After the end of the Iran-Iraq war in 1988, Saddam Hussein decided that it was finally time to finish building his ocean-going fleet. The USSR could not offer anything, except for the SKR project 1159 with the obsolete P-15 anti-ship missiles. A similar picture was observed in Yugoslavia, where the Split frigates were redesigned by the SKR project 1159. Therefore, it was decided to buy the ships ordered in Italy, since they had already been completed by that time, and Iraq had money.
There were intentions to create their own submarine fleet. In the same Italy, Iraqi representatives planned to order 3 Nazario Sauro diesel-electric submarines (one of them as a training one) and planned to receive 6 SX-706 mini-diesel submarines, ordered and built in 1985 at the COS. M. O. S. in Livorno. Displacement: 78/83 tons. Length - 25.2 m, width - 2.02 m, draft - 4.0 m. Power plant - single-shaft, 1 diesel generator, 1 power generator, 300 hp. Speed - 8, 5/6 knots. Sailing range - 1600/7 (overhead), 60/4, 5 (overhead). Crew - 5 people. + 8 swimmers, 2 underwater vehicles or 2050 tons of cargo.

General arrangement of SMPL SX706
To compensate for the losses in the landing ships in Denmark, 3 landing ships with a displacement of 3,500 tons were ordered, as well as an auxiliary ship and a yacht for Saddam Hussein. However, of all ordered, the Iraqis managed to get only a yacht.

Yacht Qadissiyat Saddam built in Denmark
However, the USSR was not forgotten either. He ordered 4 large missile boats of the export project 1241RE. Displacement 385/455 tons. Length - 56.1 m, width - 10.2 m, draft - 2.65 m. Power plant - 4 GTU, 32000 hp. Speed - 42 knots. Cruising range - 1800 nautical miles at a speed of 13 knots. Autonomy 10 days. Crew - 41 people. (5 off.). Armament: 2x2 KT-138E launchers (P-20M anti-ship missiles), 1 76-mm AK-176 gun (314 rounds) - MR-123 Vympel-A fire control system, 1x4 MTU-40S launchers with 9K32M Strela-2M MANPADS (SAM 9M32M) or 9K34 "Strela-3" (SAM 9M36) or "Strela-3M" - 16 missiles, 2x6 AU 30-mm AK-630 (2000 rounds).

Large missile boat of project 1241RE. General form
The first of the missile boats (formerly R-600) was received on May 22, 1990, before the start of the aggression in Kuwait.
Also ordered were 3 small anti-submarine ships of project 12412PE. Displacement: 425/495 tons. Length - 58.5 m, width - 10.2 m, draft - 2.14 m. Power plant - 2 diesel engines М-521-ТМ-5, 2 propellers, 17330 hp. Speed - 32 knots. Cruising range - 2200 nautical miles at a speed of 20 knots, 3000 nautical miles at a speed of 12 knots. Crew - 39 people. (7 office). Armament: 2x5 RBU-1200M (30 RSB-12), 1 76 mm AK-176 gun, 1x4 Fasta-M launcher for Igla-2M MANPADS (16 SAM), 1x6 30-mm AK-630M, 4x1 533 mm TA (2 SET-65E and 2 53-65KE)

Small anti-submarine ship of project 12412PE. General form
Until August 1990, Iraq managed to receive 1 IPC of project 1241PE.
For the Iraqi Coast Guard, 7 border patrol boats of project 02065 "Vikhr-III" were ordered, created on the basis of the torpedo boat of project 206-M "Vikhr-II", built at the Vladivostok Shipyard. Displacement 207/251 t. Length - 40, 15 m, width - 7, 6 m, draft - 1, 8 m. Power plant - three-shaft, 3 diesel М520ТМ-5, 15000 hp 3 fixed pitch propellers, 1 diesel generator 200 kW, 1 diesel generator 100 kW. Speed - 45 knots. Cruising range - 1700 miles at a speed of 12 knots, 800 miles at a speed of 20 knots, 400 miles at a speed of 36 knots. Crew - 32 people. (5 off.). Radar "Rangout", radar RTR "Nakat", navigation radar "Liman", state identification equipment - responder "Nichrom-R", complex EW SPO-3. Armament: 1x4 PU MANPADS "Strela"; 1x1 76 mm AK-176 gun (152 rounds) - MR-123-02 Vympel-AME fire control system, 1x6 30-mm AK-630 gun - 2000 rounds; 12 depth charges.

Border patrol boat of project 02065 "Vikhr-III"
Of the ordered ships, Iraq managed to receive 3 border patrol boats of the project 02065 "Vikhr-III" (former # 305, 306,?).
It was on the Iraqi order of TsKB-18 in Leningrad that they began to design the newest type of submarines, which received the code "Amur", the same from which the submarines of Project 677 "Lada" grew.
Attempts were made to start their own construction of warships. So, delivered in February 1983 from the USSR, the Tamuz missile boat (w / n 17) of project 205, apparently, was intended to become the standard for the series built in Basra. A similar assumption can be made with respect to those purchased in 1984-1985. in Yugoslavia there are 15 PB 90 patrol ships. However, the Iraqis did not go further than preparing the stocks, and during the Iranian-Iraqi war they built about 80 small boats of the "Savari" type at their shipyards. These small and structurally primitive floating craft with a displacement of 7 to 80 tons, armed with machine guns, were used for patrolling on the Shatt al-Arab River and in the water area 150 miles off the coast of the country. The boat "Savari" is capable of speeds up to 25 knots. The main combat mission is the hidden installation of minefields, for which these floating craft are provided with mine hangars and special equipment designed for 4-12 contact anchor mines of the LUGM-145 type of Iraqi design and production.
For the landing of amphibious assault forces, the Republican Guard had 2 brigades of marines, which included two or three battalions, an auxiliary company and a battery of light artillery and / or a mortar battery. The task of the Marine Corps was reconnaissance and ambush strikes, it was also used as a rearguard and a reserve to capture key targets before the offensive of the main forces, landing behind enemy lines. During the war with Iran, Iraq was rather reluctant and less successful in using its marines compared to the enemy. The airborne battalions were inferior in size and armament to the infantry and were light infantry. They included a headquarters company, an administrative company, and a combat logistics company. The latter consisted of anti-tank (four ATGM, four recoilless guns) and mortar (six 82-mm mortars) platoons, as well as a reconnaissance platoon. Each company of the Marine Corps battalion consisted of a headquarters (one armored personnel carrier, two or three trucks), an arms platoon and three airborne platoons. Airborne platoons included a headquarters and three squads of 10 people each. The arms platoon had several light trucks, four 12.7 mm machine guns, three 60 mm mortars and twelve RPG-7s (the latter were attached to squads as needed). Soviet amphibious tanks PT-76 and Brazilian armored personnel carriers EE-11 "Urutu" were used as armored vehicles.

Iraqi tank PT-76

Floating Brazilian armored personnel carrier EE-11 "Urutu"
For coastal defense, 3 batteries of HY-2 Silkworm anti-ship missiles, which are descendants of the Soviet P-15 Termit anti-ship missile, were purchased in China. The HY-2 is launched from a rail-type ground launcher. The flight in the initial phase takes place at an altitude of 1000 meters, after the transition of the rocket to the main engine, the flight altitude is reduced to 100-300 meters. In the final phase of the flight, after turning on the ARGSN, the rocket descends to a height of 8 meters above the sea surface, right up to hitting the target. The probability of defeat from one shot is estimated at 90%.

Launcher anti-ship missiles HY-2 Silkworm
Such active actions of Iraq, of course, could not but alarm Iran, which looked with envy at such an active rearmament of the "sworn neighbor," therefore the Iranians declared that they would not allow the appearance of such large Iraqi ships in the Persian Gulf and were ready to use military force to prevent them there … However, Saddam Hussein chose a new target for himself - Kuwait.
The Iraqi Navy took an active part in the invasion of Kuwait. Thus, the Iraqi marines, disembarking from boats, attacked the country's capital, Kuwait, from the coast. The Kuwaitis claim that they managed to sink 4 Iraqi missile boats, while the Iraqi army said it sank 17 Kuwaiti warships of various classes.
However, the Iraqi fleet also received a valuable "prize" - 6 missile boats of the Kuwaiti Navy, built in Germany. The first is of the FPB-57 type (P5703 Sabhan). Displacement 353 / 398-410 t. Length - 58.1 m, width - 7.62 m, draft - 2.83 m. Power plant - 4-shaft, 4 diesel MTU 16V538 TB92, 15610 hp Speed - 36 knots. Cruising range - 1300/30. Crew - 40 people. (5 off.). Armament: 4 anti-ship missiles MM40 Exocet; 1 76 mm OTO Melara Compact gun, 1x2 40 mm OTO Melara gun, 2 12.7 mm machine guns.
And five boats - TNC-45 type (P4501 Al Boom, P4503 Al Betteen, P4507 Al Saadi, P4509 Al Ahmadi, P4511 Al Abdali). Displacement 231/259 tons. Length - 44.9 m, width - 7.4 m, draft - 2.3 m. Power plant - 4-shaft, 4 diesel engines MTU 16V538 TB92, 15,600 hp. Speed - 41.5 knots. Cruising range - 500/38, 5, 1500/16. Crew - 32 people. (5 off.). Armament: 4 anti-ship missiles MM40 Exocet; 1 76 mm OTO Melara Compact gun, 1x2 40 mm Breda gun, 2 12.7 mm machine guns.

Kuwaiti TNC-45 missile boat
The captured missile boats were immediately incorporated into the Iraqi Navy.
Thus, by the beginning of the Gulf War, the Iraqi Navy numbered 5,000 people and included:
- 1 training frigate Ibn Marjid (board number 507) built in Yugoslavia;
- 1 small Soviet-built Project 1241.2PE anti-submarine ship;
- 9 patrol ships "RV-90" of Yugoslavian construction;
- 15 missile boats (9 Iraqi + 6 captured in Kuwait):
1 large Soviet-built Project 1241RE missile boat;
8 Soviet-built Project 205 missile boats;
5 German-built TNC-45 missile boats (captured in Kuwait);
1 German-built FPB-57 missile boat (captured in Kuwait);
- 6 Soviet-built Project 183 torpedo boats;
- 3 Soviet-built border patrol boats of project 02065 "Vikhr-III";
- 5 units of border patrol boats of project 1400 "Grif";
- 6 river patrol boats of the "PCh 15" type of Yugoslavian construction;
Mine sweeping forces included:
- 2 Soviet-built Project 254K sea minesweepers;
- 3 Soviet-built Project 1258 road minesweepers;
- 4 road minesweepers of project 255K of Soviet construction (?);
- 3 river minesweepers "MS 25" type Nestin, Yugoslavian construction.
Airborne assault vehicles:
- 3 Finnish-built Al-Zahra-class tank landing ships;
- 3 SDK project 773 Polish buildings;
- 6 landing craft on air cushion type SR.№6 of British construction.
A large number (about 100) of motor boats and boats.
The auxiliary forces included the "Spasilac" class rescue vessel "Aka", which could be used as a supply ship of Yugoslavian construction.
Onshore parts:
- 2 brigades of marines (as part of the Republican Guard);
- 3 batteries of anti-ship missiles HY-2 Silkworm;
With the beginning of American operations - first "Desert Shield" and then "Desert Storm" - the Iraqi admirals adopted the only correct tactics, sheltering the most valuable ships in Basra, and mined the northern part of the Persian Gulf, especially on the approaches to the landing-dangerous sections of the coast Kuwait. The US helicopter carrier Tripoli (LPH-10) of the Iwo Jima type and the cruiser Princeton (CG-59) of the Ticonderoga type were blown up on Iraqi mines, and the destroyer Paul Foster (DD-964) of the Spruence type swooped in on an old Japanese mine that did not explode.

Damaged American helicopter carrier "Tripoli" in the dock

US cruiser Princeton blown up on Iraqi mines, "glued" for $ 100 million
When the cruiser Princeton was blown up on mines and then, for long hours, not one of the American ships dared to approach the cruiser dying before our eyes. Only the Canadian frigate Athabascan had the courage and skill, which managed to safely overcome the minefield and deliver an emergency consignment and materials for emergency hull repairs to the Princeton.
The cruiser Princeton, cracked in half by the explosion, was glued together for $ 100 million.
Sea minesweepers and minesweeping helicopters from the USA, England, Belgium and the Federal Republic of Germany took part in trawling these mines. In total, in January-February 1991, they destroyed 112 mines, mainly Soviet-made, such as AMD, KMD "Krab". Nevertheless, until the end of hostilities, not a single unit of the Allied forces was landed ashore.
In turn, the Americans and their allies began a real hunt for Iraqi ships, using air strikes and anti-ship missiles and even 406-mm guns from the Wisconsin Iowa-class battleship, whose shells cost much more than the Iraqi boats they destroyed. In total, by February 3, 7 warships and 14 boats of the Iraqi Navy were destroyed, including all 6 missile boats captured in Kuwait; RCA project 2141RE; 6 RCA project 205 (one more damaged); small anti-submarine ship of project 1241.2PE Soviet-built; SDK project 773 "Knowh" (w / n 78) Polish construction, used as a minelayer; 2 naval minesweepers of Project 254 (Al Yarmouk (w / n 412) and Al Qadisia (w / n 417) damaged by the British Sea Links helicopter Sea Skew anti-ship missiles on 1991-30-01, landed on the shore of Faylaka Island, located in the northwestern part of the Persian Gulf, 20 km northeast of Kuwait, and burned out); 1 road minesweeper of project 1258 (the rest are damaged); 3 patrol boats PB 90 of Yugoslavian construction, border patrol boat of project 02065 "Vikhr-III" (one more damaged), 3 patrol boats of project 1400M "Grif", 6 torpedo boats of project 183.

Launch of the Sea Skew anti-ship missile system from the Super Lynx helicopter of the British Navy
On February 8, 1991, the flagship of the Iraqi fleet, the training frigate Ibn Marjid (b / n 507) and the Yugoslav-built rescue ship Aka, were damaged by the American deck attack aircraft A-6 "Intruder" in Umm Qasr.

Destroyed Iraqi RCA TNC-45

Another destroyed Iraqi boat in Ez-Zubair.
In turn, the Iraqis made only two attempts to strike at the ships of the multinational force. The AM-39 Exocet anti-ship missile launched by the Mirage F1EQ-5 fighter was shot down by the British Sea Dart air defense missile system, and the Chinese HY-2 Silkworm anti-ship missile launched from the coast was diverted from the trajectory by exposed passive interference. However, the British themselves claim that they managed to shoot down the Chinese anti-ship missile HY-2 Silkworm, and this was the first confirmed interception of an enemy anti-ship missile in a combat situation. The missile was launched from a coastal launcher at the American battleship USS Missouri (BB-63), which fired at Iraqi forces on the coast. The British destroyer HMS Gloucester, w / o D 96, escorting the battleship, fired at the missile 90 seconds after launch, firing a Sea Dart anti-aircraft missile into the tail of a flying anti-ship missile and knocking it down in the air.

Destroyer type 42 "Gloucester" (HMS Gloucester, b / n D 96)
At the same time, 2 Iraqi Mirage F1EQ-5 attacking ships of the coalition in the Persian Gulf were shot down by the Saudi pilot Ayhid Salah al-Shamrani on the American F-15C fighter.

Ayhid Salah el-Shamrani
Some Iraqi sailors, following the example of their Air Force colleagues, decided to seek refuge in Iran. Thus, a missile boat of project 205 "Khazirani" (w / n 15), a medium landing ship of project 773 "Ganda" (w / n 76) and a frontier patrol boat of project 02065 "Vikhr-III" were transferred to Iran. Of course, the Iranian Navy was delighted with such a "gift from heaven" and immediately included the transferred ships in their composition. KFOR "Ganda" received the name "Henshe" in the Iranian navy and served until 2000, when it was decommissioned and then sunk as a target in an exercise. A similar fate befell the Iraqi Project 205 Khazirani missile boat, which served until the early 2000s, until it was decommissioned due to a lack of spare parts. I could not trace the fate of the passed border patrol boat of project 02065 "Whirlwind-III", it is not known whether it was included in the Iranian Navy.

The sinking of the former Iraqi KFOR project 773 "Ganda" during the Iranian naval exercise

Former Iraqi RCA pr. 205 "Khazirani" in the Iranian Navy
Thus, by February 24, the beginning of Operation Desert Saber, the Iraqi fleet was completely destroyed.
From 1991 to 2003, the Iraqi Navy was a rather bleak sight, although there were attempts to restore their combat capability. So, in 1999 the RCA of project 205 was repaired and returned to service, and in 2000 the patrol boat of project 02065 "Vikhr-III". In Basra, 80 Iraqi-built motor boats of the Sawari type with a length of 12 m were built, armament - machine guns, on some 1x1 30mm guns. In 1999, the combat capability of 3 batteries of the Chinese HY-2 Silkworm SCRC was restored.
In addition, the following were in a faulty state (according to Western data):
- 6 patrol boats of the Vosper PBR type (in Basra);
- 2 patrol boats of the Yugoslavian construction of the PB-90 type (in Al Zubayr), one of them in February 2003 was found half-submerged near the pier in Az-Zubayr and raised by the USA;
- 2 patrol boats pr. 1400M "Grif" (in Al Zubayr);
- 3 patrol boats of the SRN-6 type (in Al Zubayr);
- 2 Yugoslav-built minesweepers of the Nestin type (in Basra);
- 1-2 minesweepers pr. 1258 (in Basra);
- 5-6 Harbor boats (in Basra).
When the American Operation Iraqi Freedom began on March 20, 2003, the Iraqi navy could no longer oppose the Americans.
However, American aircraft sank the last Iraqi ships. Thus, the aforementioned patrol boat of project 02065 "Vikhr-III" and RCA of project 205, a salvage ship of the "Spasilats" type "Aka" (w / n A 51), 1 patrol boat PB-90, which was sunk 21 March 2003 by an American AC-130 fire support aircraft, as well as 3 river minesweepers of the "MS 25" type of Yugoslavian construction.

Iraqi river minesweeper type "MS 25" Yugoslavian construction, captured by the British