers with adjustable power (from 0.5 to 8 kW) and their cooling systems. These three blocks are connected to the fourth using a fiber optic path. The fourth block houses the forming telescope, beam guidance systems and the operator's workstation.

Laser technological complex MLTK-2
It takes no more than half an hour to deploy the MLTK-20 complex after delivery to the place of work. During this time, service personnel must connect all cables and start up the equipment. Fiber-optic cables used in the MLTK-20 complex make it possible to place blocks with radiation sources at a distance of up to 90 meters from the block with the forming telescope. The telescope is capable of focusing a laser beam at distances from 20 to 70 meters. At maximum power, the MLTK-20 complex is capable of cutting metal structures with a thickness of more than 50 mm. Depending on the thickness of the metal being cut, the cutting speed can reach two meters per hour. The modular architecture allows the MLTK-20 complex to be used in various configurations. Certain tasks can be performed with one unit with a radiation source and one with a forming telescope. In addition, it is possible to increase the power due to the use of additional units with laser equipment.
In 2011, the MLTK-20 complex showed its "skills" several times. Thus, in May, a new laser installation was tested at the Dosang training center (Astrakhan region), owned by Gazprom. The test program included remote separation cutting of gas fittings with a wall thickness of 50 mm. From a distance of 40 meters, the laser complex successfully cut the pipe of a conventional well. In addition, these tests showed the possibility of operating the laser complex after transportation over long distances.

MLTK-20. Laser units 1, 2, 3

Block 4. Forming telescope
In July 2011, the MLTK-20 complex was tested in a real repair operation. It was decided to send the installation to the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, where an accident occurred at well No. 506 of the West Tarkosalinskoye gas field. After a path over 4000 kilometers long, the laser complex was mounted near the emergency well and soon began its work. To continue the work to eliminate the accident, it was necessary to dismantle metal structures with a total weight of about 240 tons, which prevented the gas workers from working using standard equipment. The powerful thermal radiation from the gas torch made it impossible to install the forming telescope at the recommended distance of no more than 50 meters from the damaged structures. For this reason, the main work was carried out from a distance of 70 meters. In 30 hours, the MLTK-20 complex cut through all the necessary structures, after which the fire began to be extinguished.
As you can see, mobile laser technological complexes of the MLTK family, developed by the Troitsk Institute for Innovative and Fusion Research, have clearly shown their effectiveness, and they did this not only during testing, but also in real work to eliminate the fire in a gas well. It should be noted that the MLTK complexes are purely civilian developments, not intended for military use. The power of these systems is insufficient for quickly hitting targets at a great distance, which, however, has almost no effect on their effectiveness in performing the tasks for which they are designed. Perhaps the developments on these projects in the future will be used to create combat lasers, but in their current form, the systems of the MLTK family have a purely peaceful purpose.

Gas fittings after separation laser cutting (wall thickness 50 mm)

Telescope unit extended at a distance of 50 meters from the object

Continuation of laser cutting after pulling apart the blockage

Laser cut rib of the derrick

Sheared well spout flange